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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 2
Division of Cagayan


SCHOOL: Payagan East Elementary
Content The learners demonstrate understanding of the earth’s rotation and revolution
Performance The learners should be able to design an emergency and prepared plan and kit.
Learning Demonstrate rotation and revolution of the earth using a globe to explain day and
Competencies: night and the sequence of seasons (S6ES-IVe-f-5)
Knowledge: Define what is rotation
Explain the cause of day and night
Skill: Illustrate a model that shows day and night
Unpacked Attitude: Work cooperatively with the group
Competency Rotation of the Earth
Learning S6ES-IVe-f-5
References: TG page 130-133
LM page 129-131
The New Science Links page 434

Materials Activity sheets, assessment cards, pictures, improvised model of earth’s rotation,
smart TV, laptop, power point presentation, globe, flashlight

Day and Night Explanation,Causes Science for Kids


previous lesson or (Integration of positive and non-violent discipline)
presenting the new Presenting the classroom standards;
lesson ENGAGE
1. Be kind, polite, and courteous to others.
2. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
3. Be respectful of classmates, teachers, and property.
4. Listen to the teacher and classmates, and follow
5. Work hard and always do your best. Be safe.
6. Raise your hand when you would like to speak in class,
when leaving your seat or if you need to leave the
classroom for a reason.
7. Be ready to take the consequences if you break the rules.
Asking for diagnostic questions:
1. What are the two movements of the earth?
2. Using the diagram below, how does the Earth rotate on
its axis?
3. Is it from east to west or west to east?
4. Is it clockwise or counterclockwise?
5. How many hours is one complete rotation or one day?

(refer to power point presentation)

B. Establishing a (Integration of Vocabulary Skills)

purpose for the Direction:
lesson Find the words related to the movement of the earth in the given
cross word puzzle. (8 words)
(refer to power point presentation)

C. Presenting (Integration of HOTS and Across subject areas like Expressing

examples/instances ideas using descriptive words, phrases and sentences and
of the new lesson identifying proper heading)

Describe what the people are doing in the pictures.
Can you give the proper heading for each set of pictures?
(Refer to power point presentation)
Day Time Activities

Night Time Activities

Why are people more active during day time than night time?
What makes day and night?
What makes our activities vary or change during day time and
night time?
What do you think is our lesson today base on the diagram

Video Presentation
Day and Night Explanation,Causes Science for Kids
Standards in viewing a video presentation.

Follow up questions about the video clip presented:

1. What is the video about?
2. Who are the characters in the video?
3. What are they doing in the first part?
4. Why do we wake up when it’s daylight?
5. What do you call the earth’s representation?
6. Can anybody locate the axis of the earth?
7. What is an axis?
8. What do you call the movement of the earth on its axis?
9. How long does it take for the earth to make one
complete revolution?
10. What causes day and night?

(refer to power point presentation)

D. Discussing new (Integration of Literacy and Numeracy Skills, Health, and HOTS )
concepts and EXPLORE
practicing new To further pupils understanding of the concept and skills, lead them to
skills#1 demonstrate how earth’s rotation affects day and night through the use
of improvised set up.
(Prepare the globe and the flashlight ahead of time.)

1. We have here a globe and a flashlight.
(unlock the word globe)
2. We need three volunteers to illustrate to us the following:

1. Show us the correct direction on

how the earth rotates on its axis.
2. Explain what causes day and night.
3. What makes day ?
4. What makes night?
Ask further:
1. How many hours are there in one complete rotation or one day?
2. How many hours do you spend in school?
3. How many hours do you spend at home?
4. How many hours do you spend sleeping?
5. What is the right amount of sleeping hours do children need in
order to be healthy?
6. Is it good to stay awake during late night? Why?
7. Why is sleeping in the right number of hours important?

E. Discussing new (Integration of positive & non-violent discipline and Differentiated/Tiered

concepts and new Activity)
skills #2
Group Activity-Directions:
1. Group yourselves into four.
2. Ch

your leader.
3. The leader gets the activity sheets and the assessment card
from the teacher.
4. Go to your respective area assigned to you.
5. Begin doing the activity following the group standards.
6. Be mindful of the rubrics presented.
7. Finish in ten minutes, and then present your output in less than 3

Standards for the simple Science activity.

Rubric in Assessing Group Performance in Simple Science Activity


Direction: Assess your group performance in accomplishing the task

Group 1 – Explaining the Cause of Day and Night

1. Fill in the blank.

The light comes from the _______.
The light shines on our planet _______________.
Every day the earth _________ around its __________.
When the sun shines on us it is _________________.
When we face away from the sun it is _________________________.

Earth sun axis daytime

rotates/spins night time

2. Label and color the picture to show where it is day and where it is night.

Group 2 – Earth’s Rotation Causes Day and Night

Group 3 – Differences between Day and Night

Group 4 – Day and Night Activities

(refer to power point presentation)

F. Developing (Integration of Contextualization, Localization and Gender-Fair)

mastery (Leads to
Formative Group Presentation/Reporting
Assessment (Learners are given utmost recognition in the task they are

EXPLAIN Self-Assessment of the Group Activity

(Each group presents their group output rating by presenting their Self-
Assessment Card.)

(refer to power point presentation)

G. Finding Practical (Integration of HOTS, Predicting Outcomes & Identifying Cause & Effect
applications of relationship)
concepts and skills
in daily living Ask:
1. What might happen if the earth does not rotate?
2. What effects might it bring to the earth itself, to the people and
other living organism on it, to the temperature, etc.


H. Making Ask:
generalizations and 1. What is rotation?
abstractions about 2. What causes day and night?
the lesson 3. Did you cooperate with your group in the activity?
4. Why is cooperation important in a group activity?

I. Evaluating EVALUATE Evaluation: Identifying true and false statements (1-5) Direction:
Learning In a ¼ sheet of paper, write TRUE if the statement is correct and
FALSE if it is wrong.
1. Rotation of the Earth causes night and day.
2. It takes one year or 365 & ¼ days for the Earth to rotate
completely on its axis.
3. Different parts of the Earth experience day and night because
the Earth is rotating on its axis.
4. When the sun shines on the part of the Earth, that part is
night time.
5. The activities of people on the different parts of the Earth
differ during day time and night time.

Monitoring and recording of scores

How many got 5?__, 4?__, 3?__, 2?__, 1?__
Out of 37 pupils, ___ got 80% of the test.
Out of 37 pupils __ got below 80% of the test.

J. Additional AGREEMENT Assignment:

Activities for Direction: Watch the following in You Tube, then describe in 3 sentences
Application or how the earth revolves around the sun.
Title: Revolution of Earth

Prepared by:


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