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Answer Key

mmII Exercise 5 (p. 7)

Answers wili vary.
The Sentence and the Paragraph 2. In order to have a successful first date, a person
must do the following things.
Part 1
3. I had a terrible teaeher when I was in middle
Exercise 2 (p. 4) schooI.
1. d 4. Tennis is a really boring sport to wateh.
2. e
3. a Exercise 6 (p. 8)
4. b 2. a. TS b.SS e. SS d.SS
3. a.SS b.SS e.SS d.TS
4. a.SS b. TS e.SS d. SS
Part 2
Exercise 1 (p. 5) Exercise 7 (p. 10)
He was scared by a snake that crawled across his 2. a.CS b.SS c. SS d. SS
3. a.SS b.SS e. CS d. SS
4. a.SS b.SS e.SS d.CS
Exercise 2 (p. 6)
1. I had a seary experienee when I was a young boyo Exercise 8 (p. 11)
2. e
2. There are eight supporting sentenees.
3. Yeso 3. b
4. The experienee frightened me, and I never went 4. a
outside barefoot again. 5. b
6. e
5. Yeso

Exercise 3 (p. 7)
Part 3
2. (My unele ) had a frightening experienee as a
youngman. Exercise 1 (p. 13)
The pink sheep was a gift from a neighboring ehild.
3. (Text messaging ) has beeome popular among
teenagers. Exercise 2 (p. 13)
4. ( Effective time management ) requires four easy 1. Many years ago, ( a speeial gift ) carne to me in
steps. an interesting way.

5. (Every eollege student ) should take a computer 2. The supporting ideas wilI tell the story of how the
course. writer got the gifl.
3. S<Jntelilueo I b<J"ghll<JY' ,,¡lit nry I"el<¡ Ne .. Yea,
Exercise 4 (p. 7) """"'1'"
2. (Fried rice ) is easJ to prepare if JOu follow
4. It hurts the unity beeause it is not about the way
sorne simple steps.
the writer got the gifl.
The writer wilI tell the steps for making fried rice.
3. X Exercise 3 (p. 14)
4. CD had an adventure in the jungle last year. 2.
a, d
a, d
The writer wilI describe the adventure.
4. a, b, d
5. (Video games ) are not bad for ehildren.
5. b, e
The writer will give reasons why video games are 6. ª,c,d
not bad for ehildren.

Effective Academic Writing 1: Answer Key 1

Exerdse 4 (p. 15) Exerdse 2 (p. 20)
Answers will vary.
I am a Thai girlliving in lhe US., and lhere are
many adjuslmenls lhal I musl make. Firsl of all, I musl Exerdse 3 (p. 21)
gel used lo a new kind of food. I am learning lo eal a
101 of hamburgers because they are nol expensive and
lhey are easy lo buyo The people are differenl and I am
learning to meet new foreign friends. For example, two
of my new friends are from Pakislan. Paki.latt i. ab."
aH iutex€sting eóttnlty lo íiisil. The weather requires
anolher kind of adjushnent. Sorne days, il is hol jusI
as in my counlry, bul on olher days il is cold and this
is very slrange for me. I eame l" tite U.S. l" .tttdy ami
I tl~"Y ur¡ da.." ami !ir¡ toad",... I am adjusling
lo lhe US. in many ways, bul il is nol a problem for
me because I like lo know aboul differenl places and

Exercise 5 (p. 15)

Answers will vary
1. People can pay bills on line. People can go
shopping on lhe Inlernet.
2. A good reslauranl musl be cIean. A good Exerdse 4 (p. 22)
restaurant uses fresh ingredients.
Answers will vary.
2. Corn is my favorile vegelable.
3. I comb my hair carefully. I pul on a nice, cIean
3. It is very brighl in lhe afternoon.
4. Our baby lakes a nap for two or lhree hours.
4. Small children can play on lhe swings and
5. OUT cat eats rice.
slides. Older children can ride lheir bikes or play
6. There are flowers in lhe market.
5. Young people can address lhem by saying "Mr." Exerdse 5 (p. 23)
or "Mrs." We should all greel lhem kindly Answers will vary.
whenever we see them. 2. There are mice living undernealh my house. They
6. You should always bring a flashlight. You should make a 101 of noise al nighl.
never forgel lo lake insecl repellent. 3. I used lo eal rice and vegelables for breakfasl, bul
now leal cereal and milk.
Exerdse 6 (p. 17)
4. I do nol drive, so I ride lhe bus.
Paragraph 1: Order of imporlance
5. I am saving money for a bicycIe, and I also wanl
Paragraph 2: Time
lo buy a camera.
Exercise 7 (p. 18)
Paragraph 2 has beller coherence. It is organized
Exerdse 6 (p. 23)
according to arder of importance. My mother's cousin owned a hOlel, and I worked
lhere as a young mano I enjoyed lrus work very mucho
Part 4 (1) I mel many inleresting people. One lime a family
carne lo slay in lhe holel. They (2) had a daughler, (3)
Exerdse 1 (p. 19) aud she was my age. We mel oflen and talked aboul our
2. She ( cooked ) and ( cIeaned ) all day long. lives. I inviled her lo my house lo meel my family. She
3. My falher and his brolher (have ) a small lold us about her life in the United Slales. We shared our
business. cusloms with her. Laler my molher lold me somelhing
unforgellable. She said, "1 know lhal you are going lo
4. My lhree sislers (live ) in Vietnam.
live in America. u My mother (4) is a very smart woman,
5. 1(help ) my aunl during lhe day and ~ lo (5) aud she was right. I carne lo America lo search for
school in lhe evening. my friendo I am Slilllooking.
6. My parenls (boughl ) a new caro

