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Bachelor of Sports Science




Thesis Adviser:
Maria Luisa M. Guinto, Ph.D., R.Psy.
College of Human Kinetics
University of the Philippines Diliman

Thesis Reader:
Mona Liza A. Maghanoy, M.A.
College of Human Kinetics
University of the Philippines Diliman

Date of Submission
December 2019

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21 DECEMBER 2019


                   This thesis entitled “MOTIVATION FOR SPORT PARTICIPATION OF

fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Sports Science is hereby
recommended for approval and acceptance.

_____________________________                  ________________________________
                       Date                              Maria Luisa M. Guinto, Ph.D., R.Psy.


                    Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Sports Science by the Department of Sports Science.

_____________________________                 __________________________________
                        Date                                        MARLA FRANCES T. MALLARI, Ph.D.
                                                                                Chair, Department of Sports Science

                     Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Sports Science by the Dean of the College of Human Kinetics, University of
the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City

_____________________________                        _______________________________
                        Date                                                FRANCIS CARLOS B. DIAZ, MSPE


Differently-abled individuals have been negatively perceived by society as

inferior human beings. However, there has been an increasing interest over differently-

abled athletes who have discovered sports as their platform of integration into society.

This qualitative study aims to examine the motivation of differently-abled elite Filipino

athletes for engaging in sport, and the facilitators and barriers to their sport participation.

One focus group discussion (FGD) was conducted among four differently-abled elite

male Filipino swimmers, who were recruited through convenience and snowball

sampling. All participants competed at the Paralympics or Para Asean Games. Thematic

analysis was used to generate themes grounded in self-determination theory. Results

showed five overarching themes that explained the motivation, facilitators and barriers

experienced by the athletes: (1) athletes’ physical and mental motivations (2) crucial role

of social network (3) opportunities leading to sport involvement (4) change in outlook of

life and (5) negotiating barriers. These themes indicated that, although athletes were

motivated by both internal and external factors, they gave greater emphasis to their

intrinsic motivation to engage in sports. Results also showed that internal satisfaction,

empowerment, external rewards, social support, recruitment and being with fellow

differently-abled athletes facilitated their sport participation; while discrimination, poor

time management, lack of financial support, and limited sporting facilities served as

barriers to their sport participation.


Name: Marianne Louise V. Ruiz

Place of Birth: Bacolod City

Date of Birth: July 21, 1998

Educational Attainment: Elementary Education

St. Scholastica’s Academy-Bacolod
Bacolod City

High School Education

St. Scholastica’s Academy-Bacolod
Bacolod City

College Education
Bachelor of Sport Science
College of Human Kinetics
University of the Philippines-Diliman
Quezon City

Affiliations: UP Women’s Football Team



I dedicate this to all differently-abled athletes for making the impossible possible.

To my mother who was always guiding me up there, I made it at last!

To my father who gave me full support and motivation to keep on going, this one is for


To the Mendoza family who took me as part of their family, I hope I made you all proud.

To my ates in my life, Adia, Mal and Tin, without your guidance this will not be possible.

To my best friend, Cass, finally after all we have been through, we made it!

Last but not the least, to the Lord Almighty, with your neverending love and guidance,

everything is possible!


This would not be possible without the help of certain people who motivated,

believed, and supported me in the accomplishment of this research.

To Dr. Maria Luisa Guinto, thank you for allotting time to help us with our thesis

despite of your hectic schedule. We have learned so much from you since day one of this

requirement. Thank you for being patient with us and for helping us throughout the

process. Without your knowledge and support, this would not have been completed. You

deserve all the blessings in life. Thank you for being the best thesis adviser!

To Asstant Professors Mona Maghanoy and Revin Santos, and Dean Francis

Diaz, thank you for sharing your time and expertise to help me accomplish this

requirement. Your valued inputs and the passion for teaching truly guided me throughout

this thesis.

To Aira,Telli and Red, thank you for your utmost cooperation and contributions

for the completion of this thesis.

To Coach Anto, thank you for being the best coach! I would not be here if it

weren’t for you. Thank you for building my character and providing me all the life

lessons to prepare me for the real world. Your passion for football will always inspire me

to keep on reaching my dreams. You deserve all the good things in life!

To UP Women’s Football Team, thank you for being my second family and for

giving your unwavering support all throughout my college life. You’ll always have a

special place in my heart.

To Adia and Mal, your guidance helped me finished this requirement. I would not

have survived this roller coaster life without the both of you. You will always be my Ates

in my life! I love you both.

To the Mendoza family, thank you for providing me a home and a family.

Without your support and care, I would not make it through. These words are not enough

to say how grateful I am to have you in my life but thank you for everything!

To my “Elyupak” group, thank you for all the adventures; I love you guys from

the bottom of my heart.

To my best friend, Cass, this will not be possible without your neverending

support. College would not be the same if you weren’t here. Thank you for all the time

and effort to help me throughout the process. Here’s to all our ups and downs! We made

it! Get that sablay!

To all the differently-abled athletes who participated in this study, thank you for

your experiences! You are an inspiration to all!



FILIPINO MALE SWIMMERS..........................................................................................1

CHAPTER I.........................................................................................................................1


Background of the Study..............................................................................................1

Statement of the Problem.............................................................................................2

Objectives of the Study................................................................................................2

Significance of the Study.............................................................................................3

Scope and Limitations of the Study.............................................................................4

Definition of Terms......................................................................................................4

CHAPTER II.......................................................................................................................6

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE...........................................................................6


Views on Physical Disability.......................................................................................6

Participation of Differently-Abled in Sports................................................................7

Facilitators of Differently Abled Athletes to Sport Participation.................................8

Motivation (Self-Determination Theory)...................................................................10

Intrinsic Motivation (Self-determination Theory)......................................................10

Extrinsic Motivation (Self-determination Theory).....................................................11

Motivation of Differently-Abled Athletes..................................................................12

Barriers of Differently-Abled Athletes.......................................................................13

Cultural Attitudes towards Differently-Abled Athletes in Developed and Developing


Differently-Abled Filipino Athletes...........................................................................15

CHAPTER III....................................................................................................................17


Research Design.........................................................................................................17


Research Instrument...................................................................................................18

Data Gathering Procedures.........................................................................................19

Analysis of Data.........................................................................................................19

CHAPTER IV....................................................................................................................21

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION........................................................................................21

Motivation of Differently-abled Elite Filipino Male Swimmers................................22

Table 1. Motivation of Differently-abled Elite Filipino Male Swimmers.................23

Facilitators of Sport Participation of Differently-abled Elite Filipino Male


Table 2. Facilitators of Differently-abled Elite Filipino Male Swimmers.................27

Barrier to Sport Participation of Differently-abled Elite Filipino Male Swimmers. .31

Table 3. Barriers of Differently-abled Elite Filipino Male Swimmers......................32



CHAPTER V.....................................................................................................................39


Summary of Findings.................................................................................................39





Table 5. Overarching Themes, Main Theme and Subthemes with Corresponding

Quotes from the FGD transcription............................................................................50

INFORMATION SHEET..................................................................................................61

CONSENT FORM.............................................................................................................63

TRANSCRIPTION OF FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSION.................................................64



Background of the Study

Disability has been negatively perceived by people as the incapability to do

normal things that an able-bodied can do. As such, stigmatization, marginalization, and

social inequality have resulted from such a perspective. This normalization of ability to

do specific tasks has positioned individuals with physical disabilities as inferior (Howe &

Silva, 2017). However, the attitude of society towards differently-abled individuals has

drastically changed when they got involved in the world of sports, particularly with the

creation of Paralympics as a special event that qualified athletes with varied forms of

disabilities to compete at an elite level. Sports paved a way for differently-abled athletes

to showcase their talents from grassroots to elite levels of performance. Sports and

adapted physical activity played a key role in providing opportunities for differently-

abled athletes, who joined sports for a variety of reasons, to excel. Additionally, athletes

have been found to engage in sports to adjust to their disability (Kirkby, 1995), to

advocate themselves (Martin, 1996), to combat marginalization (Wheeler et al., 1996), to

facilitate physical competence and enhance bodily appearance (Taub et al., 1999), and to

promote the disability sport movement (Asken, 1991). However, despite the growing

recognition of differently-abled athletes and the legitimate place of adapted sports in the

intenational arena, most differently-abled athletes are still treated as inferior members of

society (Petrola, 2016). They continue to experience a lot of challenges that could be

physical or psychological. These challenges , such as negative attitudes toward people

with disabilities, inadequate coaching, limited equipment and facilities, lack of

transportation, ethnic favoritism, and financial constraints (Crawford & Stodolska, 2008)

could hinder optimal sport participation of differently-abled athletes.

The purpose of this study is to identify what motivates differently-abled athletes

to participate at an elite level, and to examine the facilitators and barriers that affect their

sport engagement. Results from this study could offer insight on how and why these

athletes are successful in their respective sports, thus providing recommendations on how

sport leaders might encourage greater sport participation and enhance elite performance

among differently-abled individuals.

Statement of the Problem

Most existing studies on investigating motivation and experiences of differently-

abled elite athletes has been on the context of developed countries. This research aims to

address the gaps between developed and developing countries by examining the

motivation and current experiences of differently-abled elite athletes from the theoretical

framework of self-determination theory, particularly among Fiipino differently-abled

elite swimners.

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study is to examine the motivation, facilitators, and barriers

of Filipino elite differently-abled athletes. The following are the specific objectives of the


1. To examine the motivation of differently-abled elite Filipino athletes to

succeed in sport

2. To investigate the factors that facilitate sport participation among

differently-abled elite Filipino athletes

3. To identify the barriers to sport participation for differently-abled elite

Filipino athletes.

Significance of the Study

Participation in sports has shown numerous physical and psychological positive

effects for differently-abled athletes. Various studies showed positive effects such as

physical competence, increased in self-esteem, self-discovery etc. Unfortunately,

differently-abled athletes in some developing countries have less sporting opportunities.

Hence, this study offers insights on the experiences of differently abled elite athletes in a

developing country. The results of this study could inform programs designed to

encourage other differently abled individuals to participate in recreational or competitive

sports. This may help the coaches of differently-abled athletes to better understand the

needs of their athletes and eventually lead them to successful sporting careers. The social

network of these athletes such as their families, significant others, teammates and friends

could benefit from the results of the study so that they may better understand and support

them. This may also help other researchers to examine and identify the type of motivation

that would aid these athletes. With the negative stigma on disability, the results of the

study may also benefit sport organizations to have a better awareness of the barriers faced

by differently-abled athletes, seek solutions that address this challenge, and promote sport

participation among the differently-abled. Lastly, this may help increase the awareness on

the current situation of differently-abled athletes in the Philippines in order to promote

sport participation in the country.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study is focused solely on the motivation of differently-abled elite Filipino

athletes, particularly on male swimmers. Facilitators and barriers influencing their sport

participation were included in this study. Factors could include physical, social and

psychological aspects for both facilitators and barriers of differently-abled elite Filipino

athletes. The participants were expected to have different backgrounds and experiences in

respect to their impairments through birth or by traumatic accidents. Differences of

motivation of differently-abled and with intellectual disability were not included in the

present study.

A major limitation of this study was the diverse training schedules of the

differently-abled elite Filipino male swimmers, making it difficult to identify a common

schedule for the athletes to participate in the FGD. While the initial intent was to conduct

at least two FGDs, only one FGD was formed in consideration of the availability of the


Definition of Terms

Adapted Physical Activity - Adapted physical activity (APA) is a professional

branch of kinesiology / physical education / sport & human movement sciences, which is

directed toward persons who require adaptation for participation in the context of

physical activity (Sherrill & Hutzler, 2008).

Barrier- is something that restricts, impedes, or blocks progress or the

achievement of an ultimate objective or end (Barrier, n.d.)

Differently-abled - is a person who has impairment that produces functional

limitations, restrictions in activities or has social handicap (Chhabra, 2016).

Facilitator - an agent (person or thing) who helps to bring about an outcome (such

as learning, productivity, or communication) by providing indirect or unobtrusive

assistance, guidance, or supervision (Facilitator, 2019).

Paralympic Games - is a division of sport specifically for the disabled person. It is

an international competition with its own set of rules and regulations which has been

agreed by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) (Omar-Fauzee et al., 2010).

Physical Disability – state of an individual with a permanent disabling condition

which could include amputation of a limb; cerebral palsy; congenital anomaly; multiple

sclerosis; muscular dystrophy; polio-related mobility problem; orthopedic impairment

involving the use of crutches, wheelchair, or prosthesis; spina bifida; or spinal cord

injury. The individual's health or disability does not limit the ability to function in

physical activity, that is, the individual is not bedridden or completely dependent on

another individual for their total care (Rauzon, 2013).




Studies on views on physical disability were presented first in order to understand

on how society perceives the differently abled throughout the years. Second, studies

about the participation of differently-abled in sports were featured. Third, research on

facilitators and barriers to sport participation of differently-abled athletes were provided.

Fourth, the theoretical framework of the current study, self-determination theory, was

explained and studies on motivation of differently-abled athletes were provided in order

to support the theoretical framework. Fifth, studies about cultural attitudes on differently-

abled athletes in developed and developing countries were presented in order to provide

understanding on the differences. Lastly, researches on differently-abled elite Filipino

athletes were presented in order to understand the current situation of the participants in

this study.

Views on Physical Disability

To be able to understand the experiences of the differently-abled, it is important to

know how society has perceived disability throughout the years. Since the 1950s, the

Medical Model of Disability was used by researchers to explain disability (Crawford &

Stodolska, 2008). This model emphasized that an impairment of one kind or another was

the main reason why the differently-abled were disadvantaged and only people in the

medical profession could alleviate their disability (Crawford & Stodolska, 2008; French

& Hainsworth, 2001). Differently-abled individuals were considered weak, needy,

dependent and insignificant due to the negative stigma brought by the medical model of

disability (Sullivan, 2011). Along the way there was a shift from medical model to social

model of disability. Social model of disability according to Crawford & Stodolska (2008)

was that fear, ignorance, prejudice and discriminatory practices of the society make these

people disabled. This is supported by Barnes (2012) that this model focuses on the social

conditions that structure disability as a form of oppression comparable and intertwined

with that of other social categories. This model drew attention to the economic and social

inequalities of differently-abled and promotes them as valued members of the society

(Sullivan, 2011). Despite the realization of the society accepting differently-abled as

significant members of the society, they are underrepresented and misrepresented (Howe,

2008; Marques et al., 2015). The power of the medical profession to define the discourse

for disability, the legitimation of this discourse by other groups and institutions within

society, economic arguments, fear of difference and lack of understanding and the use of

societal “norms”, combined with a marginalization by members of society of any person

or group that does not conform to those “norms” (Brittain, 2002)

Participation of Differently-Abled in Sports

Involvement in sports paved the way for the differently-abled to be integrated into

society. Sports are challenging activities, which enhanced the quality of life of a

differently-abled through enriched social experiences (Carin-Levy & Jones, 2006). For

the differently-abled, sports serves as a space of resistance against the stigma and

benevolence that is directed toward them, which has a potential of change at a societal

level (Ashton-Shaeffer, Gibson, Autry, & Hanson, 2001). Sports have positive physical

and psychological outcomes on differently-abled athletes. Physical outcomes such as

improved health and outlook help maintain physical independence and sense of capability

(Stillson, 2006; Crawford & Stodolska, 2008). Sports helped differently-abled athletes to

have positive outcomes such as increased self-esteem, regain identity, being competent,

setting goals and sense of accomplishment (Crawford & Stodolska, 2008). This became

the platform for their sense of empowerment (Stillson, 2006) and self-discovery in the

society (Niedbalski, 2015). The turning point for differently-abled athletes is when the

Paralympics had been introduced in Toronto, Canada in 1976, which added to the

betterment of the disabled individuals (Omar-Fauzee, 2010). Paralympics became a

catalyst for an enhanced social and cultural understanding in the society. It became the

outlet for differently-abled athletes on influencing the adherence of others into disability

sports, the professionalization of athletes and empowerment of differently-abled athletes

(Marques et al., 2015). This became a powerful motivation for them to overcome their

illnesses and achieve integration into society (Briskin, 2006).

