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Outline- time management

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Outline- time management

Yashpreet Singh Matharu



Dileeni Weerasinghe

Yorkville University
Outline- time management

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Looking toward the time

 Introduction

1. Description of managing time and ways to plan

2. The main priority of handling time

3. Ways and methods of organizing time during an important day or event

4. Clause and phrase of planning and implication of the same

 Ways to accomplishing time goals

1. Get over the importance of prioritizing working time and setting up goals to get a

planned schedule.

2. Setting up a small milestone of planning a day and achieving them to overcome the

time loss and wastage of time

3. Creating tough goals to overcome overburden situations which would help in

maintaining the performance during rush hours

4. Software applications can help the individual to create goals and setting up millstones

to remind them of the importance of their job [ CITATION Wil00 \l 1033 ]

 The Motivation for Time Management

1. Looking forward to the need of time allocation in an individual's life

2. Combination of arrangement of time and work planning with a team or organization

3. Managing time is one of the most important criteria to get success in simple and

complex working conditions

Outline- time management

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4. Time administration is the keyhole to get the most efficient and quality

work[ CITATION Bri91 \l 1033 ]

 The requirement of planning the day

1. The most important viewpoint of time management is to make the day fully working

and making their performance accurate.

2. The resourceful scheduling can describe from data linked to the financial issues.

[ CITATION Hus98 \l 1033 ]

3. Organizations just look after the value of identifying, respecting and dipping period

rate of wastage to make their work more accurate and worthful.

4. Scheduling, aim background, allocation, result consultant, and work-life stability can

be achieved by organizational strategies, ultimately giving a successful outcome to an

individual leader.

 Conclusion

Time optimization is the most important thing as it would make life successful

and obstruct free. Reasonably making the life easy and on track. Moreover, it

would also create a good habit of working in an exact process. [ CITATION

Bri04 \l 1033 ]
Outline- time management

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"A review of the time management literature", Personnel Review, Vol. 36 Issue: 2,


 Britton, B. K., & Tesser, A. (1991). Retrieved on 2019 Effects of time-management practices

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 Huselid, M. A. (2001). The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices On Turnover,


 Macan, T. H. (1994). Retrieved on 2019 Time management: Test of a process

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 A. Arasu, S. Babu, and J. Widom. CQL: A Language for Continuous Queries over Streams

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