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doi: 10.1111/1471-0307.


Impact of nonthermal processing on different milk
A L A A E L - D I N B E K H I T , 3 J O N A S T G U I M A R AE
4 4,5
^ I C A Q F R E I T A S , 4 M AR
M ON  C I A C S I L V A , 5 A Y S H A S A M E E N 1 and
National Institute of Food Science and Technology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad 38000 Pakistan,
Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, 54000
Pakistan, 3Department of Food Science, University of Otago, Dunedin 9054 New Zealand, 4Faculdade de Medicina
aria, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Niter oi, Rio de Janeiro, 24230-340 Brazil, and 5Instituto
Federal de Educacß~ ao, Ci^encia e Tecnologia do Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ), Mestrado Profissional em Ci^encia e
Tecnologia de Alimentos (PCTA), Rua Senador Furtado 121, Rio de Janeiro, 20270-021 Brazil

Milk is highly perishable and deteriorates rapidly during storage. Although the thermal processing
technologies successfully inactivate many enzymes and microorganisms up to a required level, they
can negatively affect the natural flavour of dairy foods and decrease their nutritional value. Alter-
native nonthermal technologies have been established as an interesting approach to produce safe
and healthy dairy products, without compromising their nutritional quality. These techniques have
the ability to inactivate milk enzymes without affecting the milk quality. In addition, the combination
of two different nonthermal techniques and mild heating has proven to be more effective to provide
safety to milk when compared to the treatments alone. This review aims to evaluate the impact of
nonthermal technologies, in particular, ultrasound, pulsed electric field, high-pressure processing
and ultraviolet irradiation on milk enzymes.
Keywords Enzyme inactivation, Novel techniques, Ultrasound, Pulsed electric field, High-pressure
processing, Irradiation.

proteins and lipids, allowing the development of

microorganisms (Indumathi et al. 2018).
Modern food processing has focused on the pro- Although the thermal treatments are used to
duction of a safe, high-quality product with a confer stability and safety of milk and dairy
long shelf life. Milk is a perishable food; thus, products (Amaral et al. 2017), the conventional
the preservation of long shelf life milk is a chal- heating can lead to changes in the organoleptic
lenge for the dairy industry as exogenous (texture, aroma and flavour) and nutritional (vi-
microbes and enzymes can cause rapid deterio- tamin losses) properties of the processed prod-
ration. Undesirable microbial and enzymatic ucts (Barba et al. 2016). Moreover, thermal
activities must be prevented to extend the shelf processing requires high amounts of energy,
life of foods and maintain quality (Aadil et al. which affects the costs of the final product and
*Author for 2015a). Up to date, approximately 70 indige- thus the profitability of the industry (Coutinho
correspondence. E-mail: nous milk enzymes have been discovered and et al. 2018). Most of the negative effects of many native milk enzymes have their signifi- thermal treatment can be reduced by the use of
cance in dairy products (Fox and Kelly 2006). nonthermal technologies, thus resulting in a food
© 2019 Society of Milk enzymes also play an important role in product with improved quality. Several nonther-
Dairy Technology microbial growth, once they break down mal technologies are often referred to as cold

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pasteurisation, which ensures the product safety, retains the the physiological properties of the enzymes and the treat-
nutritional attributes of food while saving time, and reduces ment conditions (Nadar and Rathod 2017). Protein denatura-
the processing costs (Ghosh 2017). Various nonthermal tion is the main mechanism for enzyme inactivation, which
techniques for milk preservation have been studied, includ- can occur either by the production of a shear force resulting
ing ultrasound (sonication), irradiation or ultraviolet (UV) from the collapse of cavitation bubbles or the formation of
irradiation processing, high-pressure processing (HPP) and free radical by sonolysis of water molecules (O’donnell
pulsed electric field (PEF). When applied alone or in combi- et al. 2010). The enzymatic activity can increase due to the
nation with heat, these techniques can reduce the microbial conformational changes of the enzymes, which allows the
load and inactivate enzymes. The effects of these novel access of substrates and improves the surface area for inter-
technologies on microorganisms have been extensively actions (Nadar and Rathod 2017).
investigated due to their role in improving safety and delay-
ing food spoilage (Aadil et al. 2018; Roobab et al. 2018;
Balthazar et al. 2019). However, the impact of these tech-
nologies on the enzymes involved in dairy processing has The effects of US on milk enzymes are presented in Table 1.
not been reviewed extensively; thus, the inactivation of Different researchers have studied the effects of different
enzymes from milk using nonthermal techniques should be ultrasonic treatments on the inactivation of milk enzymes
investigated. Furthermore, given the interest and the great (Khanal et al. 2014). Generally, the enzyme activity
potential of novel nonthermal technologies in the dairy decreased with the increase in the enzyme concentration,
industry, it is essential to examine their suitability for milk while higher solid content (i.e. high protein and fat) can
processing and to evaluate their potential as an alternative improve enzyme inactivation (Villamiel and de Jong 2000).
to heating techniques. This review aimed to provide a com- Villamiel and de Jong (2000) studied the impact of US
prehensive overview of the application of different novel treatment on the enzymes of whole milk in a continuous
nonthermal technologies for the inactivation of milk flow system. The enzymes alkaline phosphatase (AP), c-glu-
enzymes, focused on the advantages and disadvantages of tamyltranspeptidase (c-GTP) and lactoperoxidase (LPO)
each technique. from whole milk are found to be quite resistant to sonica-
tion treatment. No enzyme inhibition was observed for AP
and LPO from whole milk subjected to the US treatment
(120 µm, 20 kHz and residence time of 56.3 sec) with a
The Ultrasound (US) is an emerging nonthermal technology, 3.5% reduction in c-GTP activity. When increasing the resi-
which is developed to minimise processing and to improve dence time to 70.3 sec, no impact was observed in AP
quality and ensure the safety of food products (Aadil et al. activity, with a reduction of 14.5% and 12.8% in c-GTP
2013; Huang et al. 2017; Manzoor et al. 2019; Zia et al. and LPO enzymes activity, respectively (Villamiel and de
2019). As a replacement for the conventional treatment, US Jong 2000). No significant reductions were observed for the
has been used to control the microstructure and modify the AP activity with the increase in the residence time to
texture characteristics of fat-containing products, and the 102.3 sec, while the c-GTP and LPO activities decreased by
functional properties of food proteins (Arvanitoyannis et al. 22.1% and 14.4%, respectively (Villamiel and de Jong
2017). The US can also be used in different processes, 2000). Cameron et al. (2009) reported no changes in the AP
including the inactivation of enzymes and microbes (Islam and LPO activities of raw milk under similar US power for
et al. 2014; Aadil et al. 2015b). Acoustic cavitation plays longer treatment times (124 µm and exposure time of 5 and
an important role in the US process, once it involves a sud- 10 min), which confirms the findings reported by Villamiel
den expansion and contraction of nano- or micro-bubbles of and de Jong (2000) about the enzyme resistance to the US
gas present in the liquid subjected to sonication. During the treatment.
process, a net inflow of gas into the bubbles leads to the In skimmed milk, only c-GTP slightly decreased (5.8%
growth of bubbles up to a resonance size range. Further reduction) after the US treatment (120 µm, 20 kHz and resi-
expansion of the size of the bubbles can cause a quick and dence time of 70 sec. The LPO and AP activities were not
immediate collapse resulting in hot spots, with temperatures affected with the increase in the residence time to
up to 5000 K and pressure values higher than 1000 atm. 102.3 sec, while a reduction of 17.2% was observed in the
Within a liquid, such collapse occurs at different sites and c-GTP activity (Villamiel and de Jong 2000). Khanal et al.
increases the physical shear forces and the generation of (2014) reported similar results for the AP activity, with no
free radicals (Bhaskaracharya et al. 2009). In addition, the significant reduction after 1 and 5 min of treatment time
macromolecular chains can also be broken by sonication (amplitude 80%, 20 kHz), with 5.8% reduction after 10 min
(Islam et al. 2014). of process. The activity of bile salt-stimulated lipase (BSSL)
Ultrasonic waves have high sensitivity tos enzymes, lead- in human milk was investigated at a constant US energy
ing to enzyme activation or inactivation, as a function of (1000 J) and US power of 3.62 W (Christen et al. 2012).

