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EKMJAIAEYTIKH, OIKOTENEIAKH KAI TIOAITIKH PYXOMAOOAOTIA TOMOZ A’ @EMATA WYXOMAGOAOTIAY ZE IIAIAIA KAI EOHBOYE Se OUND LON M TLC TER ORCL TOUSEN SANE Alepands Tiananaioy Xp. Avantugtaxds dtatagayes éyou: ata Bempias xa ToaeTiH TP sein 0200 sagampodvea ns oa ender OU ewyeerZovtan ws dyeo0 eorehzoue. eyeegconiBaas f reaMueuoN Ha we avcorruicied wo. onoka ceyibouy ve Yvert cuca ens py nto guacho 10 nou avanE vere Ve ZoNOMOADL 10 160. To nugiv neytieno enxertotiveres ons aveermsaneds Bcreeperés Myo Ha. emyeigel wi dariwon las npopmaveis ozetixk pe Ty gon, My aohoyL yeu m 2eyNno4 TOUS. Tho ouyrexouseva, butter dr. Te eniovee de -proarnd xara cepogotv aging bereaperrés Ory UATE ZQHOME HOO poo oxorsiaw te Yai, eh MADEN EMMAIVETE 9 OvMNEATE- 1th Ekdevym Buryroorsed vernon yang SreergegEs MOU GerTOVEEL THE eC omc ZomOME Ms YooAC pee My Enirersy aUyHEAOME VY EMAOIVUMEA hecougyuin. Emstéov omy Béon cocwmtoniy debouevav wa onoic evaba- _aviow Dy ovtayevena avy urea noo-heencas 0 eerie cnMeEOL- Goods, waoermeicerar n Aéon, Su. cen my Boson} Mode cacy ecven SoveroV ‘we evtonioorue oxutequpoges sou wodeveriony envavduvsrnte 7 pO porta yhoocoutis awiaritng apyétopd. Télos, avtqeiam 0 QSkog tow amo ‘vuxdiy dda otov éyeago evtomans chi ea ey Rigen ReDeNfATH OMS covcermbanees Nernageyés MOyO8. Erorgeta yea th quoohoyvag avécrvéy wov héyou Tro} naw agyioouy ve wot, va Boéym eveoyymndt avatnraty eget cre ce on exdnpivouy oxgutepupoges 0% onoies eiven xaGOQUT Eo novo aig epost © Awan: 202 ANAIVSAKESALATAPAE AOFON THOR SERPS RAI RARTRNE 5 Tny avéxtuy ts yhouas, Terowou eidous ogeneoaqooés eivat 9 aveand= xoU OTH cvBQGarLVN pov, orm pH Ker TO ovEOYErEAA Uy & (Locke, 1993. Trevarthen, 1993). Mia evyjo-wevroueoumveia Oa xo- onjite On vo rend guaidrerea onc Soaomyedurres aves mpoxey.Gv0V va nertacermoe. 1 yuboae, Mla téroK dexoyn nootizoBEte. won cx WOOL ‘ou Boéqous tay pexpongsBequaw ogehsiy mov a agOxdyoUY and mn 70H 09 Tou YAwoowzen cvureettoc. Saraco éve Bot.FOs De Ber feo cae vic pwn evtoH tov emaédou axeiigean, Axo thy dey sheupd, vo Bswonnad peiua nov eEerdiGea 10 gauvGuevo cevdermins me YhGooas a6 tHY xpoosTTA TOV idiOW toU maIdad, wzUpice- ea dm ov mute WPODEs OV zpOCTAGOAIREEN QubAiCOvTEL aS Eve GOT te okowwens Guns xu emTpénoWY nae’ aQzy ave Boépos ve Bcqoo 4 orev Buxpocum oom pe 14 moda nov 70 EgOvTIZODY, y OTK ivan aciocityrn yu ey expen cu tyY cde TOW. Me dR hb 1 covdintuy ms yhboous Ravigeran xooniovos oe Eva oom HowOWEhS ‘yong (social cognition system), x0 o7dio Guieo. ummgetet my emiioon nen nargorQddkoja Ty ovoRKageYON jaca egevqudrov (Locke, 1993, 1999), ‘Ques 1 evderresy tng YRdooas