Facilitators of Differently Abled Athletes to Sport Participation

Involvement in sports is influenced by facilitators such as the inner satisfaction

and external rewards in order to excel. (Omar-Fauzee, 2010). Achieving personal goals,

learning a new skill, resiliency and competing with others increases participation in

sports (Kampfe et al., 2014; Omar-Fauzee, Yusof & Zizzi, 2009). Social components of

sport via making friends and connection were also found to be facilitators to sport

participation (Wu & Williams, 2001). It has been demonstrated that the presence of

significant others in a sporting environment provides important social support for athletes

regardless of whether they have a disability (Anderson, Wozencroft, & Bedini, 2008;

Kämpfe et al., 2014; Vallerand & Losier, 1999). Another important factor to sport

involvement is the coaches’ recruitment which help the differently-abled gain awareness

of recreational opportunities (McLoughlin et al., 2017). Individuals who participate in

adapted sport also identify extrinsic factors as an important variable to consider when

explaining their participation in their respective sport. With this said, extrinsic factors

requires good planning on the extrinsic factors which could help the differently-abled

athletes especially who are in the developing countries (Perrault, 2007). The extrinsic

factors such as good rewards, good facilities and ample financial helped the differently-

abled athletes in developing countries to continue to participate in sports (Omar-Fauzee,

2010). Developed countries view material incentives such as career opportunities,

traveling and earning money proved, at best, to be only a minimal incentive (Kampfe et

al., 2014). According to Hutzler (2003) and Mcloughlin et al. (2017) conflicts can be an

important trigger of an empowerment process for these athletes and negotiating these

barriers could lead to a successful involvement in elite competition sports.

These perceived facilitators mentioned above contributed to the reasons why

differently-abled athletes are driven to play their respective sports. This driven force is

called motivation. According to Deci and Ryan (2000) that an individual could be

classified into three types of motivation depending on how they are regulated by different

external and internal sources which affect their success to their sporting careers.

Motivation (Self-Determination Theory)

The existence of motivation is pertinent in sport, because it improves one’s

performance (Jarvis,2006). According to Deci-Ryan (2000) motivation could be divided

into three main forms in the self-determination theory and these are intrinsic motivation,

extrinsic motivation and amotivation. Intrinsic motivation is the autonomous enjoyment

in engaging in a certain activity (Deci-Ryan, 2000). Extrinsic motivation is engaging in

an activity to appease others for an external reward and can be drawn from external

resources such as money and winning (Deci-Ryan, 2000). Lastly, Amotivation is the loss

of interest in engaging in an activity, (Deci-Ryan, 2000). Differently-abled could be

motivated with intrinsic and extrinsic factors to excel in their sports.

Intrinsic Motivation (Self-determination Theory)

There are three aspects of intrinsic motivation in Deci and Ryan’s (2000) self-

determination continuum and these are intrinsic motivation “to know”, “to experience

stimulation” and “to accomplish”. Intrinsic motivation “to know” is about engaging in an

activity to learn new skills and knowledge (Pelletier et al., 1995) such as realizing what

they were physically capable of performing and increased perceived competence to learn

new skill (Mcloughlin et al., 2017). Intrinsic motivation “to accomplish” is the desire to

accomplish goals (Pelletier et al., 1995). It is the feeling of satisfaction when reaching

their goals and their ability to overcome the challenges of their disability when working

with others. (Mcloughlin et al., 2017). Lastly, Intrinsic motivation “to experience

stimulation” is about performing an activity with fun and excitement (Pelletier et al.,

1995). These three aspects attribute being a self-determined individual, but an individual

doesn’t need to have all aspects of intrinsic motivation to be able to say he/she is

intrinsically motivated.

Extrinsic Motivation (Self-determination Theory)

According to Deci & Ryan (2000) extrinsic motivation were classified into four

types under the self-determination theory and these are external regulation, introjected

regulation, identified regulation and integrated regulation. First type is the external

regulation which is regulated by compliance, conformity, and external rewards and

punishments (Deci & Ryan, 2000). Second type is the introjected regulation which is

regulated by self-control, efforts to protect the ego, and internal rewards and punishments

(Deci & Ryan, 2000). Third is the identified regulation which is regulated on conscious

values and that which is personally important to the individual (Deci & Ryan, 2000).

Lastly is the integrated regulation which a person is beginning to be motivated by

intrinsic sources and the desire to be self-aware and act in congruence with his or her

core values and sense of self (Deci & Ryan, 2000).

Motivation of Differently-Abled Athletes

Motivation as a construct represents the unobservable force within individuals

that drives an individual to act (Swanson et al., 2008). Scientific understanding of the

sources of motivation for differently-abled athletes has evolved from simple stress relief

to more sophisticated factors incorporating social support variables (Duda, 1989, 1993).

Differently-abled athletes were faced with social inequalities resulting into negative

perceptions of the society as dependent and unable to take care of themselves. With these

perceptions, differently-abled athletes may be particularly driven to enhance their self-

esteem and demonstrate autonomy by engaging in physical activity (Swanson et al.,

2008). The desire for self-improvement has been shown to motivate differently-abled

athletes. Some forms of self-improvement were the desire to advance their skills, learn

more about the sport, and obtain personal growth (Milne, Sutton, & McDonald, 1996).

Overcoming barriers to sport participation could help the motivation of these athletes to

participate at an elite level McLoughlin et al., 2017) because barriers were found to be an

important trigger to the empowerment of differently abled athletes. Motivation to learn

and expand one’s abilities has been found to be particularly important to differently-abled

athletes, as participation in sport can help redefine capabilities (Goodwin et al., 2004).

Enjoying what they do is one of the internal sources that drives differently-abled to stay

in their respective sports (McLoughlin et al., 2017). Another factor of motivation and

success of athletes according to Mohd Salleh (2005) is being able to control their way of

thinking. According to Kampfe et al. (2014) Intrinsic motivation was found to be

essential to differently-abled athletes while extrinsic motivation was given less

importance like having career opportunities and earning money in developed countries.

Intrinsic motivation was often invoked to explain the participation of differently-

abled athletes, but extrinsic motivation were also important variables to sport

participation. The external reasons of differently-abled athletes to be motivated were

career opportunities, financial rewards and being part of the social network. These

external factors were a motivation differently-abled athletes coming from less fortunate

families, in terms of economy, because it will ease their financial burden (Omar-Fauzee

et al., 2010). Participating in sport is a platform to be integrated as valued member of the

society. For this reason, the social component is considered as an important factor to

motivation. Differently-abled athletes may experience increased motivation and self-

efficacy through a sense of belonging with fellow athletes (cf., Hutzter & Bar-Eli, 1993).

Some may be motivated to compete in athletics as a way of socializing with others,

expanding their social contacts and achieving greater social acceptance (Swanson et al.,

2008; Blinde & McClung, 1997; Hutzler, 1990; Manns & Chadd, 1999. Another factor is

family support, because parents and families are the closest force of their children’s

involvement in sport and the main factor in increasing ones’ motivation and mould ones’

success in the future (Omar-Fauzee et al., 2010).

Barriers of Differently-Abled Athletes

The barriers to sporting excellence for differently-abled athletes form a complex

interaction between a wide variety of physical and psychological factors including

attitudes, media coverage, sports science support, finance, some of which may be partly

under the control of the athlete and some which are completely out of their contro1

(Brittain, 2002). Barriers were mostly influenced by negative perceptions of society

towards differently-abled athletes. Physical and social barriers were prevalent due to the

social inequalities. Social barriers focused on issues related to negative attitudes towards

the differently-abled. These negative perceptions degraded their self-esteem and self-

concept (Crawford & Stodolska., 2008). This is supported by Hargreaves (2000) that

most people bombarded differently-abled with images of 'physical perfection' that most

of the general public could not live up to and they suffer from low self-esteem According

to Rauzon (2002) lack of social support from both family and friends and confidence in

their abilities is crucial to their decision to be involved in sports. Coaches have a decisive

role for the development of their players, so coach-athlete relationship is crucial for every

athlete. Issues on the coaches such as having low competence and ignorance on their

players (Hutzler & Bergman, 2011), inconsistent coaching, hidden agenda and lack of

funding could be one of the factors to stop playing.

Negative perceptions of the society to disability became the root cause of the

physical constraints especially in supporting differently-abled athletes with their needs.

(Crawford & Stodolska, 2008). Physical factors were found to be main barriers to sport

participation of differently-abled athletes. These barriers are involved in coaching,

equipment, facilities, transportation, ethnic favoritism, and lack of financial resources

(Crawford & Stodolska., 2008). This is supported by Bragaru et al. (2013) that

inadequate facilities, problematic transportation, trivialization from others, poor health

and lack of motivation or the lack of a sports partner could affect the athletes’

participation in sports. Physical barriers such as difficulties in accessing facilities or time

spent travelling to the nearest accessible and appropriate facilities can all drain precious

amounts of physical and psychological energy that might make all the difference between

winning or not on the big day (Brittain, 2002).

Cultural Attitudes towards Differently-Abled Athletes in Developed and Developing


Developed and developing countries have a big gap in the development of sports

that it has become so wide the latter have lost any hope of closing it (Andreff, 2001).

These gaps were more on the external factors such as shortage of physical education, lack

of financing for sport, high rates of unemployment, lack of equipment and facilities

(Andreff, 2001). These gaps resulted to a big difference in the Paralympics due to

underdeveloped system of developing countries. Success at international sporting events

can be a vehicle for encouraging a sense of national identity, pride and recognition and

many developing countries do in fact try to find their identity through sport just as

developed countries have done in the past (Chappell, 1999). The experience of sport for

differently abled in developing countries is further compounded by religious and cultural

beliefs and attitudes towards disability (Hart, 2001) and it resulted in economic, social

and cultural barriers. Governments in developing countries gives little attention to the

sporting priorities for their populations (Lauff, 2007). The benefits of sport for

differently-abled has been well documented, however, sport is often given little attention

in developing countries (Lauff, 2007).

Differently-Abled Filipino Athletes

The Philippines is considered as a developing country and it faces a lot of crisis

such as poverty, underdevelopment and hunger. With this, the government gives more

attention to economic crisis than the progress of sports (Andreff, 2001). It is an

undeniable fact in the country that despite the implementation of RA 7277 (An Act

Providing For The Rehabilitation, Self-Development And Self-Reliance Of Disabled

Person And Their Integration Into The Mainstream Of Society And For Other Purposes)

and UNCRPD (United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities) in

the Philippines, many PWDs have still experienced forms of disrespect from other abled

sectors in the country (Petrola, 2016). Differently-abled athletes were not given equal

recognition and amount of incentive compared to abled athletes (Petrola, 2016). 50

percent less in the amount of incentive means that the Filipino Para games athletes were

not given equal importance by the politician and sport leaders in the Philippines or so to

say, the differently abled athletes are treated 50% less as an athlete than the regular-abled

athletes (Petrola, 2016). In 2015 census, the differently-abled athletes have felt

disappointed with the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) for not including in the

population census (Petrola, 2016). These discriminations brought by the government

sectors are boiled down on how Filipinos see the differently-abled such as sinners and

individuals who deserved to be punished (Hart, 2001).



Research Design

A qualitative research design was used for this study to examine in-depth the

motivations of differently-abled athletes in sport participation and the facilitatiors and

barriers they experience in their chosen sport. A Focus Group Discussion was used as the

procedure for data collection. This approach consists of a small group with six to nine

members maximum who are brought by an experienced moderator to explore

perceptions, feelings, attitudes and ideas about a topic (Denscombe, 2007, p. 115). A

focus group discussion provides a rich and detailed set of data about the experiences of

people in their own words (Stewart & Shamdasani, 1990, p. 140). This helped the

researcher obtain a detailed response about the concepts, which are the motivation,

facilitators and barriers to sport participation of differently-abled elite Filipino athletes.


Originally, the total number of participants of this study was five differently-abled

Filipino male swimmers, but it was decreased to four because one of the athletes has an

intellectual disability that was not included in the scope of the present study. All four

participants have the eligible impairment set by the International Paralympic Committee

namely: impaired muscle power, impaired passive range of movement, limb deficiency,

leg length difference, short stature, hypertonia, ataxia, athetosis and visual impairment.

The participants were obtained through convenience and snowball sampling. Athletes

were contacted through their coach by personal meetups and social media messages.

Participants who were included in this study are active in the official Paralympic team of

the Philippines and played in the past ASEAN Para Games.

Research Instrument

A Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was used to collect data for this study. An

experienced moderator facilitated the discussion. The FGD used a semi-structured

interview, which is characterized by open-ended questions and doesn’t follow a list of

pre-determined questions. The FGD was used as a self-contained method, which became

the primary source of data collection to explore the participants’ viewpoints. This

approach was used due to its suitability to examine sensitive issues and to get information

from very sensitive population e.g. differently-abled athletes (Dilshad & Latif, 2013).

The use of focus groups can be collected with reasonable speed since it only requires

moderate time commitment from both participants and moderator (Gorman & Clayton,

2005). Utilizing this kind of approach gives the researcher an advantage for an immediate

feedback or clarification on one’s viewpoint with the contributions of other group

members (Gorman & Clayton, 2005). These advantages of the FGD gave the researcher

the freedom to explore the participants’ responses in a deeper perspective without the

constraints of a rigid interview protocol. This means considering not only what is said but

also other forms of non-verbal communication such as facial expressions or gestures and

being able to explore the unanticipated aspects of the problem under study (Gorman &

Clayton, 2005). The FGD focused on the motivation, facilitators and barriers experienced

by differently-abled elite Filipino swimmers.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researcher contacted the coach of the Para Swimming Team through a

personal text message to ask permission to include his players in the present study. The

coach contacted his players and planned the FGD schedule. The FGD took place in the

Philippine Sports Commission Fencing Hall. The FGD started by signing of the informed

consent forms that included their permission to have their discussion audio recorded.

After signing the consent forms, the participants were given a brief introduction of the

focus group discussion and the objectives of the present study. The facilitator started the

discussion by inviting each participant to introduce himself to the rest of the

participatants. This was followed by the sharing of a short background on how they got

into sports. Throughout the FGD, the facilitator focused on their motivations for engaging

in sport, factors that facilitated their sport participation, and the different barriers or

challenges they experienced as differently-abled elite Filipino athletes. While the

facilitator and the participants were sharing their insights, the researcher noted the

responses that will be essential for the study and observed similarities and differences of

the different responses. The FGD lasted for an hour and a half. A smartphone was used to

record the FGD. To protect the identity of the participants, pseudo names were used to

replace their real names in the report.

Analysis of Data

Braun and Clarke’s (2006) thematic analysis was used to analyze the qualitative

data. The thematic analysis involves the searching across a data set-be that a number of

interviews or focus groups, or a range of texts-to find repeated patterns of meaning

(Braun & Clarke, 2006). Data obtained from the recorded FGD was transcribed. The

researcher and another analyst, who graduated with a Bachelor in Science in Psychology

from the same university as the researcher, did the thematic analysis on the transcribed

FGD data. The thematic analysis was conducted through manual open and axial coding.

Open coding involved reviewing the data, comparing the responses of each participant,

getting the similarities and differences of each response, labelling concepts and

organizing concepts while axial coding focused on connecting and linking concepts into a

broader theme. Inductive analyses on the similar codes were placed into overarching

first-order themes and under that are the second-order themes. Common themes were

examined deductively in relation to the framework of the self-determination theory.



The purpose of this study was to examine the current experiences of differently-

abled elite Filipino athletes, specifically their motivation for sport participation and the

facilitators and barriers to their sport participation. Five overarching themes were

generated from the FGD transcribed data (1) Athletes’ physical and mental motivations

(2) Crucial role of social network (3) Opportunities leading to sport involvement (4)

Change in outlook of life (5) Negotiating barriers through thorough analysis.

Using the self-determination theory by Deci & Ryan (2000) as a framework

helped us understand the complex phenomenon of differently-abled elite Filipino male

swimmers’ motivation and behavior toward sport involvement. In addition to this,

facilitators and barriers were not stated directly in this theory, but they are important

factors that affect the driven behaviour of an individual and vice versa. Intrinsic and

extrinsic motivations were the sole focus of this study due to their connection to athletic

performance and the differently-abled athletes’ status (elite level). These two types of

motivation were controlled by internal and external factors. Internal factors such as

showing passion for the sport, seeking self-improvement, increased self-esteem, having

sense of empowerment and overcoming different barriers influenced the intrinsic

motivation while external factors such as the support of the social network, getting

incentives, winning a competition and career opportunities influenced the extrinsic

motivation of the differently-abled athletes. Perceived facilitators such as inner

satisfaction (intrinsic motivation), external rewards and social network and the barriers

experienced by the athletes were a deciding factor to sport involvement.

Motivation of Differently-abled Elite Filipino Male Swimmers

Motivation in Sport Participation can be defined as reasons that underlie behavior

that is characterized by willingness and volition (Lai, 2011). There are two types of

motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is the desire to do something with

inherent satisfaction (Deci & Ryan, 2000) while extrinsic motivation is driven by certain

results such as rewards (Deci & Ryan, 2000) This is different from facilitation in a sense

that facilitators contribute to the fulfillment of a need or goal by providing indirect or

unobtrusive assistance.

