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1. Code of moral standards of conduct for what is good and right as opposed to what is bad or wrong.

a. Ethics
b. Rules
c. Morals
d. Moral Principle
2. It is a set of guidelines which have been established in all countries and communities accepted by all.
a. Ethics
b. Morals
c. Moral Principle
d. Rules
3. Are principles and values based on what a person or society believes are the right, proper or acceptable
ways of behaving.
a. Rules
b. Morals
c. Ethics
d. Beneficence
4. The principles of right and wrong that are accepted by an individual or a social group.
a. beneficence
b. Rules
c. Moral principle
d. Morals
5. Simply stated it means to do good.
a. Autonomy
b. Beneficence
c. Justice
d. fidelity
6. Is the principle that addresses the concept of independence.
a. Autonomy
b. Beneficence
c. Fidelity
d. Justice
7. Could be described as the moral obligation to act on the basis of fairness.
a. Autonomy
b. Beneficence
c. Justice
d. Fidelity
8. Keeping one's promises
a. Justice
b. Autonomy
c. Beneficence
d. Fidelity
9. Is the concept of not causing harm to others.
a. Nonmaleficence
b. Ethics
c. Morals
d. Rules
10. He said Character is like a tree and reputation is like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the
tree is the real thing
a. Abraham Lincon
b. Abraham Lincoln
c. Aibraham Lincoln
d. Abraham Lindon
11. refers to standards by which we judge what is good or bad and right or wrong in a non-moral way.
a. Moral Standards
b. Non Standards
c. Non-moral standards
d. Ethics
12. Is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it: the tree is a real thing.
a. Ethics
b. Rules
c. Character
d. Morals
13. concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human
a. Ethics
b. Rules
c. Character
d. Moral
14. is a moral principle that govern a person’s behavior.
a. Rules
b. Ethics
c. Morals
d. Character
15. It must be Obliged
a. Non-morals
b. Ethics
c. Morals
d. Rules
16. It is not threat to human well-being
a. Moral Standards
b. Ethics
c. Character
d. Non-moral standards
17. Rules are….
a. important
b. Ethics
c. Necessary
d. Rules
18. Situations in which there is a choice to be made between two options, neither of which resolves the
situation in an ethically acceptable fashion.
a. Morality
b. Moral Dilemma
c. Moral Courage
d. Ethics
19. Another term for Moral Dilemma.
a. Ethical Dilemma
b. Impartiality
c. Challenge
d. Moral Strength
20. Involves the idea that each individual's interest and point of view are equally important.
a. Neutrality
b. Resilience
c. Bravery
d. Impartiality
21. It entails that human feelings may be important in ethical decisions, but they ought to be guided by
a. Feelings
b. Emotions
c. Reason
d. Autonomy
22. Ethical cases encountered and resolved by social organizations.
a. Personal Dilemma
b. Structural Dilemma
c. Moral Group
d. Organizational Dilemma
23. Cases involving network of institutions and operative theoretical paradigms.
a. Dilemma
b. Personal Dilemma
c. Structure Dilemma
d. Structural Dilemma
24. Situations in which a tough choice has to be made between two or more conflicting options, especially
more or less equally undesirable ones.
a. Trials
b. Challenges
c. Conflicts
d. Dilemma
25. "When an individual has to chose between life of a child who is about to delivered and the child’s
mother, he faces ethical dilemma". What LEVEL OF MORAL DILEMMA is this?
a. Personality Dilemma
b. Organizational Dilemma
c. Personal Dilemma
d. Structural Dilemma
26. "moral dilemmas in business, medical field, and public sector" . What LEVEL OF MORAL DILEMMA
is this?
a. Organizational Dilemma
b. Structural Dilemma
c. Personal Dilemma
d. Personality Dilemma
27. "The dilemma in the Prices of medicines in the Philippines". What LEVEL OF MORAL DILEMMA is
a. Structure Dilemma
b. Structural Dilemma
c. Personal Dilemma
d. Organizational Dilemma
28. Not all dilemmas are moral dilemmas. ii. moral dilemma involves conflicts between moral requirements.
a. statement I is true, statement ii is false
b. statement I is false, statement ii is true
c. both statements are true
d. both statements are false
29. the agent is required to do each of two (or more) actions. ii. the agent can do each of the actions, but the
agent cannot do both (or all) of the actions.
a. both statements are the two levels of moral dilemma
b. the statements are the key features of moral dilemma
c. the statements are the characteristics of impartiality
d. the statements are the characteristics to identify structural dilemma