omoitera nor o& Eve oor YOR: ‘weg evens (grammatical analysis module). To aborpa até eveoyo- novsinas oe voregdregn pion a to enorme oevaNUEis ywoONs HH 10 ‘B10 Bev Ee. Boversnrta nesoAN eetwasw eoetrauérra edhe doe co HSN uaougemévo Ywoowd vind, idciirepe to oor YMC ce Zovong eiven neiove yte yy zaxeémunON tow GPodwEwY oe RAS, OW ACs ‘eeu gunn, mv avizvevon oor ove ovoreun ctd, xaBE 4 ty S6jmnom aeevdver yx mV aQSo YM aA Hea NYY nAQAYEHH TEtOLUY ADORE inv. laquoes evdeigois yar my Rexrougyia tov ovarpctos yoouneeng ave Joos aoretowv ro gawiuevo THs “ExonfsNc” ony ervdsrruy tou HEkiAOYs- 0, 10 oxoio nagarngeiten nepinow oxo devteg0 mod TOV dedtepoU 495V0U ns Cons, eaBids xe 1 opechonoinon centnathcow yoempernvaiy vi:no orp ‘wv jl ovoiaonuiy (Locke, 1993, 1999). Emompavoris ra Ty qton tov avanrugiaxdy daragaysv d6you Exo nodoqato enioms Aayvacnad xar Deanna Fyyegidvo wy Mhoxvxov Atcetageriiy (DSM-IV) nag Apeperenvnig Wuyohoeis Breugelac 01 Kecrapayés OTH aviary tou RpOPOQLEDH hOyOD nELYOeFOVEEL G¥VO- ue og Atcrapagés mys Exxormovies (Communication Disorders) (APA, rausiaay XP ———— 194), Eng Ararageryéc tHe Erexor eareerdooovea: (1) 1 Average {pvt Thawvocrssic Exgocng, (2) Mecen) Actapey ts Paaovs Tipo Sinys nan Exgqaone, (3) 9 Dovonoyves Aterapes a (4) 0 Toewiaop, “Ta rocriua BerwoonE ty Raganave deTageyOV avadEQovtN weTESO- ai 9 noggohoTAés RaQaKETDONS TIS GipHowOTK, TOV Heshoviow, mE oo- -vrang, TI YOORMOTIIS Hen THE MOLSTYTEKS TMS OVA. Eivea avouqeofiieito xu 1) woo Wlas yinoovaig EapQaoNs OeROTE. comato deiner tng Yhocoonis evizrnys. Hag6” ced: y axovhsvorex} enoxévtquor oe woogohornstés ReoaueTpONE wAOAKEtet ty ceva GTO. conarnedicnés brarapaxés Moyo cUMOTOLY eroNLAS KOON TOU HAR itera a6 ro ido to aau8i. H aveiknyn crv eT oxigd mys elven Bove Tov va odryiior oe aQeryvdqun Haragayi av evtorICoveER TRI ave nin Ti emmrowumaniy Bexovyiov Ts YROGGAS, OL oMdies ExDrpNO- ‘yren Hace Ty GdAapanibgceon Tou sMUBOG pe TVG GhRows. Me AK Aéyret to DSNLIV bev magée dayvoouné necro ne Burcigenés OTH ctv rely To¥ nouyeTOhoyain wavoTinY (pragmatic skils). H xoayaro- hoya (pragmatics) avayégetar OMY vaavinITe emaorrig xonahANAOY shuoownine edhe en aoc yhsocavAiy WOON (Ay, TOVOU THE DVT, Z8100~ ‘von, ezyodacov tov poaKoU) cihoye te TO BebouErvo enteorwemeeAt hao, agonewévou she THY EpooMH emnowwomernin AQOBECEOY (7. _ngooreeri, aettg, Eng) #| IV nago7t Aingorrooub, H avieewvEy ww oceynorohoyndy wuavorseny Een cows t Pgs rane xo oye xouiéver aad wors 9 wives mca owveyiteran dé Plow (Bates xc, ow, 1977. ates, Thal & MeWhinney, 1991), Aoc ox xgeyuatoho yds veaittes Ov motor évav a6 tovs ropes cvdernuns ts YhbooaE, SxOv {LOOT VEL evromortoi éytaiga