There were two over-arching themes that emerged from the analysis pertaining to

the Motivation to Participation: “Athlete's Physical and Mental Motivations” and the

“Crucial Role of Social Network”. They are discussed below:

Table 1. Motivation of Differently-abled Elite Filipino Male Swimmers

Overarching Theme

Theme Subthemes

Athletes’ Physical and Internal Motivation Passion for Sport

Mental Motivations

Goal Setting and Getting it


Aiming to Overcome

External Motivation Incentives from winning

Placing in competitions to
earn medals and trophies

Crucial Role of Social Source of Motivation Family serves as main

Network source of motivation

Teammates as support

Theme: Athletes’ Physical and Mental Motivations

Participating in sports requires an unobservable force within themselves to be able

to continue to play and reach the elite level. This unobservable force within that drives

the athletes is called motivation (Swanson et al., 2008). Based from the qualitative data

results, two types of motivation were present from the athletes, namely intrinsic and

extrinsic motivation. Differently-abled elite Filipino swimmers emphasized that internal

factors such as inherent satisfaction when achieving their goals or showing pure passion

for the sport drove them more to play while external factors such as winning, incentives,

and career opportunities were just secondary factors to their motivation. .

Internal Motivation. Intrinsic motivation was present to all differently-abled elite

Filipino male swimmers and they displayed all three aspects of intrinsic motivation. First

is they exhibited intrinsic motivation “to accomplish” when they accomplished certain

personal goals and felt inner satisfaction representing the country. This was expressed by

Eric,“Kaya din po tuloy tuloy kasi, yun po, maganda naman po yung performance. Kaya

hangga’t maari, pagpatuloy ko pa din kasi ako pa din naman may hawak nung ibang

event.” Second, they showed intrinsic motivation “to experience stimulation” when they

showed inherent satisfaction every time they train or compete and having pure passion

for the sport despite the challenges. Arnold shared during the FGD,“Pag may mga

emergency sa bahay. Di mo talaga maiwasan na kapag may training. Pero hinahanapan

ko talaga ng paraan na kahit papano, makakalangoy.”. Despite the barriers they

experienced, they persevere to overcome these which showed their pure passion for the

sport. In relation to the previous studies, overcoming barriers to sport could help the

motivation of these athletes to participate at an elite level McLoughlin et al., 2017).

Differently-abled elite Filipino male swimmers negotiate their challenges through faith in

a superhuman being and having the right mindset which contributes to intrinsic

motivation. , Lastly, they show intrinsic motivation “to know” when they feel inner

satisfaction when they showcase their capabilities and skills as differently-abled in their

respective sport.

External Motivation. Intrinsic motivation wasn’t the only driving force that

helped these athletes continue to play but also extrinsic motivation. There are four aspects

of extrinsic motivation in the self-determination continuum and the athletes were only

externally regulated. Being externally regulated means they are driven with external

rewards, conformity, compliance and punishments (Deci & Ryan, 2000). The athletes are

motivated by the external factors such as winning, getting good incentives from

competition and career opportunities. Arnold stated “Nung 2017, sa Malaysia. Pagka nag

medal kasi, depende sa medal mo, tumataas din yung allowance. Nang dahil dun,

malaking bagay para sa akin na may pamilya, yung allowance na yun tapos trabaho.

Tapos yung pangarap ko dating magkaroon ng sariling bahay, yung ganun, doon ko

nagagamit yung allowance.” This explains that success at international sporting events

can be a vehicle for encouraging a sense of national identity, pride, and recognition

(Chappell, 1999). Another factor that drove them to be extrinsically motivated is the

different priorities in life such as supplying the needs of their family. The results of the

present study expressed that intrinsic motivation was found to be essential to differently-

abled athletes while extrinsic motivation was given less importance (Kampfe et al.,

2014)Despite these similarities in the present and previous studies, differently-abled elite

Filipino swimmers are still motivated by both internal and external factors.

Theme: Crucial Role of Support Network

Family Support. The support network is one of the sources of motivation as

emphasized by the differently-abled elite Filipino male swimmers. In the self-

determination theory continuum, this falls under introjected regulation. This is regulated

by self-control, ego-involvement, internal rewards and punishments (Deci & Ryan,

2000). The social network such as their families and teammates positively affected the

motivation of the athlete. Arnold stated “Iba talaga kapag may motivation man lang o

pag-encourage dun sa ginagawa mo galing dun sa magulang.” Unwavering support

coming from family members increases the chance of the athletes to be motivated to play.

According to Omar-Fauzee et al. (2010) they are the main factor in increasing ones’

motivation and mould ones’ success in the future (Omar-Fauzee et al., 2010).

Team Support. Team support affects their motivation too. They are considered as

extended family members of these differently-abled athletes, which create a sense of

belongingness, which increases the motivation, and self-efficacy of the athletes (cf.,

Hutzter & Bar-Eli, 1993). Basically, just a simple encouragement boosts their motivation

and increases their strength amidst their journey as differently-abled elite athletes.

Facilitators of Sport Participation of Differently-abled Elite Filipino Male


Facilitators to sport participation can be defined as an agent who helps to bring about an

outcome (involvement in sports) by providing indirect or unobtrusive assistance,

guidance, or supervision (Facilitator, 2019).

There were three overarching themes that emerged from the analysis pertaining to the

Facilitators to Sport Participation of the Elite Filipino Male Swimmers. These were
Crucial Role of Support Network and Opportunities Leading to Sport Participation and

Change in Outlook in Life.

Table 2. Facilitators of Differently-abled Elite Filipino Male Swimmers

Overarching Theme

Theme Subthemes

Crucial Role of Support Facilitator to Sport Family

Network Participation

Fellow Differently-abled

Opportunities Leading to Recruitment Getting Scouted by

Sport Participation Coaches

Availability of Sporting

External Rewards Financial Help

Change in Outlook of Life Empowerment Increased Self-esteem

Moving Forward Transition from Abled to


Theme: Crucial Role of Support Network

Family Support. One of the roles that the support network was being a facilitator

to sport involvement. There has been an emphasis on the link of the social network’s

support to the differently-abled’s interest in sport involvement in the previous studies.

Family support was present in the recent study which influenced their decision to join

adapted sports. One of the athletes said “Suportado naman ako kasi kung ano naiisip ko

noong na-aksidente ako so parang hinahayaan nila. Sige, mag-sports ka para lang

kumbaga malibang sa sarili”. Families encouraged them to join sports in order to cope

with their trauma from accidents and be able to have a normal life. Family support

becomes an important matter because parents and families are the closest force of their

children’s involvement in sport (Omar-Fauzee et al., 2010).

Fellow Differently-abled. The growing interest of differently-abled joining sports

was due to seeing or being with fellow differently-abled in adapted sports. Being with

fellow differently-abled athletes made them feel they weren’t alone at all as emphasized

of one of our differently-abled elite Filipino swimmer, “Akala ko kasi dati nag-iisa

akong may kapansanan… pero nung nakita ko ng may mga iba pang may kapansanan,

parang mas gusto kong kasama sila kaysa dun sa kapatid ko sa magulang ko. Kasi

pakiramdam ko, iba ako sa kanila eh. Sports was that of a space of resistance against the

stigma and benevolence that is directed toward them, which was emphasized by all

athletes in the study (Ashton-Shaeffer, Gibson, Autry, & Hanson, 2001) and paved the

way to the professionalization of athletes and the empowerment of PWD (Marques et al.,


Theme: Opportunities Leading to Sport Involvement

Different opportunities paved the way for the differently-abled to participate in

sports. These opportunities increased their awareness of adapted physical activity and the

benefits of it. The awareness was made possible with the recruitment of coaches and

convenient sporting facilities. Adding to the decision to sport involvement is the external

rewards present and made possible by the support of government and different


Recruitment and Available Sporting Facilities. During the FGD, all athletes stated

that it escalated from one opportunity to another. It all started with the availability of the

nearest sporting facilities like Eric stated “Nung napasok po ako foundation kasi, may

beach resort po kasi sila sa Samal Island. Dun nagsimula yung natutunan ko sa pag-

swimming kasi araw araw nasa dagat ako eh.” Using the sporting facilities such as a

beach resort or a swimming pool marked the beginning of their athletic development. It

gave them the opportunity to start their athletic development and helped them discover

their abilities. These differently-abled started to learn certain skills, which gave them the

opportunity to be recruited by coaches. The recruitment by the coaches led their current

successful sporting careers. According to the athletes, the coaches scouted for differently-

abled people to receive free swimming lessons, which enhanced their skills and

eventually gave them the chance to be part of the para national swimming team. “May

nag-offer din sa akin ng free na pagtuturo. Then, free entrance na din parang lahat free.

So, yun. Tinutuloy-tuloy ko siya hanggang sa naging career ko na. 2005, SEAGames dito

sa Pilipinas dati, doon ako nag-start. With this, the coaches were critical for helping

participants to gain awareness of recreational opportunities (McLoughlin et al., 2017)

through effective scouting.

External Rewards. Another opportunity discussed by differently-abled elite

Filipino swimmers are the external rewards. Considering the differently-abled elite

Filipino swimmers are currently living in a country which economic crisis is present, so

external rewards such as ample financial help and good incentives from the government

increases the interest of the differently-abled to sport involvement. Arnold stated,

Malaking bagay yun para sa aming mga athlete. So yun, nag-desisyon akong babalik.

Tapos, may nakalagay dun sa benefits ng mga athletes. Para sa akin na ang tagal kong

naghihintay na maipasa yun. Kumbaga, maranasan ko man lang yung ganung bagay.

Yung support ng government. All the athletes in the present study come from less

fortunate families, so incentives will be very much appreciated because it will help ease

their financial burden (Omar-Fauzee, 2010). Swimming became an opportunity to fulfil

their needs because it was the only source to support them. With this said, it does not

only serve as a motivation but also increases the chance to be involved in sports.

Theme: Change in Outlook of Life

Empowerment. Differently-abled elite Filipino swimmers emphasized on the

positive effects brought by sport, which led to the increase in sport involvement.

Focusing on the psychological aspect, these differently-abled elite athletes acquired the

sense of empowerment in sports. Involvement in sports increases their self-esteem by

being part of the national team and by being able to showcase their capabilities. Sports

became a platform for empowerment for these athletes or also known as their “yabang”

factor as Gabby emphasized during the FGD. “Malaking factor yung pagsali sa sports

kasi, isa, hindi lahat nakakasali sa mga ganitong kompetisyon. Pati sa National Team

mahirap. Mahirap pumasok sa pagiging National team. Nagrerepresenta ka ng bansa

natin. Kumbaga isang ano na din sa mga katulad namin. Isang ano na din yun para, uy

ano ako eh. Kumbaga konting yabang” Athletes are driven to participate in sports

through the desire of acquiring self-confidence in sports and having that “yabang” factor.

This was supported by Eric “… dati nahihiya po ako sa sarili ko dahil sa kapansanan ko.

Medyo na-ano po ako sa sports. Nabawas-bawasan yung hiya. Kaya ko na makipag-

face-to-face” The results of the study were consistent with the previous studies stating

that sport is a platform for their sense of empowerment and self-discovery (Niedbalski,

2015) and an outlet for the professionalization of differently-abled athletes (Marques et

al., 2015).

Moving Forward. This theme involves the transition from being abled to

differently-abled, which is a facilitator to their sport participation. Three out of four

athletes namely, Gabby, Arnold and Robert acquired their impairment through traumatic

accidents. Being involved in sports changed their perspectives of being differently-abled.

“…Dun ko natutunan kung pano mag move-on, pano mo tanggapin yung nangyari sa’yo.

Ano yung magiging next step mo. Ano yung pagkakalibangnan or ano yung mga dapat

gawin ng mga may kapansanan.” There are a lot of hardships experienced during their

transition from being abled to differently-abled and being with fellow differently-abled in

sports made the process of moving forward easier. They see their lives more progressive

and more opportunities opened for them than they were abled. It gave them a positive

outlook of life such as improved health and outlook help maintain physical independence

and sense of capability (Stillson, 2006; Crawford & Stodolska, 2008). Acceptance of

their current state was made easier through sports. The athletes who came from traumatic

accidents interpreted sports as a platform to be whole again and preferred their

differently-abled life to anything else.

Barrier to Sport Participation of Differently-abled Elite Filipino Male Swimmers

Barriers to Sport Participation can be defined as something that restricts, impedes, or

blocks progress or the achievement of an ultimate objective which is involvement in

sports (Barrier, n.d.). This is different from facilitation in a sense that facilitators assist or

aid to achieve a certain goal.

One overarching emerged from the analysis pertaining to the Motivation to Participation:

Negotiating Barriers. Under this Social and Physical barriers were identified. They are

discussed below:

Table 3. Barriers of Differently-abled Elite Filipino Male Swimmers

Overarching Theme

Theme Subthemes

Negotiating Barriers Social Barriers Discrimination

Physical Barriers Time Management



Unexpected Injuries


People Asking for Financial

This theme revolves on the different barriers experienced by the differently-abled

and how it affects the performance and motivation of the differently-abled elite Filipino

swimmers. Two types of barriers were present in the thorough analysis of data namely,

physical and social. All four differently-abled elite Filipino swimmers identified different

barriers such as time management of their work, family obligations and training, location

of training, lack of financial support, unexpected injuries, training intensity, and


Social Barriers. Athletes shared how negative perceptions of the society affects

their involvement in sports. This was emphasized in the previous studies that social

barriers are the root causes of some physical barriers, because it shows how negative

attitudes affects their treatment as individuals and at the same time it is embedded in and

affecting the other aspects of athletic development (Crawford & Stodolska, 2008).

Discrimination. Negative perceptions of the society to disability became the root

cause of the physical constraints especially in supporting differently-abled athletes with

their needs (Crawford & Stodolska, 2008). One of the athletes shared the insight of an

abled-bodied athlete, Minsan abled body naman na ang nagsasabi. Parang unfair naman

sa inyo yan. Example na lang sa incentives, hindi pa din pantay. Pero sa amin, okay na

kami dun. Halimbawa, ang gold medal ng SEAGames, 300. Sa amin Ma’am, 150. Sa

amin okay na yun at least meron. In relation to the previous studies, the financial aspect

especially with the incentives was affected due to the discrimination between the abled-

bodied athletes and differently-abled athletes. This is consistent with the study of Petrola

(2016) that they were only given 50 percent less in the amount of incentive by

government leaders and it means they are treated 50% less as an athlete than the regular-

abled athletes (Petrola, 2016).

Physical Barriers. Physical barriers were prevalent in the recent study and these

barriers negatively affect the performance or even the participation of differently-abled

elite athletes to sports. Physical barriers can all drain precious amounts of physical and

psychological energy that might make all the difference between winning or not on the

big day (Brittain, 2002). Physical barriers that surfaced were time management, location,

training, lack of financial support, unexpected injuries, and people asking for financial

favors. These physical barriers that were identified in the present study were parallel

with the studies on differently-abled athletes in developed countries.

Time Management. Time management between work, training, and family

obligations was a big conflict to differently-abled athletes. They have commitments in

each aspect and balancing all of them is a priority. It’s either one aspect will be

compromised and most of the time it is their training. Arnold shared his difficulty in

managing different aspects of his life, “Mahirap ipagsabay eh, trabaho tapos pamilya.

Yun nga eh, napikot din ata ako. Nagkaanak kasi kami and then kailangan mag-trabaho

ng maiigi” Having time to train, practice, work, be a student, and socialize was

something that required careful planning (Mcloughlin et al., 2017). Balancing the time

for each aspect affects their athletic performance and at the same time their health. Time

management was the most commonly discussed factor in the previous studies when it

comes to the physical barriers of differently-abled elite athletes.

Location. The accessibility of the location of training is an important factor for

these athletes. Differently-abled athletes have a difficult time adjusting when their

location is far from their homes and not all have the luxury of having a private

transportation. The captain of the Para Swimming Team, Robert, stated that they are

having a hard time training without a good training location, because of the ongoing

renovation of their usual training location. Considering that they’re preparing for the

ASEAN Para Games this upcoming January 2020, it became a big hindrance to their

training. “Ngayon, training venue. Yan yung una naming problema. Kasi wala na

kaming mapag-training-an.” Difficulties in accessing facilities or time spent travelling

to the nearest accessible and appropriate facilities can all drain precious amounts of

physical and psychological energy (Brittain, 2002)

Training. Barriers related to training is about the intensity. Athletes emphasized

on the heavy intensity which sometimes compromises their recovery and health. Arnold

stated “Kanina nga eh, ayoko sana bumangon eh. Ayoko sana bumangon para mag-gym.

Bigat kasi nung training kahapon eh. Grabe naman si Coach. Tindi naman nun” With

this, the athletes tend to overlook at their training differently which negatively affects

their mood. This is supported by Eric, “Siyempre di natin maiwasan na minsan tatamarin

tayo kasi wala sa kondisyon yung katawan” This does not mean they wanted a lesser

intensity, because a heavy load of training makes them improve.

