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2-3, 2005

Postural Muscle Dyscoordination in Children with Cerebral Palsy

Jolanda C. van der Heide and Mijna Hadders-Algra

Department ofNeurology, University of Groningen, the Netherlands

ABSTRACT during reaching. This might imply that both

stereotypies might be regarded as functional
The present paper gives an overview of the strategies to compensate for the dysfunctional
knowledge currently available on muscular capacity to modulate subtly postural activity.
dyscoordination underlying postural problems
in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Such
information is a prerequisite for developing KEYWORDS
successful therapeutic interventions in children
with CP. Until now, three children with CP spastic hemiplegia, motor development, spastic
functioning at GMFCS (Gross Motor Function diplegia, EMG
Classification System) level V have been docu-
mented. The children totally or partially lacked
direction specificity in their postural adjust- INTRODUCTION
ments and could not sit independently for more
than 3 seconds. Some children functioning at Children with cerebral palsy (CP) are often
GMFCS level IV have intact direction-specific hampered by dysfunctional postural control
adjustments, whereas others have problems in (Hadders-Algra et al., 1999b; Brogren et al., 2001;
generating consistently direction-specific adjust- Van der Heide et al., 2004). Postural control is a
ments. Children at GMFCS levels I to III have prerequisite for activities in daily life. In the neural
an intact basic level of control but have control of postural adjustments two functional
difficulties in fine-tuning the degree of postural levels can be distinguished (Forssberg & Hirschfeld,
muscle contraction to the task-specific conditions, 1994). The first level consists of a direction-
a dysfunction more prominently present in specific adjustment when equilibrium of the body
children with bilateral spastic CP than in is endangered. In the case of reaching, this
children with spastic hemiplegia. The problems adjustment means that the muscles on the dorsal
in the adaptation of the degree of muscle side of the body are primarily activated when the
contraction might be the reason that children body sways forward. The second level is involved
with CP, more often than typically developing in the fine-tuning of the direction-specific
children, show an excess of antagonistic co- adjustment based on multisensorial afferent input
activation during difficult balancing tasks and a from somatosensory, visual, and vestibular systems.
preference for cranial-caudal recruitment during This modulation can be achieved in various ways,
for instance, by changing the order in which the
agonist muscles are recruited (e.g., in a caudal-to-
Reprint requests to: Prof. Dr. Mijna Hadders-Algra, Univ. of cranial sequence or in reverse order), by modifying
Groningen Medical Centre, Developmental Neurology,
Hanzeplein 1, 9713 GZ Groningen, the Netherlands. e-mail: the size of the muscle contraction, which is reflected by the EMG-amplitude, or by altering the

(C) 2005 Freund & Pettman, U.K. 197


degree of antagonist activation. ments continues to develop, meaning that children

Children with CP are often treated for their gradually develop the ability to adapt postural
postural problems, but the effects of therapy are activity in a subtle and energy efficient way to
largely unknown and only partly successful or not task-specific circumstances. One way in which the
successful at all (Mayston, 2001. Bower et al., child can adapt his/her posture to the situation is
2001; Cioni, 2002; Washington et al., 2002). by selecting from the repertoire of direction-specific
Developing successful therapeutic interventions in adjustments the so-called en bloc adjustment (i.e.,
children with CP requires a better understanding of the adjustment during which all direction-specific
the underlying mechanisms of postural control in neck and trunk muscles are activated in concert)
children with CP. The present paper aims at giving when the risk of loosing balance is high. This
an overview of the knowledge currently available explains why the en bloc strategy dominates
on the muscular dyscoordination underlying postural control during external perturbations in
postural problems in children with CP. Special sitting until the age of 21/2 to 3 years (Hadders-
attention is paid to postural dysfunction during Algra et al., 1998) and during walking until 7 years
reaching in a sitting position. of age (Assaiante & Amblard 1993; Assaiante,
1998), whereas this strategy is infrequently used
during reaching in a sitting position (Van der
POSTURAL CONTROL IN TYPICALLY Heide et al., 2003; Hadders-Algra, this issue).
DEVELOPING CHILDREN The participation of antagonists--muscles that
antagonize the function of the primarily activated
The majority of studies on postural adjust- muscles--in the postural adjustment mainly occurs
ments in typically developing children have been when postural balance is at stake, for instance
performed using external perturbations, and when children learn a new skill such as standing or
relatively few studies addressed postural control walking independently (Forssberg & Nashner
during self-initiated movements like reaching and 1982. Berger et al., 1984). In general, antagonistic
walking. The studies indicated that postural adjust- postural muscles are rarely recruited during sitting
ments during different tasks and postures, such as tasks. There are two transient exceptions to this
sitting and stance, are direction specific and rule. First, infants aged 8 to 18 months show a
variable. External perturbation experiments in a high rate of neck flexor activation during reaching
sitting position demonstrated that direction-specific --a finding that underscores the need for head
postural muscle activity can already be found at stabilization in space for such individuals during
the age of month (Hedberg et al., 2004). this task (Van der Fits et al., 1999b). Second,
Direction-specific adjustments during reaching children aged 9 months to 2 years frequently
while lying supine or sitting are present from the recruit antagonistic, dorsally located neck, trunk,
age at which reaching ends in successful grasping and leg muscles during perturbations inducing a
(Van der Fits et al., 1999a). backward body sway, a situation which really
Modulation of the EMG-amplitude of the basic challenges balance (Hadders-Algra et al., 1998). In
direction-specific adjustment in sitting emerges standing, antagonistic activation is present at least
soon after the child has developed the skill of until the age of 5 years (Forssberg & Nashner,
sitting independently and is present from 9 to 10 1982). When brought into play, the antagonists
months onwards (Hadders-Algra et al., 1996). usually are not activated synchronously with the
When the child has developed the ability to stand agonistic muscle but rather only after a delay of at
and walk, the capacity to modulate postural adjust- least 40 ms.

