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Philco Model 40.L24 is a six tube superheterodyne radio for operation on either alternating
current (A.C.) or direct current (D.C.) supply. It covers frequency ranges from'540 kilocycles
to 1600 kilocycles (Kc.) and from 1.6 to 3.3 megacycles(Mc.).
The broadcast scale is calibrated in kilocycles (less the 6nal zero). Standard broadcaet
stations are listed in kilocycles in most station lists.
The police band is calibrated in megacycles. A megacycle is 1,000 kilocycles.
The power rating of this model is marked on a name label in the cabinet. Make sure that
this rating corresponds with the power furnished your home.

After unpacking the radio make sure all the tubes are in their correct sockets pressed 6rmly
down. A label inside the cabinet will show the r€lative location of the tubes. NOTE: Tubes
may be removed by rocking them gently in their sockets until the center locking pin is released.
A twenty foot indoor aerial wire is provided with the radio. Uncoil this wire and place it
around the baseboard moulding or under the rug. For best reception_in steel-reipf.qrc,ed_bgil* , - -
rrsq t.\? Pulco U€$-tlt Ac*a;*g--Niu-..{G'6s8ftgbtu'ilrobiE*frtitrj-ourPf,nco deetur)'G"ieiofr;--
mlnded. This especially designed, highly e.6cient, aerial can be installed in a few nrinures. A
convenient flexible lead;in is provided for connection to the twenty foot aerial wire.
NOTE: If your house current is D.C. aFrd no sound is heard after the tubes are sufficiently
E heated, reverse the electric plug in the outlet. The same procedure is advised if your power
supply is A.C. and a slight hum is observed with the volume rurned low.

Turn the Switcl., and Volu-t Control" rleft,hand knob) to the right (clockwise)

a about half its range. This supplies power to the sit and illuminates the dial. Fcrr standard
b r o a d c a s t s ,t h e
Range Selectorr' (center knob) must be turned to the left (counter,
clockwise). Standard broadcas! frequencies are on the upper bcale on the dial. To tune a
: station with the dial in either the police or the standard broadcast band, the extrerne right-hand
,push button, labeled must be pressed in. Now sele-ctthe desired station by rotating the
I "Station
Selec:or" (right hand knoti)..
For best tone, tune the desired station with the volurne turrred low. This enablcs vorr to
gct tLe erd( r oqio! wlr-re the $,\t(r in b"st. .Then adj rs' rr\- -,.1.,*'- -. th: j-:j--tl
'volur - ':rotsol
level with the
f o r r e c e l i n o f s t a t e a n d l o c a l p o l i c e r a d i o b r o a d c a s t st h e " T u n r n g R a n g e S e l e c t o r " m u s t
be turned to'ilc right (ciockwise). One of the amateur bands is al-'o included in this range.
P o l i c e t r a n 5 n i s s i o n s m a y b e r e c . e l v e df r o m 1 . 6 1 t o l . 7 l m e g a c y c l e s a n d f r o m 2 . 3 t o Z . s
m e g a c y c l e s . A m a t e u r s n : y b e r e c e i v e d l r o m - 1 . ?I t o 2 . 0 m e 1 : a c 1 ' c l e s .P o l i c e a n d a m a t e u r
fiequencies appear on the lower half of the scale.

P N , O C E D U R EF O R S E T T I N G A N D
Select 6ve of your favorite -nearby broadcast station - and remove their call letters from the
station call letter tab sheets supp'lied. Place :pch call letter tab in the window corresponding to
thc button wbosc range includes the freguercy of thc desired station. The frequenciec of tbc

