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Full Name (e.g. Dela Cruz, Juan A.) *

Fabia, Ryan S.


Block *
Old Curriculum

PRE-ASSESSMENT (Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education) November 05,

Multicultural awareness is the appreciation for and understanding of people’s *
all of these
socioeconomic status

Among others, the 1987 Constitution demands that all educational institutions shall
aim to do the following EXCEPT one. Which is the exception? *
Foster respect for human rights
Encourage critical and creative thinking
Develop appreciation of the role of national heroes in the historical development of our country
Inculcate love for world class excellence

Special Education promotes that every child of special needs has a right to an
educational program that is suitable to the child needs. This provision is from the : *
The community where the child stays
School where the child is studying
The workplace of the parents
The Philippine Policies and Guidelines for Special education

It usually begins with blood test 24 to 48 hours after the baby is born. *
blood typing
blood test
new born screening test
bilirubin test

How do you know that children’s rights still need to be protected? *

slavery exists today
All of the above
There is a child labor in places around the world
In some places around the world, children don’t go to school or have safe homes

What is not a protected characteristic of equality and diversity? *

religious beliefs

The law requires that an individualized education program be developed and

implemented for every special education student, honor the basic requirement the EIP
includes: *
marriage contract of the parents
the child present level of performance, such as, academic, social, vocational, psychomotor and
self-help skills
annual income of parents
the birth place of the child

Which is the best reason for providing early intervention program for children with
disabilities, ages 0 to 3 years old *
Identify strengths and weaknesses for instruction purposes
Address developmental lag and prevent acquiring additional disabilities
Ensure inclusion or enrolment in regular class
Prevent labeling at an early age

Prevention intervention is design to keep potential problems from being a disability.

What kind of intervention attempts to eliminate the effects of a disability *

You practice Inclusive Education. Which one applies to you? I. You accept every
student as full and valued members of the class and school community II. Your
special attention is on learners with specific learning or social needs III. You address
the needs of the class as a whole within the context of the learners with specific
learning or social needs *
II only
I only
I and II
I and III

An embryo is developed during the second phase of human development which is

embryonic phase. This phase is characterized by the following EXCEPT: *
development of the life support system
intensification of cell differentiation
organ formation

Brain processes represent important time when potential risks to the infant are high.
The condition when the infant is deprived of adequate supply of oxygen for a period
long enough to the damage the brain is called: *
anoxia or asphyxia
precipitous risk
Lateral Flexion
breech risks

A single cell formed after fertilization is called? *


Why was UNESCO created? *

to promote cultural diversity
to give aid to countries in poverty
to improve the education system
to demolish war

Mr. Dela Cruz, a special education paraprofessional assigned to an elementary

resource room, has a tendency to come in late to class. His supervisor, Mr. Corpuz,
would like to discuss the issue with Mr. Dela Cruz e in a way that would elicit the
paraprofessional’s genuine cooperation. Which of the following types of statements
could the special educator make to address this goal most effectively? *
A reminder about Mr. Dela Cruz’s responsibilities as they are stated in his contract
A promise that if Mr. Dela Cruz is punctual all week, the special education teacher will let him
leave early on Friday
A summary clearly indicating the special education teacher’s impressions of Mr. Dela Cruz’s
A description of what the special education teacher observes Mr. Dela Cruz doing and the effect
it has on the class

The term physical disability can be defined as a physical condition that impacts:  *
one’s intelligence
one’s social skills
the activities of daily living
one’s athletic ability

A child below the age 0f , who commits a crime, is not held morally or criminally
responsible for the act. *

The least restrictive environment mandate under IDEA requires that students with the
most severe disabilities receive a free and appropriate public education with their
typical peers *
at least three times per week
at the discretion of the IEP team
to the greatest extent possible
at least eight times per month

Early in the school year, the students in a fifth-grade class have been demonstrating
exclusionary behavior. There are two dominant cliques and there are several children,
including two with disabilities, who are generally treated as outcasts. When
considering how to respond, the classroom teacher should be aware that *
it is imperative to institute a program specifically designed to build a learning community in which
all students feel safe and accepted.
in such situations, it is generally best to let the students work the issues out among themselves
rather than to intervene in their social relationships
his or her response should be aimed primarily at bolstering the resilience and self-assertiveness
of the children with the lowest social status.
the most effective response would be to ask the parents of the students in the cliques to apply
disciplinary measures if their children continue the exclusionary behavior.