2 Effective Academic Writing 1: Answer Key

Part 5 4. The guests danced Merengue and Salsa.
Exercise 1 (p. 24) Exercise 7 (p. 27)
1. d Answers will vary.
2. c 1. Suddenly, 1 fell down.
3. a 2. Thailand has a tropical climate.
4. b 3. 1 was walking beside the lake with my best friendo
Exercise 2 (p. 24) 4. Yesterday was an important day for me.
1. a.SS b.SS c.SS d. TS Exercise 8 (p. 28)
2. a. SS b.SS c. TS d.SS Answers will vary.
3. a. TS b. SS c.SS d.SS 1. We watched a movie. It was about a dinosaur that
4. a. SS b. TS c.SS d.SS lost its mother.
Exercise 3 (p. 25) 2. We have a harvest moon festival every year in our
There They Are! city. There are parades and kiosks with noodle
c. Now 1 am an aduIt, but 1 still feel joy when 1 go to soup and other delicious food.
the train station to meet someone 1 love. 3. 1 had to stop going to school for a while because
A Wise Shupper my father wanted me to help him with his
c. In conclusion, a wise shopper finds ways to save business.
money on the price and to avoid buying what he 4. Rice pudding is delicious and easy to make, and it
does not need. is great for parties too.

Exercise 4 (p. 26)

1 acquired a new cauch in an interesting way. 1 l!Im:IJ
was walking to the bus stop, and 1 saw a yard sale. The Descriptive Paragraphs
family was selling a beautiful but heavy red couch at a
very good price. 1 really liked the cauch, and 1 wanted Part 1
to buy it. However, there was a problem. 1 did not Exercise 3 (p. 31)
have a truck, and my apartment was five blocks away. 1. T
Suddenly, 1 saw my classmate across the street. She- 2. T
tl"'''tlly "al Itexl l0 lite lIt a e01Itptlle. e!a"". 1 told her my 3. F
problem, and she offered to help. Then 1 paid for the 4. F
couch and my friend and 1 carried it down the street. 5. F
When we got tired, we sat down to rest on the sidewalk.
Finally, we brought it to my door, and my neighbor Exercise 4 (p. 32)
helped carry it upstairs. I.eally !ike l0 btly 01d l"iItg" Answers will vary.
beeatl"e 1!ive iIt aIt 01d btlildiItg. It was a funny day for 1. He probably wants her to wear western clothes
me, and 1like to remember this day whenever 1 come because he mentioned skirts.
home and see my beautiful red caucho 2. She will probably wear saris because they are
important to her.
Exercise 5 (p. 27) 3. Tradition and traditional clothing are important
1. My classmate ( drinks ) hot chocolate. to Prapulla. AIso, Prapulla's wedding sari is
2. We (lived ) in Lima. beautiful and carries many memories far her.
3. Hong Kong (has) many interesting
neighborhoods. Part 2
4. My brother ( eats ) rice and ( drinks ) milk at Exercise 3 (p. 34)
every meal. The writer plans to travel all over the country with
the caro
Exercise 6 (p.27)
1. How do men and women meet each other?
2. When 1 got home, there were candles and fresh
flowers everywhere!
3. He was late to his own birthday party.

Effective Academic Writing 1: Answer Key 3

Exerdse 4 (p. 35) B. 1. My special treasure is a picture of my mother on
A. 1. c her fifteenlh birthday.
2. b The writer will describe her mother's photo.
3. a 2. The first parl.
B. 1. 1 own a ca! that has special meaning faI me 3. The middle parl.
because it belonged to my grandfather. 4. The last parl.
2. beautiful, Cadillac convertible, white, blue, silver, 5. This picture oí my mother is my mos! valuable
powerful, black, brown leather, gray, c1ean, possession.
original, intad Yeso
3. special meaning, happy 6. Twelve.
4. 1 plan to take very good care of my grandfather's
car because someday 1 will use it to travel to a11
Exercise 3 (p. 40)
the states and cities that my grandfather visited 2. a
3. b
when he was a young mano
4. b
Exercise 5 (p. 36) 5. a
Item the author describes: his car 6. b