eories bueraperzin. Eximidov, ro DSM-IV ing xamjyoquns oor TatvGyNONE TOY YN ‘uy Heagayiy npotnoBEreL du o uaraoezEs Mbyou GuviTETE O8 OI- owt agogens yhocaveh oWEFOoK and Ty OOOH, QoTEo” oyenxig égevves uaradenviovy Ow oF MOkhés mepETTEIS OL YixoooUES ‘ucrageey’s anorehot ooo an Oy averreaonnd moIoTd BagoeT- ng neraorions aad Tm Guvowohoyet Yoooe ovpetegupoge (Fletcher, 1999, Leonard, 1991). Sey faon wo evprderoy corey dtazgivoveen Bio Sav acagerséc R6yOU: 7 YRoOoLEA xaBootEonON language delay) wa ‘Yano, cewvauom, (language deviance). Eeyy wegizreon tig YwoovEs ‘redroaréonang ta edie HEQZOveEN a ta (Buc ETGBtcovixsvEs et. wee rewrav ng ibis ances Bons we ve vonoh oye aeAdH, eM AGOOA xc aupatives mo cgyek, Aaoyn ora. reabed we yharoouns me vereé—roH ago 007 nooFORoyKa TOU EyzapEROY cwyreviceTeR GUOIOROYNA}, QE gett omevard, emBoddwvon oTOYs QUOpOts aviarsfg ToL. Axé THY Oda mhevpt, 0 1dyos TwY AUBWOY Ue YhoooEET andxION sivex roLOWRE daugogennis and 10 héy0 Tov quowhoyindy nabuidv, ev nagerngobvreR ‘aa crvcetomints ceveqtahies Tov eyHe,pdhov ov obmpyoby oe mowAibes SoA ovgries (Locke, 1993). ‘Ey dacs fPuoyoapia zagerngetten éveovn Aunpoia wera woV e- ‘uy oxeunt ye TOV xQEGHOQLEHS TE IONS OQAEVON FRooowAty Naar payin, dxog 1 Biber Thoooveh, Atcragaz (Specific Language Impairment), «og xatuxrtéonon i ceréxduon, Or zagecernotouol xaBvoréerr 73 axGdaom o€ noses aQURTae Bev sivea aTETQOGUMENTEAOL MME OX “vohng whuwaig ectdves ules yhoncewais buecagengig. Me dike heya, oro haiovo pias ovyaencinevng Staragcris to dan eivox duvetsy vet GOR cuder naducrégnen oe Eva topéee mg yhoxroveig avers 4 ctr L0H oe Eva dtho, Ta xagtberg, ra oq ue mpOpAspUT evden: 26 YoU (05 cexdggoue tov owbgdqiov Williams, ay zea naxgouoeEowy xaéhorté onan ory eum tov xarvowc40n flofkycers eoiov Eve. ve oF Oy H—KOM HE -1a quorohoyee nent, Sev eneperdEowv apoft.iuaree omHY GoBO«OH ape pd. Aveitiera, tar xque u exevdo}0 Williams nagoveuitouy omavtudes ‘exordioas oxy aviinmiy tov ReEHoyloU (7.4. xoH}on Wore }eEe0¥) (Corts, Katz & Talla, 1992, Fletcher, 1999. Leonard, 1991). ThOavot anraxol xagdéyovees tov avancutaxdy duetagaydv A5you "Ta anorehéoware evds omuavmZor aexdqod egermiy avyahivouy xheov ovo omprégauer dn 0. avemnsiarés Burragaxés Kyou eiver To not ‘ct evdg cvvduaouod veugohoyvaiy, YevEUnIY Kon REOKKEAOY HIN AeA _yoveo, sapere Bogns tow KageESYTOY UTE pEHOVONE NC. Byéoov to agiotegé ruapaigo Beworiten to mugiagxo yee THY EEE yoole va nIy magayuns| TIE YReboORE, Te aime WOW aver EKeiy BET ayav 26700 evatyrodvea ar’ agi o€ averronneés Hon Matto Aes Pe fies omy xeQiogh ave, Menéres vevpoceterévongs ncrabevaviouy om ove roti rou nagovardZouy zaBworeé ono ony vestry