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Otras de las palabras claves del presente perfecto son:

 Se usa en oraciones afirmativas entre el have/has y, el verbo principal.
Por ejemplo:
- We have ALREADY revised past simple.
- YET: todavía
 Se usa en oraciones negativas e interrogativas con posición final.
Por ejemplo:
- I haven´t revised questions tags YET.
- Have you studied the verbs YET?


1) Write affirmative or negative sentences using ALREADY/ YET:

a. buy the bus ticket (+)
b. prepare clothes (-)
c. ask your mum for the video camera (-)
d. book the hotel (+)
e. save money (+)
f. choose the roommate (-)
2) About you…
a. study English.
b. write comments on Facebook.
c. have gym classes.
d. watch a film on TV.
e. send a text message.
f. read a story for school.
3) Put the words in order.
a. never – been – London – she – to – has
b. you – flown – ever – a plane – have
c. haven´t – we – a postcard – written
d. ever – teacher – made – your – has – a mistake?
e. house – they – have – bought – a new – just
f. Charles – had – has – yet – his – lunch
g. has – how long – he – in Europe – been?
h. already – finished – have – homework – I – my
4) Complete with FOR – SINCE – ALREADY – YET – NEVER – EVER – JUST
1. Have you ……………. Seen a UFO?
2. Has the cat eaten the food …………….?
3. My teacher has ……………. Been to Brazil.
4. The doctor has ……………. Arrived.
5. We have ……………. Written the letter.
6. The actors have played this play ……………. Two months.
7. I have lived in my present house ……………. I was born.
8. We haven’t started our revision ……………..

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