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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Bislig City Division

Mid-Third Quarter Examination
SY 2018-2019
Name: ____________________________________ Grade & Section: ______________ Date: _________
I- Direction: Listen to the text that will be read by your examiner then, answer the questions that follow.
Write only the letter of the correct answer.
1. As a result of human activities, the ozone layer…
a) Has a hole
b) Is melting
c) Is deepening
d) None from the given choices
2. Due to the mistreating of Mother Earth, what continent is now melting?
a) Greenland
b) Antarctica
c) Iceland
d) Arctic
3. Based on the selection, man is doing everything he can just to get what type of minerals?
a) Crude oil and coal
b) Diamonds and other rare gems
c) Gold
d) Phosphorus
4. Earth is described as …
a) The second most beautiful planet
b) The least beautiful planet
c) The dirtiest planet
d) The most beautiful planet
5. What is the best way to save mother earth?
a) Plant trees
b) Deforestation
c) Clean sewer lines
d) Cut trees for shelter


6-7. What two things do figure A convey?
a. to show the effects on earth the man-made distraction, people should observe discipline.
b. to show that earth has two sides, people should select where to live.
c. to show that man-made distraction occurs only in place it is done, no worries.
d. to show that earth can be manipulated by hand, man should make it intact.
8. Figure B suggests that people should ______________.
a. take care of our environment to have abundant food source
b. refrain from fishing, and allow fishes to multiply
c. improvise sea bed for beautification
d. conserve natural resources in the sea
9. In figure C, it is deemed that young people should ______________.
a. be determined and willing to keep on the path and give their best.
b. be devoted to accomplish goals they believed in.
c. feel so proud of the motivation that they possess
d. follow their heart for some golden opportunities ahead of them
10. Figure D means that ___________.
a. earth’s life is limited and bound to be destroyed through carelessness.
b. to save the earth, people should observe proper waste disposal.
c. earth can still be saved, start caring it now.
d. change of climate brings earth to doom.
II- Reading and Literature
Directions: Analyze the speaker’s tone/attitude for each of the given statement.
11. “I am minded to build me an Igloo,” he said one day to Klosh-Kwan and a number of the hunters. “It shall
be a large Igloo, wherein Ikeega and I can dwell in comfort.”
a. calm b. determined c. mysterious d. doubtful
12. “Fyolka, a little beggar-girl of six, is running through the village, looking for Terenty the cobbler. Her eyes
are wide-open, her lips are trembling.”
a. excited b. hopeful c. anxious d. calm
Directions: From the choices given, select the word which properly completes each set of relationships.
13. A Grain as Big as a Hen’s Egg: Leo Tolstoy: A day in a Country: _______________.
a. Anton Chekhov b. Robert Frost c. John Milton d. Q. Henry
14. Polar sea: conflict: protagonist: ____________.
a. Keesh b. Ugh-Gluk c. Massuk d. Igloo
15. “The air is warm and fragrant” appeals to the sense of _________.
a. hearing and feeling b. feeling and smell
c. smell and sound d. sight and sound
III- (for nos. 6-14) Read each item carefully, and write the letter of the most appropriate answer to the
16. In the story, “To Build a Fire”, how was the idea of existence in spite of difficult conditions shown?
a. The man skipped and started to trip
b. The man attempted to slay the dog, it ran off
c. The man persisted to attempt all the means to avoid being frozen and get through camp
d. The man reached the camp to rest and to eat delicious foods
17. How was human nature accentuated when the man attempted to slay the dog but decided to refrain from
doing so?
a. Man disregards everything just to have food
b. Man is desperate when problems occur
c. Man is limited that his decision is also limited
d. Man expends everything to survive even at the cost of others.
18. Emphasized in the story that the man wants to reach the camp because his friends were there gathered
together, and there were beacon and fire, too. What could best symbolize fire and beacon in our present
a. They symbolize one’s interest for something, and one’s prime need
b. They symbolize something expensive and not necessary
c. They symbolize abundance and comfort
d. They symbolize pleasure and satisfaction
19. In the poem, “Song of Autumn”, what line suggests doom and death?
a. All winter will possess my being: wrath, hate, horror, and shivering, hard, forced labor
b. My heart will be no more than a frozen red block
c. That somewhere they’re nailing a coffin, in great haste
d. Farewell, vivid brightness of our short-lived summers!
20. How was the concept of cherishing a desire with anticipation illustrated in the poem?
a. Autumn is associated with leaves, which symbolizes life
b. The seasons are a cycle of events, so nothing is permanent
c. The seasons represent the cycle of life and when there’s life, there’s hope
d. Autumn is in between summer and winter, so there’s still a chance to change course
21. The following lines signify that
“Through your loving existence and nonexistence merge. All opposites unite.” These lines reflect…
a. Probability of adoration everywhere
b. Similarity of all other beings
c. distinctness is decent
d. unity among adversaries
22. “The winds of heaven mix forever with a sweet emotion.” These lines mean that…
a. God recognizes people, regardless of race, as His children and gives them life
b. People, regardless of origin, are blessed with free water to drink
c. Air that people breathe makes them emotional
d. Air from above is so fresh and sweet
23. “Nothing in the world is single, all things by a law divine, in another’s being mingle-“ The lines signify
a. No man is an island
b. Every being is complement of other
c. Interrelationship among entities exists.
d. Stimulus triggers a response
24. “No sister flower could be forgiven if it disdained its brother.” These lines connote that …
a. Brothers and sisters should not be forgiven if erred
b. No matter how beautiful one is; if sinned should be punished
c. Law of God and man shall prevail if one sinned
d. Relatives should be helped
Directions: Read closely the story in the box and write the letter of the most appropriate answer to complete each
of the following numbered items.
As the cool stream gushed over one hand, she (my teacher) spelled into the other hand the word water,
first slowly, then rapidly. I stood still, my whole attention fixed upon the motions of her fingers.
Suddenly I felt a misty consciousness as of something forgotten – a thrill of returning thought, and
somehow the mystery of language was revealed to me. I knew then that “w-a-t-e-r” meant the
wonderful cool something that was flowing over my head. That living word awakened my soul and gave
it light, hope, joy – set it free! (Helen Keller, “The Story of my Life”)