In general, math instruction for students with learning disabilities in mathematics

should be characterized by *
a balanced program of concepts, skills and problem solving.
the development of cognitive strategies rather than a mastery of facts.
the development of math process skills.
instructional activities limited to hands-on operations with concrete objects.

One of the disabilities covered under IDEA is , which is defined as a communication

disorder such as impaired articulation, a language impairment, or a voice impairment
that adversely affects a child’s educational performance *
specific learning disability
other health impairment
speech or language impairment
hearing impairment

What are some ways to run a successful inclusive classroom *

collaborate with other teachers and educate yourself
all of the above
create an inclusive education
use a variety of teaching strategies

What is Special Education (SPED?) *

valuing learners in mainstream classroom
a carefully planned and evaluated instruction to help exceptional children achieve greatest self-
sufficiency and success in the environment
a program for disabled person
an individualized education program describing child’s academic assessment

Ten months ago, 16-year-old Andrew suffered a head injury in an automobile accident
and was left legally blind. Since the accident, Andrew seldom leaves his house. A few
friends occasionally come over to listen to music, but Andrew fears that they will get
bored and stop visiting. Of the following, Andrew’s special educators’ best response
would be to *
help Andrew develop proficiency with electronic media that will both entertain him and allow
interactions with others from home.
suggest a variety of new and interesting activities that can be done at home and that his friends
are likely to enjoy.
ask Andrew what social activities he would like to participate in outside the home and help him
develop the skills for doing so.
arrange for Andrew to begin socializing with peers who are blind or visually impaired.

A special education teacher prepares a group of students to listen to a story about a

whale by asking them what they know about whales and writing the students’
responses on the board. This activity is likely to facilitate comprehension of the story
primarily because it will *
encourage the students to use metacognitive strategies.
connect new information to background knowledge.
prompt students to learn more about the topic.
integrate oral and written vocabulary skills.

A learning style is the way students of every age are affected by their *
own emotionality
sociological needs
all of the above
immediate environment

The following are characteristics of Special Education except one. Which is not. *
celebrating the diversity and value of learner
Intensive instruction
Individual assessment and planning
student-performance evaluation

A sixth-grade teacher has made the following notes about the reading performance of
Rebecca, one of her students. Rebecca’s oral reading speed and accuracy are about
average for the class. Her errors, which tend to occur when she encounters
polysyllabic, unfamiliar words, usually consist of substituting real words or nonsense
words that are structurally similar to the printed words rather than words that are
semantically or syntactically correct. Rebecca’s performance on oral and written
comprehension questions that are based on silent and oral reading selections is also
average for the class; however, her miscues, if numerous, sometimes seem to
interfere with her comprehension. Based on the teacher’s notes about Rebecca’s
reading performance, Rebecca would benefit most from instruction to help her *
improve reading fluency and vocabulary skills.
recognize high-frequency words with regular and irregular spellings.
apply knowledge of phonics to decode unfamiliar words.
use context clues and monitor her comprehension as she reads.
At- risk children who are born prematurely, underweight and whose mother contracted
diabetes or had bacterial infection during pregnancy maybe children with *
established risk
environmental risk
biological risk
study risk

It is beneficial to use disability category labels, as follows EXCEPT: *

to help professional communication, classify and evaluate research findings
promote specific programs and to spur legislative law
to call attention to the disability item and influence in the developmental preconceived ideas that
tend to be negative
to describe exceptional learning needs for a systematic provision of Special Education Services,

How should you present information to students in an inclusive classroom? *

through lecture
by including pictures, music
all of these
through visual cues (videos)

Inclusive programs are categorized into four types. Which one of the following would
not be a description of an inclusive program? *
Social inclusion with children in segregated classrooms who have contact with children in
nonsegregated classrooms
Children with disabilities are with special education staff in a central location
Cluster inclusion where children with disabilities receive support in a general education
classroom from special education staff
Reverse inclusion where children with disabilities are included together with children without

