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Here are our top 20 U adjectives:

1. Uber - super; high level
2. Ubiquitous - seeming to be everywhere at the same time; omnipresent
3. Ugly - not pleasing to look at; aesthetically unattractive
4. Ulcerated - affected by an ulcer
5. Ulterior - later, subsequent; beyond what is obvious or implied; undisclosed
6. Ultimate - beyond which it is impossible to go; greatest or highest possible
7. Ultra - going beyond the usual limit; excessive; extreme
8. Ultrasonic - sound waves with a frequency higher than the limit of human hearing
9. Umbrageous - having shade; easily offended, angered by something wrong or unjust
10. Umpteenth - relating to something that has happened on several other occasions
11. Unctuous - suave or oily in speech or manner
12. Underrated - rated, assessed, or estimated too low
13. Understanding - having or characterized by comprehension or sympathy
14. Underweight - below the normal or allowable weight
15. Unique - one and only; having no like or equal; unparalleled
16. United - combined; joined; made one; in agreement or harmony
17. Uplifted - raised to a higher moral, social, or cultural level or condition; elevated
18. Uppity - haughty, arrogant, snobbish, etc.
19. Urban - characteristic of the city as distinguished from the country
20. Utmost - most extreme; greatest

Adjectives That Start With Un-

Now let's have a look at the bulk of the adjectives in English that start with "u," a beast of a category,
the "un-" adjectives. The prefix un- means "not," and it can be added to the beginning of just about
any other adjective to create the opposite meaning, orantonym.
For example, the opposite of "expected" is "unexpected," the opposite of "zipped" is "unzipped," and
so on. Listed below are 50 adjectives that start with "un-." Click on each one to see either its
definition or the definition of its root adjective (i.e. enviable for unenviable).
1. unanswered
2. uneasy
3. ungracious
4. unmotivated
5. unsafe
6. unappetizing
7. unenviable
8. ungrateful
9. unmoving
10. unsatisfactory
11. unbearable
12. unerring
13. unhappy
14. unnecessary
15. untalented
16. unbeatable
17. unexpected
18. unhurried
19. unnerving
20. untidy
21. unbelievable
22. unflappable
23. unimaginable
24. unoccupied
25. unused
26. uncanny
27. unforgiving
28. unimportant
29. unpopular
30. unusual
31. unclean
32. unfortunate
33. uninviting
34. unpredictable
35. unvarying
36. uncouth
37. unfriendly
38. unjust
39. unreal
40. unwary
41. undiplomatic
42. ungainly
43. unkind
44. unreasonable
45. unwilling
46. undying
47. ungodly
48. unlikely
49. unregenerate
50. unyielding

Thinking about adjectives that start with S? The letter S finds its origins in ancient
Egyptian hieroglyph drawings of a sword. The ancient Egyptians used the S a lot, and at one time
had nine different symbols that represented various versions of an "s" or "sh" sound!
Fortunately, when the Phoenicians began to develop the modern alphabet from which our alphabet is
derived, they dropped most of those drawings and sounds and created one main version of the letter
S. The ancient Greeks and Romans made a few more changes, and even in our own English alphabet
the letter S went through a change (in the 17th century a letter that looked like a lowercase F actually
represented the S sound). Finally, though, the twists and turns that comprise our current letter S, the
19th letter in the alphabet, were adopted, and a super letter it is.

Sound Off with S

Although its origins are confusing, the letter S always sounds the same - like "ess."
The proper way to make the S sound is to place your tongue behind your lower gums, curving up.
Your vocal chords should be relaxed when you make the S sound. The tongue should touch the side
of your teeth, and you should feel air travel over your tongue when you make the S sound.
Some people with speech impediments often have a difficult time with the letter S. Some leave the S
off entirely when pronouncing words, some pronounce it like a "th" sound, while others over-
pronounce the S and speak with a lisp.