Unexpected Injuries. Differently abled elite Filipino swimmers emphasized that

unexpected injuries negatively affect their motivation and athletic performance. One of

the athletes who competed in the London Paralympics shared his frustration about getting

injuries, “Parang nawalan ako ng gana. Kaya sabi ko kena Coach, wag na ako tumuloy

Coach. Paiwan na lang ako kasi nakaka-bad trip kasi ilang buwan mo pinag-trainingan

tapos bigla kang ma-injure”. They lose hope in competing or get demotivated especially

when they trained for months and get an unexpected injury near the competition date.

Lack of Financial Support. One of the biggest problems in developing countries is

the lack of financial support, because some give little attention to the sporting priorities

for their populations (Lauff, 2007). Arnold shared an experience they had in the past, “Sa

panahon na yun. Sa kapanahunan. Si Gary naabutan nila yung 3 months, 6 months ka

lang magkaka-allowance. For the whole year, ganun. Yung ganung bagay, naranas din

naman noon. 2016, 2017, naipasa na yung batas. Pero naiapply yung '16. Naipasa na

yung batas na full time na talaga yung allowance ng athlete” They were grateful that in

the present they are given the financial support they need, but discrimination between

abled-bodied and differently abled affects the financial aspect as mentioned above.

People Asking for Financial Favors- Living in a country where economic crisis is

present, financial problems within Filipino families prevail. The problem, people asking

for financial favors, happens when families and relatives of the athletes abuse the

generosity of the athletes. It is an alarming barrier stated by two of the differently-abled

athletes. Gabby stated “Minsan ang nangyayari pa diyan talagang kalagitnaan ng

training. Tapos biglang may mga ganun. Seryoso di ka makapag-concentrate. Minsan

nga dalawang beses, magkasunod, uy si ano mo to. Hindi ko friend sa facebook. Wala

akong number sa kanila. Si ano mo to, Tito mo to. Eh ako di ako sa nagdadamot pero

lahat ng achievements na na-ano namin, sa una pa lang,  binigyan ko sila. Parang di sila

nagiisip. Ano to eh, disabled to” then this is supported by Eric “Kasi pamilya sila Ma’am

eh. Yung sa akin ganun din, yung mga nangungutang sa akin, mga nag-aasawa na. Eh sa

akin nga, sabi ko, napakahirap ng buhay tapos sa iba kayo humingi ng suporta,

nagpapabigat.” Instances like this negatively affect the athletes’ performance such as

causing them to have stress and anxiety in a way they can’t sleep at night or perform at

their best during training sessions. They emphasized that it is okay to ask for financial

favors, but their relatives should not abuse their generosity and they should realize they

are more capable of raising themselves.


Differently-abled elite Filipino male swimmers valued both intrinsic and extrinsic

factors to motivation, however they were more intrinsically motivated due to the passion

for the sport, overcoming barriers and gaining sense of empowerment. Relating to the

Deci and Ryan’s (2000) self-determination theory, these athletes were found to be self-

determined in the continuum. Facilitators and barriers of differently-abled elite Filipino

male swimmers affected their involvement in sports and motivation. Perceived

facilitators influenced these athletes to join sports and be motivated while barriers

negatively affect their performance or progress in sports which could lead to loss of

motivation. In relation to the Philippine context, these results mentioned above were

expected especially on the barriers they experienced in a developing country such as lack

of financial support, discrimination and training facilities. In addition, prevalent

economic crisis and discrimination in the country led these athletes to participate in

sports to due to the benefits such as incentives and being able to increase their self-

esteem. Lastly, the researcher did not expect that these athletes would be more

intrinsically motivated than extrinsically due to the present situation of differently-abled

being seen as inferior and being discriminated with abled-bodied athletes.


This study was a great opportunity to gain awareness about adapted sports by

interviewing successful differently-abled elite Filipino male swimmers. As an athlete, I

was excited to hear their experiences as a differently-abled athlete which is a new setting

for me. The athletes were my inspiration to finish the present study despite the different

challenges I encountered during the study such as coordinating with the athletes

regarding their availability, a venue to handle the FGD, and thematic analysis.. During

the analysis of data, we had some difficulties on differentiating codes under motivation

and facilitators due to the different understanding of these two concepts. However, after

explaining the basis for our coding, my co-analyst and I were able to negotiate and agree

on the common themes. These themes allowed me to achieve the objectives of this study.

I recognized that I shared similar experiences with the participants of the study,

particularly when it comes to motivation, facilitators and barriers to sport participation.

One of the experiences of the athletes that caught my attention was the discrimination

between abled and differently-abled athletes. The inequality in the compensation and

rewarding of differently-abled and able-bodied athletes was a sensitive topic, in the FGD.

The athletes shared that they got only half of what abled-bodied athletes get in salary,

rewards and support. As a student-athlete from the state university, I can very well relate

with this as we do not receive the same incentives as our counterparts from prvate

universities receive on a regular basis. Nonetheless, we still managed to be grateful for

any support given to us, similar to the differently-abled swimmers in this study.

This research encouraged me to spread the awareness of adapted sports through

writing and publishing this thesis. These athletes could provide inspiration to everyone,

because of their great great accomplishments despite their disabilities.



Summary of Findings

The purpose of the present study was to identify the motivation, facilitators, and

barriers of differently-abled elite Filipino male swimmers to sport participation. Five

overarching themes emerged from the thematic analysis made by the researcher and

another analyst namely (1) Athletes’ physical and mental motivations (2) Crucial role of

support network (3) Opportunities leading to sport involvement (4) Change in outlook of

life (5) Negotiating barriers. These themes showed different insights of differently-abled

elite Filipino male swimmers’ motivation to continue playing sports, facilitators that

influenced their sport participation and the barriers experienced throughout their sporting



Five overarching themes emerged and under these described the following: First,

involvement of differently-abled in sports were influenced by different perceived

facilitators such as the social network, external factors (rewards), inherent satisfaction,

recruitment of the coaches, and sense of empowerment. Second, Differently-abled elite

Filipino athletes displayed high levels of intrinsic motivation, but value both intrinsic and

extrinsic motivation which is consistent to previous researches in developed countries. In

addition to this, it is their passion for the sport that keeps them going. Motivation also

comes from within the social components of sport such as the unwavering support from

their families and being with differently-abled athletes. With this said, families should

provide consistent support in order to lead these differently-abled athletes to greater

heights. Lastly, these athletes experienced different physical barriers related to

discrimination, time management, unexpected injuries, and financial problems.

Discrimination between the abled-bodied athletes and differently abled was identified to

be a root cause of some barriers, because it affects how these athletes are prioritized in

different aspects, most especially in financial support. This implies that there is a need to

raise awareness of the equality of differently-abled athlete and abled bodied athletes by

good planning on the external factors, such as equal raise for abled-bodied athletes and

differently-abled athletes and allocating funds for their sport facilities by the authorities

responsible for it. Research findings showed that a good structured environment for the

differently-abled athletes planned by the local government could attract the whole

differently-abled community to join sports.


As a result of the findings of the study, the following recommendations are made

First, consider increasing the awareness of the family and the local government on

differently-abled athletes in regards to support, because it was presented as an important

factor to increase sport participation for the differently-abled and might benefit the future

differently-abled athletes. Second, the present study only conducted one FGD on one

team which gave us a few insights about motivation, facilitators and barriers of

differently-abled athletes, so it might benefit the future researchers by considering having

more participants in varied sports to be included in the study to have a better insight on

the motivation of the differently-abled elite athletes. Third, Further researches on the

differences of abled-bodied athletes and differently-abled athletes might benefit the

sporting world on the different experiences of two when it comes to motivation,

facilitators and barriers. Lastly, Further research on the role of the social network of the

differently-abled athletes, because it was shown to have a great influence in the increase

of sport participation.


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Table 5. Overarching Themes, Main Theme and Subthemes with Corresponding

Quotes from the FGD transcription

Overarching Themes Subthemes Quotes

Athletes’ Physical Internal Passion for Siguro para sa akin passion
and Mental Motivations Sport ko na talaga kasi trabaho ko
Motivations ngayon swimming so nandun
pa din talaga yung pagka-
athlete. Siguro pag-ccoach
na din. And then, dala na din
sa katawan siguro Ma’am eh.
Kahit di nag-aalarm,
nagigising talaga ako pag
ganoong oras eh. Tsaka,
gumaganda na ulit yung
pakiramdam ko – ARNOLD

Aiming to Kaya din po tuloy tuloy kasi,

become better yun po, maganda naman po
and achieve yung performance. Kaya
goals hangga’t maari, pagpatuloy
ko pa din kasi ako pa din
naman may hawak nung
ibang event. -ERIC

Pero nung lagi ako

bumabalentong, na-challenge
ako na balang-araw
makukuha ko din kung pano
gagawin yun. Maglalaro ng
hindi bumabalentong. Pinag-
aralan kong maiigi.-
Aiming to Basta sa akin, sa isip ng tao.
Overcome Kasi pag di ka din nagisip ng
Barriers maayos, di mo din
masosolusyonan yung
problema mo. Minsan
bumabawi ako sa Mobile

Legends na lang. Sa awa
naman, lahat ng mga
problema ko, kahit na
walang tumutulong sa akin,
na-ssolve ko naman. Di pa
din niya ako pinapabayaan.-

Especially pag may mga

emergency sa bahay. Di mo
talaga maiwasan na kapag
may training. Pero
hinahanapan ko talaga ng
paraan na kahit papano,
makakalangoy. Like, nung
Tuesday, nag-absent ako kasi
yung mother-in-law ko nga
nasa ospital. Pero nakapag-
gym pa ako ng umaga. Early
in the morning. Then
nakapag-training pa din
ako.- ARNOLD

 Sa akin, unang-una kapag

hindi ko kaya, ano lang, sa
taas lang. Pray lang na, ano,
sana makayanan ko to.
Maghanap ng ano, hanap ng
things na para, halimbawa,
kapag may problema,
maghahanap ako ng…
Unang-una magdadasal
muna ako tapos hahanapin
ko paano ko to mareresolba.
Yun lang. -GABBY

Tiwala na lang sa taas, sa

Panginoon. Kasi di naman
siya magbibigay ng pagsubok
kung wala kang solution. So
tiwala din sa sarili. Dasal na
lang. Sa paniniwala.-
External Incentives 2017, sa Malaysia. Pagka
Motivation from winning nag medal kasi, depende sa
medal mo, tumataas din yung

allowance. Nang dahil dun,
malaking bagay para sa akin
na may pamilya, yung
allowance na yun tapos
trabaho. Tapos yung
pangarap ko dating
magkaroon ng sariling
bahay, yung ganun, doon ko
nagagamimt yung allowance.
Kami, may kanya-kanya
kaming naipundar dun sa
sweldo na yun. Pag ka nag-
medal ka, may incentives ka.
May mga, kumbaga,
nilalaanan kami. Ito para
dito – ARNOLD

Pero, nag-medal kami, yung

sarili namin. Team relay.
2007. Tumaas. Pag nag-
medal kasi, tumataas din
yung sweldo. – ARNOLD

Placing in Yun po. May gusto din po

competitions akong maabot. Pero di ko
to earn medals lang muna sasabihin kasi
and trophies wala pa naman yun eh.
Malayo pa. – ERIC

Career Nung pumasyal ako dun,

opportunities actually di naman sana ako
offered to well mag-ccoach noon eh. Sa akin
performing lang, titingin lang, kukuha ng
athletes idea. Pwede bang dito ako
magtrabaho. Kasi medyo
malayo din eh. Pagdating
dun, pinatry agad ako eh.
Pinahawak ako ng bata.
Pinaturuan sa akin. So dun
nagsimula. Sige bukas, pasok
ka na. Late na yung
requirements. So, yun,
hanggang one year,
nagustuhan ko na kahit
malayo. Kinuha ko na din.

Crucial Role of Motivated by Family serves Ginagawa ko po kasi, inalay
Social Network the Social as main source ko sa lolo’t lola ko. Sila po
Network of motivation kasi yung nag-alaga sa akin
mula nun. Maaga po kasi
nung hiniwalayan ako ng
nanay ko. Tapos yung tatay
ko umalis din kaya sila ang
umano sa akin. – ERIC

Siguro Ma’am, ano, unang-

una, ano po, family. Isa din
po sa nagpapamotivate sa
akin para makatulong.
Siyempre, sa sarili din. Para
makatulong sa sarili-

Kailangan yung support

talaga ng magulang. Kahit
kamustahin ka man lang
kung anong kalagayan mo
dito. Yung ganun. Kasi dati
noong nabubuhay pa mga
magulang ko. Wala na kasi
akong magulang eh.
Kinakamusta nila lagi ako.
Kahit nung may asawa na
ako, kinakamusta pa din nila
ako. Kung anong nagiging
kalagayan ko. Parang medyo
nakakagaan ng pakiramdam
na wow naalala din ako ng
magulang ko.. – ARNOLD

Iba talaga kapag may

motivation man lang o pag-
encourage dun sa ginagawa
mo galing dun sa magulang.
Kasi ngayon, mga kapatid ko,
wala ng pakialaman. Kaya
naramdaman ko na mas okay
yung ganun-ARNOLD

Teammates as Sila din po Ma’am, yung mga

support system ka-teammates ko. Ka-team
Sport Family  Suportado naman ako kasi
involvement kung ano naiisip ko noong
influenced by na-aksidente ako so parang
the social hinahayaan nila. Sige, mag-
network sports ka para lang kumbaga
malibang sa sarili.-

Fellow akala ko kasi dati nag-iisa

Differently akong may kapansanan.
Abled Parang ang hirap tanggapin.
Pero nung nakita ko ng may
mga iba pang may
kapansanan, parang mas
gusto kong kasama sila kaysa
dun sa kapatid ko sa
magulang ko. Kasi
pakiramdam ko, iba ako sa
kanila eh. Kaya gusto ko may
mga kapansanan yung
nakakasama ko. - ARNOLD

Tapos yun, may nakita akong

mga national team na PWD.
Then, niresearch ko po yung
mga, pati yung coach. Tapos
nag-message po ako. May
nag-reply po na Coach.
Coach po ng wheelchair
basketball. – ROBERT

Opportunities Recruitment Getting may nag-offer din sa akin ng

Leading to Sport scouted by free na pagtuturo. Then, free
Involvement coaches entrance na din parang lahat
free. So, yun. Tinutuloy-tuloy
ko siya hanggang sa naging
career ko na. 2005,
SEAGames dito sa Pilipinas
dati, doon ako nag-start.
Nakakuha ako ng medalya na
international. -ARNOLD

May nakakita po sa akin na

isang coach din po sa Davao
City. Tapos sabi niya kung
gusto ko daw ba matuto mag-
swim. Sabi ko, sige po. Tapos
yun po, tinuruan niya ako ng
proper stroke. Learn to swim
Ma’am. Simula nun,
naglalaro laro na kami sa
POF, Philippine Olympic
Festival. – ERIC

Yung time kasi na yun

kailangan nila ng
representative para sa Asian
Youth. Cinontact nila ako
kasi naglaro ako sa Palarong

Yung swim na yun, wala pa

gaanong stroke. Naghanap
sila. Bale, dapat hindi ako
yung kukunin. Yung taga-
region 9 ata yun. Eh hindi
kaagad nag-respond. Kaya
kumuha sila sa NCR. Yun po.
Pinatawag nila ako tapos
nag-train ako dito ng 3
months kasi 3 months na lang
ata yung natitirang buwan
para mag-prepare. Dito na
ako naturuan ng proper
strokes. Dito na po nag-start
ang journey namin sa sports.

Baka sa ano na lang,

swimming. Kasi laking dagat
naman ako. Possible.
Marunong ako lumangoy.
Pero yung langoy probinsya.
Tapos ni-refer niya ako kay
Coach Tony. Yung Coach
namin sa swimming team.
Tapos pinapunta niya ako
dun sa Ultra. Nag-tryout ako.
Dun na ako nagsimula. 2013.