A sixth grader with a learning disability immigrated with his family to the United States
a year ago. Although the student speaks English well, he never speaks to his
classroom teacher unless spoken to. Concerned about this behavior, the teacher
suggests to the special education teacher that the student may need social skills
instruction. Which of the following factors would be most important for the special
educator to take into account when considering this suggestion? *
General education teachers are often unclear about the special education teacher’s role and
make unfounded demands for assistance
Self-confidence with regard to schoolwork depends primarily on a student’s belief in his or her
ability to succeed through effort
Teachers can misperceive and misunderstand students’ behaviors by interpreting them from one
Low self-esteem can be a sign of abuse or neglect, and it is a teacher’s responsibility to report all
instances of suspected child abuse

A kindergarten teacher shows an unfamiliar storybook to a student. The teacher asks

the student to point to the name of the book and open it to the first page of the story.
After the teacher reads a few pages, she asks the student to point to the words. These
activities are likely to help the teacher assess the student’s awareness that *
printed text corresponds to oral language.
reading is an interactive process between reader and text.
different conventions are associated with different genres of literature
letters correspond to individual speech sounds

Joyce and Tyrone, two third graders, are counting how many gallon and quart milk
containers have been collected for a class science project. As they count, Tyrone
comments to Joyce that the gallon container is twice as big as the quart container.
The teacher could best use this as an opportunity to develop Tyrone’s understanding
of the concept of capacity by *
having him use a computer to generate two- and three-dimensional models of the containers in
question and then identify similarities and differences among the models generated.
pointing out to him that the word quart sounds like the word quarter and asking him what that
suggests about the relative sizes of the two containers.
asking him if he can think of some method of measurement that will test his statement.
explaining to him that doubling the linear dimensions of a rectangular solid quadruples the

Which of the following would be most effective when working with second-grade
linguistically diverse students with disabilities? *
Introducing mnemonic devices for difficult vocabulary words
Having the student dictate their responses to test questions
Listening to class discussions and asking questions
Presenting vocabulary that is needed in the learning context

Which of the following provisions guarantees accessible education for all? *

Establish, maintain and support a complete, adequate and integrated system of education
relevant to the needs of the people and society.
Provide and maintain a system of scholarship grants, student loan programs, subsidies and other
Encourage non-formal, informal and indigenous learning systems, as well as self-learning,
independent and out-school study program
Establish and maintain a system of free education in the elementary and high school level
Non-discrimination means… *
that all children don’t have any special rights that are necessary to protect them during their
that the voice of the child must be heard and respected in all matters concerning his or her rights
that all children have the same right to develop their potential in all situations and at all times
underscores the vital importance of ensuring access to basic services and to equality of
opportunity for children to achieve their full development

Future environment is a forecast on how the child with disability can pose on to the
maximum level of education. This refers to: *
when particular services and curriculum goals are implemented in the evaluation of learning
transition of a student from school to workplace and even so that he can live a normal life even
with disability
when the child becomes independent for the assistance of adults
life condition of the child with a disability living in a community

A fifth grader has diabetes and manages her illness through insulin injections. Which
of the following symptoms should indicate to a teacher that this student may be
experiencing insulin shock? *
Trembling and irritability
Muscle and joint pain
An increased level of thirst
A high fever

It characterized all human genetic materials by determining the complete sequence of

the DNA. It also a coordinated effort of US and Japan. *
new born screening act
new born screening
the human genome project

A blood test sample taken from the heel of the child *

New born
A1C Test
Complete Blood Count (CBC)
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

The practice of fully integrating all students into classroom instruction regardless of
race, gender, religion, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, physical or mental ability, or
language is known as *
Awareness of Exceptionalities
Differentiated Instruction
Response to Intervention

The Individualized Education Program (IEP) must be based solely on *

recommendations of the general educator
pre-existing programs
services available in the district
the student's needs

The Division of Early Childhood (DEC) has identified important intervention practices
for young children. Which of the following practices would not be appropriate for a
child in preschool? *
All children have the right to actively participate in their community programs
All therapy should be provided weekly in a classroom setting
Families should be part of the process to plan intervention practices
Instructional strategies should be comprehensive and individualistic

The emergence of special education for the deaf was in *


Which of the following would be the best activity for reviewing the concept of fractions
to fourth-grade students? *
Using pictures to model unit fractions of a whole
Writing fractions using numbers
Comparing fractions using a variety of materials
Drawing pictures of fractions from memory

Which of the following is a developmentally appropriate activity for a kindergartner to

establish basic number sense? *
Arranging ten objects from smallest to largest
Using a calculator to solve simple mathematics problems
Completing one-to-one correspondence exercise
Generalizing skills and applying them to new situations

Which of the following is the objective of special education? *

to provide children with special needs appropriate educational services within mainstream of
basic education
provides support services, vocational programs and work training, employment opportunities for
efficient community participation and independent living
to accelerate the access to education among children and youth with special needs
to promote access, equity and participation of children with special needs education in the
mainstream of basic education.

