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1. In your opinion, how to increase the education quality in Indonesia?

In my opinion, the way to improve the quality of education in Indonesia is to improve the
quality and curriculum system that is adapted to the times. Accompanied by professional teacher
training who can teach the current curriculum, teachers align their knowledge and skills
according to the development of knowledge in their respective fields. In the teacher, the glory
and future of the nation by instilling noble values as the ideals of national education by forming a
personality that is physically and spiritually achieved through religious education and general

Improve student learning experiences that are concrete and abstract by introducing the
school environment and facilities. It is important to introduce the environment to be able to apply
the learning experience in everyday life. If the educational facilities are good and modern,
students can carry out their education comfortably. Their comfort is the key to success in the
learning process.

Increasing discipline has a good impact on improving the quality of education in a

country. Discipline is not only for students but also for educators. That way schools and
government organizations in charge of education can control teaching and learning activities.

Development of children's talents and interests. By developing children's passion,

children will be more comfortable exploring the diversity around them. A person's learning
interest is related to one's feelings. Education must use the right method so that it can stimulate
interest in learning and learning both in terms of language and facial expressions by varying each
method used. From here comes the name of love for their field of study, because educators are
able to provide incentives to students to learn, because what is presented is really about or leads
to what students do in everyday life. Then give awards that aim to keep students motivated to
study harder and be able to compete with their peers in a healthy manner, because with it
educators will easily improve the quality of education.

Implementing moral education and developing a counseling system in schools so that

children can adapt and adapt to their environment. Holding meetings with student guardians is
very important, because with this the teacher and parents will be able to communicate with each
other, get to know and look after students and can lead to positive action.

Evaluation activities are very important to see the extent of education development.
Through this activity, it can also be a place to improve if something is missing and provide
solutions for any things that have not been achieved optimally.

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