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Case 2: The wedding guest

The USA/Northern Europe vs Indonesia


The USA/Northern Europe / Linear-active :

The consultant already suspected from other sources that the project was in trouble
due to a disagreement on the part of the northern European research leader, it is
linearly active because as a result of this we can see that logic and planning is very
important in its Actions. They tend to do only one thing at a time and generally on
time, which in some way makes them efficient. They like to collaborate with people
and on tasks that are often very structured and reasoned.

Indonesia/ Reactive:

The consultant then asked the Indonesian if he had told the project leader that he
was not doing well. "That is not so," said the Indonesian. " Why not ?" The consultant
asked. The Indonesian engineer replied, "He was a guest at my wedding."
It can be seen that human relationships are also important, they are less so than
multi-assets, valuing courtesy and consideration a lot. They tend to listen to what
other people say, evaluating the scope of their words. They like to think big, although
at the same time they like to look for principles on which to base their actions.
Perseverance at work and the search for harmony are two other very important
factors for them.

b. Hall

Low context (message)

From the Indonesian's veiled account, the consultant deduced that the project leader
was, in fact, a total failure. The consultant then asked the Indonesian if he had told
the project leader that he was not doing well. The low commitment to the relationship
shows. Task more important than relationships. In the same way time is very
organized. The product is more important than the process.

High context

This opinion was confirmed to him by an Indonesian engineer, albeit in a timid way.
also when the Indonesian engineer replied: "he was a guest at my wedding." Internal
focus of control and personal acceptance of failure, non-verbal communication and
high commitment to long-term relationships are given. Relationships are more
important than tasks.
c .Hofstede

Power distance (Low vs High)

The United States / Northern Europe has low power distance, these short power
distance cultures have lower levels of inequality and are less willing to accept
unequal power distribution. These cultures tend to value individualism and
representative governments.

indonesia / high

A high power distance culture is one in which power inequality is pronounced and
common, and people accept it without hesitation. Some people have power, while
others don't.

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