A youth is considered a juvenile delinquent: *

as soon as they break the law
when they are apprehended by the police
when they are processed through the court and adjudicated
none of the above

Integral component of the overall educational system that is committed to an

appropriate education for all children and youth with special needs *
special education program
the policy on inclusive education for all
inclusive education forms
goal of the special education programs

Adopted in the Philippines to accelerate the access to education among children and
youth with special needs *
inclusive education forms
the policy on inclusive education for all
goal of the special education programs
special education program

In which of the following ways has the movement toward accountability in education
most significantly affected those students who receive special education services? *
Students must now achieve Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals before graduation
More students with disabilities are participating in nationwide testing
Fewer special education students pass end-of-course assessments
Special education students’ grades must reflect the standards applied to general education

The K-12 Basic Education Curriculum was officially implemented by virtue of what
law? *
RA 10533
RA 10353
RA 7610

A special educator is teaching Monica, a 12 year old with multiple disabilities, how to
identify pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. Every day, the teacher gives Monica 20
coins to identify. With the help of a chart showing each coin and its name, Monica is
asked to use her speech-generating communication device to identify each coin. The
results after one week of instruction are shown below. Monday- 5, Tuesday-6,
Wednesday- 4, Thursday-3, Friday-4. Based upon these assessment results, the
special educator’s next step should be to *
give Monica a reward every time she identifies a coin correctly.
try a different instructional approach
repeat the same activity with Monica the following week.
state the value of the 20 coins.

Nobody possesses all the characteristics that the genetic structure makes possible.
The person observable traits that may be used to draw inferences about that actual
genetic material and the environment is : *

A disability that refers to substandard limits in present function characterized by

significantly sub-average intellectual functions with related limitative in applicable
adaptive self-care and social skills is categorized as: *
mental retardation
Developmental delays
emotional and behavioral disorder
speech and communication disorder.

The Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) provides free and appropriate
public education to all children with disability. What else is provided to all students
under IDEA? *
instruction in the least restrictive environment
preferential classroom assignment
a paraprofessional aide to assist with instruction
transportation to the school of their choice

When the children have greater chance than other children to develop a disability, is in
danger of substantial developmental delay. The child is said to be: *
at risk
It declares that the state shall protect and promote the right of all citizen to quality
education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such education
accessible to all. *
The 1987 Constitution of the Philippines Article V section 3
The 1987 Constitution of the Philippines Article X section 1
The 1987 Constitution of the Philippines Article XIV section 1
The 1987 Constitution of the Philippines Article VII section 2

What is the main function of chromosomes? *

includes teratogens or toxic agents
carry genetic information in the form of genes
blueprint or book of human life
building blocks of life

Your class has several IP (Indigenous People) children. Which one will facilitate pupil’s
learning? *
Make the class feel that more is expected of non-IP children
Stress the idea that IP children are different from the rest
Make IP children proud of themselves
Group the class permanently by ethnic origin

In order for an education to be considered nondiscriminatory, it must meet the

following guideline *
Student with disabilities cannot be denied an education
Student with disabilities should be taught with students who have similar disabilities
Students with disabilities should be taught with students who have different disabilities
Student with disabilities have the right to education, as long as it is in private school

Which of the following refers to vulnerability? *

refers to how susceptible the organism is to being injured or altered by a traumatic incident.
develops to surface body parts (skin, hair, nails)
the process of organ formation and the appearance of body organs
results to the occurrence of developmental disabilities

Which one of the following is not a characteristic of indigenous people? *

strong connection to defined territory
dominant group in society
self- identification
trace roots back to pre-colonial times

