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MARCH 2019


Principal, Senior High School Department
Colegio de San Antonio de Padua
Guinsay, Danao City

Dear Ms. Remarca,

We, the researchers of impact of family dynamics to student’s school
performances will be conducting our study in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the subject Practical Research.
With your approval, we wish to conduct our study entitled "Impact of Family
Dynamics to Grade 11 Students School Performances". It is on regard
that we seek permission from your good office to allow us to conduct the study
and be able to gather needed data. We would appreciate any suggestion that
can make us produce the desired processes.

Respectfully yours,
Group Representative

Research Mentor

Approved by:
Principal, Senior High School Department

Informed Consent

Information and purpose: The interview from which you are being asked to

participate in, is a part of a research study that is focused on the impact of

family dynamics to grade 11 student’s school performances. The researchers are

also interested in the levels of awareness of the family to their children’s school

performances. The purpose of this study is to know how family relationships

affect the student’s performances and to identify its consequences that affects

the student’s school performances in Colegio de San Antonio de Padua.

Informants and Participation: Your participation in this study is consisted an

interview lasting 30 minutes. You will answer a survey questionnaires that will

determine you’re disaster related knowledge, preparedness and readiness,

adaptation, awareness and risk perception. You are required to answer each

questions. At any time, you may notify the researchers regarding the questions.

Benefits and Risks: The benefit of your participation is to contribute

information to the society and community about the importance of having DRR

education in the curriculum as well as in community programs. This may assist

society on how to mitigate disaster impact. Thus, there are no risk associated

with participating in the study.

Confidentiality: The interview will be survey questionnaires. However, your

name will be not recorded. Your name and identifying information will not be

associated with any part of the written report of the research. All your

information and interview responses with anyone other than the research


If you have any questions and concerns. Please contact the researchers.

By signing below, I acknowledged that I read and understand the above

information. I am aware that I can discontinue my participation in the study at

any time.





The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of family dynamics to

students school performances.

General Instruction: Put a check (√) mark of your chosen answer. You can

only mark check (√) once in each number.

I. Demographics

1. What is the academic performance grade of the student during the

first semester S.Y: 2018-2019?

90-100 (Outstanding)

85-89 (Very Satisfactory)

80-84 ( Satisfactory)

75-79 (Fairly Satisfactory)

Below 75 ( Did not Meet Expectations)

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