From the story, we can say that Helen Keller is

a. blind b. illiterate c. ignorant d. deaf
26. The paragraph implicitly stated that
a. Helen Keller had the best tutor
b. Helen Keller was very eager to learn
c. Helen Keller was mentally challenged
d. Helen Keller was rich
27. As the story was narrated, the author felt
a. happy b. proud c. annoyed d. irritated
28. The author’s purpose in writing the text was
a. To inform people about her life
b. To inspire people about her life
c. To boast off her knowledge
d. To persuade people to get a tutor
29. The paragraph implicitly stated that Helen Keller was
a. an intelligent young girl b. a daughter of a rich man
c. a girl with disability d. a good writer

IV- Grammar
Directions: Write the case of the underlined pronoun. Write the letter of the correct answer.

a. Objective b. Possessive c. Subjective

30. Its popularity is growing.
31. My best friend is staying at our house.
32. Mary and I are delighted to be here today.
Directions: Choose the best pronoun to complete each sentence.
33. _______ invented the legend of the Minotaur, a creature half man and half bull?
a. which b. whom c. who d. whose
34. The blue shirts are _______; the red shirts are ours.
a. theirs b. there c. them d. those
35. Hydra spent most of ______ time cleaning up the house.
a. their b. her c. his d. his/her
36. A reporter talked to Mrs. Bea Zwack after _____ home was struck by a tornado.
a. their b. her c. his d. his/her
37. The Zwacks now have a healthy respect for tornadoes and ____ power.
a. their b. its c. her d. his
38. The scientist showed Zainab and _______ the fossil of a trilobite.
a. they b. them c. theirs d. those
39. Ms. Grimes takes her trash to the alley, but several leave ______ in the hallway.
a. they b. them c. theirs d. those
40. The mystery of Keesh began, a mystery ________ deepened and with the passing of the days.
a. where b. that c. those d. this
V- Writing