The author's general feeling about the item: It has Exercise 4 (p. 40)
special meaning for him. Answers will vary.
2. Maria found her grandmother's earrings in the
Background information about lhe item: His father saved basement.
up to buy it and then drove around lhe counlry in il. 3. My molher gave me 75 do11ars.
4. 1 like my battered old desk.
Descriptive information about the item: beautiful,
5. My father enjoyed making birdhouses.
Cadillac convertible, white and blue with silver trim,
6. My grandparents co11ected pottery from different
white circ1es on the tires, powerful horn, white seats,
regions oí Mexico.
black dashboard, brown leather cover on the steering
7. We always have potatoes and a salad with dinner.
wheel, grandfather took very good care of the car, has
original motor, body is intact Exercise 5 (p. 41)
Answers will vary.
Details about the author's feelings: He is happy the car
has its original motor and the body is intacl. He will fix A. When 1 left my hometown. my relative gave me
the car himself if it has problems. He plans to take very a special box. She said 1 could use the box to keep
good care of the caro my special treasures. The box was marle of a special
material. and it was painted a bright color. When 1
Restated idea: The car is very important to the author
because it belonged to his grandfather. oponed it, it played a pret!y songo 1 kept this box on my
dresser and 1 used it to store my things. Unfortunately,
1 lost my beautiful box when 1 moved to a different ci!y.
Part 3 but 1 will always remember it and my relative who gave
Exercise 1 (p. 38) it to me.
Answers will vary. 2. Who was yaur relative?
The author feels calm when at the pieture. 3. What was the box made of?
Exerdse 2 (p. 38) 4. What color was the box? Was it only one color?
A. 1. The special treasure is a photograph of the 5. What did you store in the box?
author's mother. ~i 6. Where did you move?
2. Answers will vary. Example: The aulhor's mother B. When 1 left Ontario, my aunt gave me a special
is young, beautiful, and happy in the photograph. box. She said 1 could use lhe box to keep my special
The photograph has been with her a11 her life. treasures. The box was marle of cedar wood, and it
3. Her mother gave it to the author. was painted bright red. When 1 oponed it, it played
4. She uses words like shining, happiness, shy, rose a beautiful waltz. 1 kept this box on my dresser and 1
busk, beautiful wkite lace dress, black skoes, long and used it to store my photographs. Unfortunately, 1 lost
curly, lovely, and peaceful. my beautiful box when 1 moved to Vancouver, but 1 will
always remember it and my aunt who gave it to me.

4 Effective Academic Writing 1: Answer Key

Part 4 Part 5
Exercise 1 (p. 44) Exercise 1 (p. 47)
2. I am fond of my house plant. Answers will vary.
3. It has broad 1>= leaves and delicate. white 1. I am reading Pride and Prejudice.
flowers. 2. In the photograph, the person is holding a
4. I bought a straw hat at a music festival. newborn baby.
S. It was not expensive. but I liked it because it was 3. Laura went to Italy and Spain for a while.
practical and attractive. 4. It is a picture of Mount Rushmore.
6. I bought my mug at a small tourist shop at the S. The water flows through the Amazon Rain Foresl.
Phoenix airport. 6. Our room looked out over the Pacific Ocean.

Exercise 2 (p. 44) Exercise 2 (p. 47)

Answers will vary. 1. We planted a vegetable garden behind the house.
2. Ilove my red racing bicyde. 2. Friendly people are usually ~.
3. No one understands why I still wear my tom, old 3. She has a different idea.
jeans. 4. My favorite books are historical novels.
4. lf I could only save one thing from a fire, it would S. The dass is upset about the math test.
be my big, comfortable reading chair.
S. The baby grand piano in my parents' house is Exercise 3 (p. 48)
Answers will vary.
located in the living room.
1. My twin brother owned a silver sports caro
6. My mother gave me her precious ruby ringo
2. My best friend has a married older sister.
Exercise 3 (p. 45) 3. The dead man was a history teacher.
Answers will vary. 4. This tiny object is actually a powerful and
2. My dassmates are friendly. expensive computer.
3. My parents are intelligenl. S. I have a cactus plant and a beautiful Siamese cat.
4. My neighbors are helpful. 6. There is a pine tree next to the red brick house.
S. My cousins and I are athletic.
6. 1 am serious.
Exercise 4 (p. 48)
My most valuable possession is a handmade Persian
Exercise 4 (p. 45)
carpel. My parents gave it to me as (1) a wedding gift
Answers will vary
right before I married my husband. This carpet is made
2. There is a dock on my desk.
of wool and silk. It is rectangular in shape, and it has a
3. My father is a businessman.
gold fringe along the borders. The colors of my carpet
4. Someone who writes novels is a novelist.
are mostly dark red on a cream- colored background,
5. There is a supermarket downtown.
but there are also blue and (2) brem tt' brown designs
6. Someone who designs houses is an architect.
woven ¡nto it. In the center of the carpet, a round
Exercise 5 (p. 46) medallion is decorated with (3) exqtli'ites exquisite
lines and curves. The carpet is not (4) thick and 50ft,
1 have a new digital camera, and l'm very excited but it is lovely to look al. I keep it in my living room
about using it because it has so many (1) fe.lmes tI,eftll because it reminds me of my (5) p.rettt' ",,,,doftll
useful features. I do not need to spend a lot of time wonderful parenls, and lhe (6) eotltthy be.tltíftl!
focusing it. It has automatic focus. People do not have to beautiful country where it was made.
wait a long time for me to take their picture. In addition,
its lens is powerful. I can photograph a person and
scenery, and both are dear when I print the (2) final3
final pictures. Another feature allows me to delete (3)
pieltlre, b!tlny blurry pictures. I save a lot of money
because I do not have to print ugly pictures. I am very
excited about my new camera because it is convenient
(4) and easy, and I can take (5) itttoeslittg, interesting
pictures with il. I expect to have a lot of fun with il.