TOU R6yOV n xgOrE que) woige tov aquotenot mucrjaugion Ext To (Bo H cubyn ea ywAQETEDO ne ye005 cd ey evsiororgy neo.079} TOV BEEO® mUCHPCUgioN, ct vet Eye He ‘yedirego jsyos, dag amfaive ovvifhog ove quowhoyerd drow, Ene mow, dete aowqiergia. ms HooTaqUEts HoloC RagETNPITOMHE He OTOUS ‘yourds wen 1a. abeupuH Tyg TeIQeqUAi ONddaG, To SeBoqi€vO curs oe oon 8 sivoy Xr Svaqho we to 7 yOHds Su oF aomuLETOLes THs KOOEMEATE HOIQ sorte ROU cen my YEveHN, ods’ COVE EOEAMITES OKO OUUTEDAAHLA SL atigye veverve| tqodAe0n 7 Ora. ROOKGE vEUgoaveoueh avonahior om ovyecxpuuéyn epLoyy TOV mBCEVGY Vee evoyaroneTea ‘pet ROOBAHLCTE syow (Plante, 1991), Qor6oo aqspofnseiton Eveove y wr68eom 69 eeu ceoupteTo1a ws yowadentig nanayoveas eave wee vr nQOHAEoA Beg 485 ory evdernusy es Yahoos (Geschwind & Levitsky, 1968). Madura 4 ragarnoNPAl Gy cru eayMETGLA GwvhBas covOdetECOL HeU cex6 deme npdrenc uryEBOS Ha efperTO< Tw vEUOKHY IATEQINY THs REA ‘ys (Galaburda 1 owv., 1985). Emztigov, oe onuaiales Govohoywes ev7- eoeras Bermorsiine uewonevy BocormguiTTA THE KOOTEGLAIE Hokgus ce maubul we Karaoayés Réyou oe miyzQHON He AVEC ME ORCAS AE TEOW (Wood vat eww. 1991) Ever do geve épevwec tt maw voupohoywi atu tor aver Beni derraoayey hoyoueaogeiceen ced to no hats emiefauoy.evo ei ‘one dei reread te NaBuereéonom oem ervinnuEy my5 yhoo nAOoWOE- Cou xanmidrepes emboons o¢ aryuptam He Ta qumohorned ACUBL Ht, OF aes muotMQUeAts, qwwocats ven wanes Rerrounykes 0 onokes ExoV REQUFEOLAH USVO GYEOT Ue My YREKsOME 2A" eR, OgLoEves cand Ms het- sougnies aris ayogoty my hema wax adgh zvqaxdnyta, cy on vat cernaa vty xc my exch ove tow aavioeev (Bh. Locke, 1998 ye crv ‘onsryor me oyeteas Psuoyoaqtas). Or Talla aa Stark (1983) oxersocd- vowv dn ot avexrrsbuee’s Baraperzés hoyoD yxope Vee ven TO meABEREIEVO Beyuiwor ve xounoyeveis wrooweés deoyeoies ov onoles Gwar ngotinseon ye yy covixrue Tig Yashoows, Te Reinert oF cur pues, ywooTels ein xormudds VANdTyTEs UROBHLGVOWY exiBoddwven ge coviniy fl evcronnads avaqudies weyeDaov xegiegsv tov Gow, % omoies ive dower ve. noOxahoty devrEQoyEveds Kooper oeMY cweceevsy He ‘Yuisooue, (Tallal & Stark, 1983). Theda ved ot ozewts focwves €yowv Amordare any éiam pve ven Oy cries Ee pee TOW bo sud eh dayyuecw, ‘Oaov aipopéc-rous yevernorig mancryovtss, ushers ovo vey nat xbi ow rapunéunow oe yevews} agod«iBean OMY quan avarrrs.any droraqeiov Aiyou (Locke & Mather, 1989. Tallal, Ross & Curtiss, 1989). Av atv tos extn Breenrronséy »| GdOH TOV MapKEyOEEL ROW KANOOV pelt, crv grab modern yx aero, H| Reroveyta eevonaR{e. xov capo: rowTagnné tm Yaroeeh waewGrnte Es cHaGerTES OU ON row ootnttean je tyy aviixevy THs yous, iver ahéov avouuopinito