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Table 1 Effect of US on milk enzymes

Percent Reduction
Enzyme Sample Treatment Plan (%) Reference
c-GTP Whole milk Amplitude: 120 µm, frequency: 20 kHz, residence time: 3.5 Villamiel and de Jong
AP 56.3 sec 0 (2000)
AP Amplitude: 120 µm, frequency: 20 kHz, residence time: 0
c-GTP 70.3 sec 14.5
LPO 12.8
AP Amplitude: 120 µm, frequency: 20 kHz, residence time: 1.8
c-GTP 102.3 sec 22.1
LPO 14.4
c-GTP Skimmed milk 17.2
AP Amplitude: 120 µm, frequency: 20 kHz, residence time: 1.4
c-GTP 70.3 sec 5.8
AP Raw milk Amplitude: 124 µm, exposure time: 5 and 10 min AP = 0 Cameron et al. (2009)
BSSL Untreated Human Power: 3.62 W, exposure time: 276 sec 9 Christen et al. (2012)
AP Milk Amplitude: 91.2 µm, exposure time: 1 min 0 Khanal et al. (2014)
Amplitude: 91.2 µm, exposure time: 5 min 0
Amplitude: 91.2 µm, exposure time: 10 min 5.2
US, ultrasound; AP, alkaline phosphatase; LPO, lactoperoxidase; c-GTP, c-glutamyl transpeptidase; BSSL, bile salt-stimulated lipase; SMUF,
simulated milk ultrafiltrate.

After 276 sec of treatment time, the enzyme activity of free radicals during treatment, which can damage the pro-
reduced to 9% in human milk, which suggested that the US tein, amino acids and fat, by catalysing nondesirable reac-
technology alone is not effective to inactivate milk enzymes, tions (Arvanitoyannis et al. 2017).
with a reduction only for the c-GTP activity upon long
exposure time. A combination of mild thermal treatment
and the US, such as thermosonication (TS), was suggested
to be effective for inactivating the milk enzymes (Villamiel High-pressure processing is a nonthermal technology used
and de Jong 2000). in the food industry, which consists of treatment at a pres-
sure above 100 MPa within the range of >100–700 MPa. In
HPP, the pressure of the product is generated as a result of
mechanical pressure exerted on a fluid, normally water, sur-
Several advantages of the use of the US to control the rounding the treated product (Lerasle et al. 2012). High-
microbial activity have been reported. It has been suggested pressure processing seems to be a better alternative for food
that large cells such as yeasts are more susceptible to the preservation when compared to conventional techniques
cavitation effects due to the larger surface area as compared such as thermal processing (Aadil et al. 2017). As enzyme
to small sized cells. Generally, bacterial spores (i.e. Bacillus molecules are protein subsets, the secondary, tertiary and
and Clostridium spp.) are more resistant to the US when quaternary structures of enzymes can be changed by apply-
compared to vegetative bacteria, which are in the growth ing pressure, which can expose the amino acid and sulfhy-
phase. Commonly, vegetative microbes are less resistant dryl groups, resulting in an increased number of
than fungi, while anaerobes are less resistant than aerobes hydrophobic sites and inducing the modification of enzyme
(Chandrapala et al. 2012). Low cost, simplicity and energy functionality (Santos et al. 2018).
saving are the main characteristics of US techniques. More- The two principles responsible for the effects of HPP
over, a better homogenisation of milk can be achieved by include Le Chatelier’s and isostatic principles. Le Chate-
using the US as compared to the conventional method lier’s principle states that a pressure is exerted to the system
(Berm udez-Aguirre et al. 2011). In milk, the ultrasonic on its equilibrium position, and then, the system will react
waves can remove gases and enhance oxidative stability due to prevent damage caused by the pressure applied, while the
to the removal of air (Cameron et al. 2009). Despite the change in volume will be assisted under the high pressure,
advantages of US, its disadvantages include the generation which may result in the inactivation of enzymes or