30. only humans are rational, autonomous, and self conscious. ii. both human beings and animals are part of
the moral community.
a. statement i is true, statement ii is false
b. statement i is false, statement ii is true
c. both statements are true
d. both statements are false
31. What are the three levels of moral dilemma?
a. Moral, Character, Conscience
b. Structural, Paradigm, Institution
c. Reason, Impartiality, Character
d. Personal, Organizational, Structural
32. All of the statements below are true, EXCEPT:
a. morality requires and allows choice
b. choosing ethical values or standard
c. guides us in our daily lives
d. both humans and animals can act morally and immorally
e. none of the above
33. Also called a law code or legal code, is a type of legislation that purports to exhaustively cover a
complete system of laws.
a. Code of Law
b. Code of Conduct
c. Societal Norms
d. Morals
34. Regarded as collective representations of acceptable group conduct as well as individual perceptions of
particular group conduct.
a. Code of Law
b. Code of Conduct
c. Societal Norms
d. Morals
35. A control or dominance over people and resources.
a. Power
b. b. Stimulation
c. Security
d. Hedonism
36. Excitement, novelty and challenge in life
a. Stimulation
b. b. Values
c. Moral
d. Universalism
37. A respect, commitment, and acceptance of the customs and ideas that one's’culture or religion provides.
a. Tradition
b. b. Culture
c. Religion
d. Achievement
38. Usually known as an ’ct of kindness.
a. Generosity
b. B. Benevolence
c. Self – Direction
d. Conformity
39. Restraints of actions, and impulses likely to upset or harm others and violate social expectations or
a. Universalism
b. B. Conformity
c. Benevolence
d. Culture
40. It is the same value or worth for all, or almost all people.
a. Universal values
b. b. Values
c. Ethics
d. Moral
41. For schwartz, values means
a. An act of kindness
b. B. A broad motivational goals
c. An independent thought
d. Pleasure
42. It applies across the world (across country, culture or even religion)
a. Benevolence
b. Universalism
c. C. Universal Values
d. Self – Direction
43. An ancient greek word for pleasure
a. Hadonism
b. Hodenism
c. Handonism
d. D. Hedonism
44. A personal success through demonstrating competence according to social standards.
a. Power
b. B. Achievement
c. Tradition
d. Stimulation
45. Culture derives from the latin word
a. Colour
b. Collor
c. C. Colere
d. Colore
46. Refers to what societies sanction as right and acceptable
a. Culture
b. B. Moral
c. Morality
d. Moral Behaviour
47. Ability to understand a culture on its own terms and not to make judgements using the standards of one's
own culture
a. Cultural Relativism
b. b. Culltural Relativism
c. Cultural Relative
d. Cultural Relations
48. The following is included in The Schwartz Theory of Basic Value, EXCEPT
a. Power
b. Security
c. Conformity
d. Strength
49. Everything that happens within a culture must and should not be questioned by outsiders.
a. Absulute
b. Critial
c. Obsolete
d. Absolute
50. The following is included in The Schwartz Theory of Basic Value, EXCEPT:
a. Tradition
b. Achievements
c. power
d. stimulation
51. The concept of cultural relativism as we know and use it today was established as an analytic tool by
German American anthropologist
a. Franz Boas
b. Alfred Bailey
c. RH Barlow
d. Eliot Chapple
52. The practice of viewing and judging someone else's culture based on the values and beliefs of one's own.
a. ethnocentrism
b. cultural relativism
c. morals
d. values
53. Is the ability to understand a culture on its own terms and not to make judgments using the standards of
one’s own culture.
a. cultural relativism
b. ethnocentrism
c. morals
d. values
54. A kind of cultural relativism that everything that happens within a culture must and should not be
questioned by outsiders.
a. Absolute Cultural Relativism
b. Critical cultural Relativism
c. Hyper cultural relativism
d. Cultural reset
55. A kind of cultural relativism that creates questions about cultural practices in terms of who is accepting
them and why. It also recognizes power relationships.
a. Critical cultural relativism
b. Absolute Cultural Relativism
c. Hyper cultural relativism
d. Cultural reset
56. are the prevailing standards of behavior that enable people to live cooperatively in groups and refers to
what societies sanction as right and acceptable?
a. Morals
b. Values
c. Ethnocentrism
d. Cultural relativism
57. It is an evaluation of an individual’s stable moral qualities. This will define you as an individual.
a. Moral virtue