popular stations in your vicinity may bc found by consulting any station list. The frequency
range of the buttons and corresponding padders is as follows:
Padders Buttons Padders Buttons
(dghtto left) (left to dsht) (rishtto left) (left to right)
lromrsar) Ctrcuit from fronl) Frequency Rsnge tromresr) Circuit from front) Frequencynlngc
1 Ant. 1 540 to U30 kilocycles ? Ant. I 4 900 to 1470 kilocyclec
2 osc. 8 Qse. t
3 Ant. 2 650 to 1100 Klocycleg I Ant. I 5 1100 to 1600 tilocycle,
4 o8c. 10 osc. t
5 Ant. 3 740 to 1240 Klocycleg 6 DHL
6 Osc.
The left.hand button looking at the front of the cabinet corresponds to tlie t'.vc right.hand
padder screws looking at the rear and covers the lowest frequency range.
With the button depressed, tune in the station whose call letters appear above tlte
left.hand button. Then depressing the left,hand button, tune in this station by rotating the
No. 2 screw (next to the right end of the unit looking at the rear of the chassis).
(NOTE: I n h e r e n t c h a r a c t e r i s t i c so f t h e s e p a d d e r s m a y c a u s e s o m e o f t h e m t o c o v e r a l o w e r
range than required to cover the broadcast band. This may cau.sethe radio to howl or flutter
"ANT" padder corresponding
when a station button is depressed. Td correct this, loosen the
to the depressed station button). Turn the screw sfowly and listen carefully or the
statjon may be passed withorit noticing it. After the screw has been adjusted for maxi,
num volume, the corresponding screw should be adjusted for maximum. For sorne
s t a t i o n s , i t m a y b e n e c e s s a r yt o r e - a d j u s t t h e screw after the screw has been set.
Switching from the to the automatic p'1sh button will enable you to make sure you
have the correct station tuned in. When the 6rst station has been set, the same procedure
should be followed {or the remaining buttons, 6rst tuning in the desired station by means of the
"DIAL curr!ru1.
To tune the set with the simply press in the button which corresponds ';
the call letters of the desired statior-r. Your station will be received instantly. The volume of
the program may be controlled with the manual volume control'
For the convenience of all radio owners, Philco has developed a plan"Radio for prompt, eficient
radio service in every locality. This plan is known as Manufacturers
- his shop or store can
Service". There is a member i4 your neighborhood
be identified by the tmblem shown here. To rnake sure of guaranteedwork,
g e n u i n e P h i l c o t u b e s a n d p a r t s , a n d s t a n d a r d p r i c e s- c a l l a m e m b e r o f
Manufac;urers Service".
'lYe and, SQeoker to be lree trm. d.efects in matqiel and,
uqt rmt nch neu Philco Rq4io lleceiuq
uorkmwhip uniler normal ue md, seruica, ow obligoti,m und"er thi's uarranta being limited, to nalring
good ot our d.epot anu part or parts thereo! wltdch sholl, within ninetu (00) dnas aJter d'eli'ueru o! sueh
Raeiuq to the origi,Ml retail purchaser, be retumeit to mr d,epot uith transportqtion charges prepaid,,
and uhioh adr erant.ia-.t;en sh*l ili,Bclosa to our sotisiaati,m ro heae been thus ilef ectios; this .earr@tu
being erpreeslu i'nLieu of all oi,.87 u&rtarLtiea eb?resded '-1,innlied. and, o! other rtlgto176a" mliohil,itiq
n mr part, and ue neither 6$\tnre ner authorize anlf reI:rcaentatiae or othq peren to .s.ti1ite'l <" ; o
I -
othcr liabilitu in connection wi,th tlrc sqle of Receiaers o S(twkere, -r.,.
This uaranty shall not applu to an11 Eeceiun u Speaher uhich slwll haae been y,paired, fi altfied
other than bu us in anlJ os, i4 mr:jud,gmemt, to ofrevt its stabilitE or retiobitillt, nffi uhich hu
been cubject to nxislLse, negligence or accid.ent, nu- whbh has had the serial number qltereil, efraced u
remned. Neither shaLl this wananty applu to amy Receiot or Speaker uhich hu bem omnected, othfi-
piae tham ir occord.onea uith thc iwtruetiw lurnithdby vs.

Part No. 39-6437_11/+_1t-29-39 Prht.d lB U, E. A.

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