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Republic of the Philippines


Burias, Mambusao, Capiz
Certificate No. AJA18-0166



Course Facilitator: Week No: 10-13

Name: Course/Year: BPED 2

Instruction: Provide a separate sheet for your answer.

1. It allows research in the violent body the enables to transform their bodily capital for
the purpose of winning fame, status and wealth.
A. Emotion B. Prize fighting C. Competition D. Culture

2. It is part of sociology to develop social valves in individuals or groups, which directly or

indirectly enhances sports epics in an athlete.
A. Dynamics B. Role play C. Sports ethics D. Control

3. It explores the interrelations of social actions to status, subjectivity, meaning, motives,

identities and social change.
A. Functionalism B. Interpretive sociology C. Neo Marxism D. Cultural studies

4. For him, power is exercised in different ways which centers on the political control of key
biological aspects of the human body.
A. Michel foucalt B. Segel C. Beck D. Eichberg

5. The process of acquiring experience throughout life is called______________.

A. Competition B. Cooperation C. Sportsmanship D. Education

6. It provides a systematic view of the day today logic of people's social life.
A. Sports ideology B. Sports dynamics C. Cultural ideology D. None of the above

7. It sees sports as an ideological tool of the bourgeoise, used to deceive the masses, in order
to maintain control.
A. Functionalism B. Interpretive sociology C. Neo Marxism D. Cultural studies

8. Is a developmental process that progresses through stages just as does motor

A. Emotion B. Prize fighting C. Competition D. Culture

9. It is very important is sports, where eclipse can use them to convey specific and
significant information to their teammates and coaches and used to send false signals to
confuse their opponents.
A. Emotion B. Cooperation C. Competition D. Sportsmanship

10. It is considered as a platform of socialization experience rather than a source of

different socialization results.
A. Culture B. Role play C. Sports D. Competition

11. It is sub discipline of sociology which focuses on sports social phenomena.

A. Sociology of sports B. Psychology C. Sports psychology D. All of the above
Republic of the Philippines
Burias, Mambusao, Capiz
Certificate No. AJA18-0166

12. This approach has been criticized for their tendency toward raw economism ,
supposing that all current social structures function to maintain the existing capitalist
A. Functionalism B. Interpretative sociology C. Neo Marxism D. Cultural studies

13. Its basic concept is to encourage children to engage and physical activity to experience
to play with rather than against each other and to play to overcome physical challenges,
not to overcome other children or opponents.
A. Emotion B. Cooperation C. Competition D. Sportsmanship

14. The process of acquiring social values in living together.

A. Cooperation B. Sportsmanship C. Competition D. Socialization

15. It is the transfer of values, traditions, and conventions of the past to the present in from
the present to the future with appropriate modifications.
A. Sociology of sports C. Cultural heritage
B. Sports as social phenomena D. Social control in self-discipline


1. Explain the relationship between sociology and education.

Sociology and education have an interconnected relationship. Sociology studies the social
aspects of learning, such as the social and cultural influences that shape educational systems,
the impact of educational policies on different social classes, and the effects of educational
interventions on social dynamics. Education, on the other hand, is a tool that helps to foster
social change. It can provide students with the skills, knowledge, and resources they need to
participate in society and to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others. Therefore,
Republic of the Philippines
Burias, Mambusao, Capiz
Certificate No. AJA18-0166

education is both a product and a tool of sociology. The two disciplines work together to
create a better understanding of the social world and its impact on educational outcomes.

2. Define the impact of sociology on education most especially in physical education.

Sociology has a significant impact on physical education, particularly in terms of how
physical education is taught and experienced by students. Sociological research has shown
that physical education classes can have a direct effect on students’ overall physical and
mental health, self-esteem, academic performance, and social development. By taking into
account social and cultural factors, physical education teachers can create a more inclusive
learning environment that celebrates diversity and fosters an appreciation for physical
activity. Additionally, sociological research can help physical education teachers better
understand the unique needs of their students, and create lessons and activities that are
tailored to their interests and abilities. Through the use of sociological research, physical
education classes can become more engaging, meaningful, and beneficial for all students.

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