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(T) Direct Testing (O) Observation (E) Either Testing or observation (TO) Timed observation
MOTOR IMITATION: SKILL 8-M: Imitates 10 different three-component sequences of actions when
promoted, Do this (e.g., clapping, jumping, touching toes; pick up a doll, place her in a crib and rock the

Skill # Target/Skill Probe (+/-) Date Introduced Date Mastered
8-a Imitates 5 actions in a 10-second
fluency test (T)
8-b Imitates drawing a circle on 2
occasions (T)
8-c Imitates 5 pretend play activities
(e.g., a monster, pouring tea,
shooting spider webs) (T)
8-d Spontaneously imitates 5 fine
motor arts and crafts activities
(e.g., cutting, pasting, drawing)
8-e Acquires 5 new listener skills
through transfer of control from
imitation to listener (e.g., the
child learns to cast a toy fishing
pole by first being shown how,
then told how) (T)
8-f Imitates other children during
daily activities on 2 occasions
(e.g., lining up, pulling a wagon)
8-g Repeats a fun behavior
previously observed (delayed
imitation) (e.g., squirting water).
8-M Imitates 10 different three-
component sequences of actions
when prompted, Do this (e.g.,
clapping, jumping, touching
toes; pick up a doll, place her in
a crib and rock the crib). (T)

Skill # Individual Targets Per Skill Intro Mastered


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