b. Acts that build character
c. Moral development
d. Moral character
58. It is the process which children develop proper attitudes & behaviors toward other people in society,
based on social & cultural norms, rules & laws.
a. Moral character
b. Moral development
c. Moral virtue
d. Acts that build character
59. He reasoned that there was a process by which children conform to society's norms of what is right and
a. Jean Piaqet
b. Jann Piaqet
c. Jean Piaget
d. Jann Piaget
60. A person’s actions determine his/her moral character.
a. Acts that build character
b. Moral development
c. Moral virtue
d. Moral character
61. Who said this quote “Which acts deserve moral praise and blame, and that, these matters require the
judgment of the virtuous person”?
a. Pythagoras
b. Aristotle
c. Socrates
d. Plato
62. It consists of the virtues needed for ethical behavior, positive relationships and responsible citizenship
a. Ethics
b. Morals
c. Moral character
d. Knowledge
63. Character traits which enable us to act well habitually.
a. Virtues
b. Prudence
c. Morals
d. Ethics
64. Having too much of something
a. Deficiency
b. Excess
c. Vices
d. Virtues
65. Having too little of something
a. Deficiency
b. Excess
c. Vices
d. Virtue
66. It is an activity of the soul in accord with perfect virtue
a. Happiness
b. Love
c. Patience
d. Courage
67. It is the Sum of All Our Traits (virtues & vices)
a. Ethics
b. Moral character
c. Virtue ethics
d. Moral
68. Is associated with the acts of thinking and cognition, and involves using one's intellect. It is a process of
thinking about something inorder to formulate conclusion.
a. Reasoning
b. Impartiality
c. Logic
d. concluding
69. A type of reasoning that starts from specific to general. It may logically be true, but it may or may not be
realistically true.
a. Deductive reasoning
b. Inductive reasoning
c. c. Logical reasoning
d. d. Impartial reasoning
70. A type of reasoning that starts from general to specific. It may logically be true, and also be realistically
a. Deductive reasoning
b. Inductive reasoning
c. Logical reasoning
d. Impartiality
71. The quality of being fair. To treat all parties equally, fair, and unbiased.
a. Deductive reasoning
b. Inductive reasoning
c. Logical reasoning
d. Impartiality
72. Statement number 1: mango is a fruit. Statement number 2: the box is full of fruits. Conclusion: the box
is full of mangoes. What type of reasoning is used?
a. Deductive reasoning
b. Inductive reasoning
c. Logical reasoning
d. Impartiality
73. It is a process where children develop proper attitudes and behavior toward other people in society based
on social and cultural norms, rules, and laws.
a. Human Development
b. Cognitive Development
c. Development
d. Moral Development
74. Lawrence Kohlberg proposed that moral development is a ____ process that occurs throughout our
a. Rhythmic
b. Continuous
c. Erratic
d. Spasmodic
75. Kohlberg's theory stage where behavior is determined by social approval.
a. Good boy and Good girl attitude
b. Aiming at a Reward
c. Post-Conventional
d. Conventional
76. Kohlberg's theory stage where the appropriate action is determined by one-self chosen ethical principle
of conscience. Also considered as the highest state of moral development.
a. Universal Principles of Ethics
b. Ethical Values, Principles and Morals
c. Post-Conventional
d. Justice and the Spirit of Law and Order
77. Kohlberg's moral development theory level that is more common in children, although adults can also
exhibit this reasoning.
a. Conventional
b. Post-Conventional
c. Avoiding Punishment
d. Pre-Conventional
78. Famously known dilemma that Kolbergh presented to his study subjects upon the study of his theory on
Moral Development.
a. Erickson's Dilemma
b. The Moral Development Dilemma Approach
c. Heiz Dilemma
d. The Prisoner's Dilemma
79. A moral development stage where individual rights determine behavior. When laws are not consistent
with individual rights and the interest of the majority, alternatives should be considered.
a. Loyalty to Law and Order
b. Justice and the Spirit of the Law
c. Good girl and Good boy attitude
d. Universal Principles of Ethics
80. An act must be performed by a conscious agent (doer) who is aware of what he is doing and of its
a. Knowledge
b. Freedom
c. Will
d. Human act
81. An act must be performed by an agent who is acting freely, i.e., by his own volition and powers.
a. Knowledge
b. Freedom
c. Will
d. Human act
82. The willfulness is the resolve to perform an act here and now, or in some future time.
a. Knowledge
b. Freedom
c. Will
d. Human act

