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Course Name: Business Communication

Course Code: 231

Department Of BBA

Submitted To: Ms. Faizaa Zainab Khundker

Name: Md Shabbir Mia
ID: 2022-2-60-150
Section No: 04
Argentina VS Brazil
100 90
90 83 86
80 76
70 62 59
60 56
49 51 49
50 46
36 38
29 28
Contents Power individualism Motivation Uncertanity Long Term Indulgence Collectivism
Distance towards Avoidance Orientation
Argentina Brazil Achivement
and Success

Below is a comparison of Argentina and Brazil on each cultural dimension:

Dimension Argentina Brazil Difference

Contents 90 83 7

Power Distance 49 69 20
Individualism 51 38 13
Motivation towards 56 49 7
Achievement and
Uncertainty 86 76 11
Long Term 29 28 1
Indulgence 62 59 3
Collectivism 46 38 8
Report of A Comparative Analysis of Cultural Dimensions between Argentina
and Brazil

Argentina: 90
Brazil: 83
Difference: 7

The percentages of high- and low-content cultures in Argentina and Brazil are fascinating. This
means that both cultures are highly context-dependent, and communication is often indirect
and relies on shared understanding. Argentina has a slightly high-content culture, while Brazil
has less. This difference is likely because of various factors, such as their unique historical and
cultural influences.

Power Distance
Argentina: 49
Brazil: 69
Difference: 20

The Power Distance dimension reveals that Brazil has a higher degree of acceptance of
hierarchy and authority compared to Argentina. In Brazilian culture, respect for authority and
social status is more pronounced.

Argentina: 51
Brazil: 38
Difference: 13

The Individualism dimension shows that Argentina leans slightly more towards individualism
compared to Brazil. This means that in Argentina, there is a slightly higher emphasis on personal
freedom and self-reliance.

Motivation towards Achievement and Success

Argentina: 56
Brazil: 49
Difference: 7

Argentina scores higher in Motivation towards Achievement and Success, indicating a culture
that places a somewhat stronger emphasis on competition, achievement, and success.

Uncertainty Avoidance
Argentina: 86
Brazil: 76
Difference: 11

The Uncertainty Avoidance dimension reveals that Argentina is more risk-averse compared to
Brazil. In Argentine culture, there is a greater need for structure and predictability.

Long-Term Orientation
Argentina: 29
Brazil: 28
Difference: 1
There is minimal difference between the two countries in the Long-Term Orientation dimension,
suggesting that both Argentina and Brazil have a similar approach to balancing short-term and
long-term goals.

Argentina: 62
Brazil: 59
Difference: 3

Argentina scores slightly higher in Indulgence, indicating a culture that is more open to enjoying
life and having fun. Brazil, on the other hand, is slightly more restrained and controlled in its
expression of desires and impulses.

Argentina: 46
Brazil: 38
Difference: 8

Argentina and Brazil share some cultural similarities, such as their Latin American heritage, their
passion for soccer, and their preference for indirect communication. However, they also have
some differences, such as their political and economic systems, their ethnic diversity, and their
attitudes towards time and uncertainty.

These findings highlight the cultural differences between Argentina and Brazil, which can have
impacts in areas like communication, negotiation, and management. Argentina tends to focus
more on detailed communication, striving for success, and being cautious in uncertain
situations. Meanwhile, Brazil tends to be more accepting of authority and hierarchy, with a
preference for simpler communication.

Hofstede, G. (1991). Cultures and organizations: Software of the mind: Intercultural cooperation
and its importance for survival. McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.

Llanos, M., & Heyl, C. (2022). High courts and economic governance in Argentina and Brazil.
Cambridge University Press.

Wikipedia contributors. (2022, October 31). Argentina–Brazil relations. Wikipedia.

Zanatta, L., & Bressan, V. (2022). The impact of culture on the negotiation styles of Brazilian and
Argentine executives. Revista de Administração Contemporânea, 26(3), e200274.

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