Effective Academic Writing 1: Answer Key 5

l!ImII Part 3
Narrative Paragraphs Exercise 1 (p. 59)
The author's game is soccer.
Part 1 Exercise 2 (p. 59)
Exercise 3 (p. 53) Answers will vary.
1. T A. 1. The author's favorite sport is soccer. He is an
2. F aggressive player and is good at scoring goals.
3. F 2. He likes soccer because it requires teamwork, and
4. F he is good at i!.
5. F 3. He participates in basketball and he swims.
4. He plays on ane team to mess around with his
Exercise 4 (p. 53)
cousins and friends. He plays on the other team to
Answers will vary.
be a more serious playero It has regular practices
1. alivia is the author's daughter. She lives in
with special plays.
Manhattan and has an active imagination.
5. Yeso He gives many examples of the sports that he
2. Charlie Ravioli is alivia's imaginary friendo
3. He is a typical New Yorker because he is always
B. 1. C!) am an athletic guy.
busy and difficult to reach.
4. Charlie Ravioli drinks bottled water and eats 2. The author will give examples of the sports that
grilled chicken and frui!. These are typical habits he plays.
of New Yorkers. 3. He is aggressive and can score goals when he
plays soccer.
4. Yeso
Part 2 5. Playing sports is the thing that 1 enjay mas!. and
Exercise 3 (p. 56) 1 especially like soccer because 1 feel happy when
The title of the paragraph describes the author. The my team and 1 play well together.
author is stubborn, and mules are stubborn, too. Yeso
6. He mentions that he especially likes soccer and
Exercise 4 (p. 57) gives another reason why.
Answers will vary.
A. 1. She does not take advice. She does not change Exercise 3 (p. 61)
her mind easily. She defends her opinions. 2. a, c
2. ather people might get upset because she says 3. b, c
what she thinks. 4. a, c
5. b, c
B. 1. Q) am a stubborn persono
2. The supporting details will give examples of ways Exercise 4 (p. 62)
lhat she is stubborn. Answers will vary.
3. She gives three main examples: she did not take 2. For example, he always greets patients in a
advice about a job; she did not change her mind friendly way.
about lhe color car she wanted; and she told her 3. Far example, 1 have trouble sleeping at night
opinion of a woman she did not like. because they are playing loud music.
4. She insisted on buying a white car even though it 4. For example, she tells funny stories about her
was inconvenient and she had to drive very far to family.
geti!. 5. For example, he runs away when his mother calls
5. Yeso him.
6. My life is not always easy but 1 am proud to be a 6. For example, she can sing and play the guitar.
strong and stubborn woman.
Yeso Exercise 5 (p. 63)
7. She tells her feelings about being stubborn. Answers will vary.
8. The author likes being stubborn. She feels that it 2. 1 have two jobs. 1 go to school full-time.
is a sign of strength. No one can make her change. 3. There are science and art museums. There is a
very nice zoo.

