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Lucero, Joyce Sherly Ann A.


Economic Development

1.How will you relate Agricultural Technology to Economic Growth?

Agricultural technology is a form of using technologies to plant and harvest crops.

Straightforwardly, it is a more convenient way of planting crops than the manual method the people
used to do. It helps a lot of farmers in producing enough supplies for consumers faster and a lot easier
than before. It saves time, effort, and even costs because a machine is way more precise to maintain
than a what human needs for maintenance. On the other hand, it uses electrical energy which excessive
use of it leads to environment-destruction as we all.

Knowing its definition, we all know that mass production in an easy and justifiable way boosts
economic growth. As people are being supplied with enough crops to consume, economy would attain
equilibrium where supply meets demand. All and all using technology for planting makes the life of the
farmer easier and it provides them a huge profit opportunity than before, it boosts economic growth as
well because we are becoming civilized, technology-oriented,mass production-oriented and the supply
meets demand.

2. Give at least 2 major cause of poverty in the Philippine and explain

A. Poor education

Is one of the utmost reasons why does poverty exist. It hinders a person from discovering and utilizing
his capabilities which would then help the country. A person who lacks of knowledge and skills has no
capability to do such thing as helpful in eradicating poverty because he even knows nothing about the
situation. Poverty can be eradicated with the focus on providing education and skills to youth or anyone
of any age who wishes to be thought. Through this, everyone can contribute their discoveries and skills
in helping to get off poverty from our lives.

B. Little or no access to livelihood or jobs.

After getting the education, knowledge or skills, execution is next. How a person can even get to utilize
these knowledge and skills if there is no opportunity to grab? This must be the next step. A poor country
does not have enough livelihood or jobs to take after having enough education. Rulers must also focus
on providing them opportunities to take because the knowledge they may contribute can help the
country in reaching the true success. Again,a poor country might be poor due to lack of livelihood and
jobs but this can be solved by the initiative of the authority together with the contribution of the

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