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1) A synonym of class or seminar = Colloquium / Academy

2) A synonym of great intelligence =intellect

3) An especially American synonym of intelligent =bright

4) A rather formal synonym of teach =.demonstrate

5) An American synonym of mark (v) = scar

6) The opposite of fail or flunk =/=suceed

7) A synonym of learn = master

8) A formal synonym of exam =assessment

9) A synonym of dissertation = essay

10) A formal synonym of teaching =tuition

11) A synonym of head teacher = principal

12) The opposite of knowledgeable =/=ignorant

Assignment One:
Write an academic essay in which you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Studying
English in an English-speaking country is the best way to learn it.

Today, people want to be multilingual as it will open their doors to different cultures and
job options. English is the most fascinating language for them as it has globally acknowledge
as international business language. I believe that studying English in an English country is
the best way to improve it, but it is not the only way to learn it. There are other modes that
can also make our learning effective and easier.

Studying English language where English is used as the primary way of communication
is not always needed, there are many people some of them poet’s writers who wrote
successfully and have excellent accent in English have never been in an English speaking

In addition with the development of technology and globalization, many people has an
alternative to acquiring knowledge of speaking English using internet that provides online
lessons ,exploring books, visiting libraries Which is similar to the classes thought in schools,
this method help students to practice and speak English fluently.

Furthermore, there are some experienced teachers who give particular knowledge about
English, despite this students in universities have to read textbooks in English, watching
movies, tv serial and create an English speaking environment that will help them to be a
good English communicator.

However, in my opinion there are a lot of way that can be used for learning English
wherever you are by trying hard.

Assignment Two
Some university students enjoy learning by themselves because it helps them build self-reliance and
autonomy. Others prefer to study with a teacher. Write an academic essay in which you discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of face-to-face university classes.

Face to face classes is a traditional form of education, that allows for live
communication between students and teacher. Throughout history face to face
classes has been the main staple of training, however with the development of
technology some people suggested that online classes is the best way to study,
because face to face classes is an old fashioned method, certainly this method has
advantages and disadvantages in using it.

Face to face university classes has many advantages , one of this

advantages is that it have an interactive teacher-student forum where the two can
build up a relationship and have discussion boards that can provide enough
information to the teacher to evaluate a student on the course mastery.

In addition, the teacher can identify student’s weakness and help them to adjust
accordingly. Also face to face classes build up a good relationship between students
furthermore it allows them understanding the levels and participate in other school
programs. Also it provides a real campus life and a real time response.

On the other hand face to face classes have disadvantages , first of all the
classes are based on a certain amount of time classes that takes more than 60
minutes log turn to a bad length of time which is very hard on student to pay
attention and learn significant amounts of information during it.

Second, students must respect classes timing and it have to be strictly followed by
them, for that students face difficulties to balance between their part time job,
hobbies and classes at same time.

Third, travel time can be a huge problem for student especially for the ones who live
farther of their university, this is also adds to additional cost in the form of transport.
To conclude, I believe that face to face university classes is the best way of
learning, because we have the opportunity to provide many different learning
strategies that help us on the learning process.


Depending on the type of teaching received and the context of use. From the second
language, there is more or less intervention of the left hemisphere in l2 or than in l1 in
l2 learners (who read only in l2 or have acquired it within school settings (reading,
writing, to the detriment of oral comprehension or listening comprehension). The "lix"
who have formally learned a l2 have interactional experience in l1 and therefore are
accustomed to using right-hemisphere communication strategies when they function
in l1. If they live in a l1 environment, they do not have interactional experience in l2
and therefore, because their knowledge of l2 is mainly limited to reading, they are not
exposed to the non-verbal cues specific to the L2 culture" (languages 72,p.100).

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