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Workshop 5

Interpretation of Non-Relaxing FCG Test Data

When you complete this workshop, you will be able to:
 Understand the raw data of non-relaxing fatigue crack growth tests.
 Know how to calibrate crack growth parameters from non-relaxing fatigue crack
growth test data.

fe-safe/Rubber requires the following material parameters in order to perform fatigue life
calculation of rubber component.
- Hyperelastic parameters (user selects one of the following available models)
o Neo-Hookean form [NEOHOOKEAN]
o Arruda-Boyce form [ARRUDABOYCE]
o Mooney-Rivlin form [MOONEYRIVLIN]
o Reduced Polynomial form [REDUCEDPOLY]
o Van der Waals form [VANDERWAALS]
o Ogden form [OGDEN]
- Mullins effect parameters
- Fatigue Crack Growth (R=0) parameters
o Type : type of fatigue crack growth rate law
o c0 (mm) : initial flaw size
o cf (mm) : critical flaw size
o F0 : power law slope
o rc (mm/cyc) : critical crack growth rate
o T0 (kJ/m^2) : threshold tearing energy
o Tc (kJ/m^2) : critical tearing energy
o TempCoef (1/degC) : temperature sensitivity coefficient
o TempRef (degC) : reference temperature
o Tt (kJ/m^2) : transition tearing energy
o fcgr(T) (mm/cyc) : tabular definition of

© Dassault Systèmes, 2017 Non Relaxing FCG Test Data

- Strain Crystallization Crack Growth (R>0) parameters
o Type : type of fatigue crack growth rate law
o Fexp : power law exponent
o F1 : power law coefficient 1
o F2 : power law coefficient 2
o F3 : power law coefficient 3
o x(R) : crystallization as a function of load ratio R
- Steady (Quasi-Static or Creep) Crack Growth Behavior parameters
o Viscoelastic creep crack growth rate parameters
 Type : creep crack growth rate type
 FQS : slope of the power law curve
 RQS : time rate of crack growth at TQS [mm/sec]
 TempCoefQS : temperature coefficient [1/degC]
 TempRefQS : reference temperature [degC]
 TMINQS : minimum crack driving force [kJ/m^2]
 TMAXQS : maximum crack driving force [kJ/m^2]
 TQS : reference crack driving force [kJ/m^2]
 ccgr(T) : time rate of crack growth as a function of T [mm/sec]
o Ozone effect parameters
 Type : ozone crack growth rate type
 Fv : exponent of temperature effect [unitless]
 Gv : threshold of exponential temperature effect [degC]
 Kv : ozone attack constant Kv [mm/sec]
 Kz : ozone attack constant Kz [mm/sec]
 rz : time rate of crack growth above ozone threshold Tz [mm/sec]
 Tg : temperature at glass transition [degC]
 Tz : ozone effect crack growth threshold [kJ/m^2]

Power law exponent (Fexp) or power law coefficients (F1, F2 and F3) for MarsFatemi or
crystallization as a function of load ratio R (x(R)) for Tabular model will be calibrated
from non-relaxing fatigue crack growth test data in this workshop.

© Dassault Systèmes, 2017 Non-Relaxing FCG Test Data


Calibration Procedure
Open “NR1_23C_FCG_NR” in <workshop_folder>/WS5_FCG_NR folder by using
Excel. The columnar information is same as fully relaxing test data. Follow the step-by-
step instruction described below to complete the calibration of the non-relaxing crack
growth rate test data.

Step 1. Compute and R ratio.

Enter “ ” in cell U2 and copy this to entire column U.
Enter “ ” in cell V2 and copy this to entire column V.
Column U has and column V has the loading ratio , which are;
( )

( )

Figure W5 - 1 shows the cycle dependencies of . From cycle pointed out with
green dashed line in the figure, is no longer zero, which means . Row 99 is
that point in case of current data.

1625 0.7

1425 0.6
Tearing Energy (kJ/m^2)

R Ratio

0.3 Tmax
625 R

225 0.1

25 0
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000

Figure W5 - 1 Tmax and R vs. cycles for non-relaxing fatigue crack growth test.

© Dassault Systèmes, 2017 Non-Relaxing FCG Test Data

Step 2. Curve-fit crack length (c).
Curve-fit the raw crack length history with functions (as functions of cycle ) below.
- if ( )
- ( ) if ( )
where is the slope of crack length vs. number of cycles when , is the
intercept of the same data, is the last crack length under , is the
corresponding cycle number, is the difference between the last crack length of the data
and .
In the previous step, the last data when is found to be row 98. By using data of
columns A (cycle) and Q (crack length) for rows 2 to 98, and are computed with
following formulae;
- ( ) in cell Y2
- ( ) in cell Y3
Then fill the cells W2 to W98 with formula “$Y$2*$A#+$Y$3” (where # is the current
row number).
Enter formula “=Q##-W98” on cell Y96 where ## is the last row number of data. Enter
initial guess of on cell Y97, good value range is 2000 ~ 5000.
And from row 99 to the end row, fill the cells of column W with the following formula;
- “=$W$98+$Y$96*(1-EXP(-($A99-$A$98)/$Y$97))”  Equation (4)
Now, column Q has the measured crack length and column W has the evaluated crack
length. By doing the following, we can complete the set-up of least square fitting of crack
length to equation (4).
- Formula “=(W99-Q99)^2” on cells of column X from row 99 to the end row.
- Formula “=SUM(X99:X2000)” on cell Y98.
Use menu ‘Data  Solver’ to launch Excel solver, and set objective to be $Y$98, select
‘Min’ and select $Y$97 for ‘By Changing Variable Cells:’ as shown in Figure W5 - 2.
So, try to minimize the summation of error by changing in equation (4).
If the solver can’t find optimum value to minimize the error, then try again with different
initial guess.
Once the solution is found, the value at cell Y97 is the best value of to fit crack length
with equation (4). Now, column W contains the crack length fit by equations (3) and (4).