20 Adjectives That Start with S

The S is quite a popular letter in the English language. There are hundreds of adjectives that start
with S in English. It is even one of the letters given to contestants for the final puzzle in the television
game show The Wheel of Fortune, along with R, T, L, N and E.
Adjectives that start with S range from positive to negative and everything in between. We cannot list
all the S adjectives, but here is a selection to get you started.
1. Sad - Unhappy, upset. 
The sad girl cried at everything.
2. Sanctimonious - making a show of being holy or righteous.
The sanctimonious man lectured the children about the evils of stealing, but he snuck candy
into his own pockets.
3. Sanguine - Blood red color; confident; accepting 
The spilled red wine left a sanguine stain on the carpet.
4. Sarcastic - Sneering, mocking.
The boy got in trouble for answering the teacher's question in a sarcasticmanner.
5. Sassy - Impudent; lively.
The sassy girl got lots of attention for her overly confident actions.
6. Scintillating - Fascinating.
I did not want to leave the dinner party because the conversation was so scintillating.
7. Sedentary - Keeping still, not moving or migrating.
Snails are very sedentary animals.
8. Shy - Timid, quiet, nervous 
The shy girl hated parties and crowds.
9. Sincere - Honest, genuine.
He made a sincere effort to do well on the test.
10. Singular - Only one.
I have a singular purpose: to learn grammar.
11. Skinny - Thin.
The skinny girl did not like to eat a lot of food.
12. Sleepy - Tired.
The sleepy boy wanted to take a long nap.
13. Smart - Intelligent.
The smart girl won the prize at the science fair.
14. Sneaky - Deceptive; underhand.
The sneaky boy stole the cookies while his mother was on the telephone.
15. Sophisticated - Complex, cultured, refined.
I like to wear sophisticated outfits when I go to fancy places.
16. Special - Out of the ordinary, more important.
When I get complimented, it makes me feel special.
17. Spry - Full of life; nimble.
My grandmother is a very spry woman, considering her age.
18. Strong - Powerful.
The strong man was able to lift 100 pounds of weight without effort.
19. Stylish - Current in style, dress, manner.
The stylish girl liked to attend fashion shows and buy new clothing.
20. Sweet - Agreeable; like sugar.
The sweet girl was well liked by everyone.

There are many adjectives that start with A. After all, A is the first letter in the alphabet and one of
the most commonly used letters in the English language.
In America, you want to get straight "A's" on your report card. In England, you have to finish your
"A" levels before completing your secondary education. The top dog is always the "alpha."
When playing cards, the card everyone wants to have in their hand is the one conspicuously marked
with the letter A, the ace.
All sentient creatures are capable of experiencing a moment of understanding, also known as an "aha
moment." In these moments, the brain lights up with activity, creating a positively euphoric moment.
Coincidence? Indeed not, an A is always good.

Sound off
In English, A can make a few different sounds. In fact, it can have many nuances depending on
the dialect. In general, "A" can sound like "uh", especially where it is an unstressed letter called
a schwa, like the "A" in "amazing."
It can also sound like Fonzie's greeting, "Aayyy," from the old TV show Happy Days, as it does in
"alien." In some regions, it can even sound like the noise you make when you get into a perfectly
heated bath, that longer "Ah" sound.
All in all, A, being one of the most commonly used letters in the alphabet, is also one of the most

20 Adjectives that Start with A

There are hundreds of adjectives that begin with the letter A, so they won't all appear here. Think up
some of your own. It can be fun to sit somewhere you can watch the world go by and try to think of
as many new adjectives as you can. It refreshes your vocabulary, makes you more of
a crossword pro, and helps you master off-the-cuff puns.
For some reason, alliteration, or the repetition of consonant sounds, is interesting to the
ear. Assonance, or the repetition of vowel sounds, is also catchy. In order to help you implement
these literary devices - and more - into your writing, let's begin a study of A adjectives.
Here are our top 20:
1. Accessible - something that is easily reached or entered
2. Acrimonious - bitter and caustic
3. Adamant - a refusal to change; hard and unyielding
4. Advantageous - creating favorable circumstances that increase the likelihood of success
5. Aeronautical - relating to the science or understanding of flight
6. Agoraphobic- relating to the fear of open or public places
7. Alluvial - relating to or found in alluvium, sediment left by flowing water
8. Ambidextrous - being able to use both hands with aptitude
9. Ambivalent - mixed or contradictory ideas about someone or something
10. Amoral - someone without morals
11. Androgynous - possessing both male and female qualities
12. Angelic - someone exceptionally kind or beautiful
13. Appropriate - suitable and proper
14. Ardent - a strong or intense feeling
15. Astronomical - derived from astronomy, this denotes something really large
16. Auricular - relating to the ear or sense of hearing
17. Avaricious - extremely greedy
18. Avuncular- relating to your uncle
19. Awesome - something impressive, inspiring admiration
20. Azure - something bright blue in color, resembling a cloudless sky

