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3 Haba peneutralan
Heat of neutralisation
Aim of experiment
Menentukan dan membandingkan haba peneutralan antara asid dan alkali yang berlainan kekuatan.
To determine and compare the heat of neutralisation between acids and alkalis of different strength.

Problem Statement
Adakah haba peneutralan berbeza bagi asid dan alkali dengan kekuatan yang berbeza?
Is the heat of neutralisation different for different strength of acids and alkalis?



Dimanipulasikan : Jenis asid dan alkali yang berbeza kekuatan.

Manipulated Type of different strength of acids and alkalis

Bergerak balas: Haba peneutralan.

Responding Heat of neutralisation.

Dimalarkan: Isipadu dan kepekatan asid, isipadu dan kepekatan alkali

Constant Volume and concentration of acid, volume and concentration of

Asid kuat dan alkali kuat mempunya nilai haba peneutralan yang paling tinggi berbanding tindak
balas antara asid kuat dan alkali lemah, asid lemah dan alkali kuat serta asid lemah dan alkali lemah yang
mempunya nilai haba peneutralan lebih rendah.
Strong acid and weak acids have the highest value of heat of neutralisation compare to the reaction
between strong acid and weak alkali, weak acid and strong alkali and as well as weak acid and weak alkali
have the lower value of heat of neutralisation.

List of Materials
Larutan natrium hidroksida 1.0 mol dm-3, larutan ammonia 1.0 mol dm-3, asid hidroklorik 1.0 mol dm-3
dan asid etanoik 1.0 mol dm-3.
1.0 mol dm-3 sodium hydroxide, 1.0 mol dm-3 ammonia solution, 1.0 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid and
1.0 mol dm-3 ethanoic acid.
List of Apparatus
Silinder penyukat, termometer dan cawan polisterena.
Measuring cylinder, thermometer and polysterene cup


Set up of apparatus
1. Sukat 50 cm3 larutan natrium hidroksida 1.0 mol dm-3 dan tuangkan ke dalam cawan polisterena.
Catat suhu awal larutan selepas beberapa minit.
Measure 50 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 sodium hydroxide solution and pour it into a polysterena cup.
Record the initial temperature of the solution after a few minutes.
2. Sukat 50 cm3 larutan asid hidroklorik 1.0 mol dm-3 dan tuangkan ke dalam cawan polisterena
lain. Catat suhu awal larutan selepas beberapa minit.
Measure 50 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid solution and pour it into a polysterena cup.
Record the initial temperature of the solution after a few minutes
3. Pour the hydrochloric acid quickly and carefully into the sodium hydroxide solution in he
polysterene cup.
Tuang asid hidroklorik dengan cepat dan berhati-hati ke dalam larutan natrium hidroksida dalam
cawan polisterena.
4. Stir the mixture with the thermometer and record the highest temperature reached.
Kacau campuran dengan termometer dan rekodkan suhu tertinggi yang dicapai.
5. Ulang langkah 1 hingga 4 menggunakan bahan tindak balas yang berikut untuk menggantikan
larutan natrium hidoksida dan asid hidroklorik.
Repeat steps 1 to 4 using the following reactants to replace sodium hydroxide solution and
hydrochloric acid.
(a) Larutan natrium hidroksida dan asid etanoik
Sodium hydroxide solution and ethanoic acid
(b) Larutan ammonia dan asid hidroklorik
Ammonia solution and hydrochloric acid
(c) Larutan ammonia dan asid etanoik
Ammonia solution and ethanoic acid
Observation / Results of experiment

Larutan natrium Larutan natrium Larutan ammonia Larutan

hidroksida dan hidroksida dan dan asid ammonia dan
asid hidroklorik asid etanoik hidroklorik asid etanoik
Bahan tindak balas
Sodium Sodium Ammonia Ammonia
hydroxide hydroxide solution and solution and
solution and solution and hydrochloric acid ethanoic acid
hydrochloric acid ethanoic acid
Suhu awal alkali (°C) 28 29 29 28
Initial temperature of
alkali (°C)

Suhu awal asid (°C)

Initial temperature of 28 29 29 28
acid (°C)

Suhu purata campuran

Average temperature of 28 29 29 28
the mixture (°C)
Suhu tertinggi
campuran (°C) 34 34 33 31
Highest temperature of
the mixture (°C)

Kenaikan suhu (°C) 6 5 4 3

Increase in temperature

menganalisis dan mentafsir data / perbincangan.

1. Berikan maksud haba peneutralan?
Give the meaning of heat of neutralisation?
2. Apakah jenis tindak balas yang berlaku?
What is the type of the reaction that occur?
3. Nyatakan kekuatan bagi setiap asid dan alkali berikut.
State the strength of each of the following acid and alkali
Asid hidroklorik/ hydrochloric acid :
Asid etanoik/ ethanoic acid :
Larutan ammonia/ ammonia solution:
Natrium hidroksida/ sodium hydroxide:
4. Kira haba peneutralan bagi tindak balas antara
Calculate the heat of neutralisation for the reaction between
[Muatan tentu haba larutan / Spesific heat capacity of solution = 4.2Jg-1°C-1 ]
[Ketumpatan larutan / Density of solution = 1 g cm-3]
(a) Larutan natrium hidroksida dan asid hidroklorik /
sodium hydroxide solution and hydrochloric solution
(b) Larutan natrium hidroksida dan asid etanoik
sodium hydroxide solution and ethanoic asid
(c) Larutan ammonia dan asid hidroklorik
Ammonia solution and hydrochloric acid
(d) Larutan ammonia dan asid etanoik
Ammonia solution and ethanoic acid
5. (a) Berdasarkan pengiraan anda, susun haba peneutralan bagi setiap tindak balas
dalam tertib menaik
Based on your calculation, arrange the heat of neutralisation of each reaction in
ascending order

(b) Terangkan perbezaan antara tindak balas dengan nilai haba peneutralan yang
tertinggi dan terendah
Explain the differences between the reaction with highest and lowest value of heat

6. (a) Ramalkan peningkatan suhu sekiranya asid sulfurik dengan isipadu dan
kepekatan yang sama bertindak balas dengan larutan natrium hidroksida.
Predict the increase intemperature if sulphuric acid of the same volume and
concentration is react with sodium hydroxide solution.

(b) Berikan alasan anda

Give your reason

7. Adakah nilai haba peneutralan yang diperoleh dalam eksperimen lebih tinggi atau
kurang daripada nilai teori. Berikan satu sebab?
Is the value of heat of neutralisation obtained in the experiment higher or less than the
theoretical value? Give one reason.

8. Lukiskan rajah aras tenaga bagi tindak balas peneutralan antara

Draw the energy level diagram for the neutralisation reaction between
(a) Larutan natrium hidroksida dan asid hidroklorik
Sodium hydroxide solution and hydrochloric acid
(b) Larutan natrium hidroksida dan asid etanoik
Sodium hydroxide solution and ethanoic asid
(c) Larutan ammonia dan asid hidroklorik
Ammonia solution and hydrochloric acid
(d) Larutan ammonia dan asid etanoik
Ammonia solution and ethanoic acid

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