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Children and Transitions

Transitions mean changes or movements from one position or stage to another in a child's or
young person's life. Transitions can be gradual or sudden, can affect different aspects of the
pupil’s life and may last for various lengths of time. All children experience changes in their
life at certain points, but it depends on their personality, the nature of transition and the
support they receive from family and school, how they react to these turning points.

Three Categories of Transitions for Children

1. Physical Transitions
 Going to school for the first time
 Changing class/ school
 Changing new teachers/ friends/ environments
 Changing activities
 Moving Homes

2. Social Transitions
 Puberty
 Experiencing changes in their body. thoughts and emotions
 Death or illness of a family member or relative
 The Parents’ Divorce

3. Intellectual Transitions
 Finishing school
 Facing new challenges and goals

Certain transitions can cause fear and terror in a child’s life and if a teacher does not
recognize early signs of these problems they can have a long lasting negative effect on
the pupil’s development. It can be physical, emotional or sexual abuse by a family
member or somebody else, as well as bullying in school or outside the premises that
cause a break in a child’s or young person’s development. In any case, if a transition
means for the child the loss of safety, outside help is needed urgently
Reactions lead to a negative influence on the child’s physical, emotional
and cognitive development
 Becoming quite
 Starting to produce anger or aggression against the environment
 Daydreaming during the class
 Forgetting to do homework
 Expressing their problems by unusual conversations and remarks
 Strange drawings and actions that are not typical of them
 Having nightmares
 Sleeping problems
 Loss of appetite
 Showing moody behavior

When experiencing changes is their lives, children need the support of the adults
surrounding them to be able to deal with the situation. Therefore it is essential to
maintain positive relationships with children affected by transitions, even if they are
being introverted, hostile or aggressive as a reaction to the changes.
 listen to them if they want to tell us about their feelings and answer their
 guide them in dealing with the situation
 be open and sensitive to their needs
 pay attention to them
 make sure they do not feel neglected
 do not force them to participate if it is not absolutely necessary
 cooperate with parents
 encourage the kids
 show your love and kindness
 let the kids know ahead of transitions

Webbing Lesson Plan

The purpose of webbing is to brainstorm ideas for your lesson plans.
- Title
- Aims
- Process
- Benefits

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