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RONALD S 10/30/20


1. What do you think makes a moral choice good?

When you know to yourself what is morally right and wrong. It is based on what is good for the others .
In short, A moral decision is based on a person's behavior, manners, characters and his/her behaviors. I
believe, that making a moral choice is not only about for your well-being but also for the others well-
being. A good moral choice is an act in which you put yourself into a situation where you care about
your surroundings whether they're not morally good, but still you are doing what is good for them.

2. what makes choices immoral or evil?

It is widely known for being an immoral person when you do things that are not morally good. Making
immoral choices are absolutely what makes an evil person do. A big example are tolerating and
following unpleasant actions. Instead of sharing and applying the good manners and making the right/
good choices, you are showing heartless, unkindness and being an inhumane to the people.

Having the qualities of both selfishness and careless for others are the traits of an evil person in making
a immoral choices. In short, these decisions are unable to empathize with others. As a result, only their
own needs and desires are of paramount importance. In fact, other people only have value for them to
the extent that they can help them satisfy their own desires.

3. Do you believe in evil? If yes why and what makes a person evil and if no then you believe in

Honestly, my answer is both of them. I believe in goodness and evil. Since human nature is infinitely
more complex than we think, of course. In human beings, the good and the evil are fluid. Means people
can be a mixture of good and bad qualities. In real life, some people who behave cruelly and brutally
can be rehabilitated and eventually show good qualities such as empathy and kindness.

On the other hand, most cruel or brutal behavior is mostly due to the environmental factors, such as an
abusive childhood, or social learning from a family or peers. So, I believe in goodness and evil.

4. What makes a good person?

First and foremost, good means a lack of self-centeredness. It means being able to empathize with
others, to feel compassion for them, and to put their needs before your own. So, what makes a good
person is, if possible, sacrificing your own well-being for the sake of others. It means benevolence,
altruism and compassion, and self-sacrifice to a greater cause for all attributes that derive from a sense
of empathy.
In addition, a good person has the quality of being able to see through the superficial disparity of
ethnicity , gender norms or nationality, and most importantly a person can contribute to the common
human essence beneath them.

5. Do you believe you are good? If Yes then how if no then how?

Sincerely, I think I'm a good person, and at the same time, I can't imagine that I'm a bad person. So, I'm a
good person, and I still do unconsciously wrong things that make me somehow unethical. As a human
being, we are born as a sinner and to normalize that we make unintentional behaviors too.

Genuinely, I sometimes have felt like I’m a fraud, because I know that I have negativity or
competetiveness which others do not see. My motives are not all pure; sometimes I want to be seen or
praised, or to avoid criticism rather than just doing the right thing because it is right. Or I may feel that
some of the “proper” things I do are just from conditioning and habit or expectation.

However, in my day-to-day life I know that I'm concentrating on keeping the right etiquette, actions,
and ethics so I know when the time comes. Only our Almighty God will judge us as if we were a good
person or a bad person.

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