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Akkou thilelli

Group 01

Definitions :

Transmition : is a mode of communication

in which a sender encodes a message and
transmits it through a channel to a
receiver .
Ex : sender……………………receiver.
Information : the data or the message that
we want to transmit or the knowledge
Ex : my mother inform me that we will not
be able to go to the park .
Message : the data that we need to
transmit it can be written or oral.
Source : anything from which something
Ex : the person who inspires you .
Receiver : to receive something we call it
the listener or the audience or decoder.
Ex : A …….B
Signalling system : is the exchange of
information between involved points in
the network that set up, control each
telephone call.
Non-verbal features and gestures and
facial expressions: communication include
facial expressions such as body language,
gestures, eye(proxemics).
Semiotics : is to create meaning by
studying signs and symbols.
Feedback : is audience’s response ,it
enables you to evaluate the effectiveness
of your message.
Participants : are speaker’s and listener’s
(sender , receiver )
Intention : is a plan to do a specific things
behind a specific action sets .
Interaction : is an action which is
influenced by other action .
Ex : conversation.
Communicative modalities : each act was
coded based on four possible
modalities ;gestures speech, sign
language, point ,waves…etc
Auditory,visual,vocal : the use of sound to
send or receive information (channel).
Ideas : are information shared between a
group of people ,or a plan of doing
something .
Aesthetic : concerned with beauty artistic
or appearance.
Social rapport : the links of
interdependence which are established
between the individuals and groups .
Play : to play in a manner such that one
has fun ,to engage in activities expressly
for the purpose of recreation or

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