6 Effective Academic Writing 1: Answer Key

4. Cell phones are useful for finding people in Exercise 2 (p. 70)
airports. Cell phones are useful for calling for Answers will vary.
help if your car breaks down. 1. They worry about their grades. Many of them are
5. She has long black hair. She has big brown eyes. living away from home for the first time.
6. They let us borrow their tools. They olten invite 2. An organized person can find things easily. An
liS far dinner. organized person gets more work done.
3. I had a lot of friends. I lived at home with my
parents, and I did not have to work.
Part 4 4. My first computer broke, so I bought a new
Exercise 1 (p. 66) laptop. The laptop never worked properly, and
Answers will vary. finally I had to return it to the store where I
2. My cousin writes for the local newspaper. bought il.
3. Most of my dassmates take the bus to schoo\. 5. You can go scuba diving. You can go surfing in
4. My best friend lives near me. the waves.
5. The children in my neighborhood love to play in
the park. Exercise 3 (p. 70)
Answers will vary.
Exercise 2 (p. 67) 1. Writing a good paragraph takes time and
1. practices patience.
2. owns 2. Careful drivers look before turning.
3. cook 3. A tourist takes a lot of photographs.
4. do not work 4. My hometown has many temples and shrines.
5. receives 5. A hero saves people.
6. My cell phone takes pictures.
Exercise 3 (p. 67)
Exercise 4 (p. 71)
My sisters are both talented people. Vanessa and
1. drive
Rita (1) is are musicians. Vanessa is a piano player
2. performs
and Rita (2) play plays !he guitar. They are students at
3. does not agree
The High School for the Performing Arts. Vanessa and
4. watches
sorne other girls in her dass (3) Í8 are guest performers
5. share
at churches and other events nearly every weekend.
6. studies
This (4) """ is good practice for them because they (5)
_ want to play professionally one day. My other Exercise 5 (p. 71)
sister, Rita, is younger than Vanessa. She is not ready to
perform yet, but she (6) play plays the guitar very well. The most important quality of a friend is honesty.
She usually (7) perfotnt perfonns at family parties. They An honest friend never (l) He líes about anything.
(8) werl<s work hard. Every day when !hey (9) """"" She (2) tell tells you, for example, if she (3) disas'ee
come home, they are tired, but sometimes they play disagrees with you on an issue. When you ask far
music for us at home. We (lO) feels feellucky to have advice, she tells you the truth even if it is difficull. When
such talented people in our family. you (4) "*" ask an honest friend's opinion about !he
dothes you are wearing to a party, she tells you if they
are inappropriate. If you (5) dt>es do something bad, she
Part 5 (6) 00 does not hesitate to give you sincere feedback.
Exercise 1 (p. 69) This honesty (7) 1'e8tl!t results in trust between you
1. a, b, d and your friendo In short, honesty (8) """ is !he most
2. b, c, d important characteristic that I look for in a friendo
3. a, b, d
4. a, e
5. b, c

Effective Academic Writing 1: Answer Key 7

l!IIiIJ 3. Five: review yau! travel plans and activities; make
a list; gather yau! items; pack; review yau! listo
Process Paragraphs 4. Answers will vary.
5. Ma"y people Iike lo s.';m ,,¡Lile Ihey are O"
Part 1
l¡ aeatiem.
Exerdse 3 (p. 77) 6. It is worthwhile to take your time when you pack
1. T yau! suitcase because a well-packed suitcase is
2. F the secIet to a good lravel experience.
3. F Yeso The writer suggests lhat a well-packed
4. F suitcase will help you have a good vacation.
5. F
Exercise 3 (p. 86)
Exercise 4 (p. 78) a. 2
1. You should hit it with anything you have. b. 5
2. You should not hit it in the nose. C. 3
3. You should stay away from sandbars or areas d. 8
with steep drop-offs. e. 7
f. 6
Part 2 g. 4
h. 1
Exercise 3 (p. 81)
The word "royalty" refers to roses. Exercise 4 (p. 87)
Answers will vary.
Exercise 4 (p. 82) 1. First,
A. 1. They think that roses will be difficult lo grow. 2. befare
2. Roses need rose food, plenty of sunshine, and 3. After
4. Later,
3. Rose plants lose lheir leaves and f10wers in 5. Finally,
winter, and they might look dead.
4. Answers will vary. Exercise 5 (p. 88)
B. 1. Roses are royalty among f1owers.: b Answers will vary.
2. a, b, e, d Step 1: Think about what kind of car you need and
3. If you continue lo take care oí YOll! roses in this how much you can spend.
simple way, they will produce beautiful f10wers Step 2: Learn about different types of cars and prices.
vea! after year. b Look on the Internet and in newspapers to learn
about yau! choices.
Slep 3: Go to car dealerships and test drive lhe cars
Part 3
yau are interested in.
Exerdse 1 (p. 84) Step 4: After you find a good car, you will have
The secret to a successful vacation is careful packing. lo bargain about the price. Do nol pay the first
priee lhey ask. After you agree, you can fill out the
Exercise 2 (p. 84)
paperwork, and the car is yours.
A. 1. You do not want to forget an important item
when packing for your trip.
2. The author suggests packing colors that match. Part 4
3. The author suggests packing large items first in Exercise 1 (p. 90)
arder to make sure lhey fit. 3,4,6
4. You should check your list to make sure you have
not forgolten anything, like your swimsuit. Exercise 2 (p. 91)
B. 1. This and other disasters and inconveniences 2. Fill water bottles and put them in the freezer the
can be avoided if you follow certain steps when night befare.
packing yau! suitcase. 3. Dress in comfortable clothing and sneakers or
2. Yeso The author warns readers about what might sandals.
happen if they do not pack carefully. 4. Debug your hard drive periodieally.
5. Replace the water in the lank every week or twO.