Siguro mga isa’t kalahating
taon bago ako nakapasok sa
National Team.-ROBERT

Available Kumbaga yung sports ko

Sporting talaga… kasi dun ko lang na-
Facilities ano yung sports nung
napunta po ako sa isang
foundation po. -ERIC

Nung napasok po ako

foundation kasi, may beach
resort po kasi sila sa Samal
Island. Dun nagsimula yung
natutunan ko sa pag-
sswimming kasi araw araw
nasa dagat ako eh. Parang
na-adopt ko na
paglalangoy. -ERIC

External Malaking bagay yun para sa

Rewards aming mga athlete. So yun,
nag-desisyon akong babalik.
Tapos, may nakalagay dun sa
benefits ng mga athletes.
Para sa akin na ang tagal
kong naghihintay na maipasa
yun. Kumbaga, maranasan
ko man lang yung ganung
bagay. Yung support ng
government. So bumalik ako.
Pero, nag-medal kami, yung
sarili namin. Team relay.
2007. Tumaas. Pag nag-
medal kasi, tumataas din
yung sweldo -ARNOLD

Change in Outlook Empowerment Increased Self- Dati po, mahiyain po talaga

of Life esteem ako kahit nung dumating po
ako dito, halos di po nila ako
makausap. Kasi pagdating
training, tapos dorm,
training. Yun lang po
ginagawa ko. Di po ako
lumalabas. Si Kuya Arnel

lang po nag-aaya sa akin na
lumabas. Nagka-confidence
po ako dahil sa sports.-

Opo kasi dati nahihiya po

ako sa sarili ko dahil sa
kapansanan ko. Medyo na-
ano po ako sa sports.
Nabawas-bawasan yung
hiya. Kaya ko na makipag-

 Malaking factor yung

pagsali sa sports kasi, isa,
hindi lahat nakakasali sa
mga ganitong kompetisyon.
Pati sa National Team
mahirap. Mahirap pumasok
sa pagiging National team.
Nagrerepresenta ka ng bansa
natin. Kumbaga isang ano na
din sa mga katulad namin.
Isang ano na din yun para,
uy ano ako eh. Kumbaga
konting yabang.- GABBY

confidence sa sarili kasi isa

yun sa nagpalakas ng
confidence kasi nandito ako
para umangat ng konti sa
National Team.-ROBERT

Moving Transition Okay naman, Ma’am.

Forward from Abled to Sharing. Dun ko natutunan
Differently kung pano mag move-on,
Abled pano mo tanggapin yung
nangyari sa’yo. Ano yung
magiging next step mo. Ano
yung pagkakalibangnan or
ano yung mga dapat gawin
ng mga may kapansanan.
Kasi dati di ako marunong
mag-wheelchair, di ako
marunong mag-saklay. May
mga dapat pag-aralan. Dun

ko natutunan sa kanila.

Tsaka, gumaganda na ulit

yung pakiramdam ko. Kasi
dati tumigil ako sa training
medyo nanibago.
Nagkakasakit ako. Ngayon
okay naman, maganda
naman yung resistensya.
Gumaganda yung
pakiramdaman. -ARNOLD

Mas okay ako yung buhay ko

ngayon.- ARNOLD

Negotiating Barriers Social Discrimination Minsan abled body naman na

ang nagsasabi. Parang
unfair naman sa inyo yan.
Example na lang sa
incentives, hindi pa din
pantay. Pero sa amin, okay
na kami dun. Halimbawa,
ang gold medal ng
SEAGames, 300. Sa amin
Ma’am, 150. Sa amin okay
na yun at least meron. -

Physical Time Mahirap ipagsabay eh,

Management trabaho tapos pamilya. Yun
nga eh, napikot din ata ako.
Nagkaanak kasi kami and
then kailangan mag-trabaho
ng maiigi.-ARNOLD

Location Siguro, ano, sa ngayon,

training venue. Yan yung una
naming problema. Kasi wala
na kaming mapag-training-

Training Kanina nga eh, ayoko sana

bumangon eh. Ayoko sana
bumangon para mag-gym.
Bigat kasi nung training

kahapon eh. Grabe naman si
Coach. Tindi naman nun.

Siyempre di natin maiwasan

na minsan tatamarin tayo
kasi wala sa kondisyon yung

Unexpected Yung masakit kasi dun. Halos

Injuries January hanggang August,
Ma’am, maganda yung
training ko tapos yung
pagpasok ng mga
kalagitnaan, August din yun
eh. Bigla akong nagka-injury
sa shoulder. -ERIC

Parang nawalan ako ng

gana. Kaya sabi ko kena
Coach, wag na ako tumuloy
Coach. Paiwan na lang ako
kasi nakakabadtrip kasi ilang
buwan mo pinag-trainingan
tapos bigla kang ma-injure. -

Financial Sa panahon na yun. Sa

kapanahunan. Si Gary
naabutan nila yung 3 months,
6 months ka lang magkaka-
allowance. For the whole
year, ganun. Yung ganung
bagay, naranas din naman
noon. 2016, 2017, naipasa na
yung batas. Pero naiapply
yung '16. Naipasa na yung
batas na full time na talaga
yung allowance ng athlete.-

People Asking Kasi pamilya sila Ma’am eh.
for Favors Yung sa akin ganun din, yung
mga nangungutang sa akin,
mga nag-aasawa na. Eh sa
akin nga, sabi ko,
napakahirap ng buhay tapos
sa iba kayo humingi ng
suporta, nagpapabigat.
Dapat kung nag-asawa kayo,
panindigan niyo. -ERIC

Minsan ang nangyayari pa

diyan talagang kalagitnaan
ng training. Tapos biglang
may mga ganun. Seryoso di
ka makapag-concentrate.
Minsan nga dalawang beses,
magkasunod, uy si ano mo to.
Hindi ko friend sa facebook.
Wala akong number sa
kanila. Si ano mo to, Tito mo
to. Eh ako di ako sa
nagdadamot pero lahat ng
achievements na na-ano
namin, sa una pa lang, 
binigyan ko sila. Parang di
sila nagiisip. Ano to eh,
disabled to.-GABBY



I am Marianne Louise V. Ruiz from the University of the Philippines and I will

be conducting a study on the “Motivation, Facilitators and Barriers of Filipino Elite

Differently-Abled Athletes to Sport Participation”. We are very interested to hear your

valuable experience as an elite differently abled athlete in the Philippines.

• The purpose of this study is to learn about your experiences as an elite

differently abled athlete in the Philippines. This interview will ask about your

background as an athlete. This interview will ask you about what motivates you

to sport participation, facilitators that influenced to sport participation and

barriers that you encountered as an elite differently abled athlete in the


• The information you give is completely confidential, and the researcher will not

associate your name with anything you say in the interview

• The researcher would like to record the interview so that we can make sure to

capture the thoughts, experiences, and ideas we hear from the group.

• No names will be attached to the records will be deleted as soon as they are


• You may refuse to answer any question or withdraw from the study anytime.

• The researcher understands how important it is that this information is kept

private and confidential. We will ask participants to respect each other’s


• If you have any questions now or after, you can always contact me; cell phone

number (09271405385) and e-mail address (



• I have read the information presented in the information page about a

study being conducted by Marianne Louise V. Ruiz of the College of

Human Kinetics at the University of the Philippines-Diliman.

• I am aware that I have the option of allowing my interview to be recorded

to ensure an accurate recording of my responses.

• I am also aware that the information I give them is completely

confidential, and they will not associate my name with anything I say in

the focus group.

• I was informed that I may refuse to answer any question or withdraw from

the study at anytime

To contact the researcher: If you have questions or concerns about this

research, please contact: Marianne Louise V. Ruiz, 09271405385,

______________________________ _________________




MODERATOR: Magsisimula na tayo kasi siyempre baka mamaya kailangan niyo na

pala magpahinga o mag-training. Introduce ko muna ang sarili ko. Ako yung teacher ni
Marianne. Siguro Marianne you can introduce your research mo muna para maintindihan
MARIANNE: So, yung research ko po, about siya ng motivation, facilitators and barriers
ng elite differently-abled athletes to sport participation dito sa Philippines. Napili ko po
kayo kasi po cinontact ko po si Coach Kiko. Si Sir Kiko, binigay yung contact niyo sa
akin po. Yun lang po.
MODERATOR: Nais namin pag-aralan kung ano yung naging motibasyon ninyo para
pumasok sa sports at magtuloy-tuloy kung saan na kayo ngayon. Informal lang ‘to.
Kwentuhan lang talaga. Walang tama, walang mali. Tapos gusto lang namin
maintindihan yung desisyon niyong pagpunta dito sa sports na ‘to. At ano yung mga
bagay bagay na tumulong sa inyo para mapagpatuloy tong sports na to. Siguro bigay
natin mga pangalan niyo kasi di ko pa memoryado. Sige, ikot tayo.
ROBERT: Ako po si Robert Sabido.
MODERATOR: Ilang taon ka ng nag-ssports?
ROBERT: Siguro mga 5 years.
MODERATOR: 5 years, oo.
ADAM: Ako po si Adam.
MODERATOR: Ilang taon ka na sa sports?
ADAM: 3 years.
ARNOLD: Ako po si Arnold Aba. 14 years na ata ako sa sports.
MODERATOR: Talaga? Okay.
ERIC: Ako po si Eric Gawilan. Halos 10 years na po ako sa sports.
GABBY: Ako po si Gabby. 5 years na din po dito sa sports.
MODERATOR: Sige. Siguro gusto din namin malaman kung saan kayo nagsimula?
Paano niyo nadiskubre ang sport na ‘to? Meron ba kayong ibang sports bago, kasi
swimming kayo lahat diba? Bago nag-swimming, baka may ibang sports, paano kayo
napunta sa swimming na to? Kwentuhan kung pano tayo nagsimula. Kahit sino na lang
tapos kung sino na lang gusto sumunod. Di naman parang classroom to na may tama at
mali. Kahit sino na lang. Sino bang pinakamatagal? Ikaw na maunang mag-kwento kasi
nauna ka eh.

ARNOLD: Ang napili kong sports dati, wheelchair basketball. And then parang
nagustuhan o yung swimming kasi yung swimming kasi medyo malapit lang sa bahay.
Tapos may nag-offer din sa akin ng free na pagtuturo. Then, free entrance na din parang
lahat free. So, yun. Tinutuloy-tuloy ko siya hanggang sa naging career ko na. 2005,
SEAGames dito sa Pilipinas dati, doon ako nag-start. Nakakuha ako ng medalya na
MODERATOR: Noong pumasok ka sa wheelchair basketball, nagtagal ka ba dun?
ARNOLD: 6 months din po.
MODERATOR: Pero bago nun, ung unang unang experience mo sa sports, yung
wheelchair basketball. Paano nagsimula yun na napunta ka sa sports?
ARNOLD: Nakita ko kasi yung mga naka-wheel chair na naglalaro parang nag-
engganyo ako, Ma’am, na masaya laruin. Pero nung lagi ako bumabalentong, na-
challenge ako na balang-araw makukuha ko din kung pano gagawin yun. Maglalaro ng
hindi bumabalentong. Pinag-aralan kong maiigi. Di ko talaga siya na-master hanggang
napunta na lang ako sa swimming.
MODERATOR: Tapos sinuportahan ka naman ng pamilya mo na mag-sports? Kunwari
nung wheelchair basketball, sinuportahan ka ng pamilya mo tapos ito naman?
ARNOLD: Opo Ma’am. Suportado naman ako kasi kung ano naiisip ko noong na-
aksidente ako so parang hinahayaan nila. Sige, mag-sports ka para lang kumbaga
malibang sa sarili. Yung ganun. Ma-engganyo. Tapos, masaya ako Ma’am kapag mga
differently-abled yung kasama.
MODERATOR: Matanong ko lang ah, okay lang naman kung sagutin niyo o hindi. So
hindi ka pinanganak na may kapansanan basta may akisdente.
ARNOLD: Opo, Ma’am. Hindi po.
MODERATOR: Pwede mo bang i-kwento kung ano ginagawa mo dati? Nag-ssports ka
din ba bago nung aksidente?
ARNOLD: Hindi, Ma’am. Wala akong hilig sa sports dati. Jeepney driver
MODERATOR: So naging atleta ka pa noon.
ARNOLD: Nabaligtad.
MODERATOR: Nabaligtad ano. Mas marami ka pang nagawa.
ARNOLD: Oo nga po eh. Car accident yung nangyari sa akin. Nabangga ako ng jeep.
MODERATOR: Pero dati, anong ginagawa mo?
ARNOLD: Wala po. Jeepney driver lang po. Nagmamaneho lang po at namamasada.
MODERATOR: Ikaw nagmamaneho pero ikaw ang binangga.

MODERATOR: Nagpapasada ka noon.
ARNOLD: Opo. Medyo mahirap tanggapin pero wala ng magagawa eh.
MODERATOR: Mula nung akisdente tapos nung pagpasok mo sa sports, medyo ilang
ARNOLD: Medyo matagal din na natanggap ko yung ano, pero yung pag-adopt ko sa
sports, saglit lang eh. July ako na-aksidente tapos October, November, medyo… Ang
gusto ko lang kasi, akala ko kasi dati nag-iisa akong may kapansanan. Parang ang hirap
tanggapin. Pero nung nakita ko ng may mga iba pang may kapansanan, parang mas gusto
kong kasama sila kaysa dun sa kapatid ko sa magulang ko. Kasi pakiramdam ko, iba ako
sa kanila eh. Kaya gusto ko may mga kapansanan yung nakakasama ko.
MODERATOR: Kamusta naman mula noong nakakasama mo yung mga may
kapansanan din?
ARNOLD: Okay naman, Ma’am. Sharing. Dun ko natutunan kung pano mag move-on,
pano mo tanggapin yung nangyari sa’yo. Ano yung magiging next step mo. Ano yung
pagkakalibangnan or ano yung mga dapat gawin ng mga may kapansanan. Kasi dati di
ako marunong mag-wheelchair, di ako marunong mag-saklay. May mga dapat pag-
aralan. Dun ko natutunan sa kanila.
MODERATOR: Full time ka ngayong nag-ttraining?
ARNOLD: Ngayon Ma’am may trabaho po ako. Training tapos trabaho.
MODERATOR: Ano naman yung isang trabaho mo?
ARNOLD: Swimming instructor po.
MODERATOR: Talaga? So So dun din sa team ninyo, nagsswimming instructor ka? Or
may iba kang team?
ARNOLD: Iba Ma’am. Sa eskwelahan po.
MODERATOR: Okay, so ano to, yung mga regular kids sa school.
ARNOLD: Opo. PE po.
MODERATOR: Sino naman yung susunod na matagal na? Ikaw naman. Bigyan mo
naman kami ng background kung kailan ka nagsimula maging atleta. Meron ka bang
ginagawang sports dati?
ERIC: Dati po kasi Ma’am. Kumbaga yung sports ko talaga… kasi dun ko lang na-ano
yung sports nung napunta po ako sa isang foundation po.
MODERATOR: Mga llang taon ka nun? Huwag kayong mahiya ah.
ERIC: 12 years old, mga 11 years old ganun.

MODERATOR: Teka, kung di mo mamasamain, bigyan mo nga kami ng background
tungkol naman dun sa kondisyon mo. Kasi yung sa kanya, aksidente.
ERIC: Nung buntis po kasi yung nanay ko, parang gusto akong ipalaglag kaya nadali.
MODERATOR: Sinabi to ng mama mo sayo?
ERIC: Yung lolo ko po nagsabi sa akin.
MODERATOR: Okay, tapos, muli nung grade school ka ba, nung lumaki ka, aktibo ka
ERIC: Nung napasok po ako foundation kasi, may beach resort po kasi sila sa Samal
Island. Dun nagsimula yung natutunan ko sa pag-sswimming kasi araw araw nasa dagat
ako eh. Parang na-adopt ko na paglalangoy.
MODERATOR: Ilang taon ka nun?
ERIC: Ganun po. Mga 12 o 11.
MODERATOR: Natuto kang magswimming sa dagat?
ERIC: Opo, sa dapat.
MODERATOR: Tapos mula noon?
ERIC: Ayun. May nakakita po sa akin na isang coach din po sa Davao City. Tapos sabi
niya kung gusto ko daw ba matuto mag-swim. Sabi ko, sige po. Tapos yun po, tinuruan
niya ako ng proper stroke. Learn to swim Ma’am. Simula nun, naglalaro laro na kami sa
POF, Philippine Olympic Festival.
MODERATOR: Ilang taon ka na nun?
ERIC: 15, 16 ganun. Tapos yun po, nagkita po kami ni Kuya Arnold dun sa isang laro.
Siya po yung nag-recommend sa akin na ipasok ako sa National Team.
MODERATOR: Dati parang club pa lang yung nilalaro, yung representation mo?
ERIC: Team Davao City.
MODERATOR: LGU. Tapos nag-training ka na ng regular dito? Lumuwas ka na dito?
ERIC: Opo.
MODERATOR: Sino naman? Wala ng turuan. Siya nagsimula matapos maaksidente. Ito
naman, grade school nagsimula.
GABBY: Dito na lang din ako natuto. Pagkapasok ko dito, dito na lang din ako naturuan
ng proper stroke ng swimming po.
MODERATOR: Oo. Pero ito ba unang sports mo?

