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Name: Survey Missi Dakhi

Class: 2.1 PSIK

Future naration

If I've graduate from Ners in Sari Mutiara University, I wanna work as a nurse go internasional.

Because I get motivation from ma aunty, she working in a hospital Singapore till now .

I know thats all can't I get if I no studyhard and thats be ma reason for how much I love English
language and will learn everywhen and practicing for make ma future be real.

If I got success like it, I wanna bring ma big family to traveling go around world.

How interesting thats all. Now, I just can study and pray make thats be come true.

If in future I've family I wanna teach ma children to action English language.

Because I know how much important that language for world.

In study proccess often happened no justice, thats thing make me sad.

Sometimes, ma friends often not doing homework but they got result good.

But, anyways I hope all things bad can happened again for future as soon as make world be

Just do it, I believe I can do it.

I thats all thing come true to me, make ma life and world be better.

Thankyou, for ur attention.

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