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microorganisms. The isostatic principle states that uniform resistant, and no inactivation was found at moderate HPP
pressure from every direction compresses food products and treatment (400 MPa, 60 min at 20 °C) (Lopez-Fandino
then recovers their original shape when the pressure is et al. 1996). In contrast, after a more intense HPP treatment
released. The product is compressed regardless of the pro- (500 MPa, 90 min), a 50% AP inactivation was observed,
duct size and geometry because the transmission of pressure with 100% inactivation at 800 MPa for 8 min (Rademacher
to the core is not mass/time-dependent (Naik et al. 2013). et al. 1998). The LPO, xanthine oxidase and lipase of milk
Three parameters characterise the HPP, including pressure, subjected to HPP were found to be resistant at 400 MPa for
temperature and time, which contributes to the process 60 min, with no inactivation of AP (Naik et al. 2013),
design (Naik et al. 2013). High-pressure processing can lead which was completely inactivated at 800 MPa for 6 min.
to the disintegration of casein micelles into casein particles Hence, the total enzyme inactivation in milk requires a pres-
with smaller diameter, along with a decrease in milk light- sure of at least 800 MPa, which is regarded as an intense
ness and turbidity, and increased viscosity (Mandal and HPP treatment. The GGT and lipoprotein lipase activity has
Kant 2017). Moreover, the pressure-based dissociation of been studied in raw milk, and the results revealed that the
colloidal calcium phosphate and the denaturation of whey HP treatment (300–400 MPa, 0–180 min) improved the
proteins may lead to changes and/or improvement of milk enzymatic activities (Pandey and Ramaswamy 2004), and
characteristics (Trujillo et al. 2002). Recent studies on the lipase was found to be resistant over this entire range.
use of pressure-assisted thermal processing (PATP) and Plasmin activity reduced by 86.5% in raw milk after
pressure-assisted thermal sterilisation (PATS) reported heat- applying the HPP treatment (400 MPa, 60 °C) for 15 min
induced changes by using heat and pressure. According to (Garcıa-Risco et al. 2000). Rademacher and Kessler (1997)
Ludikhuyze and Hendrickx (2001), the mechanism of also observed a 15% reduction (400 MPa, 8 min) of plas-
enzyme inactivation by HPP is similar to the protein denatu- min in milk, indicating that the treatment time is a very
ration. The application of pressure on the enzyme structure important factor. A much higher (up to 90%) reduction was
may cause partial or complete and reversible or irreversible observed when the pressure increased to 600 MPa. Another
unfolding, which can lead to changes in the enzyme activity study concluded that the pressure treatments (400, 600,
due to the structural changes of its active site. 800 MPa) for 20 min can reduce the AP activity of raw
According to Cheftel (1992), high-pressure processing can bovine milk by 30, 60 and 99.7%, respectively (Johnston
lead to several changes in the enzymes, including: 1995).
• Reversible or irreversible, partial or complete enzyme The combination of heat treatment and HPP appears to be
inactivation may cause conformational changes in the pro- a very effective strategy to inhibit the milk enzymes. The
tein structure due to the HPP at room temperature. The effect of HPP at different temperatures on different enzymes
extent of the changes depends on several factors, includ- from whole milk was investigated (Datta et al. 2005). The
ing pressure, temperature, time, type of enzyme, and results revealed that the plasmin activity reduced by 74% at
micro-environmental conditions (e.g. pH and presence of 200 MPa and 64 °C (exposure time 20 sec), whereas a 90%
solutes or other biological compounds). reduction in enzyme activity was achieved at 80 °C. Com-
• Macromolecules such as protein are denatured by pres- plete inactivation of lipase was achieved at >71 °C under
surisation and may become more reactive to the enzy- similar treatment conditions, while LPO was inactivated at
matic reaction. 80 °C (HPP 200 MPa, exposure time of 20 sec) (Datta
• The changes in the cell membrane of intracellular orga- et al. 2005).
nelles or the removal of intracellular enzymes from the Seyderhelm et al. (1996) observed a 20% loss in the LPO
cell cytoplasm can improve the enzyme–substrate interac- activity of bovine milk when subjected to HPP treatment
tions. (600 MPa, room temperature, 30 min), which reduced to
16% of the initial activity at 45 °C under similar conditions.
In addition, half of the phosphatase activity was lost after
the HPP treatment at 600 MPa and 45 °C for 10 min (Sey-
The effect of HPP on milk enzymes is presented in Table 2. derhelm et al. 1996), with no substantial reduction of LPO
There are few studies on enzyme inactivation by HPP in in bovine milk after the HPP treatment (450–700 MPa)
milk, probably due to the resistance of enzymes to this tech- (Mazri et al. 2012). Phosphohexose isomerase of bovine
nology. Sakharam et al. (2011) reported that lipase, LPO milk was found to be inactivated at 500 MPa and 20 °C for
and xanthine oxidase of milk are resistant up to 400 MPa, 10 min, while GGT can be completely inactivated at
while AP, phosphohexose isomerase and c-glutamyltrans- 600 MPa and 20 °C for 30 min (Rademacher and Hinrichs
ferase (GGT) were partially inactivated at pressures of 600, 2006). Although milk enzymes are quite resistant to the
350 and 400 MPa, respectively. Complete inhibition of HPP treatment, the resistance varies from enzyme to
these enzymes was found at pressures of 800, 550 and enzyme, and LPO and AP have been found to be the most
630 MPa, respectively. Milk AP is moderately pressure resistant when compared to the other milk enzymes. The

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Table 2 Effect of HPP on milk enzymes

Enzyme Sample Treatment plan Percent Reduction (%) Reference

Phosphohexose isomerase Milk 550 Mpa 100 Sakharam et al. (2011)
c-glutamyltransferase (GGT) 630 Mpa 100
AP 800 MPa, 8 min, 20 °C 100 Rademacher et al. (1998)
600 MPa, 90 min, temp: 20 ° 50
400 MPa, 60 min, temp: 20 °C 0 Lopez-Fandino et al. (1996)
AP Milk 400 Mpa, 60 min 0 Naik et al. (2013)
800 MPa, 6 min 100
Raw milk 800 MPa, 20 min 99.7 Johnston (1995)
c-glutamyltransferase (GGT) 400 MPa, 30 min 15 Pandey and Ramaswamy (2004)
Milk 400 MPa, 8 min 15 Rademacher and Kessler (1997)
Bovine milk 600 MPa, 30 min, 20 °C 100 Rademacher and Hinrichs (2006)
LPO Raw milk 700 MPa, 73 °C 100 Ludikhuyze et al. (2001)
Bovine milk 600 MPa, 25 °C, 30 min 20 Seyderhelm et al. (1996)
600 MPa, 45 °C, 30 min 16
Phosphatase 600 MPa, 45 °C, 10 min 50
Plasmin Milk 200 MPa, 65 °C, 20 sec 74 Datta et al. (2005)
200 MPa, 80 °C, 20 sec 90
Lipoprotein lipase 200 MPa, above 71 °C, 20 sec 100
LPO 200 MPa, 80 °C, 20 sec 100
HPP: high-pressure processing, AP: alkaline phosphatase, LPO: lactoperoxidase, GGT: c-glutamyltransferase.