MODERATOR: Anong edad ka nagsimula?
GABBY: 17.
MODERATOR: Okay, okay. Paano mo na-discover? Paano mo nalaman na gusto mo
pala mag-swimming?
GABBY: Yung time kasi na yun kailangan nila ng representative para sa Asian Youth.
Cinontact nila ako kasi naglaro ako sa Palarong Pambansa.
MODERATOR: Pero nag-sswimming ka na noon sa Palarong Pambansa?
GABBY: Yung swim na yun, wala pa gaanong stroke. Naghanap sila. Bale, dapat hindi
ako yung kukunin. Yung taga-region 9 ata yun. Eh hindi kaagad nag-respond. Kaya
kumuha sila sa NCR. Yun po. Pinatawag nila ako tapos nag-train ako dito ng 3 months
kasi 3 months na lang ata yung natitirang buwan para mag-prepare. Dito na ako naturuan
ng proper strokes. Dito na po nag-start ang journey namin sa sports.
MODERATOR: Yung background mo naman, katulad nila? Sa kanila kasi mula
kapanganakan yung kanilang kundisyon. Yung sayo naman?
GABBY: Aksidente po.
MODERATOR: Naaksidente, oo.
GABBY: Nakuryente po ako sa probinsya nung bata po ako, 7 years old po. Eh
kakulitan. Ayun, aksidente.
MODERATOR: Okay. Pero aktibo ka na mula noong maliit ka pa?
GABBY: Saan po? Sa kahit ano, sa mga laro. Di po. Wala akong sports dati. Bali yung
high school lang. Kaya ako nakapag-Palarong Pambansa kasi parang lumalangoy-langoy
lang ako, yung langoy dagat lang.Nag-prisenta ako sa sarili ko na, ako marunong ako.
Pero di ko pa alam yung proper stroke, kaya ayun kinuha nila ako. Meron na silang team
dati na para sa mga ano?
GABBY: Sa DepEd kasi yun eh. Palaro ng DepEd yung sa Palarong Pambansa?
MODERATOR: Meron silang team talaga na para sa mga special swimmers. Kumukuha
rin. May mga events din para diyan. Doon ka unang pumasok. Iba iba pala ang kwento
natin eh. Sino na? Ikaw muna, ikaw muna. Paano nagsimula? Ito ba ang unang sports
mo? May dati ka bang sports na iba.
ROBERT: Noong hindi pa ako na-aksidente.
MODERATOR: Aksidente din, katulad niyo.
ROBERT: Sa akin sa motor po, 2011 lang.
MODERATOR: Itong recent lang. Motor.
ROBERT: Sa probinsya po.
MODERATOR: Probinsya. Pagkatapos nung aksidente, kaagad mo bang naisip?

ROBERT: Medyo, mga 6 months siguro kasi sa probinsya kasi ano, medyo mahirap dun
kaya may pansin ako dito sa Manila. Kinupkop niya muna ako dito sa Manila tapos nag-
research ako about sa PWD. Tapos yun, may nakita akong mga national team na PWD.
Then, niresearch ko po yung mga, pati yung coach. Tapos nag-message po ako. May nag-
reply po na Coach. Coach po ng wheelchair basketball.
MODERATOR: Pero marunong kang mag-basketball noong dati pa?
ROBERT: Naglalaro ako ng basketball nung di pa ako na-aksidente. Tapos yun.
Tinanong niya ako kung anong gusto kong sports. Tapos, sabi ko, baka wheelchair
basketball. Ang problema kasi kailangan ko ng wheelchair. So hindi ako napunta dun.
Baka sa ano na lang, swimming. Kasi laking dagat naman ako. Possible. Marunong ako
lumangoy. Pero yung langoy probinsya. Tapos ni-refer niya ako kay Coach Tony. Yung
Coach namin sa swimming team. Tapos pinapunta niya ako dun sa Ultra. Nag-tryout ako.
Dun na ako nagsimula. 2013. Siguro mga isa’t kalahating taon bago ako nakapasok sa
National Team.
MODERATOR: Meron ka pa bang ibang trabaho? Mula 2011 hanggang ngayon, dito ka
sa National Team. Okay. Ikaw naman.
ADAM: Ako po, nag-start po ako sa... Unang sports ko po yung badminton.
MODERATOR: Badminton?
ADAM: Opo. Tapos nung nauso po yung bagyo noon, Ondoy po ata. Ondoy po ba yun?
ADAM: Nung nauso yun, nirekomana ako ng mama ko at ng papa ko na mag-swimming.
Tapos nagkataon din na may libreng pa-swimming. Nung nakita nila na medyo okay
okay din akong mag-swimming. Tinuloy tuloy na po, hanggang sa napunta dito po sa
National Team. Napunta sa Palaro. Napunta sa National Team.
MODERATOR: Pero nung nag-bbadminton ka, nag-ttraining ka din sa National Team?
ADAM: Wala pa po ako nun. Laro-laro lang. Hobby lang po yun.
MODERATOR: Tapos ilang taon ka noon nung nagsimula kang maglaro sa badminton
tapos lumipat sa swimming?
ADAM: Ano pa lang po ako nun. Mga 7 years old pa lang po ako. Badminton po tapos
nagkaroon ng Ondoy, 11 na po ako.
MODERATOR: Tapos, tulad sa kanila, ang kondisyon mo ba, aksidente o mula
ROBERT: Ano po siya, ? Disorder.
MODERATOR: Mula nung pinanganak. Pero ineexpose ka na ng magulang mo sa
sports na noong bata ka pa?
ADAM: Supportive pa din po yung magulang ko sa swimming.

MODERATOR: Ah okay. Alam ninyo ba lahat ng mga kwento ninyo? Nagkakausap-
usapan kayo? O dito na lang? Yung mga background.
GABBY: Kabisado ko na yang kwento ng mga yan.
MODERATOR: Kabisado niyo na ang mga kwento. Siguro, balikan natin yung mga
motibasyon niyo para, una pumasok sa sports at magtagal kasi pwede naman pumasok at
mawalan kayo ng gana, diba? Saan nanggagaling yung motibasyon natin at yung gana
para mag-sports at lalo na maging bahagi ng National Team? Kasi iba yung pumasok ka
sports, maglaro-laro ka lang. Iba naman yung talagang may training ka araw-araw tapos
meron ka talagang kailangang abutin na kahusayan.
GABBY: Siyempre, yung pinakamatanda. Sila yung nauna. So mas makakapagbigay
muna sila ng mas maraming kwento.
ERIC: Ginagawa ko po kasi, inalay ko sa lolo’t lola ko. Sila po kasi yung nag-alaga sa
akin mula nun. Maaga po kasi nung hiniwalayan ako ng nanay ko. Tapos yung tatay ko
umalis din kaya sila ang umano sa akin.
MODERATOR: Naiwan ka sa lolo't lola mo.
ERIC: Kaya din po tuloy tuloy kasi, yun po, maganda naman po yung performance.
Kaya hangga’t maari, pagpatuloy ko pa din kasi ako pa din naman may hawak nung
ibang event.
MODERATOR: Ano nga yung nagpagana sayo at nagpamotivate sayo para una
talagang magsigasig dito sa swimming at tsaka sa sports?
ERIC: Sila din po Ma’am, yung mga ka-teammates ko. Ka-team ko. Yun po. May gusto
din po akong maabot. Pero di ko lang muna sasabihin kasi wala pa naman yun eh.
Malayo pa.
MODERATOR: Bakit sikreto? Mabuti ngang malaman namin para ano eh.
ERIC: Kasi baka maudlot.
MODERATOR: Maudlot? Meron bang ganun? Naniniwala ka sa ganun.
ERIC: Basta may maganda naman po akong hangarin.
MODERATOR: Dito sa pagkakasali mo dito sa sports, kamusta naman yung naging
pakiramdam mo sa sarili mo?
ERIC: Dati po, mahiyain po talaga ako kahit nung dumating po ako dito, halos di po nila
ako makausap. Kasi pagdating training, tapos dorm, training. Yun lang po ginagawa ko.
Di po ako lumalabas. Si Kuya ARNOLD lang po nag-aaya sa akin na lumabas. Nagka-
confidence po ako dahil sa sports.
MODERATOR: Naging confident ka dahil dito sa sports. Pwede mo bang medyo
ipaliwanag ng konti yun? Dati hindi ka confident?
ERIC: Opo kasi dati nahihiya po ako sa sarili ko dahil sa kapansanan ko. Medyo na-ano
po ako sa sports. Nabawas-bawasan yung hiya. Kaya ko na makipag-face-to-face.

MODERATOR: Okay. So dahil sa sports mo, kaya mo na mag face to face sa ibang
tao.Hindi lang sa teammates mo, pati sa iba. Hindi ka na nahihiya masyado sa sarili mo
ERIC: Kaunti pa din po.
MODERATOR: Konti pa. Sige tutulungan natin siya ah kasi may konti pa daw
natitirang hiya. Meron bang nakaka-connect sa sinasabi niya na tungko sa kumpiyansa
GABBY: Kabisado na namin Ma’am yan
MODERATOR: Pero ikaw din ba? Ganun din pakiramdam mo?
GABBY: Sa akin, iba naman yung ganun ko. May kaunting ganun dahil halos parehas
kaming galing foundation. Ako din meron ding kaunting hiya pa pag lumalabas kasi
siyempre pag titinginan ka ng tao.
MODERATOR: Mula nung maliit ka. Kamusta yun? Paano ka nag-ccope noon, kasi
siyempre nung bata ka, ganun din naman yung reaction ng mga tao?
GABBY: Nung bata kasi ako Ma'am, di naman ako nakakaranas ng pambbully eh.
Kumbaga, sa akin, normal lang. Habang lumalaki lang kasi, habang lumalaki ako,
napapansin ko, parang kakaiba. Maiilang ka na. Lalo na pag nagkaka-crush ka na.
MODERATOR: Totoo yan. Tama kasi pag nagka-crush ka na iba na eh. Yung hiya mo.
GABBY: Paano kung di niya ako magustuhan? Ganun.
MODERATOR: Tapos anong nagawa ng sports mo at ng pagsali mo dito upang
mabawasan ba yan, matulungan ang kumpiyansa mo? Kasi yun yung kwinekwento niya
kanina eh.
GABBY: Oo Ma’am. Malaking factor yung pagsali sa sports kasi, isa, hindi lahat
nakakasali sa mga ganitong kompetisyon. Pati sa National Team mahirap. Mahirap
pumasok sa pagiging National team. Nagrerepresenta ka ng bansa natin. Kumbaga isang
ano na din sa mga katulad namin. Isang ano na din yun para, uy ano ako eh. Kumbaga
konting yabang.
MODERATOR: Wag naman natin ipakonti, dagdagan na natin.
GABBY: Nakakapagbigay motiv… nakakapabigay ano naman samin.
MODERATOR: Nakaka-angat ng self-confidence. Hindi ka na nahihiya sa crush mo?
GABBY: Sometimes.
ROBERT: Sometimes, always.
MODERATOR: Okay na malaman ng crush mo.
GABBY: Sa akin naman kasi nga habang tumatagal, kasi kanya-kanyang ano na tayo.
Kung ayaw mo, edi...

MODERATOR: Hindi na masyadong mabigat sa kalooban.

GABBY: Ano, acceptance lang yan. Kung ayaw sayo, edi go.
MODERATOR: Kamusta naman kayo? Kasi yung mga pinaguusapan nila, halimbawa
parehas silang nagkasundo na tumataas ang kompiyansa nila dahil sa sports. Ganun din
ba yung naramdaman niyo? O meron pang ibang dagdag dun sa karanasan na yun?
GABBY: Mas marami yan Ma’am.
GABBY: Pag nakikita ko nga yung interview niya sa TV, talagang naiinspire ako.
ROBERT: Ma-iinspire ka talaga.
MODERATOR: Ibahagi mo naman sa amin. Pang-TV lang ba yan?
GABBY: Madalas kasi siya lumalabas sa TV Ma'am.
MODERATOR: Pag walang camera ba hindi ka magkkwento?
ROBERT: Videohan kita brad.
GABBY: Pag nakikita mo sa TV, mas lalo akong naiinspire Naiinspire ka?
MODERATOR: O sige nga, inispire mo naman kami.
ARNOLD: Back to me nanaman oh.
ROBERT: Parang yung nagkwento siya Maam, halos di na kami kailangan magkwento
kasi halos nasabi na niya lahat.
ARNOLD: Pinagtulungan niyo na ako ah.
MODERATOR: Maririnig din natin sila lahat.
GABBY: Ma'am, iba po kasi siya magkwento pag nasa TV
MODERATOR: Pang-tv lang?
GABBY: Ibang iba po kasi siya mag-kwento eh
GABBY: Umpisahan mo na Boy.
MODERATOR: Mas maraming darating. Baka gusto niya mas maraming audience?
ARNOLD: Sa akin, halos parehas din sa kanya eh.
ERIC: Naunahan ka lang.
MODERATOR: Okay naman ulutin eh kasi siyempre kanya kanya naman tayong
kwentong buhay diba?
GABBY: Sorry ka na lang.
ARNOLD: Sa akin, Ma'am, parang nasanay na din kasi yung katawan ko sa pag-
ttraining. Kumbaga, kasi huminto ako dati nung start ng 2015, 2016. Nag lie low ako

sa… Di ako nag-training ng maiigi. Pero pagdating kasi ng mga 4:30, 5:00, nagigising na
ako kahit di ako nag-aalarm.
MODERATOR: Pwede ko ba malaman bakit ka naglie-low?
ARNOLD: Dahil po sa trabaho. Kaya nag full time akong teacher. Then, yun nga, kasi
may nagkakagusto din sa akin kahit may kapansanan. Napikot yung puso ko kasi.
MODERATOR: Baka tumaas pa ang appeal mo dahil diyan diba.
ARNOLD: Isa yun, isa yun.
MODERATOR: Mas tumataas ang appeal mo. So dahil sa kanya, tumigil ka.
ARNOLD: Mahirap ipagsabay eh, trabaho tapos pamilya. Yun nga eh, napikot din ata
ako. Nagkaanak kasi kami and then kailangan mag-trabaho ng maiigi. Then, that time
kasi wala pa masyadong support. Kumbaga, hindi talaga full support from government sa
MODERATOR: Yung panahon na yun?
ARNOLD: Sa panahon na yun. Sa kapanahunan. Si Gabby naabutan nila yung 3 months,
6 months ka lang magkaka-allowance. For the whole year, ganun. Yung ganung bagay,
naranas din naman noon. 2016, 2017, naipasa na yung batas. Pero naiapply yung '16.
Naipasa na yung batas na full time na talaga yung allowance ng athlete.
MODERATOR: So malaking bagay yun?
ARNOLD: Malaking bagay yun para sa aming mga athlete. So yun, nag-desisyon akong
babalik. Tapos, may nakalagay dun sa benefits ng mga athletes. Para sa akin na ang tagal
kong naghihintay na maipasa yun. Kumbaga, maranasan ko man lang yung ganung
bagay. Yung support ng government. So bumalik ako. Pero, nag-medal kami, yung sarili
namin. Team relay. 2007. Tumaas. Pag nag-medal kasi, tumataas din yung sweldo
MODERATOR: Kailan yung medal na yun? Saan yun?
ARNOLD: 2017, sa Malaysia. Pagka nag medal kasi, depende sa medal mo, tumataas
din yung allowance. Ng dahil dun, malaking bagay para sa akin na may pamilya, yung
allowance na yun tapos trabaho. Tapos yung pangarap ko dating magkaroon ng sariling
bahay, yung ganun, doon ko nagagamimt yung allowance. Kami, may kanya-kanya
kaming naipundar dun sa sweldo na yun. Pag ka nag-medal ka, may incentives ka. May
mga, kumbaga, nilalaanan kami. Ito para dito. Para pag nawala ka na sa sports, may
makikita ka dun sa pinagpaguran mo nung athlete ka pa. Kanya-kanya kaming idea kung
paano gamitin yung kinita. So sa akin, kaya ako hanggang ngayon nandito pa din dahil
siyempre para pamillya ko. Then, ako din may pangarap ako kahit na medyo bata pa ako
ng konti. And then, siguro para sa akin passion ko na talaga kasi trabaho ko ngayon
swimming so nandun pa din talaga yung pagka-athlete. Siguro pag-ccoach na din. And
then, dala na din sa katawan siguro Ma’am eh. Kahit di nag-aalarm, nagigising talaga ako
pag ganoong oras eh. Tsaka, gumaganda na ulit yung pakiramdam ko. Kasi dati tumigil
ako sa training medyo nanibago. Nagkakasakit ako. Ngayon okay naman, maganda
naman yung resistensya. Gumaganda yung pakiramdaman. Tsaka yung ano pala,

