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Opinion articles or letters



1- I have to write the main topic that is going to be discussed in this case, the
money to build sports centers.
2- the reader is the one who is addressed is the government and people who live
in areas where there are no sports centers.
3- A formal style
4- I think that the money could be spent in a sports center in areas of the city
where there are no places of this type such as soccer fields, basketball or gyms
for adults.
c- young people few free-time activities.
e- there is no sport centre at present.
6- These points could help young people to follow a good path and could become
athletes who represent our country in the future.
7- information on areas where there are no sports centers or places that do not
have the resources to exercise for entertainment should be included.
8- I would end the letter by thanking you for receiving the letter in addition to
putting my signature to clarify who made the letter.

1- C
2- B
3- F


b- NOT

c- no, I think the opinion is correct

What is your reason for writing?
Answer: write properly to make others understand what I want to say and in a
formal way.

What would the consequences/results be?

Answer: you could not communicate with anyone because you do not know how
to write properly and people would not know how to understand what we want to
say when writing an article or a letter.

What else can you say in support of your opinion?

Answer: people must learn from a young age to learn all the techniques to know
how to communicate successfully.

Why does this not change your opinion?

Answer: not all people know how to type correctly.

What is your opinion (again)?

Answer: we must learn to write to communicate correctly.

 To list points: to begin with, to start with, furthermore, firstly

 To add more points: also, then, moreover, in addition, such as, moreover, since
 To give examples/reasons: because, for example, consequently, therefore, for
instance, in this way, what is more, this would mean that, as a result, all things
 To introduce the opposing viewpoint: however, whilst, nevertheless, on the
other hand,
 To conclude: finally, lastly, all in all, to sum up

1- In my opinion
2- I think
3- there is no point
4- That way
5- As a result
6- Firstly

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