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Statement of the Problem

This study would like to assess mathematics performance of the intermediate

pupils in Mathematics. The result could serve as input to a plan of action in

strengthening the performance of intermediate pupils in Mathematics. Specifically, it

seeks answer to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of the following:

1.1. Age

1.2. Gender; and

1.3. Grade in mathematics in the first grading period.

2. To what extent do the pupils perceive Mathematics as a subject?

3. How pupils assess their performance in Mathematics in terms of:

3.1. Board work;

3.2. Group dynamics;

4. How significant is the relationship in the responses of pupils about their

Mathematics performance when grouped according to their profile variables?

5. What plan of action can be proposed to strengthen the performance of

intermediate pupils in Mathematics?

Chapter 4


This chapter covers the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data

gathered from the respondents for determining the correlation between the

performance of Grade 5 and Grade 6 pupils in Mathematics.

I. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

1.1. Age

Table 1

Age of the Respondents

Age Grade 5 Percentage Grade 6 Percentage

(F) (%) (F) (%)

9-11 15 88.24 16 76.19

Table 1 presents the profile of the respondents according to their age. As presented

above, 15 out of 17 Grade 5 pupils or 88.24% are 9 – 11 years old;16 out 21 Grade

6 pupils or 76.19% belong to 9 – 11 years old. On the other hand, there are 2 out of

17 pupils from Grade 5 or 11.76% are 12 years old and above; and there are 5 out of

21 Grade 6 pupils or 23.81% who are 12 years old and above. Most of the

respondents are included in 9 – 11 years of age. Since the respondents came from

Grades 5-6, it is very normal that their age will belong to that range.

1.2. Gender

Table 2

Gender of the Respondents

Table 2 presents the distribution of the respondents in terms of their gender. Eight or

47.06% of the respondents in Grade 5 are male while 9 or 52.94% are female. In

Grade 6 respondents, there are ten or 47.62% who are male and 11, or 52.38% who

are female.
In the distribution, majority of the respondents both Grade 5 and 6 classes are

female with 20 respondents and the rest are male.

1.3. Grades in Mathematics for the First Grading Period

Table 3

Grades in Mathematics in the First Grading Period

In Table 3 presents that 2 out of 17 pupils in Grade 5 or 11.76% achieved a grade

ranging from 75 – 79; 15 out of 17 or 88.24% got a grade of 80 and above.

Furthermore, there are 9 out of 21 pupils in Grade 6 or 42.86% who got a grade

ranging from 75 – 79; and there are 12 or 57.14% who obtained grade of 80 and

above. For the First Grading Period, the Grade 5 and Grade 6 pupils dominantly

achieved grades ranging from 80 and above. This shows that they had good

performance in their Mathematics class for the given period.

II. Mathematics Performance

2. Extent of Respondents’ Perception in Mathematics as a subject

Table 4

Perception of Grade 5 Pupils in Mathematics as a subject

Table 4 displays the perception of the Grade 5 pupils in Mathematics as subject. The

respondents moderately agree to the perception in Mathematics as subject as

evidenced by composite mean of 2.81. The table also showed that the pupils

strongly agreed that Mathematics is primarily a formal way of representing the real

world as revealed by the weighted mean of 4.27. The respondents disagreed

that ,athematics must be taught using more than one representation with a weighted

mean of 2.13 and the least favored in rank.

2. Extent of Respondents’ Perception in Mathematics as a subject

Table 5

Perception of Grade 6 Pupils in Mathematics as a subject

Table 5 displays the perception of the Grade 6 pupils in Mathematics as a subject.

The Grade 6 pupils agreed moderately to the extent they perceived Mathematics as

subject as revealed by a composite mean of 2.86. The table also shows that Grade 6

pupils agreed strongly that Mathematics is primarily as a formal way of representing

the real world as evidenced by a weighted mean of 4.36 and the most favored in

rank. The respondents disagreed that Mathematics challenges them to improve

themselves in problem solving situations with a weighted mean of 2.11 and the least

favored in rank.

4. Significant Relationship

Table 10

Significant Relationship Between Board work and Profile

Variables of Grade 5 Pupils

Table 10

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