confidence sa sarili. Ganun din. Kasi dun kasi sa school na pinagtrabahuan ko, mga
foreigner yung mga estudyante namin. Kumbaga mga high-class kasi private school eh.
ROBERT: Magaling ka naman mag-English?
MODERATOR: Ikaw ang kanilang pinili para maging coach diba?
MODERATOR: Paano ka naman nila nahanap para maging coach nila?
ARNOLD: Yung boss ko kasi commissioner dati sa PSC. Si Akiko Thomson. Swimmer
din yun, olympian si Akiko Thomson. Kilala din niya yung head coach namin, si Coach
Ral. Nung pumasyal ako dun, actually di naman sana ako mag-ccoach noon eh. Sa akin
lang, titingin lang, kukuha ng idea. Pwede bang dito ako magtrabaho. Kasi medyo
malayo din eh. Pagdating dun, pinatry agad ako eh. Pinahawak ako ng bata. Pinaturuan sa
akin. So dun nagsimula. Sige bukas, pasok ka na. Late na yung requirements. So, yun,
hanggang one year, nagustuhan ko na kahit malayo. Kinuha ko na din.
MODERATOR: Kasi bago ka naman napunta sa swimming, iba yung buhay mo dati.
Sabi mo nag-ddrive ka. Okay. Kung ikukumpara mo yung buhay mo dati ngayon, anong
masasabi mo tungkol dun?
ARNOLD: Mas okay ako yung buhay ko ngayon.
MODERATOR: Mas maganda ang?
ARNOLD: Mas maganda ang, mas okay ako ngayon.
MODERATOR: Okay, yung iba naman diyan. Kwento niyo na.
ARNOLD: Ikaw na Robert
MODERATOR: Ano yung pakiramdam mo at nagtagal ka, nagpursigi ka, and in fact,
siyempre mahirap mag-training para sa National Team diba? Ano yung mga bagay bagay
na naranasan mong nakabuti sayo tapos yung motibasyon mo sa sarili mo? Kasi kanina
pinagusapan yung kumpiyansa tapos may iba’t ibang pagkakataon na lumabas na dati
naman wala yung mga ganyan namang oportunidad. Ikaw naman.
ADAM: Ako po kasi, yung motivation ko yung magulang ko, tapos lalong lalo na yung
kapatid ko kasi. Kasi parang ano eh, kasi dati nawala ako ng isang kapatid. Parang dun
lang ako lalong nabalutan. Tapos yun, nagkaroon nanaman ako ng isang kapatid. Tapos
yun. Sabi ko, parang ayoko talaga ulit mawalan ng isang kapatid. Dahil suportado na ako
ng magulang, tuloy tuloy ako sa sports. Kahit ang pangarap ko muna ngayon is para
makakuha ng allowance kasi ang allowance kasi kapag nagka-medal para sa laro. Pero
pag nakuha na, yun yung pangarap ko.
MODERATOR: Magkakaiba pala kayo. Ikaw wala ka pang allowance ngayon? Pero
pano yung mga gastos mo halimbawa, sa pag training mo, sa pagpunta punta mo dito?
ADAM: Libre naman po yung training pero hatid po ako ng papa ko kasi suportado niya

MODERATOR: Tapos nakikita mo din na ito yung gusto mong gawin talaga. Ang
motivation mo is maging full-time ka dito, magkaroon ng allowance. Kamusta naman ang
pakiramdam mo sa sarili mo tuwing nag-sswimming ka? Nakapag-kumpitensya ka na ba
para sa Pilipinas?
ADAM: Opo.
MODERATOR: Kamusta naman ang pakiramdam mo pag ka naglalaro ka para sa
ADAM: Kinakabahan kasi irerepresenta ko yung Pilipinas kasi unang laban ko yun tapos
ito pangalawa. Sa darating na next, pangalawa ko na, yung SEAGames. Kailangankong
bawas-bawasan ng onti yung kaba ko.
MODERATOR: Pero habang nag-ttraining ka ba, yung dati mong sarili na kinakabahan,
ngayon lumalakas na yung loob mo?
ADAM: Parang ganun po kasi dati, wala talaga. Ano, na-bully ako nung bata ako kaya
ngayon, medyo may kaibigan na ako dito, mga ka-teammate ko, mga kalaro ko. Parang
lumalakas na yung loob ko.
MODERATOR: Di ka na nila binubully dito?
ADAM: Hindi.
MODERATOR: Pag magkakasama ba kayo, may nagbbully din dito?
ROBERT: Wala, biru-biruan lang.
ARNOLD: Bully lahat.
MODERATOR: Bully lahat, para pare-pareho. Equal kayong lahat. So masaya ka dito
pag nandito ka kasama nila?
ADAM: Masaya naman po.
MODERATOR: Dati pumapasok ka sa regular school?
ADAM: Ay pumapasok po ako sa regular school. Wala po ako dito tuwing Monday,
Tuesday kasi may pasok po ako. Tapos Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
MODERATOR: Alam naman ng kaklase mo na miyembro ka ng National Team?
ADAM: Di ko po kasi pinagkakalat kasi di ko po masyado kinakausap yung mga kaklase
ko. Dito lang po talaga ako nagsasalita.
MODERATOR: Talaga. Okay. So wala kang kaibigan sa mga kaklase mo?
ROBERT: Classmate lang, hindi kaibigan.
MODERATOR: Bakit, pag nalaman nilang kasama ka dito sa National Team, anong
palagay mong iisipin nila?
ADAM: Baka mabigla din. Pero alam nilang varsity din ako sa school.

MODERATOR: Yun naman pala eh. Kasama ka naman pala sa Swimming Team ng
school niyo. Bida ka din pala dun eh.
ROBERT: Hindi masyado nagsasalita.
MODERATOR: Pero dito madaldal? Madaldal ba siya?
ARNOLD: Wala kasi ano dito, Ma’am, wala siyang crush.
ROBERT: Tahimik lang to dun sa school niya kasi nandun yung crush eh. Turuan mo
kasi na mag-open sa crush.
GABBY: Pag may crush ka, I love you agad.
MODERATOR: Okay. Ikaw naman, ano yung motivation mo para mag-training?
ROBERT: Siguro Ma’am, ano, unang-una, ano po, family. Isa din po sa
nagpapamotivate sa akin para makatulong. Siyempre, sa sarili din. Para makatulong sa
ROBERT: Sino pa?
ROBERT: Tsaka... yun lang.
MODERATOR: May tinatago ba to?
ROBERT: Yung mga bagay-bagay.
MODERATOR: Pero, kamusta ang pakiramdam mo sa sarili mo na nandito ka na sa
ano, kasi siya sabi niya nabawasan ang hiyaan niya, yung isa naman nadagdagan ang
kumpiyansa niya. Yung isa naman ay tungkol sa pag papabuhay ng pamilya.
ROBERT: Siguro, ano po, confidence sa sarili kasi isa yun sa nagpalakas ng confidence
kasi nandito ako para umangat ng konti sa National Team.
MODERATOR: Bago ka ba pumunta dito sa team na to, yung kumpiyansa mo hindi
masyadong mataas?
ROBERT: Meron naman po. Mataas naman. Pero mas nadagdagan. Yun ang pinaka ano
po, pinaka nagpapalakas ng motibasyon sa sarili. Siguro yung family para isa sa, kasi
siyempre sa probinsya.
MODERATOR: Lahat ba kayo, yung mga pamilya ninyo talagang suportado kayo sa
pag-desisyon niyo dito?
GABBY: Sa akin, ako, desisyon ko ‘to eh.
MODERATOR: Meron bang kumokontra sa’yo?
GABBY: Wala.
GABBY: Walang magawa eh.
GABBY: Kasi, 17, underaged pa ako noon eh. Sinabi ko sa kanila kukuha na ako ng
passport, sabi ko, pupunta ako ng ganito. Eh kailangan ng consent ng magulang.

MODERATOR: Natural. Oo.
GABBY: Dun nila nalaman. Kung pwede nga lang sana hindi ko sasabihin.

MODERATOR: Na mag-aabroad ka? Mag-ccompete ng ganun? Oo. Tapos nung

nalaman nila, anong reaction nila?
GABBY: ‘Di ka man lang nagsabi sa akin’.
MODERATOR: Di nagsabi pero kontra ba sila sa pagsali mo dito?
GABBY: Hindi naman na. ‘Di ka man lang nagsabi ah.’ ‘Pirmahan niyo to’.
MODERATOR: Masasabi mo bang nakakatulong yung suporta o di pagsuporta ng
pamilya mo?
GABBY: Wala. Sa akin, walang epekto.
MODERATOR: Basta sayo talaga, gusto mo. Kamusta naman kayo? Malaking bagay ba
yung may suporta o wala yung pamilya ninyo? Kaso yung sa kanya balewala yung sa
kanya eh.
GABBY: Ako kasi ang nagsusuporta sa mga magulang ko eh.
ROBERT: Siguro, ano, para sa akin, malaki yung suporta ng pamilya ko. Di naman sa
financial support. Motivation.
MODERATOR: Moral support.
ROBERT: Kamusta?
MODERATOR: Walang kumokontra dito sa desisyon mo.Kamusta naman kayo?
Nararamdaman niyo naman din yung suporta ng pamilya niyo na mahalaga o ke may
suporta o wala, okay lang?
ARNOLD: Kailangan yung support talaga ng magulang. Kahit kamustahin ka man lang
kung anong kalagayan mo dito. Yung ganun. Kasi dati noong nabubuhay pa mga
magulang ko. Wala na kasi akong magulang eh. Kinakamusta nila lagi ako. Kahit nung
may asawa na ako, kinakamusta pa din nila ako. Kung anong nagiging kalagayan ko.
Parang medyo nakakagaan ng pakiramdam na wow naalala din ako ng magulang ko.
Tapos pagdating sa sweldo, kakamustahin ka ulit?
GABBY: How are you?
ARNOLD: Iba talaga kapag may motivation man lang o pag-encourage dun sa ginagawa
mo galing dun sa magulang. Kasi ngayon, mga kapatid ko, wala ng pakialaman. Kaya
naramdaman ko na mas okay yung ganun. Kasi yun nga. Wala na kasi akong magulang,
wala ng nag-message sa akin na ganito. Mga kapatid ko, wala na.

MODERATOR: Noong nawala yung mga magulang niyo, di na kayo nag-mmessage sa
isa’t isa?
ARNOLD: Opo Ma’am, wala na. Di na sila nag-mmessage din sa akin.
MODERATOR: Pero, suportado din nila ibig sabihin bilib sila sa ginagawa mo?
ARNOLD: Oo naman. Wala na nga lang usap usap.
ROBERT: Wala namang telegrama?
MODERATOR: Kamusta naman, kayong dalawa? Yung suporta ng magulang, mga
kapatid, ng kamag-anak?
ERIC: Sa akin kasi, Ma’am, parang sanay na din kasi ako na ako lang mag-isa.
Kumbaga, yun po, sa kapatid ko. Di din masyadong close. Kasi half brother. Okay naman
kahit walang suporta, kaya naman. Sa mental ano pa din, mental. Nasa pag-iisip pa din
talaga. Kung mahina ka, mahina ka talaga. Kahit walang suporta, okay naman basta
laging may pangarap. Yun din naman yung habol mo bakit nandito ka. Yun pa din yung
MODERATOR: Ikaw sabi mo yung mommy’t daddy mo talagang suportado ka diba?
So, malaking bagay ba yan?
ADAM: Malaki po kasi ang layo din po kasi ng school ko sa ano ko.
MODERATOR: Saan ang school mo?
ADAM: Arellano po ako.
MODERATOR: Arellano. Medyo malayo-layo nga.
ADAM: Opo. Hinahatid po ako ng tatay ko.
MODERATOR: Tapos hinihintay ka pagdating dito diba?
ADAM: Pero doon po ako nakatira. Sa UP din po ako nakatira. Sa Balara.
MODERATOR: Ah sa Balara. Teka sa Balara ka nakatira tapos hinahatid ka araw-araw
sa Arellano. At hinahatid-sundo ka din dito?
ADAM: Opo pero dorm ako ng 3 days.
MODERATOR: Ah, naka-dorm ka.
ADAM: Opo. Tapos yung papa ko, hatid niya po ako ng estasyon ng tren tapos pabalik
sundo niya ako. Monday, Tuesday.
MODERATOR: Saan kayo kumukuha ng lakas loob ninyo lalo na kung merong mga
pagsubok? Saan kayo kumuha ng lakas loob?
GABBY: Sa akin, unang-una kapag hindi ko kaya, ano lang, sa taas lang. Pray lang na,
ano, sana makayanan ko to. Maghanap ng ano, hanap ng things na para, halimbawa,
kapag may problema, maghahanap ako ng… Unang-una magdadasal muna ako tapos
hahanapin ko paano ko to mareresolba. Yun lang. Yun ang pinakauna kong ginagawa

kapag sobrang frustrated na ako o sobrang stressed ko na. Sabi ko, bigyan mo ako ng ano,
lakas, para ganito. Kasi wala akong ibang malalapitan. Minsan makkwento ko sa mga
kaibigan ko ganun. Pero minsan kasi hindi nagiging sapat. Kaya sa kanya lang. Tapos
nagiging okay ako.
MODERATOR: Sa paniniwala mo at sa faith mo. Kayo din ba, nararamdaman niyo
yung sinasabi din niya? Saan kayo humuhugot ng lakas pag kunwari nawawalan ng
motivation o kung ano mang mga pagsubok? Saan kayo humuhugot ng inyong lakas?
ARNOLD: Parehas lang din sa kanya. Tiwala na lang sa taas, sa Panginoon. Kasi di
naman siya magbibigay ng pagsubok kung wala kang solution. So tiwala din sa sarili.
Dasal na lang. Sa paniniwala.
MODERATOR: Kayo naman? Kunwari meron kang pagsubok, saan ka kumukuha ng
ERIC: Wala akong pagkukunan ng lakas, Ma’am eh. Naubos na yun lakas. Basta sa akin,
sa isip ng tao. Kasi pag di ka din nagisip ng maayos, di mo din masosolusyonan yung
problema mo. Minsan bumabawi ako sa Mobile Legends na lang. Sa awa naman, lahat ng
mga problema ko, kahit na walang tumutulong sa akin, na-ssolve ko naman. Di pa din
niya ako pinapabayaan.
MODERATOR: So nagdadasal ka din?
ERIC: Opo pero minsan nakakaligtaan na din. Minsan makakalimutin din ako. Yun po.
Mapagmamalaki ko na kahit na may mga problema po ako, minsan sinosolo ko lang na i-
ssolve. Kaya naman. Hindi ko alam eh. Malakas ako sa Diyos eh.
MODERATOR: Naniniwala ka pa din sa kanya kahit na nakakalimot kang magdasal
ERIC: Kasi di naman tayo perpekto katulad niya. Basta nakikita ko po yung presensya.
Pag may mga problema ako, gagawan ko ng paraan.
MODERATOR: O kayo naman?
ROBERT: Halos pare-parehas lang din. Lahat naman ng tao may dumadating na mga
problema. Siyempre, ang una kong ginagawa, ganun din. Nagdadasal sa taas. Ang iba ko
lang, umaakyat muna ako sa taas para mas malapit.
ARNOLD: Patay tayo diyan.
GABBY: Ayos yun ah. Nakuha mo yun ah.
ARNOLD: Bagong idea.
ROBERT: Kailangan akyat tayo sa building para mas mataas, mas malapit. Ganun po.
Siyempre, pinapagsa-Diyos na lang ang problema. Tapos konting pinag-iisipan din kung
ano mga solusyon. Sa awa ng diyos, nalalampasan din ang mga problema.
MODERATOR: Okay. Ikaw naman?

ADAM: Diyos pero lalong-lalo na sa magulang.
MODERATOR: Sa magulang. Talagang lumalapit ka sa magulang mo?
ADAM: Pag wala na talaga akong kausap, talagang magulang ko yung kausap ko.
Nagkakalma sa akin.
MODERATOR: So napagusapan na natin ang mga pagsubok. Ano naman yung mga
klase ng pagsubok natin dito sa sports natin na may kinalaman sa pagttraining natin na
nagpapabigat o minsan nagbibigay ng problema sa atin? Meron ba tayong mga challenges
dito? Meron tayong mga nararanasan din na mga pagsubok? Kasi sabi niyo, di naman
lahat perpekto diba? Meron ba kayong mga pagsubok na nararanasan na minsan
nagpapahirap sa pagttraining ninyo or sa pagtuloy-tuloy na pagsasabuti ng ginagawa
ninyo dito?
ARNOLD: Sa akin Ma’am, sa family ko talaga. Especially pag may mga emergency sa
bahay. Di mo talaga maiwasan na kapag may training. Pero hinahanapan ko talaga ng
paraan na kahit papano, makakalangoy. Like, nung Tuesday, nag-absent ako kasi yung
mother-in-law ko nga nasa ospital. Pero nakapag-gym pa ako ng umaga. Early in the
morning. Then nakapag-training pa din ako. Then sinugod sa ospital yung mother-in-law.
Hinahanapan ko pa din. Tapos, yun nga, sana bigyan ako ng time para makapag-train.
Then minsan, sakit ng katawan. Mahirap mag-training. Minsan nagkakasakit din. Pero
kung kaya, kaya naman. Tiwala lang na gagaling.
MODERATOR: So yung mga demands sa pamilya di mo maiwasan lalo na kung
emergency tapos yung mga nararamdaman sa katawan.
ARNOLD: Opo. Mahirap kasi.
MODERATOR: Pero may benepisyo naman kayo sa mga sakit? Halimbawa, pag na-
ospital kayo? Meron ba kayong benepisyo sa national team?
ROBERT: Meron po sana pero di po naiimplement.
MODERATOR: Ah di pa naimplement.
GABBY: Nung naputol yung ano niya, tinulungan naman.
ROBERT: Na-reimburse naman yung nagastos niya.
MODERATOR: Pag na-injure kayo o naaksidente, meron namang tinutulong. Yung iba
naman, anu-anong mga pagsubok ninyo na nararanasan?
ROBERT: Siguro, ano, sa ngayon, training venue. Yan yung una naming problema. Kasi
wala na kaming mapag-training-an.
MODERATOR: Wala kayong swimming pool?
ROBERT: Meron naman po. 50-meter pool kasi inaayos yung swimming pool dito
MODERATOR: Okay, so san na kayo nag-ttraining ngayon?
ROBERT: Sa La Consolacion. Kaso 25 meters lang. Ang standard 50 meters.

