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SUBJ. Understanding the Self PROFESSOR: SIR R. LAPAZ

A Portrait of Yourself Complete the items below depend on how you see yourself.

I wish I could lose my fear of losing my mother. I love my nanay very much and I don’t want her to lose.
I admire All the teachers, professors for they have the noblest profession among all. They are our mentors in molding
our minds and habits in spite of all the heartaches and boredoms that we have done to them in return.
I almost never give up on pursuing my teaching career in public though their were uncertainties but the passion , the
calling for teaching to the young ones’ makes me feel renewed and inspires me to go on.
My idea of fun is when I gave my co teacher a bra as xmas gift. Haha
My idea of marriage is the union among two people. Their bow/promised before GOD that they’ll love each other till
death them apart.
The best advice I ever got was GO, PURSUE YOUR DREAMS, WE’RE HERE FOR YOU!
The thing I value most is my family because they are the source of my strength.

It is easy for me to focus on the things you love doing

My idea of a perfect life is self-contentment.
My best days are with my students
I always wanted to travel all over the Philippines
It is better for me to give than to receive as my parents instill us even when we were young. They always reminds that
giving is the most beautiful and earnest attitude you must have because Jesus gave his life for us.
I spent too much time on studying lessons and focusing on things which I do not understand.
The thing my friends like about me is being generous.
When I try to change something there are always kontrabida . be it my kuya or ate.
In a group I like to give the best shot but of course listen attentively and being mindful to others point of view.
If I ever win a prize it will be for the children living in slums area.

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