83. Applies critical analysis to specific events to determine what is right or wrong, and what people ought to
do in a particular situation.
a. Knowledge
b. Freedom
c. Moral Reasoning
d. Human act
84. Explicitly elaborate how man will be judge as responsible for his actions.
a. Knowledge
b. Attribute of Human Acts
c. Moral Reasoning
d. Human act
85. Determining what do you already know or the facts at hand and what you are going to do.
a. Will
b. Attribute of Human Acts
c. Moral Reasoning
d. Gathering the Facts
86. Coming up with various alternative courses of action as part of creative thinking included in resolving a
moral dilemma.
a. List Alternatives
b. Attribute of Human Acts
c. Moral Reasoning
d. Gathering the Facts
87. It is one that possesses the least number of negative consequences.
a. List Alternatives
b. Attribute of Human Acts
c. Make a Decision
d. Gathering the Facts
88. In case the principle does not produce a clear decision, then consider possible consequences (positive &
negative) in your chosen alternatives.
a. List Alternatives
b. Attribute of Human Acts
c. Make a Decision
d. Weigh the Consequences
89. These are the ethical or moral issues needed to be tackled or faced in a certain situation that may cause
harm to an individual.
a. List Alternatives
b. Attribute of Human Acts
c. Make a Decision
d. Determine the Ethical Issues
90. It is your character wherein there is a existence of virtues
a. Moral character
b. Moral standards
c. Disposition
d. Culture
91. Manners on how you manage your actions
a. Moral Character
b. Disposition
c. Action
d. Attitude
92. In every action there is always a _____.
a. Moral courage
b. Happiness
c. Feeling
d. Reaction
93. To express behavior in consistence pattern across of a situation
a. Moral Character
b. Disposition
c. Moral character as disposition
d. Moral character traits
94. Best describe as a totality of a person's disposition
a. Disposition
b. Character
c. Feelings
d. Actions
95. Particular kinds or characteristics that objects can possess
a. Fellings
b. Moral.Standards
c. Moral character
d. Disposition
96. Disposition of character for which it is suitable top hold agents morally responsible.
a. Moral character
b. Moral Character traits
c. Moral standards
d. Moral Behavior
97. A person is deserving of a positive reactive attitude such as praise or gratitude is a virtue.
a. Disposition
b. Moral character traits
c. Moral character
d. Feelings
98. It is lack of knowledge that a particular law exist
a. ignorance of the fact
b. ignorance of the law
c. ignorance
d. vincible ignorance
99. It is lack of realization that one is violating the law
a. ignorance of the fact
b. ignorance of the law
c. invincible ignorance
d. vincible ignorance
100. Lack of Knowledge or Information
a. ignorance
b. affected ignorance
c. antecedent ignorance
d. consequent ignorance
101. Positive effort has been done to retain the ignorance
a. affected ignorance
b. ignorance of the law
c. invincible ignorance
d. vincible ignorance
102. It is some effort has been done but not enough to dispel the ignorance
a. ignorance of the fact
b. ignorance
c. vincible ignorance
d. simply vincible ignorance
103. Moral Character Itself will define you as an _______.
a. Individual
b. Student
c. Citizen
d. Accountant
104. Parents should teach their children to distinguish _____ from _____ & to behave accordingly.
a. Ethics / Moral
b. Teacher / Student
c. Right / Wrong
d. You / Me
105. ________ are instinctive , such as physiological in nature
a. Acts of a man
b. Acts of an individual
c. Acts of a person
d. Acts of a citizen
106. It is lack of knowledge that a rational person is capable of acquiring by making an effort.
a. consequent ignorance
b. ignorance
c. vincible ignorance
d. affected ignorance
107. Statement 1: Acts that build character means acts of one person to build his own character.
Statement 2: Moral Character Itself is an evaluation of an individual’s stable moral qualities.
a. Statement 1 is correct; Statement 2 is incorrect
b. Statement 1 is incorrect; Statement 2 is correct
c. Both are correct
d. Both are incorrect
