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Herald León Melgar I01 19/05/2020

My best friend names Angelo he was born in 1994 in Ica, in Perú. I knew my best friend in
the university’s psychology career four years ago.
I wish I could know about my best friend future but it’s hard to know for sure. The other day
we talked about it and he told me that he may be a good professional after we graduate.
This year, for example, He may be a volunteer in the hospital only if the pandemic over
because he could get covid-19 disease. He likes to do sport like football and volleyball, He
will study about the sports psychology and He might work in a famous club of football.
They could travel another country to study that, maybe he may travel to Brazil, the country
of football, or Spain when it has the best clubs of football.
My best friend has a girlfriend and she’s my friend too, they love each other very much, so
I think they may get married and if they will want to live together, they could buy a house
for that. He may not have children yet because he will get his goals first, after that I think
he will have a good family. I’m thinking about start a business with he in psychology and
we should study hard, we may be rich persons with it. I hope he will can get all his goals in
the future.

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