8 Effective Academic Writing 1: Answer Key


6. Do not leave the fire unattended. 3. Next, üR Then

4. Then üR Next,
Exercise 3 (p. 92) 5. Fina11y,
Answers will vary.
2. must Exercise 2 (p. 96)
This is required by law. 1. Buy a good fishing rod.
3. must 2. Warn the patient befare you give him an injection.
This is a law. 3. Speak English with your dassmates.
4. should 4. Type in your lag-in ID and password.
This a suggestion ar a recommendation, but is not 5. lag slowly at first.
Exercise 3 (p. 96)
5. must
Answers will vary.
This is a strong prohibition.
1. must
Exercise 4 (p. 93) This is a rule of good etiquette.
Answers will vary. 2. must
2. You must use a bulb with the correct wattage. You This is an important warning.
should not change the bulb befare turning off the 3. should
light. This is a recommendation, but it is not a strict
3. You must fill out an application. You should not prohibition.
arrive late to the job interview. 4. should
4. You must not cheat. You should eat a healthy This is a piece of advice.
breakfast on the day of the test. 5. must
5. You should not drive fast. You must turn on your This is a law.
windshield wipers and your headlights.

Exercise 5 (p. 93)

People who are serious about achieving better Opinion Paragraphs
time management (1) s\to"ld follo"iltg should fol1ow
this procedure. It will help you to have more control Part 1
over yau! time. First, yau need to figure out how yau
Exercise 3 (p. 101)
actua11y spend your time. (2) Yo" Make a list of
1. T
a11 the things you do daily. (3) WIitiltg Write down how
2. F
much time you spend on each thing. Indude activities
3. T
like talking on the telephone or buying a cup of coffee.
4. T
Your list will be quite long. Then find the activities that
5. T
you can eliminate from your daily routine. It may be
hard to give up a trip to the coffee shop, but you can do Exercise 4 (p. 102)
it. You (4) ft,,,sl goiltg must go to work, so you cannot 1. They are calm but energized.
eliminate that item, but you will probably find other 2. Seattle started as a wild pioneer town and has
items that are not necessary. You (5) oIwttl.d dropped now become a city where airplanes and computer
should drop those unnecessary activities to make time software are built.
for more important things. Next, prepare a schedule for 3. It has mountains, lakes, glaciers, and rainforests.
yourself. (6) Beirtg Be realistic about the time of day you 4. Answers will vary.
choose for certain activities. Make a schedule that you
can fo11ow. (7) NeJt Do not try to do too mucho lf you
fo11ow these steps and manage your schedule carefu11y,
you will have a happier, more organized life.

Part S
Exercise 1 (p. 95)
1. First,
2. Second,

Effective Academic Writing 1: Answer Key 9

Part 2 Exercise 3 (p. 110)
Exercise 3 (p. 105) 1. a. Fact b. Explanation c. Experience d. Fact
Answers will vary. 2. a. Explanation b. Fact c. Experience d. Fact
Da Lat is a paradise because it has beautiful scenery, 3. a. Explanation b. Fact c. Experience d. Fact
a pleasant climate, and many exciting activities. Exercise 4 (p. 111)
Exercise 4 (p. 106) Answers will vary.
A. 1. The climate is pleasant with occasional fog. 2. Brazil
2. They can walk along the boulevards, sit on the When 1 was there, 1 made many new friends, and
benches in lhe flower parks, stay at exce11ent everyone was so hospitable.
hotels, eat delicious foad at restaurants, listen to 3. Rome
music, and meet other cauples. The architecture is stunning.
3. The city has beautiful gardens, boulevards, and 4. Charlottesville, Virginia
lovely French colonial architecture. The cost of living is very low.
4. They can go out to restaurants and listen to
music. Part 4
5. Answers will vary.
Exercise 1 (p. 113)
B. 1. In Vietnam. the best place to spend a honeymoon
2. is
is the beautiful mountain ci!;y ca11ed Da La!. a
3. are
2. a, e, d
4. are
3. Da Lat is the Vietnamese reorle's first choice fer a
5. is
honeymoon because ii has lovely natural scenery,.
6. is
many romantic pIaces lo stay, and exciting things
to do. d Exercise 2 (p. 113)
2. There are no houses on the island.
Part 3 3. There are colorful birds in lhe jungle.
4. There are many international restaurants
Exercise 1 (p. 108) downtown.
The author lives in a big city but wants to move 5. There are many vendors on the beach.
because in lhe city people are too busy, lhey have to 6. There is a lot of good seafood along the coas!.
have a car to get around, and lhe cost of living is high.
The author would prefer to live in a sma11 town. Exercise 3 (p. 114)
2. because
Exercise 2 (p. 108) 3. because of
A. 1. The author dislikes living in a big city. 4. because
2. The author mentions the busy city lifestyle, the 5. because
need for a car, and the expensive cost of living in 6. because of
3. The author has to drive her family toO different Exercise 4 (p. 115)
places and spend a lot of money. Answers will vary.
4. The author wants to live in a sma11 town. 2. My city is beautiful because of the many trees and
5. Answers will vary. the clear blue skies.
B. 1. AIlhough many people say there are great 3. My city is interesting because it has people from
opportunities in a big cit» the life here is not good a11 over the world.
fDr me. 4. 1 would like to live in a smal! town because it is
2. Three safer than the big city.
3. Maybe if 1 am luckl\ my dream will come true, 5. 1 do not want to live in a big city because of the
and 1 will move to a sma11 town. pol!ution.
No. The concluding sentence dces not mentían 6. The best city to live in is Vancouver because of the
the idea that city IHe is not good for the author. wonderful people.
Instead it restates the idea in the previous
sentence: that the author would like to move to a Exercise 5 (p. 115)
sma11 town. 1was very sad when 1 had to leave Río de Janeiro
4. Answers will vary. because it is the best place on earth. Río is important