Special education leading children with special needs in the least restrictive
environment means: *
the exceptional child are the most important persons in special education
that every exceptional child needs access to a differentiated and modified program
school must educate children with disability together with children who do not have disability to
the maximum extent possible
that children are taught adaptive skills and basic academic content

Ms. Smith stops the class after just a few minutes of mathematics instruction, which
is taking place at the board. She asks two questions requiring simple student
responses on3x5 cards and after quickly reviewing the cards, returns to instructing at
the board. Which type of assessment is being used by this teacher? *

Use the information below to answer the question that follows. Ms. Ortiz is a special
educator who teaches in a middle school resource room. At the beginning of each
school year, she has each student complete an interest inventory such as the one
shown below. 1. What is your favorite animal? 2. What is your favorite game? 3. What
is your favorite sport? 4. What do you like to do after school? 5. What is your favorite
school subject? 6. What famous person would you most like to meet? 7. What place
would you like to visit? In planning reading instruction for students with disabilities,
Ms. Ortiz could best use the information from this informal assessment to *
determine gaps in students’ vocabulary and concept development.
help students select books for independent reading.
suggest themes for units to the students’ English language arts teachers.
determine students’ instructional reading levels.

What are the best practices of Inclusive Education I. Fostering acceptance of

difference and diversity II. Using IEP’s to focus on students’ strengths and challenges
III. Using a range of assessment strategies to monitor progress and inform teaching
IV. Ensuring interventions and processes are culturally relevant and responsive  *
II and III
II only
all of the above
I and II

Republic Act 7277 provides for the rehabilitation, self-development and self-reliance of
disabled person. It provides that the integration of disabled person is mainstream
society. This R.A. is also known as: *
Vision- Mission of the school.
Philippine Constitution Act,
Policy for Special Education
Magna Carta for disabled persons

Under IDEA, students can qualify to receive services if they demonstrate a disability in
one of 13 specific categories. Which of the following is not one of the categories? *
Other health impairment
Emotional disturbance
Orthopedic impairment
Severe asthma

Self – fulfilling prophecy results from categorizing and labeling of disabilities. Other
significant results may develop in the child such as EXCEPT: *
to hold low expectation for the child
to think in terms of what individual cannot do
to lead peers to reject or ridicule the child
to mark exceptional the child’s special needs more visible to the public

A teacher regularly analyzes the attempted spellings of emergent readers. In addition

to providing information about students’ spelling development, this approach would
best help the teacher assess students’ *
use of word-identification strategies
level of reading fluency.
knowledge of comprehension strategies.
ability to apply phonics skills.

During mathematics lessons, a special educator has students work in groups of two or
three. Which of the following strategies would be most effective in teaching students
the social skill of sharing during these lessons? *
Giving the groups a time limit to solve a set of problems
Reviewing the answers to all of the problems at the end of class
Having the students work with the same group for several days
Providing each group with only one set of materials

Which of the education provision are contained in Republic Act 9442 or the Magna
Carta for Disabled Persons? I. Special Education II. Access to Education III.
Rehabilitation Services IV. Assistance to Disabled Person *
I and II
I, II and III
I, II, and IV
I only
Of the following, the most effective means of providing program continuity for children
making the transition from preschool to kindergarten is to provide *
an environment in both preschool and kindergarten that engages children in collaborative
planning and problem solving.
a developmentally appropriate program in both preschool and kindergarten that is responsive to
individual differences
a preschool environment that strongly emphasizes the development of literacy skills.
a preschool program that stresses the development of independent work habits and the ability to
follow directions

A special education teacher provides math instruction in the resource room for
individuals and small groups of students who have either mental retardation or
learning disabilities. When teaching the students with learning disabilities, which of
the following instructional guidelines would be most appropriate for the teacher to
follow? *
Connect mathematical concepts to concrete examples with which the students are already
Focus primarily on mathematical concepts that are likely to be useful in everyday life
Emphasize the role of deductive reasoning in mathematics
Emphasize the use of mathematics in science and technology

Which of the following is the most appropriate reason to use curriculum-based

assessments? *
To identify skills that need re-teaching
To determine the student’s intellectual ability
To confirm the students’ grade level
To compare with last year’s test scores

