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Name: Jeremy F.


Explain how the blood flows throughout the body


Based on what I have learned in the video, the heart plays the biggest roles in
the circulatory systems and also the rest system is also very important as it is
what transports blood to and from the heart to keep the body alive. The two main
components of blood vessels are the veins and the arteries. Veins are blood
vessels containing blood flowing to the heart while arteries have blood flowing
from the heart, while the red blood vessels have oxygenated blood fresh from the

Then in the heart the superior vena-cava receives blood from the head, neck,
upper limbs and chest. Meanwhile, the inferior vena-cava receives blood from the
trunk, viscera, and lower limbs both super and inferior vena-cava end up in the
right atrium, one of the four chambers of the heart and also the heart has four
valves. The purpose of the valves is to keep blood moving in the right direction
and not flow backwards then the blood exits the right atrium through the tricuspid
valve it is called because it has three flaps, and enters the right ventricle. The
blood exits the pulmonary artery to flow away from the heart due to its lack of

The pulmonary artery then splits into the left and right pulmonary arteries,
which go to each respective lung, in the lungs gas exchange occurs the blood
discards carbon dioxide and picks up oxygen after that the blood comes back
from the lungs through the pulmonary veins entering the left atrium. Next the
blood is pumped into the left ventricle through the mitral, or bicuspid valve.
Finally, the oxygenated blood leaves the left ventricle through the aortic semi-
lunar valve, entering the aortic arch which is the largest of all the arteries,
distributing the oxygenated blood to the rest of the body.

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