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ICT in Education: Behind Contribution

By Trishea Amor Cabatuan

The pervasiveness of Information and Communication Technology has been dominating the
world in different areas most especially in the field of education. ICT brings about the great
contribution it can give in the field of education. UNESCO shares knowledge about the many ways
technology can facilitate universal access to education, bridge learning divides, support the
development of teachers, enhance the quality and relevance of learning, strengthen inclusion, and
improve education administration and governance (UNESCO, 2018). ICT gives its best in order to
contribute to the needs in education. But before delving deeper, we have to answer the questions,
“What is ICT in Education? Is it really helpful in the field of education?”

ICT in education is the mode of education that use information and communications
technology to support, enhance, and optimize the delivery of information. These technologies help in
giving information easier. Technologies such as computers, WiFi technology and internet, cellphones,
LCD projectors, SMART Board Interactive Displays, tablets, laptops, etc. are usually used especially
when inside classrooms. However, are these technologies really helpful?

ICT in education is undeniably essential and helpful. However, it is also not. ICT has taught
students to be idle. Students become very dependent on what these technologies can give them. Books
are forgotten. Students already have electronic books that can easily be downloaded in cellphones.
Gone are those library days. In this generation, you will rarely see full libraries. Students think it’s
boring unless they are being forced to do library works by their teachers. Students are misguided with
the information that they get on the internet. We cannot say that all of the things posted in the internet
are true. Some of these things are edited and some are added with different words making information
unreliable. However, students will not know because they rely too much on what they see in the
internet. Students would rather settle for these things they think they are convenient with rather that
going to the library and spending time reading books when google is just one click away.

ICT in education makes some students cheat. When teachers are not watching during quizzes
or even in exams, students look at their cellphones for notes so they will be able to answer the things
that are needed to be answered. Cellphones have easy internet accessibility which makes it easier for
the students to cheat. It has also become a major challenge for the teachers since some are not
knowledgeable enough with how ICT integration in education works. It requires technical skills so the
teacher will know how to operate in a right manner.

Yes, ICT may be playing a great role in education but, it has also its lapses. These lapses may
bring negative effects to the students, teachers and especially in education. We must always remember
that technologies are there to help as well as destroy if we are not responsible enough in utilizing
such. We should avoid using it in an unethical way. ICT might be helpful but not in everything and in

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