use of high pressure (e.g. 800 MPa) or moderate HPP and whey proteins, which can affect the appearance and the
moderate thermal treatments is required to inactivate all functionality of milk.
indigenous milk enzymes.
Irradiation for food preservation consists of the application
HPP has many advantages over the thermal treatments since of electromagnetic waves to food products to confer a
the latter results in the loss of vitamins and changes in fla- longer shelf life. In general, electromagnetic wave spectrum
vour, while the HPP treatment provides nutritional integrity consists of energy and frequencies such as c ray, UV rays,
to the product, which increases the shelf life of the products infrared irradiation and radio waves. Most of the studies
while remaining fresh. HPP can be applied to foods that are have investigated the effects of c and UV rays on milk
sensitive to thermal processing, and it is known for its abil- enzymes. UV rays are the short electromagnetic rays with a
ity to modify the milk structure, especially proteins. HPP wavelength range of 200–400 nm. For a practical purpose,
has the ability to maintain shelf life, with a minimal effect UV light can be divided into three different subclasses,
on the nutritional and sensory characteristics of food (Erk- namely UV-A (320 to 400 nm), UV-B (280 to 320 nm) and
men and Karatas 1997). In addition, pressures above UV-C (200 to 280 nm) (Bintsis et al. 2000). Ionising radia-
300 MPa can raise the chymosin coagulation time of milk tion involves the use of radioisotopes like Cobalt-60 and
(Buffa et al. 2001). Cesium-137, which are the main sources of c rays produc-
Most of the important food deteriorating enzymes are tion (Roobab et al. 2018).
quite resistant to pressure; thus, a complete enzyme inactiva- Enzymes are more resistant to irradiation than microor-
tion is difficult (Patterson et al. 2006). However, several ganisms, and complete enzyme destruction requires 5 to
enzymes, like phosphatase, are comparatively pressure sen- 10 times of radiation dose for microbial destruction. Esti-
sitive in the range of 400–800 MPa (Palou et al. 2004). mated gamma irradiation D values for enzymes should be
Moderate HHP treatment, for example 400 MPa, cannot higher than 50 kGy, and four times the D-value are
inactivate the enzymes lipase, xanthine, oxidase and LPO in required for complete inactivation (Rahman 2004). The
milk (Naik et al. 2013). Various disadvantages can also effect of irradiation on various enzymes from bovine and
occur when using HPP processing. Liepa et al. (2016) human milk has been studied (Glew 1962;
reported that HPP can decrease the size of casein micelles, Eitenmiller et al. 1971; Christen et al. 2013a; Christen
increase the free fatty acids levels and cause denaturation of et al. 2013b).

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Table 3 Effect of irradiation on milk enzymes

Enzyme Sample Treatment Plan Percent reduction (%) Reference

Lysozyme Bovine milk c-irradiation: 102 500 Gy, dose rate: 3.6 Gy/s 44.3 Eitenmiller et al. (1971)
Human milk c-irradiation: 102 500 Gy, dose rate: 3.6 Gy/s 31.5
Bovine milk c-irradiation: 200 000 Gy, dose rate: 3.6 Gy/s 53.9
Human milk c-irradiation: 200 000 Gy, dose rate: 3.6 Gy/s 45.9
Phosphatase Raw whole milk Irradiation: 0.2 Gy/s, exposure time = 12 h 9.8 Kung et al. (1953)
Irradiation: 0.2 Gy/s, exposure time = 6 h 7.4
AP Whole milk Irradiation 20 000 Gy 23.6 Glew (1959)
Whole cow milk Irradiation 240 000 Gy 100
Irradiation 250 000 Gy 100 Glew (1962)
Lysozyme Human milk UV-C 4683 J/I 25 Christen et al. (2013b)
UV-C 3474 J/I 16
UV-C 2084 J/I 9
AP UV-C 3474 J/I 0
UV-C 4863 J/l 0
UV-C 2084 J/l 0
BSSL UV-C 4863 J/I 0
UV-C 2084 J/I 3.3
AP, alkaline phosphatase; BSSL, bile salt-stimulated lipase.

Irradiation affects biological materials both directly and of only 7.4% and 9.8% after 6 and 12 h, respectively (Glew
indirectly. The direct effect is through energy deposition 1962). Thus, milk AP has been found to be resistant to irra-
that targets molecules and leads to chemical reactions, while diation. Moreover, irradiation doses for milk sterilisation
the indirect effect is based on the production of free radicals cannot inactivate the enzyme phosphatase, which proves the
such as superoxide anions, hydrogen radicals and hydroxyl high resistance of this enzyme to irradiation (Procter and
radicals from the radiolysis of water. The strong oxidising Goldblith 1951). The effect of c-radiation on bovine milk
(hydroxyl radical) and reducing (hydrogen radical) agents lysozyme revealed that a c-radiation dose of 102500 Gy
have the ability to change the molecular structure of organic resulted in 44.3% reduction, while a 200 000 Gy dose
matter (Rahman 2004). Mostly, free radicals in the solvent caused 53.9% reduction of the lysozyme activity (Eiten-
phase affect the enzymes indirectly. The presence of miller et al. 1971).
enzymes in their natural environment makes them more In human milk, c-radiation doses of 102 500 Gy and
resistance to irradiation effect (Rahman 2004). Thus, 200 000 Gy reduced the lysozyme activity to 31.5% and
enzymes present in food are more resistant to the radiation 45.9%, respectively (Eitenmiller et al. 1971), while other
than microorganisms. A 0.1 kGy radiation dose can damage study reported that UV-C irradiation at 2048 J/I, 3474 J/I
2.8% of DNA molecules, which can be dangerous for living and 4683 J/I reduced the lysozyme activity to 9%, 16% and
cells, while a similar dose only causes 0.14% reduction of 25%, respectively (Christen et al. 2013b). According to the
the enzymatic activity (Grandison 2012). authors, the higher total solid content may have exerted a
protective effect to lysozyme. Similarly, the activities of AP
and BSSL from human milk have been studied under differ-
ent UV-C doses (Christen et al. 2013a), with no effects on
The effect of irradiation on milk enzymes is presented in AP and BSSL even after the UV-C treatments at 3474 J/I
Table 3. It is known that milk enzymes have high resistance and 4863 J/I (Christen et al. 2013a). In contrast, the same
to irradiation. Glew (1959) studied the AP activity in whole researchers reported that an exposure of 23 h at 239,683 J/I
milk under irradiation dose of 20 000 Gray (Gy) and was enough to inactivate 60% of AP activity. The UV-C
240 000 Gy and found that a dose of at least 240 000 Gy dosage required to destroy specific microorganisms (Escher-
was necessary to completely inactivate AP, while ichia coli, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Enterobacter cloa-
20 000 Gy inactivated only 23.6% of the enzymes, which cae and Bacillus cereus) from human milk has no
was confirmed by Glew (1962), who reported that milk AP significant effect on the heat-sensitive enzymes (Christen
is extremely radio-resistant. The phosphatase activity in et al. 2013a). These results showed that most milk enzymes
whole milk at irradiation of 0.2 Gy/s has been studied have high resistance to the irradiation treatment, and higher
(Kung et al. 1953), with a decrease in the enzyme activity doses are required to completely inactivate them.