dm vo xowwoad neowARAOW-babocqerite. AANAMYEAKERAATARSKEE AION: MRORA BUSTA ERE KAT HRAKTIRGL c adogowxd o6to omy avarriéy MIE YAdoods. THhyAbge debousvo Est rarabeige om ovynsroméves oumequpogts tov omuavenniy Gav evvo> by onpravaxdc my avery cov 2xEoyov, Tov ovvteRt20N aide nM TOV geyiarohoywui wawvor{twv tov meudod. Téxouow ebovs awegupooés ve 1 AQOoRQHO‘T MIE has aro entebo eveereUgNE TOD MELB, HEE (oy) ownias Yoox epeDLouéeva ae oraBEOK Han EXAVETLAYREOEHEVE isin emeouveniag na naxeduod (7.4. qrudjvovras anhég uaracuevee, ‘uupizovsos eecovoyoagméve Rui xetvovtas waooboubeids Ovo Oia), 1 xagedivnon tov maibioH va expQaOrEl heen (., BeTURANOVTAS COW ‘hoes TOV ecaxToLy cxivroyn cexdaveam), HeBrig EW 9 ERE TOV FOE oy Tov mABON He MTV AQOOPIP Veo OTOEySIOY, HoTE va BamQetteR ‘sire to evdowpégov tov (Brown, 1973. Bruner, 1975. Tomascllo & Farrar, 1986) Az thy dm ahevges Eyer amor bel on ug mEpuTEGoers wen YE duragagés omy avery tov Rdyou, oF untéges Sunodrynct zpOOAKHIE- Zowv to A6yo toUs oto enttEbo owhia ToY RaW” TOVE, Zorg SHE Re Gia vee epoggenoW VEC eRDONVUNVEAG OL YROWOLAG Taio "ACL THY AagOAH hexTwAOy epeAMayteV (Brooks-Gunn & Lewis, 1982. Whitehurst zai ow., 1988). Ta yhavoovet egeBhoneta nov RADE YOUN O4 oH parvaot dior etveu Pepeuc doves ve emmpedoowv tay rogeia ec THY Exe om pas hnoorais Araoey tg what Om va mpOHAIREGOY onoLOUdH;OTE G- bovs Posed Pasiere (Tallal vex ow., 1996). "Eve owpsxégaaper xov Siryeta ari ug nergarxawn augers Ava dui ROSHAN VOU OL pOFTEDES ‘Tow mauduoy we ceverrubtentés Dueragayes LSyou ver eundpéatouy om fch- room mg yDonoveis éxpQaGNE THY RENDUBY Tous, cexatelten OMMETOZ ous o8 rQGyoUMHCE TaQENpLIUNE To omOLO Hee TC MaQKNAHGE EY CAVE oacmoriiter xy eovoony ey andar rg Yasboous, H onpagia ms éyeavpns déyvoons tov avaxsaxdy datagayxdv you Ee ia. now Oxov n nEMobos aA zou 9 HoewoeAi xeraienoy dive ovevd ouverconicves ue MY CxcaKrmTa KOAONE ME YGOUG, OL YOveS HU. rexdayeyol aapderngowy pe wucitean poGEY MY mOOKiC. coviaTENS TU Déyow ta naudy xan ebven ve evomusTTa ve coraETOREGOWY ta TYEY ZQ0- BAipueta ov Ba xoOYORY. Occ uxOQOKe Kave’s Wa pate! Gm pic té- ‘rou oven odmreL G€ EyHON MaQEERO}AT] TOY mCLNOD WE MORIAH OM Mag orov eidens, Qoréco ae xoihés repLTTEAGAS OpLOREVOA RAIGYOVTES Ae ae a Danuscuoy extradition say odin uta ren aoe HB ams evoarresiereés Brae ‘rageygés 26yoU. “To qeuninevo now xa ory yagexmodea myy aver emg YoU sien ot exeterauié vec croiés faayones, duairege ovors OU uons HerBAOME cond us madines hEEes omy yooucre (Bates, Dale & Thal, 1995). Kare ovézeto abvva tov eabion ve zonomorouiaet To Ayo equnvetera ng amqusadtenes Yous wg avoxanoryte morro Bet EcxeonOTEL We MI aECODO ‘Tov