Don't you feel elated when you see adjectives that start with "e?" Words
like ecstatic and enchanting give off a positive aura that's inspired many writers, poets, and
wordsmiths of all kinds.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, one of the greatest poets of all time, often went by the moniker "STC"
because he thought his initials sounded like "ecstasy" when said aloud. Let's keep the
mood elevated and scoop up a healthy spoonful of these excitingadjectives.

20 Adjectives That Start With E

In truth, there aren't enough pages allotted to these happy little fellows. It's helpful, however, to try to
make your own list of common adjective words. That way, you'll always have a handful of smart,
descriptive words committed to memory and a handy reference list by your side.
See if you can include every letter in the English language in your reference list. While you're at it,
feel free to pluck some from the list below.
Here are our top 20 adjectives that start with the letter "E."
1. Eccentric - Off-center or just a little bit crazy
e.g., The eccentric lady down the street owns 25 cats.
2. Eclectic - Deriving ideas, taste, or style from various sources
e.g., Harry has a very eclectic taste in music.
3. Eerie - Strange or frightening
e.g., The eerie sounds coming from the basement sent chills up her spine.
4. Effervescent - Someone who's enthusiastic and vivacious 
e.g., Life's more fun with effervescent people.

5. Efficacious - Capable of producing a desired effect

e.g., The more efficacious workflow increased production by 15%.
6. Effluent - Flowing out of
e.g., That factory needs to be more mindful about its effluent waste.
7. Egregious - Remarkably bad
e.g., Johnny's egregious error cost his team dearly.
8. Eldritch - Sinister and strange
e.g., The stillness of the night was broken by an eldritch creeking noise.
9. Electric - Brilliant and vivid
e.g., Nirvana's electric performance really tore the house down.
10. Elegiac - Something that's haunting and mournful 
e.g., My favorite are the elegiac poems of the late 18th century.
11. Elephantine - A likeness to an elephant; big, strong, and kind of scary
e.g., The elephantine beast reared its ugly head.
12. Empathetic - An ability to share in and understand someone else's feelings
e.g., With an empathetic embrace, Joan assured Carl he wasn't alone.
13. Empirical - The only way to really know something
e.g., Empirical evidence suggests this was no accident.
14. Endogamous - Marrying within your own clan
e.g., The Amish are a largely endogamous society.
15. Entropic - The inevitable degradation of any social system or structure into chaos
e.g., Once Seamus showed up, the party descended into an entropic disaster.
16. Eponymous - Named after someone or something
e.g., The eponymous character just floats through life without direction.
17. Esoteric - Intended to be understood only by a select few
e.g., No one could understand Janine's esoteric explanation of thermodynamics.
18. Excellent - Really, really good
e.g., The crowd lined up around the block for the excellent pumpkin croissants at Chez
19. Exhaustive - Fully comprehensive 
e.g., An exhaustive list of every product they carry is included in Appendix C.
20. Exotic - Originating from a distant country; something unusual
e.g., This exotic fruit is especially tart.