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For the enzyme inactivation, a greater reduction in the

enzyme activity is obtained by using the high electric field
The irradiation technology is effective to reduce losses in and temperature. It has been reported that the conforma-
fresh food and can enhance the shelf life of the products. In tional changes in the structure of the enzyme during PEF
addition, energy can be saved, as it uses lower energy as treatment may be responsible for the modification of the
compared to other preservation processes, such as refrigera- enzyme activity (Vega-Mercado et al. 1995a; Ho et al.
tion. The hygienic quality of solid food can also be main- 1997; Castro et al. 2001). The enzymes are basically pro-
tained through radiation treatment. Although the radiation is teins, whose catalytic activity depends on both the confor-
effective in reducing the microbial load, enzymes have been mation of surrounding proteins and the native configuration
proven to be more resistant to this treatment. Low radiation of their active site. Amino acid (AA) groups found in
doses have no significant effect on the milk enzymes, while enzymes can lead to a highly asymmetric distribution of
higher doses can inactivate the enzymes, despite affecting charge, thus forming strongly polar and charged regions in
the nutritional profile, flavour and protein denaturation. the protein structure (Laberge 1998), while the intense elec-
Moreover, the availability of a proper infrastructure within a tric field causes the denaturation, breakdown of covalent
country is the basic requirement for the implementation of bonds, and the oxidation–reduction reactions in the protein
this technology. Flavour changes can occur in milk and structure (Barsotti and Cheftel 1999). Giner et al. (2000)
dairy products when subjected to irradiation treatments, concluded that the mechanism of enzyme inactivation is not
even at low dosages (Grandison 2012). The development of completely clear for PEF technology.
rancid off-flavour in milk after irradiation treatment has
been reported by different researchers (Matak et al. 2007;
De Oliveira et al. 2015), probably due to the generation of
free radicals, which affects the milk lipid fraction, particu- The effect of PEF on milk enzymes is presented in Table 4.
larly, the fatty acid composition (De Oliveira et al. 2015). The impact of PEF on the inactivation of AP has been stud-
However, some authors have suggested that the application ied, with no changes in the enzyme activity (Grahl and
of irradiation at low doses or under frozen conditions can M€arkl 1996; Ho et al. 1997; Van Loey et al. 2001). How-
be effective without changing the organoleptic characteris- ever, Grahl and M€arkl (1996) reported a 10% inactivation
tics (Odueke et al. 2016). In milk, sensory and chemical of AP in milk subjected to PEF treatment at 20 pulses and
changes can occur with the use of UV irradiation at 254 nm 21.5 kV/cm for 25 µs, and 25% and 60% inactivation for
(Matak et al. 2007). Also, the major disadvantages of irradi- LPO and lipase. The effects of high-voltage pulses on lac-
ation include the need for a critical minimum capacity along tate dehydrogenase from milk have been studied, with no
with the product volume, due to the high costs of operation. reduction in the enzyme activity after PEF treatment (200
pulses at 31.6 kV/cm for 0.96 µs, 1.1 Hz and temperature
at 30 °C) (Barsotti et al. 2001).
Bendicho et al. (2003a) have studied the effect of PEF on
Pulsed electric field is an emerging nonthermal preservation protease activity from Bacillus subtilis in skim milk and
technology to inactivate the spoilage organisms and patho- whole milk and found 81.1% and 57.1% reduction of activ-
gens in liquid foods such as milk or juices by using short ity after the PEF treatment (35.5 kV/cm for 896 µs and
high-voltage pulses (Aadil et al. 2015c). It involves the use 111 Hz), respectively. With respect to SMUF (stimulated
of short pulses (µs or ms) of high voltage (kV/cm) to foods milk ultrafiltrate), Bendicho et al. (2003b) found 62.7%
that placed between two and more electrodes (Zhang et al. reduction by just decreasing the temperature to 40 °C. Simi-
2017). The aim of using PEF is to produce safe food with larly, the PEF treatment (70 pulses at 18.8 kV/cm for
better nutritional and sensory properties when compared to 400 µs and at 22 °C) resulted in a 60% reduction of AP in
food products subjected to heat treatment alone (Bendicho raw milk, 2% in full-fat milk, and 65% in skim milk (Bar-
et al. 2002a; Liu et al. 2015, 2016). PEF technology has bosa-Canovas et al. 1998). A 96% reduction in the AP
gained popularity by preventing the negative effects of ther- activity was observed after PEF treatment chamber, which
mal treatments during food processing. It can destroy the consists of two stainless steel electrodes to generate the
microorganisms and inactivate the enzymes, without having electric field at temperatures up to 44 °C after the PEF treat-
any major unwanted effects on the organoleptic properties ment (70 pulses at 13.2 kV/cm) (Barbosa-Canovas et al.
of foods (Lasekan et al. 2017). The important processing 1996). In whole milk, the plasmin and xanthine oxidase
parameters used for enzyme inactivation by PEF include the activities reduced about 7% and 30%, respectively, immedi-
treatment time, electric field strength, pulse width, pulse ately after the PEF treatment (preheating 55 °C, holding
form, pulse number and pulse frequency (Bendicho et al. time: 24 sec and 25.7 kV/cm for 34 µs) (Sharma et al.
2003a). 2018).