q6wou. Maar, exexdi rus ot yovels rex ot raubaroryOk Here gégvowy ver neeravoos us avers Hea tg emPupies mov vo meMbi EHPOAER, ne fgous fi zeqgovoniec, 8 Bivouy Ty pETOVGE oMAELA OTy EvExORIE TOV ‘wer enpodatel heewat 1x0 dev To enOrEFO 190s away THY reETEHGvOT, OL avnhiqysis ty yortoy wa tov eudeyoygv twopobotorven xe a6 THY sragariignon én de niga okAds repurudoes ta oOPsNCTE ASyoU Exouy Eeneqcurtsi yen my eynpeice (APA, 1994),/To yeyods cv eiven axoré- equa ms RhaowwsirAREs Rov ZagTMQKERL MH LATOLOTkE TOD eav¥lgdmvoD yee, bvairege ner yy enSn} yas, ahd ee. rs OUvEZOvs éxBe- ong o& novadir anavain egeOiouderan (Locke, 1993), Ong nit avermivee Serene onda epgaviteras tepovuyséve. Eng repwwodteoes repurubdeis owvodeterar cd ple sergd daw dvor%0- dv om pO Hen ty ooHTEEARPOEK He Bidigxara Ovo ZOdvO. “Ere, cen ‘uc cey To AQUTOYEVES MOSPImHU EenEQaoTe, Te bevtEQOYerH OOP AAT owvifiec aapaévouy xan dvezeoaivowy cops m heivouertxdtyTE: TOU seados, Eibesteod, ta mene we Bearegaés Miyou avmtereatZowv x0 oygvee cuvenadcai mooPprra,ciung EveOvoUG ExVEVOLORODE, GoRKES A sxcrrd0hayy e&canlag tg cwvardntomoinons Tyg abyvaplas toUs vet eeotyur ‘vioouy axgdenont we To repifihhoy tous. Ox burmohies env exonvUrice Is 100s owNopixons, cihE na o aUpvds zhewaoys TOY MeLdiO6 Ed TOUS Tehevraions to obryel ROME YooEs GF uNdov9eN rea voIvewvEh ceroUdvE on, Oc excrvonaveneves aaxoruzieg crag mgoandBeLes Ra EmAOLWOKE NE ous omavanais dhovs (yovRls, ouyyevEi, sABaOyORs, covOHNALZOV) Eqoww wehtxtc mg axoréheonee m HELO TOV emAEBOY cvToexiyNONS TO raxinos ahd ve Tov reQOQLAING OV TOOGMUBRLAW omg BocOTHITHTES Wa nym en nenypiver. H xhéov dias ogc owvenaa raw urraoargiy 2oyou gatvera va eva ox wabrynceséc dvoxonies ovo SronWs oohsio, “Tye Suencrunvks 6a. to 85% asolnow tov acubuy nov agoéLowy REOBAipTt oles THY rQOO OHH Wud, cvaeconiTowy paByouceés SuoAOhies OM MEINE Ti Eas tov drponxos, age 10 YEyOVGS Su O1 yAUDOOLAES TOV HAOTHES LTO foci wr Exo fede (Falla ea enw. 1991). Te Sangeet yb ROO Av ora cuvvoongoeeag neva avesrroBriy BumrapeeZv h4yOW Ha Ha cnceni Buseo}usy cxobidoveencoxd opuonvons FeVINTES OF KOKA CHRO dovie Tov B60 daregaZsr, 1) oTOIa sivas MBaWOY YEIDOIOWE GONE (Frith & Frith, 1996), Eupmegupogés ov vaoberxviovy diaragayy| oeyy avénusy, row Aéyou Adequguigeyten ougn Bxcey toon Tow sroOPArpLEEN Ryo, rt dh oorte rae fe dds covering Secrrepenac, eva xaigAas Hau ovoHa Owsig oMUas a THY axOTEheoNEENASTEON avAUETEMEY TH. coy capood 1a pope. 1.570, popoiHE AAEov ve renugoTONE x oLoxs- nate ve agrerd nheoventte Ean GTOV TOME «tO. Achontéing mg owe yous av aageempettar weraE0 tg 9O-ReeTEA He cng herds emvovunias Oki xen TOU EvtOMONOY Tw oUPHEKAMEVEYY oo-Dexmnin