Directions: Read the paragraph below and then write your comments or reaction pertaining to this
informative text. Follow the right conventions in writing with at least seven sentences in a paragraph. (10

Is it right to ban gum in school? Many people would agree that gum should be banned. Nasty
gum stuck in unlikely places is a nuisance for both teachers and students. Teachers and administrators alike
say it is distracting, and it creates a janitorial nightmare. But wait – if schools are interested in improving
student achievement, they will rethink their policy against chewing gum. Research shows that chewing gum
actually improves learning by increasing brain activity and focus. It helps students stay alert and ready to
learn. If they chew gum, the movement of the jaw can help keep students awake

Prepared by:


English Facilitator
BCNHS-Coleto Annex
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Bislig City Division

Mid-Third Quarter Examination
SY 2018-2019
Name: ____________________________________ Grade & Section: ______________ Date: _________
Directions: Read closely the story in the box and write the letter of the most appropriate answer to complete each
of the following numbered items.
As the cool stream gushed over one hand, she (my teacher) spelled into the other hand the word water,
first slowly, then rapidly. I stood still, my whole attention fixed upon the motions of her fingers.
Suddenly I felt a misty consciousness as of something forgotten – a thrill of returning thought, and
somehow the mystery of language was revealed to me. I knew then that “w-a-t-e-r” meant the
wonderful cool something that was flowing over my head. That living word awakened my soul and gave
it light, hope, joy – set it free! (Helen Keller, “The Story of my Life”)

From the story, we can say that Helen Keller is

a. blind b. illiterate c. ignorant d. deaf
26. The paragraph implicitly stated that
a. Helen Keller had the best tutor
b. Helen Keller was very eager to learn
c. Helen Keller was mentally challenged
d. Helen Keller was rich
27. As the story was narrated, the author felt
a. happy b. proud c. annoyed d. irritated
28. The author’s purpose in writing the text was
a. To inform people about her life
b. To inspire people about her life
c. To boast off her knowledge
d. To persuade people to get a tutor
29. The paragraph implicitly stated that Helen Keller was
a. an intelligent young girl b. a daughter of a rich man
c. a girl with disability d. a good writer

IV- Grammar
Directions: Write the case of the underlined pronoun. Write the letter of the correct answer.

a. Objective b. Possessive c. Subjective

30. Its popularity is growing.
31. My best friend is staying at our house.
32. Mary and I are delighted to be here today.
Directions: Choose the best pronoun to complete each sentence.
33. _______ invented the legend of the Minotaur, a creature half man and half bull?
a. which b. whom c. who d. whose
34. The blue shirts are _______; the red shirts are ours.
a. theirs b. there c. them d. those
35. Hydra spent most of ______ time cleaning up the house.
a. their b. her c. his d. his/her
36. A reporter talked to Mrs. Bea Zwack after _____ home was struck by a tornado.
a. their b. her c. his d. his/her
37. The Zwacks now have a healthy respect for tornadoes and ____ power.
a. their b. its c. her d. his
38. The scientist showed Zainab and _______ the fossil of a trilobite.
a. they b. them c. theirs d. those
39. Ms. Grimes takes her trash to the alley, but several leave ______ in the hallway.
a. they b. them c. theirs d. those
40. The mystery of Keesh began, a mystery ________ deepened and with the passing of the days.
a. where b. that c. those d. this
V- Writing

Directions: Read the paragraph below and then write your comments or reaction pertaining to this
informative text. Follow the right conventions in writing with at least seven sentences in a paragraph. (10