108. Jean Piaget is a Swiss psychologist who explored how children developed __________.
a. Moral Reasoning
b. Moral Standard
c. Moral Dilemma
d. Virtue
109. A moral character traits for which the agent is deserving of a negative reactive attitude such as
resentment or blame.
a. Vice
b. Disposition
c. Moral Character
d. Feelings
110. Characteristically understood as behavioural and effective dispositions.
a. Disposition
b. Moral Character
c. Moral Character Traits
d. Attitude
111. Which of the following is not a Greek cardinal virtue?
a. Prudence
b. Justice
c. Love
d. Courage
112. It is the capacity to make sensible decisions and judgements based on personal knowledge or
a. Prudence
b. Justice
c. Temperance
d. Courage
113. It is the ability to confront fear, intimidation, danger, difficulty and uncertainty.
a. Prudence
b. Justice
c. Temperance
d. Courage
114. It is the quality of practicing self-restraint and self-control.
a. Prudence
b. Justice
c. Temperance
d. Courage
115. It is the quality of being fair and reasonable, particularly on how decisions are made and the way
people are treated.
a. Prudence
b. Justice
c. Temperance
d. Courage
116. It is a mental agitation brought on by the apprehension of some present or imminent danger.
a. Ignorance
b. Fear
c. Passion
d. Habits
117. It is considered as mental responses, either tendencies towards desirable objects or tendencies
away from undesirable objects.
a. Fear
b. Passion
c. Habits
d. Violence
118. It is a constant disposition that tends to influence one to perform repeatedly similar actions.
a. Ignorance
b. Fear
c. Passion
d. Habits
119. Kolbergh Theory of Moral Development outlines how many stages and levels?
a. 3 stages; 6 levels
b. 7 stages; 3 levels
c. 6 stages: 3 levels
d. 3 stages; 7 levels
120. Statement 1: Moral development is a continual process that occurs throughout our lifespan.
Statement 2: Conventional level of Moral development is more common in older children, adolescent
and most adults.
a. Statement 1 is correct; statement 2 is incorrect
b. Statement 1 is incorrect; statement 2 is correct.
c. Both statements are correct
d. Both statements are incorrect
121. Heinz is a poor man who is in dire need of a specific drug to cure his wife's illness. His only
option is to steal the drug to save his dying wife, but he chose not to because he doesn't want to go to jail
and get punish. What stage of Moral Development is this?
a. Avoiding Punishment
b. Loyalty to Law and Order
c. Justice and the Spirit of the Law
d. Universal Principles of Ethics
122. Statement 1: Justice and the Spirit of the Law is a stage of moral development where individual
rights determine someone's behavior. Statement 2: Justice amd the Spirit of the Law is also considered
the highest state of moral development.
a. Statement 1 is correct; statement 2 is incorrect.
b. Statement 1 is incorrect; statement 2 is correct.
c. Both statements are correct.
d. Both statements are incorrect.
123. Statement number 1: Most of our snowstorms come from the north. Statement number 2: It's
starting to snow. Conclusion: This snowstorm must be coming from the north
a. Deductive reasoning
b. Inductive reasoning
c. Logical reasoning
d. Impartiality
124. _____________ uses specific ideas to reach a broad conclusion, while ____________
uses general ideas to reach a specific conclusion.
a. Inductive reasoning, Deductive reasoning
b. Deductive reasoning, Inductive reasoning
c. Impartiality, Reasoning
d. Reasoning, Impartiality
125. Statement number 1: Max is a shelter dog. Statement number 2: He is happy. Conclusion: All
shelter dogs are happy
a. Deductive reasoning
b. Inductive reasoning
c. Logical reasoning
d. Impartiality
126. Which of the following shows impartiality:
a. Aligning a row of students based on their grades
b. Calling the students in class based on their gender
c. Grouping the class based on their social status
d. Recording the grade of the test based on their outputs
127. It is the power of self-determination, state of free will; emancipation from slavery, deliverance.
a. Human rights
b. Freedom
c. Will
d. Ethics