beer oF onotes OUeuicovy Hy evderTgy THs YHOGEAS ven dover iby a6 7 Bost Pardee ver acapermoNBOHY OOIOREVES OUKE- eupooés nov todeuaviouy exvavouvernce UL TY EAptOn YhoKoKRs x0- Gvortéonans Hamcduons agyoreea (Bates xa ow, 1977, Locke, 1993). Ot omunegiqoges ontés even ugins 01 cxaihoutes 1 To fing gos ev maoota a Bey avranongivea ony Sgn a> gdmvo xpsoux0. Ta Been wOGoHY va ExdTRAOOLY ‘TéTOIOW eibons BUHEQUPORES cEXS tH YET TOLE caxdEn (DeCasper & Spence, 1980, Fantz, 1963). H veavommrcs tous arti tous emroézet MQUKOVEVIS VOL aVETEEOWY OTEVH] GUVEMOO ERNE OYEOH He TODS ‘owrcestoy te goovdtonr, n omic even conagaéry yea OY EPL, “ovs HABE Hou Ye THY OCA HOGA KER GUVELOELOMEA TOUS cqvdernign, Aeueeporyewis duns tows nagéyer veut Buverscrte NOS Timyns TORIAOY yhosovRiy caNVOGORUOY OOS eReEEQYAIC (Locke, 1999), . Kents rove ponte buthoyous to ods Sev exhorted my eva ary edkaw exgoamy - owe (vocal tumn-taking). Axé ray ylanic. ov TORY INVA vc EBs cOvET ‘ove Bogan n team vey por ‘vonoiot Grav phe © emxowumends ovTOOPOS Ha Va «calpVOUY ‘10 hivyor povo Stay avtdc naiver (Papousek & Papousek, 1989). H evaithorph oShooy axgocrn) - ouhaeh omer xporind Bean yee: titn- on yen me Yairous ex wéoON Tov POEGOUS- 1 one drATEE SK vereu Bocce 10 Sevteg0 eEGNVo TOV ROGTOY ZoSvOV tHE Loris me Tasasenoy Xe (Pavilby, 1977)- ait ner mQoabropita 0 hoo Buerivnons ALO PoQKy ex ovveAotqiGtoY oF Eva BuHhOyO. 3. ToBoeos dev averywopites tog dzhous ns Goods vow Bet xa ov ‘youn inpéetaw dagogenney and ta bx TOV, Tree quenodonei cv roauduevee fos 9 wzavdnyTee carn} ejpanicerca TeOLKOD GTOY EX To veces Cons ven averted deren erry eevBqunt Tio Tas ETL paxohovlowy 10 eovmsiievo eviraupeoovtos evs how xpooKTON (ex we to Pheer voUs) H veecrvegyiEovten ye TOY GAO yw my eat- ‘evEy exis zowor, cufaigets xqOaBOQIOMEYOD axa” (af, HANA one ev6s migyow ne tohéaa). Fi oysreaiqons cu elves Hove: Au aco avBdmve eidos xa MOE. cr-4gateney TOIABEN YT Srpuougyia. nar xorjon oMfolindy ToOETOY duos n PoE (omasello, 1993, Trevarthen, 1993). 4+ Toles fe oxi yrs es genes good, rou fgkipave Bey spurRoveiterca rau ROK _néva. oer abuexpogonoinn ard my HgeEta tov npdToU 7g6v00 ‘tng Sons, Tlagd m Buvednes node evigveuems nerd m Bosque wader apoB: draw emprequqogés 1 onoic svbE ere ve ObRy9OL Ge AROBASpATE ASO ‘agqérega, n Blrywwn0y tow avcereSicoain Buerretoergiy yo yveten xara Bee on, om vai Paria, andre Hen Te uCNOO VA meMBUe aQEEMQeL TER BO Baie. avezrrosn oe Shove tous toyeis ms yadiood, Tawar neoKorGOrTEL ‘oxyetegupopdc varia oF omoies ztpKEREpTOUY cE MBH errAQORLi KOyOR" 1. Oc averyneg eu ov emOupies exggditoveen nared iQ héyO je ee, vegies povononjoas f Ze190WOHeS Hen Sp ue To ROYO. O