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Question 1

In the summary of Crenshaw’s summary she had explained several arguments. The first

main argument was that the once all the irrational activities of biasness got removed then the

underlying socioeconomic and legal order would be revert to normality (Crenshaw, 2001). The

second major concern of her argument was that the discrimination is still remains because of the

endurance of stubborn structures of the white people. The third main argument of Crenshaw’s

was based on, when she published a paper and its title was elaborating the demarginalizing of the

intersection of sex and race (Crenshaw, 2001).

Question 2

The first evidence she used for her argument was against the passage of Civil Rights Act

of 1965and according to her, these acts failed to give equal rights to the black people (Crenshaw,

2001). The second evidence of her argument was her critical race theory which she used as for

understanding the concept of intersectionality among the people and published a paper in the

University of Chicago Legal Forum (Crenshaw, 2001).

Question 3

She quoted “That once the irrational distortions of bias were removed, the underlying

legal and socioeconomic order would revert to a neutral, benign state of impersonally

apportioned justice.” (Crenshaw, 2001) This was her argument in where claimed that she did not

believe that the racism is ceased after the passage of Civil Rights Act and the racism is basically

multi-century aberration which is still existed in some nations.


Crenshaw, K. W. (2001). The first decade: Critical reflections, or a foot in the closing door.

UCLA L. Rev., 49, 1343.

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