10 Effective Academic Writing 1: Answer Key

to me (1) beea".e ef because my family stilllives
there. However, 1 think anyone who moves there will
agree it is a wonderful place. 'Ibat is because Rio has
'Nauati'le PaIal;}Ia'Ph.s
something for every personality. First (2) there-is there
are the people. Rio is famous (3) beea".e ef because
Part 1
many beautiful people live there, especially in the Exercise 3 (p. 123)
beach neighborhoods, such as Ipanema. The city is very 1. T
fun during the Carnaval when Brazilians dress up in 2. F
costumes and dance in the streets and nightclubs. Rio 3. T
is also beautiful (4) beeatt.e because of its location. The 4. T
city is on the Atlantic Ocean. (5) Tltere i. There are a 5. F
lot of beaches, and they are full of activity every day.
Exercise 4 (p. 124)
The scenery is spectacular as well. You can see great
1. He talked to the snake and moved slowly.
geological formations, such as the granite mountain
2. The snake moved araund in the sack.
called Sugar Loaf, and on another peak named
3. Answers wili vary.
Corcovado, yau can see an enormous statue that looks
4. Answers wili vary.
over the city. Brazil also has many varieties of music (6)
beeatlse because of the many cultures and traditions.
Finally, (7) tlt",e ale there is also a place for people who Part 2
enjoy tranquility. The botanical gardens are filled with Exercise 3 (p. 127)
exotic varieties of plants and animals. So Rio de Janeiro The hamburger was memorable because the author
is a place with many different faces. It can be beautiful, ate it with Sergio Verdirame, the author's favorite
crazy, and peaceful depending on your mood. soccer playero

Exercise 4 (p. 128)

Part 5
A. 1. He went to the hotel to get his favorite soccer
Exercise 1 (p. 117) players' autographs.
1. a. Explanation b. Fact c. Experience d. Explanation 2. He waited outside for a long time because he was
2. a. Fact b. Explanation c. Explanation d. Experience too nervous to ask for their autographs.
3. a. Experience b. Fact c. Fact d. Explanation 3. It was an emotional challenge. He was too
nervous to talk to the players.
Exercise 2 (p. 118)
4. He thought about his once-in-a-lifetime
1. There are whales in Puget Sound in the summer.
opportunity and gained enough courage to talk to
2. There is gold in Siberia.
his favorite soceer pIayers.
3. There are no penguins in Florida.
5. Answers will vary.
4. There is no cure far cancer.
B. 1. When 1 was thirteen years old. 1 had a great
5. There are many stories about the first blue-eyed
surprise at the Grand Hotel in Toranto.
tribes that lived in Argentina.
The writer tells the time and the place where he
6. There are beautiful terraced hillsides in China.
had a great surprise.
Exercise 3 (p. 118) 2. a.3 b.4 c.1 d.2 e.5
1. because of 3. b
2. because
3. because Part 3
4. because
5. because of Exercise 1 (p. 130)
6. because of The author felt very nervous, and his stomach did
not feel normal.

Exercise 2 (p. 131)

A. 1. The author was near Miami.
2. The author jumped fram the airplane because
he wanted to do something wild for his 25th
3. The author felt happy and thrilled in the airo

Effective Academic Writing 1: Answer Key 11

4. Answers will vary. g. 4
B. 1. For my 2S1h birlhday. my favorile uncle gave me h. 6
a gift cerlificale lo go skydiving al a special place
near Miami.
The lopie senlence lens how old lhe wriler was,
Part 4
whal he is going lo do, and lhe location. Exercise 1 (p. 13 7)
2. He feels lhal il was an exciling lhing do. He says Answers will vary.
he had lhe mosl incredible momenls of his life. 2. lalked
3. Yeso 3. carried
4. 1 Hke lo take pltoto. too. 4. caBed, arrived
5. Those wonderful momenls helped me lo realize 5. served
lhal 1 am lhe kind of person who likes lo lake 6. were
risks, and 1 hope 1 always will be. 7. met, was
He learned lhal he enjoys laking risks. 8. climbed, visiled

Exercise 3 (p. 132) Exercise 2 (p. 138)