oUVdWE- ‘ds Garwonorjaeiny x Z=QOVOLNY GUNETE TO TOOTUEAH [LOO Exgqdons TOV emorvomeenay RpOBKOEAN CARS THY yPanie Wo EEC, vv 60g ta mise TEQKON TOW BertEQOY ZQ5voR. O Halliday (1975) eQLyOdye TM] GYKAEQIGOOE BUTI} WS “‘TOWTOYROGA’ (proto- language). Kore my Sion vou bettepov Z06voR Guns, x05 10 audi avariooetes 401 aGoqousver Go xen mERKGaSTEGK yhxTONRE ororzeia ces To egifinhoy toU, 1 oHIoN oY ZEL00VORUEN ROOOBEL- rnit neQuopiteten xou 0 AO YOs avabensveraL Ws 10 ILO EOD Er qoaong. Avtibere, oe xexgée amnbuit to orice Ue YeAVORN Ge HEApES oeoyéverrs, xnparrnpet en jeiooy tov Govorouaeay Xu avy TE ovoTpareiis zoning ty zerQovouiy (Trevarthen, 1993) Exavitovea zp0BAfquere omy dQ0Q«n Tw YhocaLnOY Kor (pu vmpdetow), eairega de tov OupBOryor (oe ‘1X’, “VE, “PH) Ha OO 5, 2 _AWAITISIANES AIATAPSNE AOFONRORHOMAA GEAMAS KA! APA 10s cuévoy aygowor (7.x, Bs 2,85 0, Ew). Ansun nagozsinoveen oraupover, Ee oupovo cavmxcBiorerte UE EvT cKO DGO OVE OE Yee oXpore nooEOOVEEL eevoda (4. ‘Qu «EE “AQ"). 3. To teSviyo civen neqogiopivo, ews qupeaitevar nex duozEoete oT excernon vor héEeov. Emuéov nagargettan ducxokic omy avee- ‘eho x00 of AGH HEH FO YwoaTOY HES. 4. HT on196 tov hézeo crayy mgSteOM dev ROGOMONEEA AawONLAIEHTE f ivan aoriow, Ans ny pada tow 18 yviv mepioy ver RanBue egy Gowv va owduigowy hégeig Hat va ozyperitouy zeavorgynEs oo ‘roqtes meotdone nov Bev swapERNQOHVEEN Oto HPO Tw evyAixan. ny theoyngic Tey aepareiozwr ot door nov ZonEWOrOLOLVEE ye 0 Op MERIONS THY AQOTEGEOY aT TBeYTEL GLaTHEETZG Ge OU ‘peenoiér orig, a Hox ce sv Guoenry Zocor 0 O F81TON0- yoo) (Braine, 1963. Tomasello, 1999). 5. Tlagadstanoveen ompervenut ovoranses 1g meStaOME, drug ye AeApKe Sere. t0 prc maa To UOHEIeVO. Or égor avTO! eupavizovean OC bod os AOOTHIOEIS TOY guOOROWHE covasTrUTOGUEVINY NeNDLENY a6 ‘to deste00 zo6v0 THE Loris (Tomasello, 1999), 6. To rend youiter va ere. etcofiodiey apoondAe marc THY Gog tov Isyov. H ower nigel povitovn xat n 70018 ME gus Re ‘dev, O guéude mig owhios eiven dueTocrmAEvos, MOVVIPOTE Yor “yoQOs # Goyds. H oH ms opthias eupaviterce aaavonoty, eNcrvE- aqievovra 9 emyuyetwoveen Yor xaL ovaUpEs, Yevoyeer reAiaES ext; héFeo, evo ragLONéLovTen Roopikiuera eu GEOY TOMES. To men6jouster wo¥dds Gots va. jnY exoUL, va. Y ROOGEYEL A VEL ayy xaravoet to owvoqWiti ToL, avzvie Sev exoROWRE obriEs Ht NE cexohov0ed aevbacuévar f Biv ceaeahmpes erceveHoNe oRs cQLoT aig Te eveiawy. MH eupéimon téxotov eidous enyeTeQuPOQOY UW rapamavel ToUs yoreis Zax toUs meudertwyOWs, OF o7FoL TTY eQUN- vevoww «5 Hind evergow, abuapogla 4 epEhG Hen THY eyo, Qot660 1 exiwory eupemor ms yoH Beciteons NOOGEAS. 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