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Name: Pawankumar M.

Roll no.: BE226
Division: B
PRN No.: 0120170339


Q.1) Parameters affecting on freshwater fish fauna as following: –

A. Physical parameters –

1. Water depth –
i. It determines temperature, light penetration & water circulation pattern
ii. The depth of water should be 2m .

2. Temperature ( 20 – 32degree C) –
i. It depends upon climatic condition, seasonal variation & depth of the
ii. This affects reproduction, migration, distribution, growth of the fishes.
iii. It also affect dissolved oxygen.
iv. The temperature for proper growth of fishes should be (20 - 32⁰ C).

3. Turbidity ( 30 – 50 cm)–
i. Turbidity produce due to sand & clay particals.
ii. This will reduce sunlight into water results into photosynthesis
reduction & affected fish production .
iii. Turbidity cause disease.
iv. The turbidity should be of (30 – 50 cm).
v. Particals settle on gills cause respiratory problem to the fishes.
vi. Used Alum, Gypsum for reduce turbidity

4. Water colour –
i. The colour of the water decides the availability of species.
ii. If the colour of water will be black or brown, it will harmful for fishes.
iii. The water should be light blue or colourless.

5. Light -
i. Light will helps for photosynthesis of plants into water.
ii. If light will not penetrate due to turbidity reduce photosynthesis.
B. Chemical Parameters –

1. PH –
i. If pH falls or increase results in stop feeding, fish dead.
ii. For low pH use Lime.
iii. At night, morning, evening pH decrease and become acidic
iv. At noon pH will be alkaline
v. The pH should be in range (6.5 – 8) , survival of fishes.

2. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) –

i. If there is cloudy whether & salinity in water, then DO will reduce.
ii. The Do should be of (5 – 8 ppm).

3. Alkalinity – (40 – 150ppm)

i. It cause due to carbonates & bicarbonates calcium, magnesium, sodium ,
potassium, ammonia, ferrous.
ii. Alkalinity helps to growth of plants in water for fishes.
iii. The alkalinity should be of (40 – 150 ppm) for survival of fish.

4. Salinity –
i. It is total salts present in a water bodies.
ii. Salinity should be of (15 – 20 ppt) – Brakish water.

5. Ammonia –
i. It produce due to decomposition or excreation of the animals into the
ii. The level of ammonia should be of (0.3 – 1.3ppm).

6. CO2 –
i. It produce due to respiration of plants & animals.
ii. It helps plants for growth.
iii. If the CO2 level increase, the water become acidic.

Yes, the aeration treatment will be helpful to rejuvenate the river as following –
i. Due to aeration the water droplets will be in contact with the atmosphere & sunlight.
ii. All the water will be replaced and it will free of CO2.
iii. There will be no turbidity, because of aeration.
iv. If the CO2 level decrease there will be no chance of acidic water.
v. The water colour will be not muddy, black & brown.
vi. Aeration will increase the amount of oxygen into water results in growth, production
of fishes increased.
vii. The pH of water will maintained.
Q.2) There are many parameters of water quality as following –
i. Dissolved Oxygen – It the amount of water dissolved into the water for the aquatic
ii. Temperature – Temperature helps for photosynthesis of plants & imparts the O2 level.
iii. Turbidity – It contains sand, clay, silt which make muddy, cloudy and resist to reach
light into water.
iv. pH – It is amount of H+ ions present in the water. From which we come to know
whether the water is acidic, neutral & alkaline.
v. Hardness – The salts of calcium & magnesium determine the hardness of the water.
Less than 40 ppm is soft hardness , greater than 40 ppm is hard hardness.

From my opinion there is advantage & disadvantages of removal of constructed weirs. But I
think that removal of weirs is not suitable as following reasons –
i. It will provide O2 to the water and nitrification also occurs.
ii. The weirs reduce velocity of the flood water.
iii. It helps in the cleaning as well as maintained water in pH limit.
iv. It helps to reach o the aquatic animals & plants.
v. There is proper penetration of light to the plants for photosynthesis & aquatic life.
vi. It helps the reduce the turbidity of the water.
vii. It controls the flow of water through rivers, dams etc.
viii. It also control the upstream water level.

Disadvantage –
i. There is no upstream migration of the aquatic life (i.e. fishes).
ii. There is erosion of soil due to greater force.

Equation for flow over weirs –

Q = C L H3/2

Q= flow
C= coefficient of weir (depend on type of weir)
L= length of weir
H= Height of weir
Q.3) We cannot provide 24/7 service of water even though we have bulk water resources as
following reasons –
i. Because of decreasing the water table level due to the increase depth of bore wells,
ii. As there are only limited amount of water is useful for drinking & usable.
iii. Water in the oceans having lots of salts & required high cost purification and transport
to all the places.
iv. There is geographical difference of the land there is not easy to pumping & supply
v. It will require lots of economical costs.

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