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1. What is the middle term of the expansion (x 2-2y)10 ?

a. -8864 x12y5 c. -9064 x10y5

10 5
b. -8064 x y d. -8064 x10y5

2. Three times the first of three consecutive odd integers is three more than twice the third. Find
the third integer
a. 12 c. 10
b. 15 d. 18

3. A car 5m long is to overtake a truck 10m long and travelling at 72 km/hr. How fast must the car
travel to completely pass the truck in 3 seconds.
a. 90 km/hr c. 80 km/hr
b. 56 km/hr d. 75 km/hr

4. A company has N machines of equal capacity that produces a total of 180 pieces each work day.
If 2 machines break down, the workload of the remaining is increased by 3 pieces each per day
to maintain production. What is the value of N?
a. 8 c. 10
b. 12 d. 15

5. What is the sum of the coefficient of (x+y+z) 8

a. 0 c. 2
b. 1 d. 3

6. Eight men can excavate 15 cu. M of drainage open canal in 7 hours. Three men can backfill 10
cu. M in 4 hrs. How long it take 10 men to excavate and backfill 20 cu. M in the same project?
a. 9.9 hrs c. 12 hrs
b. 7.5 hrs d. 15 hrs

7. Find the constant term in the expansion of (2 x 2+ )
a. 648 c. 682
b. 672 d. 664

8. A jogger starts a course at a steady rate of 8kph. Five minutes later, a second jogger starts the
same course at 10kph. How long will it take the second jogger to catch the first?
a. 20 min c. 15 min
b. 10 min d. 17 min

9. The difference of the cubes of two positive numbers is 2402 and the cube of their difference is 8.
Find the bigger number.
a. 21 c. 27
b. 22 d. 17

x +14
10. Resolve into partial fractions: 2
x +3 x−4
3 2 3 2
a. − c. +
x−1 x +4 x−1 x+ 4
2 3 3 4
b. − d. −
x−1 x +4 x−1 x +4

11. A boatman rows to a place 4.8 km distant and back in 14 hours; he finds that he can row 14 km
with the stream in the same as 3 km against the stream; find the rate of the stream
a. 2 km/hr c. 1 km/hr
b. 1.5 km/hr d. 2.4 km/hr

12. The ten’s digit of a certain two digit number exceeds the unit’s digit by four and is one less than
twice the unit’s digit. Find the number.
a. 65 c. 95
b. 85 d. 59

13. How many minutes after 10:00 o’ clock will the hands of the clock be opposite each other for
the first time?
a. 22.76 c. 20.45
b. 21.81 d. 21.48

14. A tank is filled through its inlet pipe and then emptied through its outlet pipe in a total of 8
hours. If water enters through its inlet pipe and simultaneously allowed to leave through its
outlet pipe, the tank is filled in 7 ½ hours. How long it will take to fill the tank with the outlet
pipe closed?
a. 2 hours c. 4 hours
b. 3 hours d. 2.5 hours
15. A boat takes 2/3 as much time to travel downstream than to travel upstream. If the rate of the
water current is 8kph, what is the rate of the boat in still water?
a. 38 kph c. 40 kph
b. 42 kph d. 45 kph

16. Find the value of “x” in the series of numbers 12, 13, 17, 26, x, 67, 103.
a. 5 c.
b. 16 d. 67

17. Two alcohol solutions consists of a 40 gallons of 35% alcohol and other solution containing 50%
alcohol. If the two solutions are combined together, they will have a mixture of 40% alcohol.
How many gallons of the solutions containing 50% alcohol?
a. 20 c. 18
b. 25 d. 30

18. Mary is three times as old as Ann now. Four years, she was four times as old as Ann was at that
time. How old is Ann
a. 12 c. 15
b. 10 d. 20

19. The ages of the mother and her daughter are 45 and 5 years respectively. How many years will
the mother be three times as old as her daughter?
a. 15 c. 12
b. 25 d. 9

20. An airplane flying with the wind, took 2 hours to travel 1000 km and 2.5 hours in flying back.
What is the wind velocity?
a. 25 c. 50
b. 35 d. 28

21. A pump can pump-out a tank in 11 hours. Another pump can pump out the same tank in 20 hrs.
How long will it take both pumps together to pump out of the tank?
a. 7 hrs c. 10 hrs
b. 8 hrs d. 12 hrs
22. A and B run around a circular track whose circumference is 150 meters. When they run in
opposite direction they meet every 5 seconds, but when they run in the same direction from the
same point they are together every 25 seconds. What is the rate of A?
a. 18 m/s c. 20 m/s
b. 20 m/s d. 15 m/s

23. A painting job can be done by 72 men and in 100 days. There were 80 men at the start of the
project but after 40 days, 30 of them had to be transferred to another project. If the contract
time is only 80 days, how many men should be hired 20 days after the 30 men had been
transferred to complete the job on time?
a. 50 men c. 50 men
b. 100 men d. 120 men

24. Your father told you “I was your age when you were born”. If you are 21 years old today, how
old is your father?
a. 50 c. 42
b. 48 d. 44

25. A tank is filled through its inlet pipe and then emptied through its outlet pipe in a total of 8
hours. If water enters through its inlet pipe and simultaneously allowed to leave through its
outlet pipe, the tank is filled in 7 ½ hours. How long it will take to fill the tank with the outlet
pipe is closed?
a. 2 hrs c. 4 hrs
b. 3 hrs d. 2.5 hrs

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