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Self-care and Wellness during COVID-19

Am I a healthy man? This question is one of many questions that I asked during these days of
epidemic. This COVID-19 pandemic has brought alter of lives in a lot of number of ways. Our lives have
been turned from up to down as a result of federal policies like the lockdowns of cities and safety
protocols that we need to do against the dreaded sickness. However, amidst this certain issue, this
pandemic is an eye opener for every one of us on a thought that “Life is one of the things that we
needed to treasure; we only live one and we need to take care of our own sense”. Amidst this crucial
situations, one thing that I learn is to regulate and develop a new routine to balance my schooling and
healthy living. During times of uncertainty, it's natural to us to feel anxious or overwhelmed. Anxiety,
worry, wrath, and sadness are some of the emotions that we humans may experience when we faced
with uncertainty. You may also feel powerless, disheartened, and out of control at times as well as some
common physical reactions like headaches, muscular tightness, and tiredness, it’s alarming but it’s
natural especially if we know how to handle it. Amidst all of this, taking care of oneself is dominant so
that we can support our family during this difficult time.

As a student, we need to develop self-care and practice a good wellness to improves our
physical health during this pandemic. There are a lot of good habits and practices that we can browse on
the internet but my own version was the following: 1st we need to have regular exercise daily, even
simple walk or jogging can do in 10-30 mins. 2nd we need to sleep 8 hrs. a day or at least 15 minutes
interval sleep if where studying. 3rd even though students are busy, we need to go outside in the
morning to exposed ourself in the sunlight to get a rich vitamin D. 4th we need to stay hydrated to avoid
diseases and malfunctions. 5th we need to maintain regular diet, eat foods that have a rich vitamin like
potassium and calcium that will make our bones more stronger and meals that make our mind active
like vegetables, fruits and meats that are rich in proteins. If necessary, intake some vitamins for stronger
immune system. Moreover, we need to interact with our family to express our love to them and become
motivated every day, we also need to reflect on what we do each day to monitor the development that
we want. We must not only focus on academics, but also in captivating the wholeness and the
development of our self holistically. In this time of uncertainty, it is essential to nourish good habits to
survive and help us grow continuously.

Above all, it’s important to remember that self-care is all about you. It establishing a balance in
our personal and school life. Having a sense of balance in my personal life will strengthen my capacity to
support and assist others. A healthy state of mind, physical health, spirit and emotion can reduce stress
in this pandemic. It is also important to ensure our physical health to help ourselves lives longer and
boost our immune system that will fight for infectious disease like COVID-19. Thus, I can say that a
healthy man knows the value of self-care and wellness amidst this uncertainty. Now, I will bring back the
question to anyone reading this, are you a healthy man?

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