© 2019 Society of Dairy Technology 7

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Table 4 Effect of PEF on Milk enzymes

Enzyme Sample Treatment plan Reduction Reference
AP Milk 21.5 kV/cm, number of pulses: 20 pulses About 10% Grahl and M€arkl (1996)
Raw 21.5 kV/cm, total energy in put up to 400 kJ/I 0
milk 18.8 kV/cm, number of pulses: 70, pulse width: 400 µs, 60% Barbosa-Canovas et al. (1998);
temp: 22 °C, Castro et al. (2001)
13.2 kV/cm, number of pulses: 70, temp: 44 °C 96% Barbosa-Canovas et al. (1996)
6.7–20 kV/cm, number of pulses: 200, temp: 25 °C 0 Van Loey et al. (2001)
Batch mode HIPEF,
6.7–20 kV/cm, number of pulses: 200, temp: 70 °C, 74%
Batch mode HIPEF
Milk 6.7–20 kV/cm, No. of pulses: 200, pulses width: 2 us, 100%
batch system
SMUF 18.8–22 kV/cm, No. of pulses: 70, Batch mode HIPEF 65% Castro et al. (2001)
Whole 18.8–22 kV/cm, No. of pulses: 70, Batch mode HIPEF 59%
LPO Milk 21.5 kV/cm, No. of pulses: 20 About 25% (Grahl and M€arkl 1996)
Raw 21.5 kV/cm, total energy in put up to 400 kJ/I 0
LPO milk 19 kV/cm, No. of pulses: 100, total pulsing energy of 0 van Loey et al. (2001)
up to 500 kJ/kg, pulse width: 5 µs
35 kV/cm, temp: 30°C, pulsing energy input of up to <10% Jaeger and Knorr (2007)
220 kJ/kg
37.6 kV/cm, number of pulses: 200, temp: <35°C 0 De Luis et al. (2009).
Protease SMUF 35.5 kV/cm, 111 Hz, pulse width: 866 ls 81% Bendicho et al. (2003b)
Protease (Pseudomonas Skim 15 kV/cm, No. of pulses: 98, f: 2 Hz, temp: 50 °C, 60% Vega-Mercado et al. (1995b)
fluorescens) milk pulse width: 2 µs
25 kV/cm, No. of pulses: 16, continuous mode HIPEF 0 Vega-Mercado et al. (2001)
Protease from B. SMUF 16.4–27.4 kV/cm, No. of pulses: 100, batch mode 10% Bendicho et al. (2001b)
subtilis HIPEF treatment
17.6–25.2 kV/cm, No. of pulses: 100, continuous mode 15%
HIPEF treatment
16.4–27.4 kV/cm, No. of pulses: 60, pH: 5, batch mode 50% Bendicho et al. (2001c)
HIPEF treatment
16.4–27.4 kV/cm, No. of pulses: 60, temp: 63 °C-5 min, 30%
batch mode HIPEF treatment
Protease from B. Skim 35.5 kV/cm, temp: 46 °C, pulses width: 866 µs, 81.1% Bendicho et al. (2003a)
subtilis milk continuous PEF treatment
Whole 35.5 kV/cm, temp: 46 °C, pulses width: 866 µs, 57.1%
milk continuous PEF treatment
SMUF 35.5 kV/cm, temp: 40 °C, pulses width: 866 µs, 62.7% Bendicho et al. (2003b)
continuous PEF treatment
16.4–27.4 kV/cm, pulses width: 320 µs, batch mode 0
PEF treatment
Lipase Milk 21.5 kV/cm, No. of pulses: 20, About 60% Grahl and M€arkl (1996)
Raw 21.5 kV/cm, total energy in put 400 kJ/I 60%
Lipase from SMUF 16.4–27.4 kV/cm, No. of pulses: 100 About 62% Bendicho et al. (2002b)
Pseudomonas 26.1–37.3 kV/cm, No. of pulses: 100, continuous mode 13% Bendicho et al. (2001d)
fluorescens HIPEF treatment
16.4–27.4 kV/cm, No. of pulses: 100, pH: 5 52%
16.4–27.4 kV/cm, No. of pulses: 100, temp: 63 °C- 35% Bendicho et al. (2001e)
15 min., batch mode HIPEF treatment


8 © 2019 Society of Dairy Technology

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Table 4 (Continued).

Enzyme Sample Treatment plan Reduction Reference
Plasmin (bovine milk) 30 kV/cm, No. of pulses: 50, f: 0.1 Hz, temp: 15 °C, 90% Vega-Mercado et al. (1995a)
pulses width: 2 µs
Peroxidase Raw 13–19 kV/cm, No. of pulses: 200, temp: 25 °C, batch ˃3% Van Loey et al. (2001)
milk mode HIPEF
13–19 kV/cm, No. of pulses: 200, temp: 44–52 °C, 2–13%
batch mode HIPEF treatment
AP Raw PEF intensity: 25 kV/cm, temp: 60 °C 29% Shamsi et al. (2008)
skim PEF intensity: 31 kV/cm, temp: 60 °C 56%
milk PEF intensity: 35 kV/cm, temp: 60 °C 67%
PEF, pulsed electric field; AP, alkaline phosphatase; LPO, lactoperoxidase; SMUF, simulated milk ultrafiltrate.