Which of the following behaviors demonstrated by a two-year-old child would be the

clearest indicator that the motor development of that child may be impaired? *
Inability to climb stairs with alternating feet
Difficulty coordinating hands and eyes
Making involuntary hand movements
Falling frequently while running

Which ones describes one responsibility of a teacher in school dominated by

Indigenous People (IP) children? I. Point out the negative elements of their culture to
help them improve II. Help them realize the positive elements of their culture and
make them feel proud about them III. Teach basic concepts in the context of the IP
culture IV. Show them other people’s culture *
II, III and IV
I, II and III
I, III, and IV
I, II, III and IV

Best practices in special education are those that are: *

used by most teachers in school
below grade level
evidence and research-based
really easy and fair

Which of the following is NOT one of the four major types of child abuse? *
substance abuse
emotional abuse
physical abuse

An intermediate school special educator has been teaching students with learning
disabilities how to use chapter headings and subheadings and indexes and glossaries
in their textbooks when doing content-area reading. The greatest benefit of this
approach is that it *
enables students to synthesize new information more quickly.
encourages students to relate new information to prior knowledge.
gives students tools for taking control of their own learning.
promotes students’ use of critical-thinking skills.

What is a right of a children? *

the right to have a safe home
the right to an education
the right to have medicine
all of these

The role of the service provider has evolved with new legislation mandating children
receive inclusive programming. Inclusive programming is defined as *
placement of a student with disabilities in an age-appropriate general education classroom
placement of a student with disabilities in general education for some part of the day
placement of a student with disabilities in a special education classroom
placement of a student with disabilities with other students with similar disabilities

A first-grade teacher who is working with a group of beginning readers gives each
student a set of word cards. On each card is printed a word that the students already
have learned to read (e.g., he, she, sees, loves, has, the, a, dog, cat, pail). The teacher
shows the students how to arrange the cards to create a statement (e.g., she sees the
cat). Students then create their own statements and read them aloud. One goal of this
activity is to promote students’ reading development by reinforcing word recognition
skills. In addition, this activity can be expected to promote students’ writing
development by *
building their understanding of basic syntactic structures.
promoting their recognition of similarities and differences between written and oral language.
helping them learn to view writing as a useful tool for communication.
helping develop their understanding of the value of writing conventions (e.g., capitalization,

Which of the following IDEA categories of disability has the greatest percent of
students? *
Behavior and emotional disturbance
Specific learning disability
Communication impaired
Mental retardation

Which of the following strategies would be most effective for providing job training to
a student with mental retardation for work as a food server in a fast-food restaurant?  *
Simulate the work environment and practice the job sequence in the classroom
Explain the steps of the job to the student carefully and check on him or her at regular intervals
Pair the student with an employee who can work beside him or her and model the required tasks
Make a list of job tasks for the student to refer to as necessary throughout his or her shift

An IEP must include all of the following except *

current academic and functional performance of the student
times when the student will not participate with their peers with a disability
times when the student will not participate with their nondisabled peers
annual academic and functional goals that are measureable

A new cells which results for the transmission of the genetic material twenty-four to
thirty hours after fertilization. This cell creates the person’s entire lifelong blueprint of
characteristics is called; *

One of the major goals of early childhood is to facilitate child development for young
children through developmentally-appropriate strategies in intentional and purposeful
ways. A young child with speech delays would most benefit from which of the
following strategies? *
Receiving therapy in the classroom
Receiving one-on-one therapy on a weekly basis
Receiving group therapy in the speech room
Receiving individual therapy in the speech room

The 5 major programs of UNESCO are *

Education, Culture, Communication and Information, Natural Sciences and Gender Equality
Education, Culture, Communication and Information, Natural Sciences and Human Sciences
Education, Culture, Technology, Natural Sciences, Social and Human Sciences
Education, Culture, Communication and Information, Natural Sciences, Social and Human

What is the main legal bases on the access and equity of education in the
Philippines? *
1987 Constitution
RA 9155
RA 7836
RA 7277

In this Act, it includes the ALS and the learners with special needs. *
RA 10533
RA 10665
PD 603
RA 7277

It is required by law that learning-disabled student are provided an education in the

least restrictive environment. This means that: *
All individual education plan must be created for each student
Students can choose between sitting at a table or at desk.
Students always receives one-on-one peer tutoring
Students should not be unnecessarily removed from traditional classrooms or isolated from

