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Name: Ali Raza

Dated: September23,2020

Enrollment: 01-165202-003

Class: BS Geology (1A).

Assignment#1: NEWS REVIEW.

 Subject: US influence in middle-east

Iran’s president Hassan Rouhani promised that the next elected US president elected in the
upcoming elections will have to accept Tehran’s demands.

“We are not a bargaining chip in US elections and domestic policy” Rouhani said in a virtual
address to the UN General Assembly.

“Any US administration after the upcoming elections will have no choice but to surrender to the
resilience of the Iranian nation.”

Iran’s leader told the UN that US could force neither dealing nor war on Iran increased in
pressure between the long-lasting adversaries over Tehran ’s 2015 atomic arrangement with
significant forces. Rouhani resist even as his country wrestles with the Middle-East ’s most awful
Covid flare-up and a debilitated economy. Life is hard under sanctions however, harder is life
without independence, said Rouhani. The White House multiplied its greatest weight crusade
against Iran with a leader request to uphold all United Nations sanctions since Tehran isn't
agreeing to the atomic agreement. Europe would not bargain with the US over Washington's
sanctions on Iran, notice the snapback could subvert the UN Security Council and increment
middle east pressures said French president. Macron attacked the "greatest weight" strategy,
saying it had neglected to control Tehran's impedance in the district or guarantee it would not
get an atomic weapon. At the General Assembly, Trump called Iran "the world's driving state
patron of dread" and underlined the US killing of Soleimani bragging.

My opinion: I think every country have right to do whatever it thinks can protect it so do Iran is
doing. They aren’t harmful unless they are in good hand.

Conclusion: The thing itself is neither good nor bad but the use of it makes it good or bad.
Source: The Times of Israel

At UN, Rouhani says next US leader will ‘surrender to the resilience of Iran’

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani speaking in a pre-recorded message played during

the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly, at UN headquarters in New
York, September 22, 2020. (UNTV via AP)

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani vowed Tuesday that the next US leader must accept Tehran’s
demands, ruling out compromise as Donald Trump vies for reelection.

“We are not a bargaining chip in US elections and domestic policy,” Rouhani said in a virtual
address to the UN General Assembly. “Any US administration after the upcoming elections will
have no choice but to surrender to the resilience of the Iranian nation.”

Tensions have soared between Iran and the United States under Trump, who pulled out of a
nuclear accord negotiated by his predecessor Barack Obama and slapped sweeping sanctions on
the country.

Joe Biden, Trump’s rival in November 3 elections, staunchly backed the 2015 nuclear deal.

Rouhani delivered a defiant and fiery speech even as his nation grapples with the Middle East’s
worst coronavirus outbreak and a weakened economy.

He spoke in a pre-recorded speech to the virtual summit just days after Iran’s currency plunged
to its lowest levels ever to the US dollar due to crippling US sanctions imposed by Trump, who
pulled the US out of Iran’s nuclear deal with world powers in 2018. The accord had been signed
by the Obama administration. The sanctions effectively bar Iran from selling its oil globally.
“The United States can impose neither negotiations nor war on us,” Rouhani said, before adding:
“Life is hard under sanctions. However, harder is life without independence.”

Rouhani also compared his country’s plight with that of George Floyd, the Black American who
died after a white police officer in Minneapolis pinned him to the ground by pressing a knee into
his neck. Floyd’s death sparked nationwide protests in support of Black lives.

Calling it “reminiscent of our own experience,” he said: “We instantly recognize the feet
kneeling on the neck as the feet of arrogance on the neck of independent nations.”

Rouhani said Iran “has paid a similar high price” in its quest for freedom and liberation from
domination. He insisted his nation “does not deserve sanctions” and described the US as “a
terrorist and interventionist outsider” before referring to the 1953 US-backed coup that cemented
the control of the shah in Iran, which ultimately pushed the country toward its Islamic
Revolution and hostility with the West.

This week, the White House doubled down on its maximum pressure campaign against the
Islamic Republic with an executive order to enforce all United Nations sanctions on Iran because
Tehran is not complying with the nuclear deal — a move that most of the rest of the world
rejects as illegal. Few UN member states believe the US has the legal standing to restore the
sanctions because Trump withdrew from the nuclear agreement.

Rouhani accused the US of creating Islamic State, and said US claims that Iran is seeking
nuclear weapons were “without any foundation.”

He also hailed Iran’s role in standing “with the people and government of Lebanon against
Zionist occupiers, domestic warmongers and foreign plotters” and said it his regime “never
ignored occupation, genocide, forced displacement and racism in Palestine.”

In an implied rebuke of Arab countries warming their ties with Israel — including the UAE and
Bahrain, which last week signed the Abraham Accords at the White House — he said Iran
“never made a deal over the Holy Quds and the fundamental rights of the Palestinian people.”
French President Emmanuel Macron at the Elysee Palace in Paris, September 21,
2020. (Michel Euler/AP)

French President Emmanuel Macron said Tuesday that Europe would not compromise with the
US over Washington’s move to reactivate sanctions on Iran, warning the snapback could
undermine the UN Security Council and increase Middle East tensions.

Macron assailed the “maximum pressure” policy, saying it had failed to curb Tehran’s
interference in the region or ensure it would not acquire a nuclear weapon.

“We will not compromise on the activation of a mechanism that the United States is not in a
position to activate on its own after leaving the agreement,” Macron told the UN General
Assembly’s 75th session by video from Paris.

“This would undermine the unity of the Security Council and the integrity of its decisions, and it
would run the risk of further aggravating tensions in the region,” he warned.

In a nod to Washington, Macron said additional frameworks were needed for effectively dealing
with the Iranian nuclear program, adding there needed to be a “capacity to complete” the 2015
accord known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

These would ensure that “we will provide responses to Iran’s ballistic activity, but also to its
destabilization in the region.”

Macron insisted that France, along with its European allies Britain and Germany, would keep up
its demand for “full implementation” of the Iran nuclear deal.

He added that they would “not accept the violations committed by Iran,” which has ramped up
its nuclear activity in response to the US withdrawal.
Tensions have run dangerously high this year between Tehran and Washington following a US
strike in January that killed Iranian Revolutionary Guard general Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad,
prompting Tehran to retaliate with a ballistic missile strike on Iraqi bases housing American
troops. The powerful commander was close to Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei,
who openly wept at his funeral.

Rouhani mentioned the commander briefly in his speech, referring to him as an “assassinated

Trump, who faces a stiff reelection battle in November, has ramped up pressure on Iran since
taking office and has increased US military presence in the Gulf as a centerpiece of his Mideast
foreign policy.

“We are not a bargaining chip in US elections and domestic policy,” Rouhani said.

In his speech earlier Tuesday at the General Assembly, Trump called Iran “the world’s leading
state sponsor of terror” and underlined the US killing of Soleimani, boasting, “We withdrew
from the terrible Iran nuclear deal and imposed crippling sanctions.

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