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OCAMPO, Mary Kate C.


Feedbacks of my Classmates

Princess Macale

The questions and choices are well executed. It is from chapters 1 and 2 and I find it easy because the
questions are not tricky.

Alyssa Marie Manaloto

The questions are very easy, especially those pictures are helpful because I will easily find out the
answer. I love answering.

Mariel Datu

The pictures is really helpful to easily answer the questions. It’s fun to answer because of the colorful

Diana Valiente

I easily answer the questions even it’s limited time because of the pictures I already know the answer it’s
really helpful.

Jamaica Castillo

The questions and the choices is good that you can understand and easily to answer the questions. I
don’t feel pressured even it’s have a time limit because I have fun answering the questions.

My feedback


My feedback about Kahoot is I enjoy answering a quiz because of the pictures, videos etc. on the
question that easily to answer. This is my first time answering a quiz in a Apps like Kahoot that I really
enjoyed. Key features of Kahoot! include goal setting, performance metrics, activity tracking, and
rewards management. Teaching professionals can use the application to preview learning content,
identify topics that require follow-up, host live games, send self-paced games to students, run formative
assessments, and collect students’ opinions using polls.

Kahoot! lets corporate trainers combine quiz questions with slides, open ended questions, polls, word
clouds and more, broadcast live presentations on learners’ devices, share training content with

I dislike how there is a limit to only four options for each question. Sometimes, I need more than four so
that I can learn more in a shorter amount of time as I differentiate from all of the selected options. I also
think that a feature in which you could add more pictures to a question would be incredibly helpful as

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