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The Prelude “Sweet Hour of Prayer” HFJ 219 CALL TO CONFESSION - Leader

The Bringing of the Communion Elements to the Lord’s Table We gather together today all too aware of the fragility of life. We gather today all too aware
of the pain in the world, and of the ways we may not respond to that pain. There are times
The Procession of Worship Facilitators we carry guilt for things we have done, for things we have not done but could have, and for
The Lighting of The Christ Candle things that we only see in hindsight. Some of this guilt is warranted, and some of it is not. To
deal with the guilt we have earned and the guilt we place on ourselves, we need God’s grace.
Call to Worship Silent Prayer of Forgiveness [with soft music]
Leader: We are not meant to avoid life in fear of death. We are meant to live each moment
ASSURANCE OF GOD’S PARDON from Romans 8:38-39: Minister
fully, to connect with our environment and the people in our lives…
The God of life and death and life beyond death, assures us that “that neither death, nor life,
People: To share the best of ourselves generously, to have courage, to do what needs to be
nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor
done, and to practice our deepest convictions.
depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in
Leader: Thus in the end, whenever our time may come, we can face it with peace, satisfied
Christ Jesus our Lord..” We are loved. We are accepted. We are forgiven. Thanks be to God!
in our hearts that we were human and we really, really lived.
Chorus: Because He lives, we can see tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone;
ALL: And so we come into God’s presence asking that God’s Holy Spirit would be here to
Because we know Christ holds the future; and life is worth the living just because He lives!
ease our pain. As we give thanks for all that our loved one has added into our lives and in
the lives of those around them, we are reminded that we are not alone, God is with us! WE REMEMBER, WE RECALL - Minister
†Song of Faith “Because He Lives” Sometimes the hardness of the world sinks into our soul and joy is pushed out. Let us find
God sent His Son, we call Him Jesus, He came to love, heal and forgive; joy in remembering years past, joy in the present, and look ahead to joy in the years to
He lived and died to buy our pardon, an empty grave is there to prove our Savior lives. come. Love is that force that drives the world. Love brings tears to our eyes, be they tears of
wonder, or joy, or pain, or sorrow. Love shapes our memories. In this Worship, God reminds
us of the love that surrounds us; reminds us that love never really let go.
Because He lives, we can see tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone;
Because we know Christ holds the future; and life is worth the living just because He lives! The Lighting of The Memorial Candle

How sweet to hold a newborn baby, and feel the pride and joy that gives; but greater still THE READING OF THE BIBLICAL TEXT
the calm assurance, this child can face uncertain days because Christ lives! [Chorus]

And then one day we’ll cross the river, we’ll fight life’s final war with pain; and then as death THE MESSAGE OF GRACE
gives way to vict’ry, we’ll see the lights of glory and we’ll know Christ lives! [Chorus]
Eternal God, we pray for our loved ones who are away from us and those who have Hymn of Preparation “Break Now the Bread of Life” HFJ 356
Break now the bread of Life, Savior, to us, as You once broke the loaves beside the sea;
departed. We are here where Earth and Heaven meet. Deliver us from grief, fear and doubt,
Beyond the sacred page, we seek You Lord; our spirit yearns for You, O Living Word.
from despair and unbelief, and bring us to the light of Your presence. Grant us that peace
which the world cannot give. As we also celebrate the OFW Sunday, dear God, renew the Bless now the truth, dear Christ, truly to us, as You once blessed the bread by Galilee,
face of the Earth, gather to Yourself our loved ones who we honor today and grant them Then shall all bondage cease, all shackles fall, and we shall find our peace, our all in all.
those things which eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor the human heart imagined. Great
God, watch over them this day - and all days. Give us the strength to accept what is past, to Teach us to live, dear Christ, only for You, as Your disciples lived a life so true. Then, all our
appreciate what is present and to look forward to what is good in our future. Grant us peace; struggles o’er; then, triumph’s won, we shall behold You, Lord, The Living One! Amen.
as we celebrate in faith this sacred moment of communion with You, and with the Universe-
in whatever most express our deepest inner truth. Bless us and heal us; breathe peace and The Invitation to the Lord’s Table
grace into our lives. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen. Celebrant: God provided manna in the desert to feed God’s people Israel.  Today, God
provides another food to feed us: the body and blood of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, given to us
†GLORIA PATRI in Holy Communion.  The Lord be with you!
People: And also with you!
Celebrant: Let us lift our hearts in worship to our great God!
ALL: We remember this day God’s many blessings to us over the years, but most of all we W o r s h i p
celebrate that Christ has died, Christ has been raised and Christ will come again in all fullness
F a c i l i t a t
o r s :for
and glory!
Consecration of the Elements/Prayer of Consecration
Words of Institution/ Act of Institution
P r e a c h e r
these Critical
Sharing of the Bread and Drinking from the Cup [with soft music]
Prayer of Thanksgiving – Celebrant
Call to offering - Leader &
One of the joys of being alive today is being called to tend to God’s treasured people, near
and far. Our offering will carry the love of Jesus as it brings help and hope to people in need
wherever they are. Our gifts will help others experience the reality of that love and the
C e l e b r a n t
: R e v .
caring, compassionate community that is the Church. Let us bring our Tithes, gifts of love
and service.

Offertory Music/ †Doxology †Offertory Prayer – Leader

M a x w e l l
B . L i b n a o
Dear God, we send forth our love, the fruit of our work, our treasure gathered here in this
place, and we thank You that we can be part of Your great work. Please bless the work our Toward
S i t u a t i o n
tithes and offerings will do, that Your children may be strengthened, healed, housed,
e r :
schooled, and fed. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
†SONG OF TRUST “God Always Leads Me” [He Leadeth Me]
God always leads me, blessed thought! O words of comfort often sought.
C o n c for
h i taa
B r a n z u e l a
What e’er I do, where’er I be, it is always God’s hand guiding me.

Chorus: God always leads me through life’s storm, wherever in the world I roam,
New- Creation
B e r g a d o ,
God’s faithful follower I would be for it is God’s hand leading me.

Sometimes amidst the deepest gloom, sometimes when lovely flowers bloom;
M . D .
L e a d e r s :
By waters calm or troubled sea, it is always God’s hand guiding me. [Chorus]

Lord, I would clasp Your hand in mine, entrust my life to Your will sublime,
P e r l i t a
And facing life as it should be, since it’s Your hand that is guiding me. [Chorus]

And when my task on earth is done, when by Your grace our death life’s won;
E M.
P a l a n g -
C a l i p is
No fear shall grip me, Lord I pray, for it’s Your hand that is guiding me. [Chorus]
†Closing Prayer and Benediction e s
†Response: 3-Fold Amen/ The Putting Off of the Lighted Christ Candle
K h r i z e l
Postlude /The Bringing Out of the Communion Elements
The Recessional Stewardship
R h e a P .
C a l i p e s

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