During infancy, the telnporal organization of proprioceptive information emerges around 9 to 10

muscle activity within direction-specific adjust- months (Hadders-Algra et al., 1996. Van der Fits
ments is highly variable (Hirschfeld & Forssberg, et al., 1999b). The postural muscle that forms the
1994. Hadders-Algra et al., 1996. Van der Fits et focus of modulation--the postural muscle showing
al., 1999b. Hedberg et al., unpublished; Washington the most marked amplitude modulation--varies
et al., 2004). Nevertheless, during early infancy a with age and task. For instance, in adults who
mild preference for a top-down recruitment order reach while sitting, the neck muscles are the focus
can be observed (Hadders-Algra et al., 1996). In of amplitude modulation. During childhood,
postural adjustments during external perturbations however, none of the postural muscles has the
in sitting, the mild dominance of top-down recruit- primacy for amplitude modulation during reaching
ment changes around the end of the first year into in sitting (Van der Heide et al., 2003). In stance,
a bottom-up recruitment (Hadders-Algra et al., caudally located muscles usually are the focus of
1996. Washington et al., 2004). The latter can be task-dependent modulation (Woollacott et al.,
observed particularly when there is a high risk of 1987. Berger et al., 1995).
loosing balance, i.e., during perturbations in stance
(Shumway-Cook & Woollacott, 1985. Sundermier
et al., 2001). The recruitment order of direction- POSTURAL DYSCOORDINATION IN
specific muscles during reaching while sitting CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY
remains highly variable throughout childhood.
Also here general developmental trends can be In the majority of children with CP, the basic
distinguished: at early sitting age, postural muscles level of postural control is intact. Only children
are most often recruited in a bottom-up fashion, with severe forms of CP--children functioning at
whereas from 5 years onwards a mild preference levels IV or V of the GMFCS (Gross Motor Function
for top-down recruitment emerges (Van der Fits et Classification System. Palisano et al., 1997)--have
al., 1999a. Van der Heide et al., 2003). problems in generating direction-specific
The presence of anticipatory postural activity-- adjustments (Hadders-Algra et al., 1999a. Brogren
defined as postural activity preceding the focal, et al., 2001). Postural abilities in these severely
voluntary movement--is dependent on task, affected children have been tested in a sitting
position, and age. Anticipatory postural activity position only. Until now, three children with CP
during reaching while sitting occurs consistently in functioning at GMFCS level V have been
infants only of 15 to 18 months (Van der Fits et documented (Hadders-Algra et al., 1999a,b. Van
al., 1999b. Van der Heide et al., 2003), but during der Heide et al., 2004). Two totally lacked
most standing and walking, tasks anticipatory direction specificity in their postural adjustments
postural adjustments are consistently present and were unable to sit independently at the age of
beyond the age of 18 months (Forssberg & Nashner, 4 years. The third child had direction-specific
1982. Haas et al., 1989. Assaiante et al., 2000). A activity in neck and trunk muscles but was unable
task during which no consistent anticipatory to generate consistently direction-specific activity
postural adjustments have been found in children in the leg muscles. At the age of 8 years, she could
aged 4 to 14 years was an arm-raising task during sit without help for less than 3 seconds. Data on
stance (Riach & Hayes, 1990). postural adjustments in children with CP
The development of the subtle modulation of functioning at GMFCS level IV are available for
EMG amplitude shows a protracted course. The eight children. Five had difficulties in producing
capacity to modulate EMG amplitude based on consistently direction specific activity at the level

