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The War of 1812 established many American

military traditions, but accomplished little else,
By Mike Oppenheim

AMONG THE UNrTED STATES' less glori- sucb as Constitution, but strategically they
ous conflicts, the War of 1812 ranks with were insignificant. In 1813, with Napo-
the Mexican, Spanish-American and per- leon Bonaparte on tbe ropes, Britain sent
haps a few recent affaii^. Walter R. Bome- additional warsbips and troops, blockad-
mans recent book 1812: The War Thai ing American ports and raiding at will.
Forged a Nation (Harpei-CoUins, New York, Incompetence, bowever, seemed to pre-
2004, $25.95) may be the best modem vail as much on the British as on tbe
single-volume histoiT on the subject. No American side. An overwbelming British
revisionist, Bomeman provides an enter- force marched south from Canada in
taining account with a large cast of inept 1814, then marched back witbout firing a
generals and wrong-headed politicians shot after Tbomas Macdonough's naval
and a sprinkling of heroes who made no victory on Lake Champlain. Another
difference to the outcome, force cbarged Andrew Jackson's fortified
Tbe War of 1812 was the most justified lines outside New Orleans in January
of the United Slates' minor wars. Em- 1815—and was slaughtered.
broiled in a life-and-deatb struggle with By that time, after months of haggling,
France for 15 years, Britain bad been seiz- the Treaty of Ghent had ended tbe war.
ing American ships, impressing their Nothing was resolved. In his obligatory
sailors into its navy, and infuriating set- summing-up, Bomeman's irony deserts
tlers by refusing to evacuate forts on tbe bim, as he states that the war convinced
U,S, side of the Canadian border, thus Americans tbey were a nation. In trutb,
provoking Indian attacks—at least ac- as tbe Civil War later proved, the states
cording to the settlers, who rarely as- still weren't veiT united. After its gener-
sumed that tbe attacks had anything to as "Young Warhawks" wbo eventually ally dismal performance, tbe U.S. Army
do with tbeir having settled on land tbe pushed Jeffei^on's successor, James Madi- look its professional officer corps more
Indians claimed. son, into submitting a lugubrious war seriously. Paradoxically, the Nav\''s more
Elected president in 1800 on a platform message on June I, 1812. Whipped on by impressive perioTinance went unre-
tbat could be called Reaganomic, Tbomas Clay, the House of Representatives quicklywarded—not until the 1880s would the
Jefferson abolisbed all internal taxes, en- approved 79-49. After two weeks of country begin building a substantial
suring tbat the United States' armed debate—witb several senators switching ocean-going navy.
forces, tiny wben he assumed office, would sides to avoid looking unpatriotic—tbe Tbe War of 1812 was not terribly sig-
be even tinier wben be left. Under in- Senate finally voted 19-13 to declare war.nificant, but featured more military in-
creasing pressure to protect U.S. sbips, be American forces immediately set out to eptitude than the avei^ge conflict, wbicb
adopted tbe traditional tactic of a weak achieve their main objective, conquering can make for amusing reading. In 1812,
nation: an embai^o. Britain paid no atten- Canada, by launching a tbree-pronged in- readers are in the bands of a skilled his-
tion, but it devastated tbe U,S, economy. vasion—and even' prong failed. Two ef- torian wbo does not take it too seriously.
Tbe election of 1810 brougbt Henrv forts in early 1813 also failed. In spite of
Clay to Congress, accompanied by a Oliver Hazard Perry's dazzling victory on Ace Eagle Hasse Wind: The Finnish
number of like-minded freshmen known Lake Erie in September 1813, later cam- Air Force at War, 1939-1944, by Seppo
paigns brougbt only more frustration, Porvaii, Apali Oy, Tampere, Finland,
and American troops burned several 2004, $44.95.
To see these reviews and hundreds more
towns, acts tbat would be remembered in Curiously, Ace Eagle Hasse Wind: The
by leading authorities, go to our new
book review section at Canadian history' the way Americans re- Finnish Air Force at War, 1939-1944, does
www.thehistorynet.coin/reviews member Pearl Harbor In 1814 the British not entirely live up to its title. More of a
burned Wasbington in retaliation. "life in wartime" account tban an actual
The[-| American schoolchildren study tbe in- biograpby, it is nevertheless a gotjd, com-
dividual victories of U.S. Naw frigates Continued on page 69

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