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a. Establishing the definition of the “acclaimed friends” from the study of Thien, Razak, &
Jamil (2012)

b. Presentation of the items of Friendship Intensity Measurement Scale (FIMS)

c. Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale questionnaire

d. Table 1. Frequency and Percent Distribution of Respondents by Sex and Age

e. Table 2. Frequency and Percent Distribution of Respondents by Section and Number of

Acclaimed friends

f. Table 3. Computed Weighted Mean and Verbal Interpretation on the Daily Satisfaction
Rate of Grade 12 Students related to Family Factor

g. Table 4. Computed Weighted Mean and Verbal Interpretation on the Daily Satisfaction
Rate of Grade 12 Students related to Friends Factor

h. Table 5. Computed Weighted Mean and Verbal Interpretation on the Daily Satisfaction
Rate of Grade 12 Students related to School Factor

i. Table 6. Computed Weighted Mean and Verbal Interpretation on the Daily Satisfaction
Rate of Grade 12 Students related to Personal Factor

j. Table 7. Composite Table of the Average Weighted Mean on the Extent of The daily
satisfaction rate of the respondents related to the 4 factors


a. Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of A Correlational Analysis between the number of

acclaimed friends and the daily satisfaction rate of the grade 12 students of Rizal
National Science High School

b. Figure 2. Pearson Correlation R computation between the number of acclaimed friends

and the daily satisfaction rate among the respondents

c. Figure 3. X-Y Scatter graph of the number of acclaimed friends (x) to the daily
satisfaction rate of the respondents(y)

d. Figure 4. Number of acclaimed friends per daily satisfaction rate

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