of the neck or leg muscles. The other three activity at all ages. This variability was reflected
children were able to generate consistently direction by the virtual absence of the en bloc pattern from
specific adjustments (Brogren et al., 2001. Van der the age of 2 years onwards. In only some children
Heide et al., 2004). with severe CP, reaching movements were
All children with CP show alterations in the accompanied consistently by slow and weak
second level of postural controlin the recruit-ment modulations of tonic activity of the postural
of antagonistic posmral muscles, in the temporal muscles, whereas a few others with severe CP
organization and EMG-amplitude modu-lation. strongly and consistently activated most postural
Most studies addressing postural control in children muscles during reaching. The abnormalities in the
with CP used the external perturbation paradigm. postural activation patterns of children with severe
These studies showed that children with CP, aged CP corresponded with the muscle tone of their
1V: to 11 years, show differences in recruitment neck and trunk muscles. Children with variable
order, differences in latencies to onset of postural postural muscle activation had a normal tone of
muscle activation, and a higher level of antagonistic neck and trunk muscles, whereas children with
co-activation than typically developing children do consistently weak or consistently strong postural
(Nashner et al., 1983. Brogren et al., 1996. activity had hypotonia and hypertonia of their neck
Woollacott et al., 1998). Children with CP also have and trunk muscles, respectively.
deviances in the modulation of EMG-amplimde to Our studies also demonstrated that children
task-specific circumstances (Brogren et al., 2001). A with CP, who are able to reach, have difficulties
remarkable finding was that this deficit in EMG- mainly at the second level of postural control
amplitude modulation was attenuated when the during reaching in a sitting position. The children
children were allowed to sit in their usual crouched had a temporal organization of the adjustments
sitting position (Brogren et al., 2001). that differed from that of typically developing
In the following section, we will zoom in on children and had dysfunctions in the ability to
our own research on postural control during modulate EMG-amplitude to task-specific circum-
reaching in a sitting position in children with CP. stances. Remarkably, children with CP, just like
typically developing children, show hardly any
Postural adjustments during reaching while antagonistic co-activation in postural muscles
sitting during reaching in a sitting position. Thus, children
with CP do not exhibit an excess of antagonistic
Hadders-Algra et al. (1999b) and Van der co-activation during this postural task, whereas
Heide et al. (2004) focused on the development of they do in conditions in which balance is more
postural adjustments during voluntary reaching in threatened, such as during external perturbations.
children with CP. Postural control during reaching This means that antagonistic co-activation in
was studied longitudinally in 5 infants with spastic children with CP is not a hard-wired deficit but
hemiplegia (SH) and in 2 infants with severe rather can be regarded as a functional adaptation
bilateral CP (Bi-CP) between the ages of 4 and 18 to, for instance, tasks with a high degree of
months (Hadders-Algra et al., 1999b) and cross- balancing difficulty.
sectionally in 34 children with SH and 24 children In contrast to typically developing children,
with Bi-CP, aged 2 to 11 years (Van der Heide et children with CP showed a strong preference for a
al., 2004). cranial-caudal recruitment order of the direction-
The results of the studies indicated that most specific postural muscles (Fig. 1). The dominance
children with CP showed variable postural muscle for top-down recruitment was brought about by a

15 13 12 11
10 7
44 4

cranial-caudal variable

caudal-cranial 1 1 muscle active

Fig. 1: Recruitment order of direction specific muscles in typically developing children and children with mild,
moderate, or severe forms of CP. The severity of the motor disorder was determined during a neurological
examination. Prevailing recruitment order was determined based on the mean latencies after prime mover onset
per child. Crania-caudal recruitment: trunk muscle recruited > 100 ms later than neck muscle, caudal-cranial
recruitment: neck muscle recruited > 100 ms later than trunk muscle, variable recruitment order: neck and trunk
muscles recruited with a mean delay of < 100 ms. muscle active: either neck extensor or trunk extensor was
activated in isolation precluding the calculation of a recruitment order.

slow recruitment of the trunk muscles and a fast finding that this strategy was more often seen in
recruitment of the neck muscles. The latter was children with mild or moderate CP than in children
true in particular for children with a mild or with severe CP. The top-down organization of the
moderate form of CP. We wondered whether the postural adjustments might be a reflection that
prominent preference for top-down recruitment head stabilization in space is a major goal of
could be regarded as a dysfunction or as a postural control (cf Pozzo et al., 1990).
functional strategy to cope with task-specific The difficulties in EMGoamplitude modulation
circumstances (cf Latash & Anson, 1996). of the children with CP consisted of problems in
Arguments in favor of both explanations are adapting the EMG amplitude according to task-
present. Arguments for the assumption that the specific circumstances, such as arm movement
dominance of top-down recruitment can be velocity, initial head, trunk and pelvis position,
regarded as a sign of dysfunction are the findings and the presence of a heavy bracelet. These
that the preference for cranio-caudal muscle deficits were more profound in children with Bio
activation was related to a worse mobility score on CP than in children with SH. An inability to
the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory modulate EMG amplitude was associated with a
(PEDI. Custers et al., 2002), and to the presence of significantly worse quality of reaching movements
a severe brain lesion on the neonatal ultrasound (Van der Heide et al., under review) and.
scan in the children with SH. The argument that particularly in children with Bi-CPto somewhat
the prominent presence of top-down recruitment worse scores on the PEDI, i.e., the capacity to
can be regarded as a functional strategy is the perform activities of daily life.

CONCLUDING REMARKS the gratama stichting/groninger universiteits fonds

and the algemeen welzijnsfonds voor geestelijk en
Conceivably, in children functioning at GMFCS lichamelijk gehandicapten.
level V, the basic level of postural control is
lacking totally or partially, meaning that the
management of these children should focus on the REFERENCES
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