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With the increasing cases of COVID-19 cases in the Philippines, and the cure or
vaccine to fight it still not found, I think one could maintain a sense of balance and
tranquility in his/her life by eating nutritious food which are rich in vitamin C. Also
drinking more than 8 glasses of water a day. In addition of taking medicine specifically
Sodium Ascorbate Zinc (Immuno Pro) which can boost our immune system to fight the
virus trying to contain our human body. According to the MDLinx an USA based
Corporation the ways to help doctors reduce help stress during the outbreak are; be
active physical activities can boost your immune system. Eat right foods, eating right
healthy foods leads to a healthy micro biome, which are leads to a healthy immune
system. Get enough sleep, not getting enough sleep causes your body to increase its
production of stress hormones, like cortisol and adrenaline. Practice good hygiene
follow the quarantine protocols, wear personal protective equipment. Keep your mind
active, read books, learn new language, and catch up on the latest news. The specific
activities I think will help a person maintain senses of peace are social friendship and
harmony in the absence of hostility and violence. A person can also have peace if he or
she has social sense (which includes reduction of conflicts, greater economy
interactivity and consequently substantial prosperity) and psychological peace also
known as behavioral peace.

2. In my own understanding, the issue of environment affects or influence the

discussion of sustainable peace it is because without the help of it nobody can survive
his/her daily or basic needs and necessities, sustain his source of income, physical
needs, as well as health and wealth. Indeed, nature is the means of all human

3. No, I absolutely disagree with people who would not engage into confrontation just to
maintain peace or the one who would say "Yes na lang for peace". It is because no
result of resolution or recon conciliation will happen if it is the case. If people do not
know how to confront how can they be able to resolve the problem arise. How hundred
percent they are sure to maintain peace both side if they just zipper their mouth or just
say "Yes na lang for peace."

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