2. E Two years ago, my friends and 1 (1) decide dedded
3. E
lo go lo a special lemple in my counlry. We (2) wake
4. S woke up very early in lhe morning lhal day. We broughl
5. S
some fruil and drinks for breakfast. After we ale our
6. S fruits, we (3) want wanled lo climb lhe mounlain. We
Exercise 4 (p. 132) gol lo lhe lemple aboul 10 a.m. It was very beauliful.
Answers will vary. We (4) stay stayed there and talked, but after a while,
2. The fish was spicy and slightly sweel, and il we wanled lo hike some more. We (5) did ltol b,otlgltl
melted in my moulh. did not bring food, bul we had some waler, and we
3. We couId see purples, reds, yellows, whites, slarled climbing. We (6) beeolIte became tired, bul we
and pinks, and lhe smen of jasmine mixed wilh did nol (7) "altted want to slop. We (8) W33 were thirsly
Gardenia was heavenly. loo, but we (9) did ltot Itad did not have enough water.
4. There was lrash everywhere, and it smened like a Finany, we met some people and lhey gave us drinks
garbage can. and (10) he!p helped uso Thal day, 1 (10) Iearn learned lo
5. 1 remember lhe feel of cool waler flowing over my be very careful when 1 go hiking in lhe mounlains.
Exercise 3 (p. 139)
6. It smened of coffee and spices, and lhere was
Answers will vary.
always the sound of conversation.
2. 1 was eating dinner.
Exercise 5 (p. 133) 3. 1was riding lo work on lhe lrain.
Answers will vary. 4. 1 was working al a bookslore.
2. She always wrole funny slories lhal made me 5. 1 was lhinking aboul whal 1 wanl lo do lhis
laugh, and 1 realized lhal she was a cheerful weekend.
person no maller whal happened lo her.
Exercise 4 (p. 139)
3. Now, 1 always feel glad when 1 see him al lhe end
2. 1 lived in Paris when 1 had a lerrible car accident.
oflhe day.
1 was living in París when 1 had a terrible car
4. 1 experienced many emolions mixed logelher
including fear and excitement.
3. 1 worked on my paper and walched lhe game
5. 1 was lerrified and wanled lo run away.
when he caned.
6. 1 was filled wilh pride and a sense of relief.
1 was working on my paper and walching lhe
Exercise 6 (p. 134) game when he caned.
a. 1 4. A stranger stood in the doorway when we arrived
b. 7 home.
C. 3 A stranger was standing in the doorway when we
d. 2 arrived horneo
e. 8 5. We drove lo lhe hospital when my wife lold lhe
f. 5 taxi driver to stop the caro

12 Effective Academic Writing 1: Answer Key

We were driving to the hospital when my wife Exercise 3 (p. 143)
told the taxi driver to stop the caro
Three years ago, 1 was living in an exciting and
6. In those days I worked and went to school, so I
advenlurous place: French Guiana. My husband and I
didn't have much free time.
(1) "'Vlcing owned a lovely house that was right next to
In those days I was working and going to schoo!,
the jungle. Many animals lived there, such as crocodiles,
so I didrrt have much free time.
monkeys, poisonous spiders, jaguars, tigers, and snakes.
Exercise 5 (p. 140) PeapIe often (2) W3rft wamed us that our house was too
clase to the jungle, but we (3) euj"Y iug enjoyed the house
When I was a university sludent about two years so much that we dedded to stay. Then one morning I had
ago, I enrolled in a scuba diving course. My scuba a frightening advenlure. I (4) ,,"" plau was planning to
diving teacher (l) "as Ita, in;; had a big surprise: I (2) go for a swim in the pool. I put on my swimming suit
\llidSu't krtOhing did not know how ta swirn. In faet, 1 and went outside and (5) 8lttrt started to cross the patio. I
had a big fear of water. When I was a child, my parents (6) .. a8lake was taking off my jacket to dive in the water
tried to help me, so they (3) make made me take many when suddelliy, I had a big surprise. A big snake (7) was-
swimming courses. A1though I (4) try tried hard, I (5) swim was swimming in my pool and (8) """'" moving
<lid u"tleamiu!,> did not leam to swim. When I enrolled quickly towards me. I could not breathe. It seemed as
in the scuba diving course, 1 was still afraid oí water. though he (9) 8tarirtg was staring at me for a long time. I
Every day when I entered the swimming pool, I (6) ran into the house to call the police. When they (10) arrive
battle battIed with my fear. Fortunately, my courage arrived, the snake was gane. That day I learned to never
won every time. Finally, one day while I (7) piaelieiug jump in that pool befare inspecting it for visitors.
was practicing my dive, I realized that I (8) was-d<> was
doing very well. So, finally, afler six months of hard
work, I completed the course. It is tme that I was always
the worst of the group, but in my own evaluation, I was
a champion because I (9) e""qttei conquered my fear
of water. Fa! me, this experience was very important. It
was a test of cDurage, and 1 passed it.

Part 5
Exercise 1 (p. 142)
1. S
2. E
3. S
4. E
5. S
6. E

Exercise 2 (p. 142)

a. 1
b. 4
C. 7

d. 3
e. 2
f. 6
g. 8
h. 5
i. 9

Effective Academic Writing 1: Answer Key 13



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