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Lecturer : Citra Anggia Putri










Thankfulness the author offers to show the Almighty God, because the writer can
complete the Critical Book Review to convey the assignment in the Academic Oral Language

Storing things that happened during the Critical Book Review creation is broadening
the horizons in analyzing this book, adding insight, and so on. Glad to find out for Maam
Citra Anggia Putri as a lecturer Academic Oral Languange Skill who has given her direction
Critical Book Review can be arranged on time.

The author acknowledges that in making this Critical Book Review is far from
perfect. Therefore, the author accepts growing criticism and suggestions so that the author
can improve it. Hopefully this Critical Book Review is useful for writers and readers in
general. Finally, the author says thank you.

Medan, September 2020

The Author

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION............................................

1.1 The Background..........................................................

1.2 Benefits Of CBR.........................................................

1.3 Purpose Of CBR.........................................................

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION..................................................

2.1 Identitiy Of The Book.................................................

2.2 Summary Of Content..................................................

2.3 Discussion Of The Book.............................................

2.4 Strenght and Weakness Of The Book.........................

CHAPTER III CLOSING.....................................................

3.1 Conclusion..................................................................

3.2 Recommendation........................................................


1.1 The Background

We all communicate with each other in many different ways throughout our lifetime.
One of the most common ways is through speaking to each other. Most people communicate
with each other through speaking without any issues. That isn't a skill we're born with,
though. We arrive knowing how to make sounds, but our oral language skills, or ability to
communicate through speaking, developed over time.

As aspiring educators, we must be able to learn how to communicate various lessons

to our students soon. This requires developing our spoken language skills. First we have to
know exactly what makes up oral language skills in order to know how to successfully teach
students and assess them. That is why oral language skills are very important in everyday life.
By learning oral we can understand good and correct pronunciation. Through this Critical
Book Review assignment, it is hoped that it can add deeper understanding of oral language

1.2 Benefits Of CBR

The benefit of this Critical Book Review is that readers understand the contents of the
topic to be reviewed. Then also provide critical responses and recommendations to the books
being reviewed so that the knowledge of readers and writers increases.

1.3 Purpose Of CBR

The purpose of writing this Critical Book Review is to compare one book with
another book to find out the weaknesses and strengths of the book. In addition, the purpose of
this paper is to fulfill the Academic Oral Languange Skill assigment.

2.1 Identitiy Of The Book

Title : Effortless English Learn To Speak English Like A
Edition : First Edition
Writer : AJ.Hoge
Publisher : Effortless English LLC
Place of publication : Library of Congress Cataloging
Year of publication : 2014
ISBN : 978-1-942250-02-9

2.2 Summary Of Content


The Fourth Rule – Repetition Is The Key To Spoken Mastery

You want to learn English and you want to speak it well RIGHT NOW. The problem is most
language classes move too quickly for students to master material before moving onto
something new. In this chapter, we’ll focus on the fourth rule of Effortless English™ which
advises you to take your time and learn deeply.

What does it mean to learn deeply? To learn deeply means to learn English to the
point where speaking and understanding are automatic. Often people know a lot of English
grammar and vocabulary, but they don’t know it deeply. Deep learning means repeating what
you have learned, again and again. This might feel very different from the way you learned in
school. Most schools have a lot of pressure to move fast. They’re always pushing the students
to learn more grammar or a certain number of new words every week. The teachers rely
primarily on textbooks, and try to finish them on schedule. The problem for students is that
you learn a lot of stuff but then you forget it. Or you remember the basic idea, but you can’t
use it.

Take the past tense, for example. If you’ve studied English before, chances are you
learned the past tense. Chances are also good that you studied it in a textbook and then
*BOOM* very fast, you moved on. You went on to learn more grammar, possessives, the
future tense or the present perfect tense. Now, if someone asks you if you know the past
tense, you’d say, “of course.” But the truth is you haven’t mastered the past tense. You
moved through the material so quickly that you never learned it deeply, like a native speaker.
That’s why you still make mistakes with the past tense. Even though you may have studied
English for many years, you still make mistakes because it’s not automatic. You haven’t
learned it deeply.

1. Master the Fundamentals

Here it is explained that if we want to be able to learn and speak English well, then we
must focus on mastering English and repeating every vocabulary we already know so we
don't forget. Like the examples given in this section, namely Imagine, for example, a
professional golfer. How do professional golfers master the game and keep improving? The
most important skill golfers have to master is their swing. A professional will practice their
swing five hundred times a day or more, every day. A good golfer never says, "OK, I already
know how to swing, so now I need to do something else." Golfers understand that the best
way to master the game is to master a few basic skills.

2. HowTo Learn Deeply

So this section discusses more in-depth ways how to use English properly, namely by
repeating everything you learn over and over again and listening to the same audio over and
over again. This is one of the secrets to speaking faster and actually learning grammar and
using it properly. You may be thinking, "But won't I get tired of hearing the same things over
and over again?" Of course this is possible. The best way to avoid boredom is to choose
material that interests you. To attract means "very attractive".

3. Deep Learning Practice

This section discusses how to put it into practice, namely:
1. Choose audio that is ten minutes long. This will be your main audio this week. Listen
a few times. And you really need to commit to mastering the audio you listen to. Once
you've mastered the first audio, choose two additional audios. Each of them should be
5-20 minutes long. Listen to this the same way you did the first time. The third stage
is when you hear and easily understand without text.

2. Select audio for listening practice. So that you don't feel bored in studying, So in this
exercise, every few days you will change your focus. On the first day, concentrate
only on learning vocabulary. The next day, play a game that you are just trying to
fully understand the audio without subtitles.

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