Grahl and M€arkl (1996) have also studied the effect of skimmed milk subjected to different PEF intensities and
high-voltage pulses on AP, LPO and lipase from raw milk temperatures. At 25 kV/cm and 60 °C, the enzyme activity
and found no large-scale inactivation under the high electric decreased to 29%, while reductions of 56% and 67% were
field pulses conditions, while up to 60% lipase inactivation achieved under the same temperature after increasing the
was observed after the treatment with high energy input. PEF intensity to 31 kV/cm and 35 kV/cm, respectively.
Van Loey et al. (2001) reported no reduction of LPO in In SMUF, the PEF treatment (35.5 kV/cm for 866 µs and
raw milk subjected to the PEF treatment (100 pulses at at 111 Hz) reduced the protease activity by 81% (Bendicho
19 kV/cm for 5 µs) with a total energy of up to 500 kJ/kg, et al. 2003b), while a reduction of 62% lipase from P. fluo-
while Jaeger and Knorr (2007) observed a <10% inactiva- rescens was observed after using 100 pulses at 16.4–
tion of LPO under the PEF treatment (35 kV/cm at 30 °C) 27.4 kV/cm (Bendicho et al. 2002b). Vega-Mercado et al.
and pulsing energy up to 220 kJ/kg. Moreover, De Luis (1995a) studied the effect of PEF by using continuous mood
et al. (2009) have reported no changes in the LPO concen- treatment on plasmin, with a 90% reduction after the PEF
tration either in milk or whey after the PEF treatment (37– treatment (10–50 pulses at 15–45 kV/cm for 2 µs and at
6 kV/cm using 200 pulses and temperature < 35 °C). Van 0.1 Hz, 50 °C). Castro et al. (2001) investigated the effect
Loey et al. (2001) found a 74% reduction of AP from raw of PEF on the inactivation of AP in SMUF, nonfat milk,
milk after batch mood (BM) treatment (>200 pulses at 6.7– full-fat milk and whole milk. After the PEF treatment (70
20 kV/cm) along with the heat treatment (70 °C), while no pulses at 22 kV/cm), a 65% reduction of AP activity was
inactivation was found at 25 °C. Moreover, the authors also observed, and a 59% reduction was observed for full-fat
found 2–13% peroxidase inactivation after applying the BM milk and whole milk subjected to 70 pulses at 18–8 kV/cm.
treatment (more than 200 pulses at 13–19 kV/cm) along The authors investigated the effect of PEF on the protease
with the heat treatment (44–52 °C), with a reduction <3% from B. subtilies suspended in SMUF. After applying BM
at 25 °C. treatment (>100 pulses at 16.4–27.4 kV/cm), only 10%
The effect of the PEF treatment (14 kV/cm at a pulsing inactivation was achieved, which increased to 15% when
rate of 1 Hz) on the milk protease was studied in sterilised PEF was applied in a continuous flow mood treatment
skim milk, and 40% inactivation was observed, which (>100 pulses at 17.6–25.2 kV/cm) (Bendicho et al. 2001b).
increased to 60% when using other PEF conditions (15 kV/ The effect of BM treatment (>60 pulses at 16.4–27.4 kV/
cm with 98 pulses and 2 Hz) (Vega-Mercado et al. 1995b), cm) along with acidification (pH 5) on the protease from
with no protease inactivation after reducing the number of B. subtilies in SMUF was also studied, with a 50% inactiva-
pulses (Vega-Mercado et al. 2001). Bendicho et al. (2001a) tion against 30% protease inactivation after using a mild
studied the effect the PEF treatment (10 pulses of 20 kV/ heat treatment (63 °C for 5 min) (Bendicho et al. 2001c).
cm) on the protease from Pseudomonas fluorescens in skim Bendicho et al. (2001d) studied the effect of BM treatment
milk and found a 25% reduction of the enzyme activity, along with acidification (pH 5 and up to 60 pulses at 16.4–
with an inactivation level from 37.9 to 81.1% after applying 27.4 kV/cm) on lipase from P. fluorescens in SMUF and
a continuous flow PEF treatment (35.5 kV/cm for 866 µs reported a 52% inactivation against only 13% achieved by
with 67–111 Hz and additional temperature of 46 °C). applying a continuous flow treatment (>100 pulses at 26.1–
Shamsi et al. (2008) studied the AP activity in raw 37.3 kV/cm), while the mild heat treatment (63 °C for

© 2019 Society of Dairy Technology 9

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15 min) together with the BM treatment led to a 35% inac- aureus V8 protease activity in whole milk (Vijayakumar
tivation (Bendicho et al. 2001e). By applying the continu- 2012). In skim milk, the TS treatment (amplitude 120 µm,
ous treatment (35.5 kV/cm for 866 µs and frequency from intensity 20 kHz, temperature 75.5 °C for 102.3 sec) caused
67–111 Hz) at 40 °C on the protease from B. subtilis in complete inhibition of AP and c-GTP, while LPO activity
SMUF, 62.7% inactivation was found, with no inactivation reduced to 52.8% (Villamiel and de Jong, 2000). These
without the use of mild heat treatment or acidification (Ben- results demonstrate that LPO is more resistant to the TS
dicho et al. 2003b). Hence, the sensitivity of milk enzymes treatment when compared to AP and c-GTP from milk.
can vary as a function of the PEF treatment, and higher Raw skim milk subjected to two TS conditions (152 µm
PEF conditions are required to complete enzyme and 133 µm for 3 min at 60 oC) exhibited a reduction of
inactivation. total plasmin activity to 80.9% and 83.24%, respectively
(Vijayakumar 2012). A reduction of 72% of S. aureus V8
protease activity was achieved in skim milk when subjected
to the TS treatment (133 µm, 2.5 min, 60 oC) (Vijayakumar
PEF involves the application of high-voltage pulses to liquid 2012).
or semiliquid food placed between two electrodes for a few Moreover, a study on human milk reported that the TS
seconds and is used for the enzymatic inactivation of milk treatment (60 W, 45 °C, 10 min) reduced the lysozyme and
and dairy products, juices and egg products. This technol- BSSL activities by 51% and 91.7%, respectively. At 50 °C
ogy can also be helpful in extending the shelf life of milk. (60 W and treatment time of 10 min), the remaining BSSL
The main disadvantage of PEF is the leakage of metal ions and lysozyme activities were 4.8% and 39% (Czank et al.
from the electrodes into the food products, once a signifi- 2010), which shows that BSSL of human milk is more sen-
cant increase in the metal contents, including Fe, Zn, Mn sitive to the TS treatment. Thus, the combination of these
and Cr, has been reported in the treated products (Evrendi- techniques has proven to be more effective when compared
lek et al. 2004). The high cost of processing is another main to single treatments, despite the high cost of these
concern that has limited interest in this technique. Although technologies.
PEF can destroy vegetative bacteria, it cannot inhibit spores;
thus, the use of thermal processing is required for the spore
inhibition. In addition, it cannot inactivate enzymes in the
products that require low temperatures of storage to control
enzymatic reactions. Food products with high electrical con-
ductivity cannot be treated with PEF (Yang et al. 2016). Nonthermal techniques have been studied extensively, and
the industrial applications have grown rapidly in the last
few years. The basic purpose of these technologies is to
provide consumers with safe and healthy food. The use of
irradiation is usually limited by legal requirements, and the
The ultimate goal of the modern food industry is to improve major hindrance of this technology may be the development
safety and to minimise food degradation. The combination of off-flavours in irradiated dairy products (Odueke et al.
of different techniques allows effective processing while 2016).
minimising the negative effects of using a single treatment Although the US alone is not very effective for microbial
to achieve the process goal (Aadil et al. 2015d). Enzyme inactivation, it can accelerate the rate of thermal sterilisation
inhibition and destruction of microbes can be achieved more of foods. The US process can lead to a more effective
effectively by combining moderate heat treatments along homogenisation of milk, which when applied in milk before
with other techniques. The extensively investigated combi- cheesemaking can result in an increased cheese yield due to
nations include the US and temperature (TS), pressure and protein binding on the fat globule membrane (Soria and Vil-
US (nano sonication), and temperature and HPP. TS can lamiel 2010). Sonication can reduce the viscosity of skim
reduce the thermal resistance of enzymes, thus reducing the milk (Zisu et al. 2013) and the fermentation time and pro-
temperature and the time required for enzyme inhibition duction of fermented milk with lower lactose and higher
(O’donnell et al. 2010). The effect of TS on the milk oligosaccharides contents (Nguyen et al. 2009). In addition
enzymes is presented in Table 5. to pasteurising milk, TS can disintegrate large milk fat glob-
The application of TS (amplitude 120 µm, intensity ules simultaneously (Bermudez-Aguirre et al. 2008). In
20 kHz) in whole milk at 75.5 °C for 102.3 sec completely milk, high-power US is generally employed for inactivation
inhibited the AP and c-GTP activities, while a 69.2% reduc- of microorganisms and enzymes, homogenisation, and
tion was observed for the LPO activity (Villamiel and de extraction of b-galactosidase (lactase) (Evrendilek 2014).
Jong 2000). Treatments at 119 µm or 133 µm for 2.5 min HPP can be extensively used in dairy processing.
and 60 oC caused a 72% reduction of Staphylococcus Yoghurts made with high-pressure treated milk can ferment