Is it right to ban gum in school? Many people would agree that gum should be banned. Nasty
gum stuck in unlikely places is a nuisance for both teachers and students. Teachers and administrators alike
say it is distracting, and it creates a janitorial nightmare. But wait – if schools are interested in improving
student achievement, they will rethink their policy against chewing gum. Research shows that chewing gum
actually improves learning by increasing brain activity and focus. It helps students stay alert and ready to
learn. If they chew gum, the movement of the jaw can help keep students awake
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Bislig City Division

First Quarter Mid-Third Examination
SY 2019-2020
Name: ____________________________________ Grade & Section: ______________ Date: _________
I-Multiple choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. “O Ilaw” is a song classified in the Philippine music style as…
a. Harana b. kundiman c. devotional d. folk song
2. What element of music that refers to highness and lowness of tone?
a. pitch b. harmony c. dynamics d. timbre
3. “Ili-Ili Tulog Anay” is an example of a lullaby folk song. Which of the following best describe a lullaby song?
a. humorous or welcoming song b. narrative song or songs that tell a story
c. love songs used for harana d. songs for rocking a baby to sleep
4. Our ancestors are very artistic in nature, they become creative in producing their own musical instruments
with the help of…
a. natural resources present in the locality b. indigenous materials imported from nearby places
c. native resources introduced by the Americans d. none of the above
5. What do you think is the function of misic during Spanish colonization?
a. music for worship b. music for religious activity
c. music for love of a man for a woman d. both a and b

6. What Filipino values does long process of cloth and mat weaving display?
a. creativity b. artistry c. patience d. crab mentality
7. It is a festival celebrated in Baguio City?
a. Pahiyas b. Moriones c. Maskara d. Pangabenga
8. What is the first step in paper mache making?
a. prepare all the materials needed b. soak paper in water
c. combine glue and water d. display the finish product
9. Why is weaving popular among tribal people?
a. it is part of family’s wealth b. weaving is part of their culture
c. many tribal people wear woven clothing for style d. it is part of their advocacy
10. Why do native Filipinos create pots?
a. it is used to hold their dead loved ones b. it is used for art activity
c. natives love pottery d. it is part of their culture

11. What specific components that have a relationship with learning motor skills quickly and the ability to
achieve a high level of performance in school.
a. Exercise b. physical fitness c. physiological fitness d. health-related physical fitness
12. What specific components that have a relationship with good health particularly hypokinetic diseases and
a. Exercise b. physical fitness c. physiological fitness d. health-related physical fitness
13. What happens when you lack physical activities design to achieve physical fitness?
a. You become physically fit b. capable to perform daily task w/o undue fatigue
c. can exert maximal effort in a short period of time d. prone to different illnesses
14. How would you perform your daily tasks to achieve physical fitness without undue fatigue?
a. walking to school b. listening to music c. riding a car d. eating breakfast
15. Why do you think exercise is very important?
a. to become stronger and healthier b. develop a particular skill
c. maintain physical fitness d. all of the above

16. What substance in food that your body needs to grow; repair itself; and to supply you with energy?
a. nutrients b. calories c. calcium d. protein
17. What skills will help you get along well with other people?
a. coping skills b. problem-solving skills c. decision-making skills d. social and communication skills
18. What stage of psychosocial development where you are in state of exploring personal relationship with
a. adolescence b. childhood c. infancy d. old age
19. What replaces damaged or worn-out cells by making new one?
a. protein b. calcium c. carbohydrates d. fat
20. How can unpleasant body odor due to active secretion of sweat glands be prevented?
a. change clothes more often b. shave the hair of the armpit
c. take a bath regularly d. use perfume to hide the odor
21. What factor that cause poor posture among adolescent?
a. eating less healthy foods b. take a bath regularly
c. doing right exercises d. get adequate rest and sleep
22. What is the best way to improve your mental well-being?
a. choose friends who share the same interest b. get adequate rest and sleep
c. show respect and affection for others d. spend quality time w/ your family and friends
23-25. Explain: Why assessment of growth and development is very helpful in finding out the state of health of
a person?

Prepared by:


G7 MAPEH Teacher

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