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UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Differentiated Instruction)

Name of Teacher Candidate Emma Erskine

Lesson Overview
Grade Level 8th grade Math
Estimated Time Needed 50 minutes
Anticipatory Set – mirroring, discussing real life applications of reflections
Instructional Input – notes, worksheet
Lesson Description GP – example problems, worksheet
IP – reflection practice, worksheet
Closure – essential questions + quizzies
8.10.A – Two Dimensional Shapes: the student will be able to generalize the
Content Area Standards properties of orientation and congruence of reflections of two-dimensional
shapes on a coordinate plane
Technology Standards NA
Content Objective: I can generalize the properties of orientation and
congruence of reflections.
Language Objective: I will explain the effect of reflections when applied to a
two-dimensional shape using algebraic representations.

Terms/Vocabulary Reflection, Line of Symmetry, Congruent, Orientation, Image
Quizzies: students will use quizzies as an assessment at the end of the
lesson. The students will be asked essential questions and will answer them
Technology Resources
on their phone. The teacher will evaluate what concepts the students
understand and what she may need to teach again.
Reflection Notes: This worksheet defines what a reflection is, has students
practice drawing reflected images, and has them practice writing the
algebraic rules for reflections.
Reflections Worksheet: This worksheet is more practice for drawing
Other Resources
reflected images and labeling their coordinate points. Students are also
required to write the algebraic rule for each problem which will give them a
lot of practice understanding which rule corresponds to the reflection over
the x and y axis’s

Lesson Procedures
Focus/Anticipatory Set Students will be asked The students will be Students will not need
(motivational hook) introduction questions related sitting in their seats any resources for the
to reflections. “What is a while the teacher is anticipatory set, as
reflection?” and “Where do lecturing at the front of this portion of the
you see reflections in your real the classroom. The lesson is primarily
life?” The teacher will explain students will have their discussion and a
to students that they see notes in front of them mirroring activity.
reflections when they look in and a pencil.
the mirror, in a puddle, in a
pond, etc. The students will be out
of their seats when
The teacher will tell her doing the second
students to get with a partner mirroring activity.
of their choice and mirror
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Differentiated Instruction)
everything they do. After the
students are done mirroring
each other, the teacher will
ask “When you were your
partner’s mirror, did your hand
look the same as your
partner’s? Did you hold up the
same hand as your partner?
What was different about your

The teacher will write the key

words of the lesson on the
board and have students write
them in their math notebooks;
reflection, orientation,
congruent. Students will be
given time to translate and
define these words and will
talk with a partner (in their
home language if needed)
about these words. The
teacher will discuss what the
key words mean and will write
an accurate definition based
on student responses that the
students will include in their
journals. The teacher will
reference these words multiple
times throughout the lesson in
different contexts, so students
gain familiarity.
The teacher will be at Reflection Notes
Content-input Students will start to fill out the front of the class - The students
(Could include content their Reflection Notes with the lecturing, while the will complete
outline, presentation, help of the teacher. The students are sitting at their notes
questioning, modeling, teacher will go over the their desks taking with the
examples) definition of reflection. notes. teacher,
Modeling: Should include making
both Tier 1 (examples) and The teacher will go over the additional
Tier 2 (think aloud) first example in the notes notes if they
packet which is a reflection need to.
over the x axis. The teacher
Make it more student led!! will ask her students:
“What do you notice about the
new shape?”
“How does it look next to the
original shape?”
“What is different?”
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Differentiated Instruction)
The teacher will ask her
students to refer to the key
words in their answer.
The students will do a think,
pair, share with their shoulder
partner before answering.
Students will be told that the
line of reflection is basically
like a mirror, it is the same
image just on the opposite
side. After reflecting, the
images change orientation
and location, but they are still
The teacher will show here
students how to plot the new
points by counting the same
amount of distance from the x
axis (our mirror). The teacher
will write the algebraic rule for
this reflection after the
students write down the new
points (when reflection over
the x axis, the x stays the
same and the y becomes

The teacher will move on to do

the next example which is a
reflection over the y axis.
The teacher will ask the
students to share their
thoughts as a whole.
The teacher will ask students,
“Take a look at the algebraic
rule for reflecting over the x
axis. Given what we just
discussed, how do you think
the algebraic rule for reflecting
over the y axis?”
The students will do a think,
pair, share with their shoulder
partner before answering.
The teacher will write the
algebraic rule for this reflection
after the students write down
the new points (when
reflecting over the y axis, the y
stays the same and the x
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Differentiated Instruction)
becomes negative)

The teacher will ask students

to come up to the board to plot
the image’s original and new
points. The teacher will ask
students to pick points on a
big graph to create a shape.
The students will state the
names of the new reflected
points. The teacher will ensure
she is randomly calling on
students, so everyone gets a
chance to answer. Students
The teacher will work Worksheet
can take turns and tell each
with the students to - The students
other what points to plot as a
solve the first couple of will work with
check for understanding (when
Guided Practice problems during the the teacher to
a students is at the board,
guided practice. The fill in the
creating the original image,
students will participate worksheet for
classmates can select points
when the teacher ass guided
for the student to plot.)
questions. practice
Students will work on their
Reflections Worksheet with
guidance from the teacher for
the first two or three problems.
The students will use this
worksheet to practice drawing
new images, writing the
algebraic rule that
corresponds to the axis they
are reflecting over, and
plotting new coordinate points.
Workstations and/or
Independent Practice Students will complete a The teacher will explain Students will need a
Reflections Project. and model the project graph sheet, pencil,
The teacher will show an requirements. The and coloring supplies.
example and model the steps teacher will continue to
before releasing the students monitor and walk
to do this on their own around the classroom,
Students will be given a large making sure students
four quadrant graph. On the understand the
graph, working with a partner expectations and
or individually (they have the content of the project.
choice), they are to create an
image of at least 10 coordinate
points in one quadrant (could
be initials, food, an animal,
ANYTHING). After creating the
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Differentiated Instruction)
image, they will reflect it over
the next quadrant and write
the points of the new image.
They will repeat this process
until all four quadrants are
filled with reflected images.

The student’s projects will be

hung around the classroom
when completed!

First, the teacher will ask the

students a few essential
The quizzizz will be a
questions such as, “What is
homework assignment.
the rule for reflecting over the
It will be ungraded and
x/y axis?” The teacher will also
used as a formative The teacher will use
ask open-ended response
check for Quizzizz as a
Closure questions as another check for
understanding for the platform to pose the
teacher as I will be able questions on.
to see individual
The teacher will review a few
student knowledge.
problems to make sure to
clarify any questions or clear
any misconceptions that
students might have.
Plans for Differentiated Instruction/Accommodations
Special Education Students NA
The teacher will write down the key terms of the lesson on the board in English
and in the student’s home language. The teacher will refer back to these terms
throughout the lesson in both languages.
English Language Learners
The teacher will break the lesson down more so than she would for a non-ESL
class. The teacher will pause and ask the students if they understand the
concepts before moving on to the next problems.
Gifted and Talented NA
Throughout the lesson, the teacher will call on students and ask them questions such as:
- How do you describe the properties of orientation and congruence of reflections?
- What can you say about reflections and congruence?
- What are the properties of reflections?

The teacher may ask the same question to different students more than once to ensure students
understand the concept and question being asked.

The teacher will continuously walk around throughout the lesson to ensure the students have the correct
work on their paper. The teacher will use her observations of student work to determine what portions of
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Differentiated Instruction)
the lesson students are struggling with and what they are grasping quickly.
Lesson Resources
The worksheet provided for the lesson are from Alief ISD or math team teacher resources.

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