10 © 2019 Society of Dairy Technology

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at a higher pH, with no changes in the physical properties these technologies are necessary, aimed at a better under-
when compared to yoghurt made from heat-treated milk standing and new preservation strategies.
(Evrendilek 2014). The application of HPP to milk may be
an alternative to the use of food additives in yoghurt prepa-
ration, which can affect flavour, aroma and mouth-feel of
yoghurt (Sfakianakis and Tzia 2014). HPP can be used to Different nonthermal technologies (US, HPP, PEF and irra-
improve the microbiological safety and quality of milk to diation) have been studied on the inactivation of various
produce better quality cheeses (Liepa et al. 2016). milk enzymes, with good results for the enzyme inactiva-
The PEF treatment (40 kV/cm, 30 pulses and 2 ls pulse) tion. However, more research efforts are required to opti-
extended the shelf life of raw skim milk to 2 weeks at 4 °C mise processing conditions. All the technologies discussed
(Fernandez-Molina et al. 2000; Fernandez-Molina et al. in the present research mainly affect the enzymes by dena-
2005). Chymosin coagulation time of PEF-treated milk has turing the protein structure through energy deposition, free
been reported to be increased by 10% (Garcia-Amezquita radical production, chemical changes and pressure. When
et al. 2013). Some authors have reported that the PEF treat- the treatments are used alone, high intensities and conditions
ment of milk for the manufacture of butter, ice cream and are required for enzyme inactivation, while the combination
cheese provided organoleptic characteristics to the processed of different nonthermal treatments and mild heat treatment
products similar to fresh products (Sampedro et al. 2005). seems to be more effective, with better results at a reduced
However, the application of these technologies has also treatment time. However, future studies are necessary,
faced some major hindrances, including the development of focused on the effective combinations between treatments
off-flavour. In addition, the use of irradiation is also hin- and technologies. The enzyme AP is the most resistant to
dered by legal requirements, as several countries have estab- the nonthermal technologies, and its complete inactivation
lished a specified dose limit of food irradiation. requires higher energy inputs; thus, it can be used as a bio-
Furthermore, the market for irradiated foods is also nega- marker. Milk AP is inactivated slightly above the pasteurisa-
tively affected by trade agreements and labelling require- tion conditions and has been used as a biomarker in the
ments (Grandison 2012). The large-scale application of dairy industry to check the inadequate pasteurisation. It is
nonthermal technologies is limited due to lack of knowledge worth mentioning that the enzyme inactivation by nonther-
on the full-scale equipment design and scale up. Thus, fur- mal processing does not guarantee the destruction of patho-
ther studies are required for the optimisation of suitable pro- gens, which should be taken into account when discussing
cessing conditions, for the best-optimised inactivation of the substitution of heat by other methods. Despite the bene-
microbes and enzymes. fits of inactivating a number of enzymes and improving
The combination of nonthermal processes and the tradi- quality of the processed products, the nonthermal treatments
tional techniques has proven to be effective, with promising have not been adopted by the dairy industry, probably due
results, including the control of the harmful microbes in to the high cost and large production volumes, which cannot
food products. Therefore, studies on the combined effects of be accommodated in the current scenario. Further studies

Table 5 Effect of TS treatment on milk enzymes

Enzyme Sample Treatment Plan Percent reduction Reference

AP Whole milk Amplitude: 120 µm, 20 kHz, 102.3 sec, 75.5 °C 100 Villamiel and de Jong (2000)
Skimmed milk 100
c-GTP Whole milk 100
Skimmed milk 100
LPO Whole milk 69.2
Skimmed milk 52.8
Lysozyme Human milk US: 60 W, 45 °C, 10 min 51 Czank et al. (2010)
US: 60 W, 50 °C, 10 min 61
BSSL US: 60 W, 45 °C, 10 min 91.7
US: 60 W, 50 °C, 10 min 95.2
Plasmin Skim milk US amplitude 152 µm, 3 min, 60 oC 80.9 Vijayakumar (2012)
Plasmin Skim milk US amplitude 133 µm, 3 min, 60 oC 83.24
TS, thermosonication; US, ultrasound; AP, alkaline phosphatase; LPO, lactoperoxidase; c-GTP, c-glutamyltranspeptidase; BSSL, bile salt-stimu-
lated lipase.

© 2019 Society of Dairy Technology 11

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are needed on affordable technologies to be used in large- Barbosa-Canovas G V, Qin B L and Swanson B G (1996) Biological
scale production, aimed to meet the needs of the dairy effects induces by pulsed electric fields of high intensity. In Tecnolo-
industry. gias Avanzadas en Esterilizacion y Seguridad de Alimentos y Otros
Productos, pp 151–165. Rodrigo M, Martinez A, Fiszman S M,
Rodrigo C and Mateu A, eds. Valencia: Instituto de Agroquımica y
Technologıa de Alimentos
The authors are grateful to the Higher Education Commission Barbosa-Canovas G V, Pothakamury U R, Palou E and Swanson B G
(HEC), Islamabad, Pakistan, for supporting this project from (1998) Biological effects and applications of pulsed electric fields for
National Research Program for Universities (NRPU-7366) and the preservation of foods. In Nonthermal Preservation of Foods, pp
CNPQ, CAPES and FAPERJ. 73–112. Barbosa-Canovas G V, Pothakamury U R, Palou E and
Swanson B G, eds. New York, NY: Marcel Dekker.
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