Provides broad framework and standards in establishing and maintaining special

education programs in both public and private school all over the country. *
Professionalization of Special Education
Department of Social Welfare Development
Department of Education
Special Education Division
Which of the following terms best explain an important goal of special education to
help the child become independent from the assistance of adult in personal
maintenance and development is: *
good communicator
knowledgeable child
personal-self sufficiency
skillful individual

Which of the following activities, performed by young children while a story is being
read to them, would most likely encourage them to listen for meaning? *
Miming the action of the story
Raising their hands when they hear the main character’s name
Tapping their feet to the rhythm of the words
Making a clay sculpture of their favorite character

What is an inclusive classrooms? *

one in which the student population is culturally diverse
One with many teachers
one in which students with or without disabilities work and learn together
one in which every student participates

United Nations educational guides for children classify the rights outlined in the
Convention on the Rights of the Child as the “3 Ps”: *
Punishment, Preparation and Participation
Provision, Protection and Participation
Preparation, Protection and Power
Provision, Protection and Promotion

Which of the following means that children with special needs attend pre-school, child-
care recreational programs and school with typically developing peers is *
activity-based approach

It is known as back to back position *

breech position
transverse lie
anterior position
What does the acronym EFA imply to school? I. Practice of Inclusive Education II. The
stress on the superiority of formal education over that of non-formal III. The
acceptance of exclusive schools for boys and girls IV. The promotion of alternative
learning systems *
II and IV
I and II
I and IV
I and III

Which of the following is described as a genetic code that determines all the
characteristic of a living thing? *
DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid

This refers to Open High School System Act *

PD 603
RA 7277
RA 10665
RA 10533

A third grader with special needs has been having trouble memorizing basic arithmetic
facts, and the classroom teacher asks the special education teacher’s advice. In
general, which of the following would be the most important principle to follow in this
situation? *
Suspend for the present all mathematical activities other than those aimed directly at memorizing
arithmetic facts
Modify math instruction to focus primarily on the use of manipulatives to build conceptual
Discontinue memorization of facts in favor of teaching the student to use a calculator efficiently
and accurately
Address the problem now so that lack of automaticity will not impede more advanced math
learning later on

The goal of the special education programs of the department of education all over
the country is to provide children with needs appropriate educational services
within? *
access to education
human resource development
the mainstream of basic education
community participation and independent living

Composed mostly of hearing impaired members and special education specialist. *

Philippine Association for the Deaf (PAD)
National Orthopedic Hospital School for Crippled Children (NOHSCC)
Manila Youth and rehabilitation Center (MYC)
School of Deaf and the Blind (SDB)

Special Education aims to help exceptional children to achieve the greatest possible
personal self-sufficiency and success in the present and future environment. It also
aims to give instruction with the following characteristics EXCEPT: *
child independence performance
carefully evaluated instruction
individually planned
systematically implemented

IDEA changed the system of service delivery to young children with disabilities. Which
of the following service delivery options is a suitable natural environment for a toddler
with physical disabilities? *
Home environment
Special Education Resource Room
Medical building with therapist
Preschool classroom

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) provides a free and appropriate
public education to all children with a disability. What else is provided to all students
under IDEA? *
Instruction in the least restrictive environment
Preferential classroom assignment
A paraprofessional aide to assist with instruction
Transportation to the school of their choice

A beginning special educator teaches middle school students from diverse

backgrounds in a resource room. At the beginning of the school year, the teacher
reviews a list of rules for the resource room with each group of students and hangs
the list on the classroom wall. One rule states, “Work quietly without disturbing
others.” Several times during the first weeks of school, students start helping each
other with their work instead of focusing on their own. Consequently, the teacher has
given out warnings to students for breaking the rule. When reflecting upon the
students’ behavior, the teacher should be aware that *
rules should be consistently enforced to create a secure environment for students.
students from some cultures embrace a belief of interdependence rather than independence.
resource rooms typically do not require the same degree of structure that general classrooms do.
students are more likely to follow rules that are accompanied by some form of reinforcement.

An act to promote the education of the blind in the Philippines. *

R.A. 7610
R.A. 5250
R.A 3562
R.A. 6759
This form was created inside of Colegio de Dagupan.


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