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Chapter 12: All Saints

While digging the grave the other one complains how stinks and
messy the graveyard was. To despise his co-digger experience, the other one
whom I believe the expert gravedigger told his experienced about the time
when he dig the corpse of a well-known man in the town to transfer it to the
Chinese cemetery. Instead of transferring it to the Chinese cemetery he
thrown it in the river because the corpse was very heavy.
The expert gravedigger telling the whole story not aware that he
revealed someone. The grave that he was referring to is Don Rafael’s grave
and he revealed that it was Fr. Damaso (known as Padre Garote) who
ordered him.
In this chapter Rizal shows that Fr. Damaso is powerful in San Diego.
He has an absurd power that can demand anything and can do anything.
Also, Rizal conditioned the reader to detest the gruesome and cruel
disrespect on the grave of Don Rafael through the exchange of the two
gravedigger men which I mentioned above.

Theme: Colonialism

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