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Deicy Torres Galindez

Calle 8 B N° 18-20 Barrio la Esmeralda- Popayan Cauca, correo


Mr. Ban Ki -moon

Executive- secretary
United Nations
405 East 42nd Street
New York, 10017 USA

Dear Mr. Ban Ki _moon:

First of all, receive a cordial and affectionate greeting that you and your family are

in good health, by means of this letter I express my concern for the environmental

problems caused by technological activities and human activities from obtaining

the raw material to the disposal of the waste generated after obtaining a

technological product since these practices can have harmful consequences for the

conservation of the environment such as desertification, the environmental impact

of technological works, the pollution produced in the obtaining and treatment of

many raw materials or energy sources and the waste generated in many industrial


In the effort to improve this current situation, it causes the planet and the effect of

technology on the environment, I come to you so that pertinent measures are taken

so that planet earth who is the one that provides us with everything we need to live
does not continue suffering the causes of these bad practices caused by

technological advancement in the same way, the countries of the world accept the

call and that within their policies they always seek the ecological and sustainable

balance in time so that our generations enjoy a healthier environment, happy and


Surely you are going to carry out an excellent management of this matter and other

environmental issues that afflict us, I am immensely grateful to you


Deicy Torres Galindez

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