128. Are either tendencies away, from under undesirable or harmful things.
a. Passion
b. Talent
c. Morality
d. Habit
129. _____ disposes to God.
a. Virtue
b. Vices
c. Religion
d. Habit
130. _____disposes one to evil
a. Virtue
b. Vices
c. Religion
d. Habit

131. It is a lasting readiness and facility, born of frequently repeated acts, for acting in a certain
a. Habit
b. Character
c. Moral
d. Ethics

132. The situation where a person is forced to choose between two or more conflicting options,
neither of which resolves the situation in a morally acceptable manner.
a. Moral conflict
b. Morality
c. Moral Dilemma
d. Moral Conduct

133. Seen as necessary in ethical judgment as they are even deemed by some as instinctive response
to moral dilemma.
a. Instinct
b. Feelings
c. Thought
d. Ethics

134. It manifests the mind either consciously or subconsciously and plays a significant role in our
ethical decision making.
a. Emotions
b. Ethics
c. Morality
d. Love

135. The fundamental difference between feelings and emotions.

a. Feelings are experienced consciously, while emotions either consciously or subconsciously.
b. Feelings are either consciously or subconsciously, while emotions are experienced
c. Both are correct
d. None of the above

136. Balance emotion and _____.

a. Feelings
b. Brain
c. Heart
d. Logic
137. These are all tips that can help to control your emotions except for one.
a. Practice
b. Pause before you act
c. Don’t mind the feelings of others
d. Notice how you feel

138. Controlling your _____ results to better decision making.

a. Behavior
b. Feelings
c. Emotions
d. Mind

139. “Everyone can be afraid of picking the wrong choice. Take care of yourself. Tale a second to
analyze your emotions so you can better manage them. Our feelings are a huge part or who we are—but
they don’t have to control us. Once you have a better grasp of your mind and body, you’ll have less
regrets about the decisions you make.”
a. Antonio
b. Freud
c. John Lennon
d. Lewis

140. Its risks involve shame, opposition, and disapproval.

a. Assessment
b. Will
c. Moral courage
d. None

141. Its concept is to reject instant pleasure and satisfaction in order to achieve a higher and better
a. Will
b. Self-discipline
c. Moral courage
d. None
142. For you to have a wider understanding and different perspective,
a. Assess the situation
b. Take the risk
c. Decision-making
d. Love one another

143. It is seen as necessary in ethical judgment as they even deemed by some as instinctive response
to moral dilemmas.
a. Feelings
b. Emotions
c. Dilemma
d. Moral dilemma