© Dassault Systèmes, 2017 Non-Relaxing FCG Test Data


Figure W5 - 2 Excel solver for least square fitting.

Step 3. Calculate crack growth rate by differentiating crack length w.r.t. cycle.
Since equations (3) and (4) evaluate the crack length, the crack growth rate can be
computed with;
- if R=0
- if R>0
Enter following formulas at column Z depending on the row number;
- Rows from 2 to 98: “ ”  constant slope
- Rows from 99 to the end: “ ( ( ) )
 differentiation of equation (4) w.r.t. (cycles)
Now, column Z contains the crack growth rate by using curve-fit crack length.

© Dassault Systèmes, 2017 Non-Relaxing FCG Test Data

Step 4. Compute F(R) with crack growth rate calculated in Step 3.
As shown in Figure W5 - 3, the slope ( ) between ( ) and ( ) can be computed
with equation;

( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )

Enter and values at cells AB90 and AB91, respectively. And value at cell AB92.
Then enter the following formula at cell AA99:
- “ ( ) ( )  Equation (5)
And copy this upto the end row of column AA.



dc/dN (mm/cyc)

T – Teq

1.E-05 F(R=0.2) LL (R=0)

r LL (R=0.2)
Tc – Teq

Teq T Tc
1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05
Tearing Energy (J/m2)

Figure W5 - 3 Loading ratio (R) dependent crack growth rate definition.

Step 5. Compute x(R) and curve-fit with power function.
Tabular form of R dependent power-law exponent is defined as:

( ) ( )
( )
As shown in Figure W5 - 3, equation (6) can be re-defined as:
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
By using the data of column Z and (cell AB92) which was calibrated in the previous
workshop, ( ) of equation (6) can be computed. At cell AB99, enter the following
- “ ”  equation (6)

© Dassault Systèmes, 2017 Non-Relaxing FCG Test Data

And copy this to entire column AB (from row 100 to the end row). Plot of column V (R)
and AB (F(R)) is shown in Figure W5 - 4 with blue small circles. Power-law fit with tail
end of these data (big green circles, rows from 150 to 180 for the example) gives a fit that
nicely matching with the original data (blue and green circles) especially the tail end data.
Only by this way, power-law fit of existing ( ) data, we can fully define dependent
crack growth rate slope ( ( )) from to . Resulting constant and exponent of
power-fit are;
( ) ( )
where and as shown in Figure W5 - 4.

0.8 y = 0.6091x0.5252
R² = 0.9968

0.2 Power (Data4Fit)

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure W5 - 4 Plot of raw x(R) and curve-fit.

Step 6. Finalize x(R), Fexp, F1, F2, and F3.

At cells AA1, AB1, and AC1, enter ‘R,’ ‘x(R),’ and ‘F(R),’ respectively. Enter 0 at cell
AA2 and enter ‘=AA2+1/40’ formula at cell AA3. And copy this until the value becomes
1. Then AA2 ~ AA42 cells are filled with equi-interval numbers from 0 to 1.
For cells AB2 to AB42, enter the following formula to compute x(R) with equation (8).
- “ ” at cell AB2
- “ ” at cell AB3
- and so on until cell AB42
From equation (6), ( ) can be computed with;

( ) ( )
( )

© Dassault Systèmes, 2017 Non-Relaxing FCG Test Data

Enter this formula at cells AC2 ~ AC42.
Figure W5 - 5 shows the finalized dependent crack growth rate slope ( ( )) in 3
different forms.
- MARSFATEMI (Both fit below used as intercept)
o Exponential form (Brown line and text)

o Polynomial form (Green line and text)

- TABULAR (Red dotted line)
(0, 0.0878, 0.1263, 0.1563, 0.1818, 0.2044, 0.2249, 0.2439, 0.2616, 0.2783,
0.2941, 0.3092, 0.3236, 0.3375, 0.3509, 0.3639, 0.3764, 0.3886, 0.4005,
0.4120, 0.4232, 0.4342, 0.4450, 0.4555, 0.4658, 0.4759, 0.4858, 0.4955,
0.5050, 0.5144, 0.5237, 0.5328, 0.5417, 0.5506, 0.5593, 0.5678, 0.5763,
0.5847, 0.5929, 0.6011, 0.6091)

y = 2.2505x3 - 3.0604x2 + 3.5793x + 1.7566 y = 1.7566e1.0122x
5 R² = 0.9236
R² = 0.9983

2 Polynomial

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure W5 - 5 Finalization of F(R).

© Dassault Systèmes, 2017 Non-Relaxing FCG Test Data

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