The origin of the letter "L" can be traced back to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. The Egyptian
symbol for "L" was represented by the figure of a lion. Maybe that explains why the capital letter "L"
has such a majestic quality. It then went through many different forms with the Phoenicians, Greeks
and Romans, only to evolve into its present angular shape.
From labyrinthine to lyrical, the letter "L" can settle into words with a wealth of different meanings.
Let's get ready to lollygag through a long list and see which ones stick in your memory bank.
Here are our top 20 adjectives that start with "L":
1. Lackadaisical - showing absolutely no interest or enthusiasm
2. Lackluster - boring or without much energy; dull
3. Lame - weak or unconvincing; having an injured leg or foot
4. Lamentable - bad or unsatisfactory
5. Languid - without energy, enthusiasm, sluggish
6. Lascivious - expressing lust or desire
7. Latent - something present within someone or something but rarely used
8. Laudable - worthy of being praised
9. Laureled - adorned
10. Lavish - generous or liberal in giving; elaborate, luxurious
11. Lax - someone or something that's not strict or firm; loose, slack
12. Leaden - to feel sluggish, slow, or lacking in energy
13. Lecherous - given to excessive, offensive desire
14. Lenient - someone or something that's not harsh or strict
15. Loopy - slightly crazy, confused, eccentric
16. Loquacious - very talkative
17. Loutish - uncouth or aggressive
18. Lowly - low in status or humble
19. Lugubrious - sad, dismal, gloomy, especially in an exaggerated way
20. Luxuriant - relating to richness and extravagance; lush, fertile
L-Adjectives Practice Test
Now that you have a lovely list of adjectives that start with "L" in your back pocket, you can practice
using these adjectives in a sentence with our quick practice test. Simply select from the adjectives
above to complete the sentences.
Please note that it is possible for more than one word to fit.
1. Since Marta broke up with her boyfriend she has been feeling very __________. She needs
some cheering up!
2. I'm so mad at Joe because he forgot to pick me up at the airport. When I asked him why, he
made some ___________ excuse.
3. Everyone loves Mr. York because he is quite ___________ when it comes to giving
4. The play got bad reviews in the paper, mostly because of the main actor's ___________
5. Although Tim comes across as ______________, he is not always silly and is actually very
6. I don't go to that cafe anymore because the waiters are so ______________. It is like they do
not want to be working.
7. My friend spared no expense on her ______________ wedding reception.
8. Michelle has a ______________ artistic side. She used to paint 10 years ago.
Answer Key: 1. languid or lugubrious; 2. lame; 3. lax or lenient; 4. lackluster; 5. loopy; 6.
lackadaisical; 7. lavish; 8. latent

The letter "h" is a pretty interesting letter of the alphabet. It takes on its usual "huh" sound in
adjectives such as happy or heroic. However, when placed beside certain letters, such as "c," "p," "s,"
and "t," it changes to a softer, more flowing sound, as in "chew" or "share." In some cases, "h" is
entirely silent, as in "honored" or "honest." Pretty powerful for one little letter, right?
So, for adjectives that start with "h," we hope you're ready to discover some new highlights. You'd
never guess there were so many but, once you've learned them, you'll never look back. Our list of
adjectives that start with "h" will launch you into a whole new stratosphere way beyond such
commoners as "hot" and "high."

Adjectives That Start with H

Indeed, there are many adjectives that start with the letter "h.". Here are our top 20:
1. Hackneyed - something that's been overused or become trite
e.g., The hackneyed expression has practically lost all meaning.
2. Hallowed - very sacred; revered
e.g., They stood upon hallowed ground.
3. Hebephrenic - displaying schizophrenic behaviors
e.g., Everyone was alarmed by Barry's hebephrenic movements.
4. Heuristic - enabling a person to discover something for themselves
e.g., Perhaps a more heuristic approach would be more effective.
5. Hebdomadal - a weekly occurrence
e.g., The hebdomadal meetings are held in the conference room.
6. Halcyon - a period of time in the past that was happy and peaceful
e.g., The ancient one reminisced about the halcyon days of his childhood.
7. Hedonistic - someone constantly engaged in the pursuit of pleasure
e.g., Willy is motivated only by his hedonistic impulses.
8. Hegemonic - dominant in a political or social context
e.g., Lord Baku ruled with a hegemonic fist.
9. Healthy - in good health; not diseased
e.g, A healthy lawn is lush, full, and green.
10. Heinous - extraordinarily wicked or vicious
e.g., These most heinous acts will not be tolerated.
11. Heteroclite - abnormal; eccentric
e.g., Lillian's heteroclite beliefs alienated her from her family.
12. Histrionic - overly theatrical; melodramatic
e.g., Aria is prone to histrionic outbursts of emotion.
13. Hircine - of or resembling a goat
e.g, The hircine creature crept toward the frightened children.
14. Homochromatic - of or relating to one color
e.g., Paul was inexplicably drawn to the homochromatic painting.
15. Hortative - to earnestly advise
e.g., Heed the hortative counsel of your elders.
16. Horrific - causing horror; frightful
e.g., The truly horrific events of that night will not be forgotten.
17. Hyperbolic - exaggerated; overdramatized
e.g., The hyperbolic article blows everything out of proportion.
18. Hebetudinous - blunt; dull
e.g., The students survived another hebetudinous day of classes.
19. Hypersonic - speeds that are greater than the speed of sound
e.g., The hypersonic flight was a company first.
20. Hypnotic - having a compelling or fascinating effect on others
e.g., Jean was mesmerized by the hypnotic tone of his voice.

