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Task 1: Understanding Formative and Summative 

Two of the most common instructions are formative assessment and summative assessment. 
When thinking of formative assessment, think of it as inFORMing. And using summative 
assessment as SUMMary as a summary of learning. The goal of formative assessment is to inform 
instruction that shows the teachers how each student is learning. For summative assessment the 
goal is to determine if the student met the learning objective throughout the lesson. 
The differences between summative and formative assessments are that summative assessments 
are quizzes and tests that evaluate how much a student has learned throughout the lesson, year, 
or years. While formative assessments take place during the course where a teacher determines 
how each student is learning and if they are understanding. Formative assessments provide 
instant feedback for teachers. 

Task 2: Learn to use one of the online assessment tools 

The tool that I signed up for and knew nothing about was Formative. At first, this tool was 
confusing to navigate through, but when I figured it out, it was pretty simple. I believe that I would 
use a tool because it can be a simple and faster way to see if your students are understanding what 
is being taught in the classroom throughout the year. This tool was simple and a fast way for 
teachers to create a quiz, question, test, or anything else that they wanted to assess their students 
on. It included multiple choice, true and false, and also short answer, quizzes, tests, and many more 
as well. The teacher is able to put their own questions and answers into these and have their 
students learn from this. 

I like how this tool is easy to create assessments that you want your students to accomplish. It is 
also easy for students to navigate through the site and the assessment. There was nothing about 
this site or tool that I didn’t like. I would use this in my future classroom if I ever needed to get 
instant feedback from my students to see if they are understanding what is being taught in class. I 
will use this for homework assignments, quizzes, and short tests in my future classroom. 

Task 3: Sign up for free teacher accounts for the 

remaining tools 
While looking over the other tools that included Socrative, Quisalize, Quizizz, PollEverywhere, 
and Gimkit, I believe that these tools could be a useful thing to use in a classroom. All of these tools 
help students and teachers learn and understand what is being taught from both sides of the 
classroom. This can help students be more engaged in the classroom and their learning. If I had to 
choose another tool, I would probably choose Socrative because it was simple to navigate 
throughout the site and I feel it would be a useful tool for my students to learn as well. 

Task 4: Stretch yourself  

One other tool that I found was using ​Kahoot​. I have used this tool before and it can be a quick 
way for teachers to see if their students are learning and understanding. Another tool is ​Flipgrid​. 
And other ones that I found were tools such as ​Answergarden​, and many more ideas on ​this 
website here​. All of these tools can help a student learn more in the classroom and also have the 
teacher learn what they should be teaching and how they should be teaching to their students. 

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