MODERATOR: Hindi ba kayo hahanapan ng lugar kung saan kayo pwede mag-training
ng 50 meters?
ERIC: Wala po. Busy din yung preparation sa SEAGames.
MODERATOR: Kailan daw matatapos ang swimming pool dito?
ROBERT: Matagal pa yan. January pa yan, Feburary pa siguro.
MODERATOR: Pero saan ang SEAGames events doon sa Clark?
ROBERT: Sa New Tarlac City.
MODERATOR: Yung training venue ang problema natin ngayon. Ano pa yung ibang
mga pagsubok natin?
ERIC: Ako Ma’am yung bago ka mapuntang London. Nagkaroon kasi ako ng injury.
ERIC: Yung masakit kasi dun. Halos January hanggang August, Ma’am, maganda yung
training ko tapos yung pagpasok ng mga kalagitnaan, August din yun eh. Bigla akong
nagka-injury sa shoulder.
GABBY: Yun yung masakit yung pangalan eh, mahirap bigkasin.
ERIC: Parang nawalan ako ng gana. Kaya sabi ko kena Coach, wag na ako tumuloy
Coach. Paiwan na lang ako kasi nakakabadtrip kasi ilang buwan mo pinag-trainingan
tapos bigla kang ma-injure.
MODERATOR: Pero nagpacheck up ka?
ERIC: Ngayon nawala na Ma’am eh kasi tinusok tusok ng karayom.
MODERATOR: Acupuncture
GABBY: Nag-ddry needling.
MODERATOR: Pero inaasikaso ka?
ERIC: Opo.
MODERATOR: Meron kayong therapist?
MODERATOR: Nahirapan ka lang dahil nagkaroon ka ng injuery pero binigyan ka din
naman ng assistance.
ERIC: Nung ano po, nag-ttraining training kami. Therapy pa din.
MODERATOR: Ngayon, meron ka pang nararamdaman?
ERIC: Ngayon, tapos na yung laro, saka nawala yung sakit.
MODERATOR: Ano pang mga pagsuboka ang nararanasan natin dito, halimbawa
siguro bukod sa training venue, injury, ano pa ba yung mga nakakapagpabigat, pahirap?
GABBY: Mga nangungutang.
MODERATOR: Mga nangungutang. Baka naman sobrang popular ka.
GABBY: Kamusta? Pautang.
GABBY: Masakit sa ulo.Kaya minsan. Seryoso Ma’am. Isa yun. Kasi iisipin mo. Totoo
MODERATOR: Pero binabayaran ka naman?
GABBY: Minsan di nakakabalik eh. Ang masama pa diyan, uutang ulit. Padagdag
MODERATOR: Mahirap humindi?
GABBY: Siyempre meron ka eh. Baka Kailangan. Yun lang ang iniisip ko din. Baka
kailangan talaga.
MODERATOR: So kayo naman, ano yung mga nararamdaman ninyo?
GABBY: Wala yun sa kamag-anakan. Seryoso.
MODERATOR: Pero sila yung mas may abilidad diba?
GABBY: Pero baligtad eh. Kapag nalalaman nilang may achievement. Halimbawa
nanalo ka, alam nilang may incentive ka, andyan nanaman sila.
ERIC: Liligawan ka muna.
GABBY: Seryoso yun, Ma’am. Hindi joke. madami. Sa kanya, sa amin, sa akin,
maraming beses nangyari. Uutangan ka ng singkwenta mil. Napakadali ba nun, sabi ko.
MODERATOR: Wala ka bang kailangang itabi?
GABBY: Yan ang sinasabi ko. Yun ang minsang nag-aano sa akin. Bakit ganun naman
sila? Minsan yun ang nagpapagod sa isip ko. Lalo na sa gabi. Lalo na pag hinindian mo.
ERIC: Kasi pamilya sila Ma’am eh. Yung sa akin ganun din, yung mga nangungutang sa
akin, mga nag-aasawa na. Eh sa akin nga, sabi ko, napakahirap ng buhay tapos sa iba
kayo humingi ng suporta, nagpapabigat. Dapat kung nag-asawa kayo, panindigan niyo.
GABBY: Minsan ang nangyayari pa diyan talagang kalagitnaan ng training. Tapos
biglang may mga ganun. Seryoso di ka makapag-concentrate. Minsan nga dalawang
beses, magkasunod, uy si ano mo to. Hindi ko friend sa facebook. Wala akong number sa
kanila. Si ano mo to, Tito mo to. Eh ako di ako sa nagdamot pero lahat ng achievements
na na-ano namin, sa una pa lang, binigyan ko sila. Parang di sila nagiisip. Ano to eh,
disabled to
MODERATOR: Bakit hindi mo itabi na halimbawa sa savings?
GABBY: Ang ginagawa ko lang talaga, tinitiis ko. Ano ba bakit, anong reason bakit

MODERATOR: Eh kailangan may sa savings tayong lahat eh. Kasi pwede ka ba
lumapit sa kanila kapag ikaw naman ang nangialangan?
GABBY: Yun na nga po Ma’am ang masakit eh. Nung ako naman ang nangungutang,
ayaw nila. Sinasabi, mangungutang nga, anong ipambabayad? Pero di sila sa akin nag-
matter lahat. Yun ang pinaka sa akin, nagpapa-ano sa isip ko. Kaya minsan di ako
makatulog ng maayos.
MODERATOR: Nakaka-abala sa training mo?
GABBY: Sobra.
MODERATOR: Meron ba kayong suporta dito? Halimbawa meron kayong pwede
kausapin kung meron mabigat sa kalooban ninyo? Meron ba?
ERIC: Meron naman pong psych.
MODERATOR: Sinong psychologist ninyo?
GABBY: Marami Ma’am.
GABBY: Si Ma’am Denise
MODERATOR: Si Denise, oo. Dun sa PSC. Sila Karen. Ayun. Kailangan lumapit ka sa
kanila kasi bahagi naman yan ng suporta ng gobyerno, yung sports psychologist natin.
Tapos hindi naman yun yung kailangan ang ilalapit natin tungkol sa performance natin.
Yung mga nakakabigat. Mga personal na bagay, nakakagulo ng isip. Yun ang kailangan
ilapit sa sports psychologist ninyo. Kasi meron naman tayo sa PSC nun eh. Para sa inyo
naman lahat yun eh. Diba para matulungan din yung pagiisip mo at hindi makabigat.
Kasi, gusto mong maging mabuting, magaling na atleta. Edi siyempre, kaya ko
tinatanong sa inyo, yung mga pabigat kailangan tanggalin, o at least bawasan. Kayo ba,
nakaka-resonate kayo dun sa sinabi niya na pabigat? Ganun din ba sa inyo?
ERIC: Parang halos parehas kami eh. Nililimot ko na lang eh.
MODERATOR: Hindi mo sila pinapansin?
ERIC: Hindi naman. Binibigyan ko. Pero, bahala kayo kung ibalik niyo o hindi. Kasi pag
iisipin mo pa kasi, dagdag pasakit sa ano Ma’am eh. Kaya yung nagpapa-ano sa akin,
Mobile Legends.
MODERATOR: Meron pa bang ibang mga ano? Halimbawa yung sa suporta ng
gobyerno, meron ba?
ERIC: Okay naman.
GABBY: Maganda naman na ang support. Di na katulad ng dati. Mas okay.
GABBY: Medyo settled na kami.
MODERATOR: Settled na. Tapos tungkol naman sa status ninyo sa National Team,
wala bang, halimbawa, ano, kumpara dun sa mga hindi ano, differently-abled katulad
ninyo, meron bang discrimination?

ARNOLD: Meron naman Ma’am pero di talaga maiwasan Ma’am eh.
GABBY: Di na namin inaano na lang. Parang wala na kaming ano dun. Wala na kaming
paki. Bahala na sila.
ARNOLD: Nakikita naman nila eh.
GABBY: Minsan abled body naman na ang nagsasabi. Parang unfair naman sa inyo yan.
Example na lang sa incentives, hindi pa din pantay. Pero sa amin, okay na kami dun.
Halimbawa, ang gold medal ng SEAGames, 300. Sa amin Ma’am, 150. Sa amin okay na
yun at least meron.
ARNOLD: Hindi katulad ng dati.
GABBY: 25, 15,000. Thankful na lang kami sa nangyari nung 2015.
GABBY: Ma-realize naman na nila yan.
ARNOLD: Ma-realize nila kasi makikita naman nila eh.
GABBY: Kahit, sabi nga eh, kahit anong pilit mo kung ayaw talaga nila eh diba? Ma-
realize nila yung mga ganyang bagay.
MODERATOR: Kayo naman, meron ba kayong ibang mga balakid o pabigat?
ROBERT: Ganun din. Minsan.
ERIC: Halos pare-parehas.
MODERATOR: May mga pagkakataon na nawawalan kayo ng motivation?
ERIC: Hindi naman.
GABBY: Nakakabawi naman.
MODERATOR: Na nawawalan kayo ng gana o kaya parang ayaw nyo na? Ano yung
mga pagkakataon na parang ayaw mo na.
ERIC: Yun nga Ma’am. Parang pagod sa training, parang ganun.
ARNOLD: Kanina nga eh, ayoko sana bumangon eh. Ayoko sana bumangon para mag-
gym. Bigat kasi nung training kahapon eh. Grabe naman si Coach. Tindi naman nun.
GABBY: Mas mabigat yung training namin. Seryoso.
ARNOLD: Kalokohan yun
GABBY: Seryoso nga. Ano bang training niyo kahapon?
MODERATOR: Di ba kayo magkasama sa training?
GABBY: Hindi po kasi nag-training kami kahapon sa 50-meter. Sila sa 20.
MODERATOR: Bakit di kayo magkasama eh diba isang team lang kayo?
GABBY: Nag-ano kami ng 50-meter. Kasi si Kuya ARNOLD kasi after niya ng work,
diretso siya dun.

MODERATOR: So nakakapagod na talaga. So di kayo nawawalan ng gana? Lahat kayo
excited mag-training?
ADAM: Nakakatakot to.
ROBERT: Takot ka ba?
MODERATOR: Ikaw? Halimbawa pumapasok ka pa sa scbool, diba? Di ba mabigat
yun kasi binabalense mo pa yung school mo tsaka yung sports mo.
ADAM: Okay lang po yun kasi sabi naman nung teacher, ginampanan mo yan, gusto mo
maging varsity. Yan talaga pagdadaanan mo. Ganyan talaga. Pare-parehas lang kayo.
MODERATOR: So yun ang gusto kong malaman, meron bang nagpapabigat o
nagpapabawas ng motibasyon ninyo.
ERIC: Wala naman.
MODERATOR: Sa inyo na lang yun?
ERIC: Yun din po, kasi maganda naman po ang performance maam kaya yun po yung
nagpapagana. Siyempre di natin maiwasan na minsan tatamarin tayo kasi wala sa
kondisyon yung katawan.
MODERATOR: Marianne, meron ka pang gustong tanungin na nakalimutan ko?
MARIANNE: Yung transportation. Kung may problema ba sila sa transpo nila.
MODERATOR: Halimbawa papunta sa mga training ganyan? Papano pala yun, pagka
kailangan ninyong lumipat lipat, anong arrangement ang meron kayo?
ERIC: Dati po kasi, Ma’am. Nilalakad lang. Ngayon po yung mga nasa La Consolacion,
yun po.
MODERATOR: Ano yan, kanya kanya kayo?
ERIC: Di po, dinadaanan po kami ng coach.
MODERATOR: Sabay sabay kayo.
MODERATOR: Hinahatid naman kayo doon. Hindi kayo kailangan mag-commute
kanya kanya?
GABBY: May motor naman yung iba. Si Kuya Arnold may motor, si Robert may motor.
May helmet.
MODERATOR: Okay. Any other concerns?
MARIANNE: Ano pa pwedeng i-improve sa mismong, sa government?
MODERATOR: Ano mga rekomendasyon niyo para mas maging magaan ang training
ninyo, mapabuti pa ang inyong kondisyon? Meron ba kayong mga mungkahi.

ERIC: Tingin ko Ma’am, kung sa training lang din naman, kung magaan kasi, useless
lang din naman.
MODERATOR: Hindi mo gustong ipagaan?
ERIC: Kumbaga, okay naman. Mas maganda na yung mabigat at mahirap kasi dun tayo
nag-iimprove eh. Kaysa dun tayo sa magaan, wala ding mangyayari sa atin. Sa akin
naman, sa gobyerno, kahit di na natin ipaabot sana kasi mga nag-aaral naman ang mga
yan eh. Alam nila lahat ng psychology ng tao. Alam nila pano basahin, kasi bakit sila
nakaupo diyan? Ibig sabihin may alam sila sa lahat ng bagay na maaring makakatulong.
Halimbawa kung di nila nakikita, may problema sila mata.
GABBY: Ayaw lang talaga nilang gawin.
ERIC: Kasi di naman siguro makakaupo mga yan kung hindi matatalino yung mga yan
MODERATOR: So nagtitiwala ka na lang na alam nila dapat ginagawa nila.
ERIC: Hindi na dapat, ipaano. Kahit yung mga nag-pprotesta diyan, hindi na dapat
gawin yan kasi alam na nila paano i-ano yung tao. Basta sa atin, gawin natin kung ano
yung dapat sa atin. Atleta ka, atleta ka. Gawin mo bilang isang atleta. Ano bang ginagawa
ng atleta? Pag-ttraining, pag-eensayo. Kumbaga yung mga yan, alam na nila yan.
MODERATOR: How about kayo, may mga suggestion ba kayo o recommendations?
GABBY: Sabi nga ni ka-Eric, tama yung sinasabi ni ka-Eric. Wala na kaming
maidadagdag. Alam. na nila yan eh. Alam na nila yan, wala na kami. Tama yung sinabi
ni ka-Eric.
MODERATOR: Pati pag-coach sa inyo, masaya naman kayo?
MODERATOR: At tsaka, palagay niyo, gumagaling talaga kayo?
ERIC: Mas maganda po yung mahirap na training. Dun po nag-iimmprove eh.
MODERATOR: Kayo, recommendation, suggestions, meron? Wala naman
MODERATOR: Marianne? Meron ba kayong gusto pang idagdag sa mga kwento
ninyo? Kasi sabi mo yung sinabi mo sa TV baka di mo naman binuo dito eh.
ARNOLD: Yun na yun, Ma’am.
MODERATOR: Yun na. Yung inintoduce mo sa TV, ni-share mo na dito.
ROBERT: Di pa ata yun eh.
ARNOLD: Grabe ka naman.
GABBY: May kulang pa eh.
MODERATOR: Idagdag mo na kaya.

GABBY: Mas maganda. Siya talaga yung mag-kwento. Sometimes. From the heart.
MODERATOR: Okay okay. Okay siguro, pasalamat. Unang una nagpapasalamat kami
sa inyo. Kung meron kaming halimbawang katanungan. Kasi ittranscribe namin to at
meron kaming hindi maintindihan, pwede ba kami bumalik sa inyo at magtanong. Okay
lang? Kasi siyempre ang dami naman ninyong naibahagi sa amin na talagang
makakatulong doon sa pag-aaral ni Marianne kasi siguro mas mainam na kayo yung
pinag-aaralan para maintindihan at maunawan at siguro kung ano man ang maitutulong
ng isang mag-aaral katulad nito ay ibabahagi din naman sa inyo. Marianne, would you
like to thank them?
MARIANNE: Thank you po sa opportunity.
EVERYONE: Walang problema.
MARIANNE: Thank you din kay Coach Tony. Babalik na lang po ako kung may mga
tanong pa. Thank you po ulit. Salamat.
GABBY: Thank you, good luck!


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