144. Which of the following is true?

I. The agent is required to do each of two (or more) actions
II. The agent can do each of the actions but cannot do both or all action
a. Only the first statement is correct
b. Only the second statement is correct
c. Both statements are correct
d. Both statements are wrong

145. _____ are also visceral or instinctual by providing motivations to act morally.
a. Feelings
b. Emotions
c. Character
d. Motive

146. ______ is aroused by a danger that is not serious.

a. Slight fear
b. Grave fear
c. Trauma
d. Fear

147. The quality of mind which enables one to encounter danger and difficulties with firmness or
without fear.
a. Slight fear
b. Trauma
c. Courage
d. Fear

148. _____ is aroused by the presence of a danger regarded by most people as serious.
a. Trauma
b. Fear
c. Courage
d. Grave fear

149. It is defined as personal principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good
and bad
a. Ethics
b. Morality
c. Habit
d. Emotion

150. It is an ordinance of reason promulgated by the competent authority for the sake of common
a. Rules
b. Law
c. Power
d. Government

151. It is one of the seven universal emotions experienced by everyone around the world. It arises
with the threat of harm, either physical, emotional or psychological.
a. Love
b. Trauma
c. Fear
d. Freedom

152. Type of concupiscence that are intentionally aroused and kept.

a. Antecedent
b. Consequent
c. Frequent
d. Maleficent

153. Type of concupiscence that precede an act.

a. Antecedent
b. Consequent
c. Frequent
d. Maleficent

154. Since feelings are described as instinctive response to moral dilemma, we have ______ tendency
that enable us to become irrational.
a. Futuristic
b. Animalistic
c. Negative
d. Positive

155. These are the attribute of human act except:

a. Knowledge
b. Passion
c. Freedom
d. Actual choice

156. Principle of passion that do not always destroy voluntariness, but they diminish accountability
for the resultant act.
a. Consequent
b. Antecedent
c. Accident
d. Frequent

157. Principle of passion that do not lessen voluntariness, but may increase accountability.
a. Consequent
b. Antecedent
c. Accident
d. Frequent

158. _____ came from the Latin word “virtus” meaning “strength”
a. Virus
b. Values
c. Virtue
d. Volume

159. These are the types of basic emotions except:

a. Happiness
b. Disgust
c. Excitement
d. Fear

160. God created man a ________ being.

a. Political
b. Perfect
c. Rational
d. Irrational

161. Will power means…

a. Kung kaya nila, edi gawin nila.
b. Kung kaya nila, kaya ko rin.
c. Hindi ko kaya
d. Ayaw ko na mag-aral.
162. _____ is the power, rooted in reason and will, to act or not to act, to do this or that, and so to
perform deliberate actions on one’s own responsibility.
a. Law
b. Reason
c. Freedom
d. Will

163. All are examples of grave fear except:

a. Death
b. Loss of limbs
c. Darkness
d. Loss of loved one

164. All are examples of slight fear, except:

a. fear of height
b. fear of flying
c. loss of limbs
d. fear of clowns
165. While traditionally considered a as a “negative” emotion, _____ actually serves an important role
in keeping us safe s it mobilizes us to cope with potential danger.
a. Disgust
b. Sadness
c. Fear
d. Grave fear

166. It affects decision making of man.

a. Emotion
b. Will
c. Feelings
d. Moral courage

167. What shows moral dilemma?

a. A girl being sad because of heartbreak.
b. A hungry little boy who chooses between banana and hamburger.
c. A pregnant woman who is torn between keeping the baby inside her womb that can affect her
health badly and abortion to save her life.
d. All of the above

168. The following situations show moral dilemma, except:

a. There are only 10 spaces in the lifeboat, but there are 11 passengers on the sinking ship. A
decision must be made as to who will stay behind.
b. A train with broken brakes is speeding towards a fork in the tracks. On the left, there is a woman
crossing with her two children; on the right, there is a man doing routine maintenance on the
tracks. The engineer must decide which side to aim the speeding train towards.
c. Deciding where to go for dinner on a first date
d. A friend discovers her best friend’s boyfriend is cheating. She must decide whether to tell her
friend or keep it a secret.

