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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Bachelor Program in English Language Teaching

Foreign Language Didactics
Student Name: Andres Moncada Martinez

Zaira Bolívar Sandoval/ 734456

NRC _________________


For exercises 1, 2 and 4 provide clear and short but complete answers. Check grammar, spelling,
vocabulary and puntuation.

For exercise 3, check the characteristics of a mind map and apply them. For further information you can

1. Think about the MI theory, how can you apply the MI in the classroom related to
English teaching (Remember to check the material we have used in class)
First, an assessment of the students' intelligences must be made and see in which
areas their performance is optimal and in which it is not. Afterwards, a multiple
intelligences fair can be held where each student presents a project oriented to what
they chose (Logical/Mathematical, Linguistic, Musical, Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic,
Naturalist, Interpersonal, and Intrapersonal.)
2. What is the definition of Emotional Intelligence?
Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage our own emotions and
as well, the emotions of others. To have a good manage of this intelligence we must
identify and name our emotions and have a good handle of it.
3. Create a Mind map in which you explain the meaning of each one of the terms that
make the name Neurolinguistic Programming (neuro, linguistic, programming).
Also, explain the four principles of NLP. For further information you can watch the
following video on

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4. Make a relation between Emotional Intelligence and Neurolinguistic Programming.
Explain it.

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