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First name: Bárbara

Last name: Jara

Studying English: Interview Questions

1. What´s your name?
My name´s Bárbara.

2. How old are you?

I am 30 years old.

3. How´s it going?
Fine, thank you.

4. Why are you studying English?

□ I´m doing it for fun. □ I´m doing it for my job.

□ I want to travel. □ I´m preparing for an exam.
□ I´m majoring in English. □ Other: __________________

5. What are you learning in your English class?

I´m learning the present continuous, grammar,read, speak and write.

6. How are you doing in your English class? Is your English improving?
It´s OK. My English is improving.

7. Outside of class, how are you practicing English?

I practice listening to music in English.

Hi, my name is Bárbara. I´m 30 years old. I am fine now. I´m studying English because
I´m majoring in it. In my English class I´m learning the present continuous, grammar,
read, speak and write. My speaking is OK. I am improving. Every day I practice
listening to music in English.

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