169. Fear of commitment is an example of…

a. Slight fear
b. Grave fear

170. Death is an example of…

a. Slight fear
b. Grave fear

171. Fear of bugs is an example of…

a. Slight fear
b. Grave fear

172. Fear of height is an example of…

a. Slight fear
b. Grave fear

173. Fear of being alone is an example of…

a. Slight fear
b. Grave fear

174. Death of a family member is an example of…

a. Slight fear
b. Grave fear

175. Fear of darkness is an example of…

a. Slight fear
b. Grave fear

176. Fear of earthquake is an example of…

a. Slight fear
b. Grave fear

177. Fear of drowning is an example of…

a. Slight fear
b. Grave fear

178. Which of the following is NOT a necessary component of a moral dilemma?

a. You are presented with two or more actions.
b. You cannot perform all of the actions and have to choose which action (or actions when there are
three or more choices) to perform.
c. There are moral reasons for you to choose each of the actions.
d. You only have the ability to perform some of the actions, which makes choosing easier.

179. What shows moral dilemma?

a. A secretary discovers her boss has been laundering money, and she must decide whether or not
to turn him in
b. Uncertainty about which job offer to take
c. Wondering whether or not to make the move to a new city
d. A husband learns he has a terminal illness and he decides to ask his wife for assistance in ending
the pain before it gets too bad.

180. Tendencies toward desirable or away from desirable effects; either antecedent or consequent;
positive-toward desirable and negative- away from desirable.
a. Habit
b. Passion
c. Ignorance
d. Fear

181. Antecedent passions do not always destroy voluntariness but they diminish accountability for the
resultant act and consequent increases accountability.
a. Principle of Fear
b. Principle of Ignorance
c. Principle of Habit
d. Principle of Passion

182. Actions done by force of habit are voluntary in cause, unless a reasonable effort is made to
counteract the habitual inclination.
a. Principle of Fear
b. Principle of Ignorance
c. Principle of Habit
d. Principle of Passion
a. human act
b. acts of man
c. moral act
d. none of the above

184. _____is a practice, behaviour, or habit generally considered immoral, sinful, criminal, rude,
taboo, depraved, or degrading in the associated society. In more minor usage, vice can refer to a fault, a
negative character trait, a defect, an infirmity, or a bad or unhealthy habit.
a. Virtue
b. Immorality
c. Vice
d. Ethics

185. All are examples of virtue, except:

a. Honesty
b. Courage
c. Fairness
d. Greed

186. Cowardice is an example of…

a. Virtue
b. Vice

187. Righteousness is an example of…

a. Virtue
b. Vice

188. Self-indulgence is an example of…

a. Virtue
b. Vice
189. Extravagance is an example of…
a. Virtue
b. Vice
190. Prudence is an example of…
a. Virtue
b. Vice
191. Negligence is an example of…
a. Virtue
b. Vice
192. Envy is an example of…
a. Virtue
b. Vice
193. Generosity is an example of…
a. Virtue
b. Vice
194. How many moral principles do we have?
a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8
195. According to ____________, “Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The
shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.
a. Abraham Lincoln
b. Abraham Maslow
c. Abraham Caplan
d. Abraham William
196. All are example of moral principles, except
a. Justice
b. Fidelity
c. Autonomy
d. Maleficence
197. Fidelity means
a. Deception
b. Cheating
c. Loyalty
d. Circumvention

198. Simply means to do good.

a. Fidelity
b. Justice
c. Beneficence
d. Autonomy
199. It is the capability to sound reasoning and understanding.
a. Rational
b. Self-conscious
c. Freedom
d. Autonomy
200. It is the capability to sound reasoning and understanding.
a. Rational
b. Self-conscious
c. Freedom
d. Autonomy

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