There are a wealth of adjectives that start with "i." Intriguing, isn't it? If you're like most people,
there are probably times when you search for the perfect descriptor, only to fumble around and come
up with something far less powerful than you intended.
So, the next time you're looking to punch a point in your prose, why not insert an adjective that starts
with "i?" There are plenty out there and many of them will illuminate your lines.

Adjectives That Start with I

We probably don't jump to vowels when searching for an adequate descriptive word. Doesn't it seem
like they're typically buried within grandiose words, not proudly starting incredible adjectives? Well,
let's make a study of this popular vowel and take a look at some adjectives that start with "i."
Here are our top 20:
1. Icy - very cold or, in dealing with people, unfriendly; hostile
2. Idealistic - unrealistically aiming for perfection
3. Idiotic - incredibly stupid
4. Illogical - lacking sense or reason
5. Immoral - not conforming to the standards of morality
6. Impeccable - the highest standards of propriety; flawless
7. Improper - not in accordance with the rules
8. Inconceivable - not capable of being grasped; unbelievable
9. Incredible - impossible to believe
10. Indigenous - native to a particular place
11. Indigo - dark blue
12. Infernal - relating to hell; the underworld
13. Inferior - of a lower quality
14. Integral - necessary; essential
15. Intelligent - clever; a high level of intelligence
16. Interesting - arousing curiosity or interest
17. Irate - extremely mad
18. Ironic - an outcome that was the opposite of what was expected
19. Irreconcilable - points of view that are so different, they cannot be made compatible
20. Irrelevant - beside the point; not important

I-Adjectives Used in a Sentence

Now that you have a good selection of adjectives that start with "i" to choose from, take a look at
these example sentences to see how they can be used in your writing:
 Stop that infernal racket!
 The book we got our host was an incredible Irish cookbook.
 His dining room was painted a deep shade of indigo that made the place seem fit for a king.
 When we looked around his house we realized that his tastes were impeccable.
 She was an undeniably beautiful girl, but her intelligent air made her even more attractive.
 When we arrived very late our host was so irate he made us find another place to stay.
 Jack really liked Mary, but her icy manner was a big deterrent when it came to taking their
relationship to the next level.
Starting with MA
 machiavellian
 mad
 magisterial
 magnanimous
 maidenly
 majestic
 manipulative
 maroon
 martial
 materialistic
 maternal
 mature
 mauve
 maverick

Starting with ME
 mean
 measured
 meddlesome
 meddling
 melancholy
 memorable
 mercurial
 meritorious
 merry
 mesmerised
 mesmerized
 messy
 metagrabolised
 metagrabolized
 metagrobolised
 metagrobolized
 methodical
 meticulous
 mettlesome

Starting with MI
 miffed
 mingy
 miraculous
 mirthful
 misanthropic
 misanthropical
 mischievous
 miserable
 miserly
 mistrustful

Starting with MO
 modest
 momentous
 monstrous
 monumental
 moody
 moral
 moronic
 morose
 mortified
 mortifying
 motivated
 mourning
 moved
 moving

Starting with MU
 munificent
 musical
 mussy

Starting with MY
 mysterious
 mystified
 mystifying

Starting with MA
 magnificent
 many
 marvellous
 marvelous
 masculine
 mazed

Starting with ME
 mediocre
 melted

Starting with MI
 misty

Starting with MO
 modern
 motionless

Starting with MU
 mucilaginous
 muddy
 muscular

Starting with MA
 magyar
 malawian
 malay
 malayan
 maltese
 manchurian
 mandaean
 mandean
 manx
 maroc

Starting with ME
 megalithic
 melanesian
 mesoamerican
 mexican

Starting with MO
 moldovan
 mongol
 mongolian
 moravian
 moroccan

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